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Cloud Computing Assignment 1 2
Computer Science
FPT University
46 pag.
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Student ID
: Van Ha HO
: BD-AF-1901-1
: BDA180007
Danang, June 2020
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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit: Cloud Computing
and title
Learner’s name
Van Ha HO
Assessor name
Learner declaration:
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research
sources are fully acknowledged.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its
architectures. (P1, P2, M1, D1)
LO2: Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of Cloud
Computing and validate their use (P3, P4, M2, D1)
LO3: Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and open
source tools. (P5, P6, M3, D2)
LO4: Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks (P7, P8,
M4, D3)
Assignment Brief
ATN is a Vietnamese company which is selling toys to teenagers in many provinces all over
Vietnam. The company has the revenue over 500.000 dollars/year. Currently each shop has
its own database to store transactions for that shop only. Each shop has to send the sale
data to the board director monthly and the board director need lots of time to summarize the
data collected from all the shops. Besides the board can’t see the stock information update
in real time.
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Higher Grade Achievement (Where applicable)
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and
its architectures.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
M1: Discuss why an
P1: Analyze the evolution and
fundamental concepts of
migrate to a Cloud
Cloud Computing.
Computing solution.
D1: Justify the tools
P2: Design an appropriate
chosen to realize a
architectural Cloud Computing
framework for a given
LO2: Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of
Cloud Computing and validate their use.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
P3: Define an appropriate
deployment model for a given
models with real world
D1: Justify the tools
chosen to realize a
P4: Compare the service
models for choosing an
adequate model for a given
LO3: Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and
open source tools
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
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M3: Discuss the issues
and constraints one
can face during the
development process.
P5: Configure a Cloud
Computing platform with a
cloud service provider’s
D2: Critically discuss
overcome these issues
and constraints
P6: Implement a cloud
platform using open source
LO4: Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
M4: Discuss how to
security issues when
building a secure cloud
P7: Analyze the most common
problems which arise in a
Cloud Computing platform and
discuss appropriate solutions
to these problems.
D3: Critically discuss
how an organization
should protect their
migrate to a cloud
P8: Assess the most common
security issues in cloud
Assignment Summarization
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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit: Cloud Computing
and title
Learner’s name
Van Ha HO
Assessor name
Learner declaration:
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research
sources are fully acknowledged.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its
architectures. (P1, P2, M1, D1)
LO2: Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of Cloud
Computing and validate their use (P3, P4, M2, D1)
LO3: Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and open
source tools. (P5, P6, M3, D2)
LO4: Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks (P7, P8,
M4, D3)
Assignment Brief
ATN is a Vietnamese company which is selling toys to teenagers in many provinces all over
Vietnam. The company has the revenue over 500.000 dollars/year. Currently each shop has
its own database to store transactions for that shop only. Each shop has to send the sale
data to the board director monthly and the board director need lots of time to summarize the
data collected from all the shops. Besides the board can’t see the stock information update
in real time.
Higher Grade Achievement (Where applicable)
LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and
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its architectures.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
M1: Discuss why an
migrate to a Cloud
Computing solution.
D1: Justify the tools
chosen to realize a
P1: Analyze the evolution and
fundamental concepts of
Cloud Computing.
P2: Design an appropriate
architectural Cloud Computing
framework for a given
LO2: Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of
Cloud Computing and validate their use.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
P3: Define an appropriate
deployment model for a given
models with real world
D1: Justify the tools
chosen to realize a
P4: Compare the service
models for choosing an
adequate model for a given
LO3: Develop Cloud Computing solutions using service provider’s frameworks and
open source tools
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
M3: Discuss the issues
P5: Configure a Cloud
and constraints one
Computing platform with a
can face during the
cloud service provider’s
development process.
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D2: Critically discuss
overcome these issues
and constraints
P6: Implement a cloud
platform using open source
LO4: Analyze the technical challenges for cloud applications and assess their risks.
Grade Descriptor
Grade Descriptor
M4: Discuss how to
security issues when
building a secure cloud
P7: Analyze the most common
problems which arise in a
Cloud Computing platform and
discuss appropriate solutions
to these problems.
D3: Critically discuss
how an organization
should protect their
migrate to a cloud
P8: Assess the most common
security issues in cloud
Assignment Summarization
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I would like to express my sincere thanks to MSc Xuan Ly Nguyen The, who
wholeheartedly guided me throughout the learning process and imparted knowledge
of the subject so that I could apply and complete this exercise.
However, in the process of doing the test, due to limited professional knowledge, I
still lack the knowledge, evaluation, and presentation of the work. I hope to receive
the attention and suggestions of the subject teachers and teachers to make my work
more complete and complete.
Sincerely thank!
Van Ha HO
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I assure you that the theme of " Cloud Computing Solutions And Deployment For
ATN Company " is an independent study and no copying of others. The topic is the
product that I work hard to study in the learning process at the school. In the process
of making lessons, there are references of some documents with clear origin under
the guidance of MSc Xuan Ly Nguyen The. I assure you if there is any problem,
please take full responsibility.
Van Ha HO
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Learners declaration
The content of this thesis is made by me under the direct guidance of
lecturers Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE.
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and
research sources are fully acknowledged.
Any unauthorized copying, copyright infringement, or fraud, I will take full
Date: 1rd, June 2020
Student signature:
Van Ha HO
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INSTRUCTOR/ SUPERVISOR/ ADVISOR ASSESSMENT...........................................................................II
REVIEWER........................................................................................................................................... V
PREFACE/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................... VIII
ASSURANCE....................................................................................................................................... IX
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................... XI
LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES................................................................................................................ XII
CHAPTER 1: CLOUD COMPUTING SOLUTIONS......................................................................................1
I. CLOUD COMPUTING AND ITS ARCHITECTURES ..................................................................................................1
1. The Fundamentals and Popular of Cloud Computing......................................................................1
2. Persuade The Board Director to Use Cloud Computing in ATN........................................................3
3. Design An Appropriate Architectural...............................................................................................5
4. Organisation Should Migrate to Cloud Computing Solution............................................................6
II. DEPLOYMENT MODELS, SERVICE MODELS AND TECHNOLOGICAL DRIVERS...........................................................8
1. Deployment Models.........................................................................................................................8
2. Service Models...............................................................................................................................10
3. Programming Language/ Webserver/ Database Server................................................................12
CHAPTER 2: CLOUD’S IMPLEMENTATION AND SECURITY THREATS.....................................................14
III. DEVELOP CLOUD COMPUTING SOLUTIONS..................................................................................................14
1. Configure a Cloud Computing Platform.........................................................................................14
2. Implement a Cloud Platform..........................................................................................................24
IV. ANALYZE THE TECHNICAL CHALLENGES.......................................................................................................27
1. Analysis of The Most Common Problems.......................................................................................27
2. Possible Solutions to These Problems............................................................................................28
3. Analysis of The Most Common Security Issues..............................................................................29
4. Discussion on How To Overcome These Issues..............................................................................30
CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................... 32
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................ 1
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Figure 1. What is Cloud Computing............................................................................................1
Figure 2: Popularity of Cloud Computing....................................................................................3
Figure 3: Cloud Computing.........................................................................................................4
Figure 4: Cloud Computing of ATN company..............................................................................5
Figure 5: Architectural Design.....................................................................................................5
Figure 6: Deploy Application Cloud Computing..........................................................................6
Figure 7: Private, Public, and Hybrid cloud integration..............................................................9
Figure 8: Iaas.............................................................................................................................10
Figure 9: Paas............................................................................................................................11
Figure 10: SasS..........................................................................................................................11
Figure 11: Three service of service model................................................................................12
Figure 12: Create Account.........................................................................................................14
Figure 13: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)...............................................................15
Figure 14: Choose an Instance Type.........................................................................................15
Figure 15: Configure Instance Details.......................................................................................15
Figure 16: Add Storage..............................................................................................................16
Figure 17: Add Tags...................................................................................................................16
Figure 18: Configure Security Group.........................................................................................17
Figure 19: Review Instance Launch...........................................................................................17
Figure 20: Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair................................................18
Figure 21: Launch Status...........................................................................................................18
Figure 22: Connect the AWS virtual machine from Terminal on macOS..................................19
Figure 23: Update the necessary packets.................................................................................19
Figure 24: Install Apache2 for the virtual machine...................................................................19
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Figure 25: Install the MariaDB database server........................................................................19
Figure 26: MariaDB server security...........................................................................................20
Figure 27: Install the related modules 1...................................................................................20
Figure 28: Install the related modules 2...................................................................................20
Figure 29: Install PHP 7.1..........................................................................................................21
Figure 30: Edit PHP-FPM default file.........................................................................................21
Figure 31: Configure MariaDB...................................................................................................21
Figure 32: Configure WordPress...............................................................................................22
Figure 33: Configure WordPress...............................................................................................22
Figure 34: Login to WordPress..................................................................................................23
Figure 35: WordPress dashboard interface..............................................................................23
Figure 36: Customizable WordPress theme..............................................................................24
Figure 37: Interface e-commerce website "ATN".....................................................................24
Figure 38: WordPress................................................................................................................25
Figure 39: Wordfence...............................................................................................................25
Figure 40: Sucuri security..........................................................................................................26
Figure 41: WooCommerce........................................................................................................27
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Cloud Computing
I. Cloud Computing and Its Architectures
The Fundamentals and Popular of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Instead of
buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access
technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases, on an asneeded basis from a cloud provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Figure 1. What is Cloud Computing
1.1. The fudamentals of cloud computing
 On-demand self-service: A consumer can unilaterally provision
computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as
needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each
service’s provider.
 Broad network access: Capabilities are available over the network and
accessed through standard mechanisms that promote use by
heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile phones,
laptops, and PDAs).
 Resource pooling: The provider’s computing resources are pooled to
serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned
according to consumer demand. There is a sense of location
independence in that the customer generally has no control or
knowledge over the exact location of the provided resources but may be
able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g., country,
state, or datacenter). Examples of resources include storage, processing,
memory, network bandwidth, and virtual machines.
Rapid elasticity: Capabilities can be rapidly and elastically provisioned,
in some cases automatically, to quickly scale out and rapidly released to
quickly scale in. To the consumer, the capabilities available for
provisioning often appear to be unlimited and can be purchased in any
quantity at any time.
Measured Service: Cloud systems automatically control and optimize
resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of
abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing,
bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage can be
monitored, controlled, and reported providing transparency for both the
provider and consumer of the utilized service.
1.2. Popularity of cloud computing
Cloud computing is gaining quality among mid-size and little business,
sanctioning several businesses to access to application code over high-speed net
affiliation while not the requirement for investment in laptop code and hardware.
Cloud technology may be a new buzz within the market, once it arrived it had been
not clear however its implication can have an effect on the business world. Most rife
is its quality within the client service area. Widespread adoption of this projected
technology is predicted to possess transformative effects not solely to little
businesses however additionally to government establishments and large
businesses. Currently, there are a unit handful applications that supported the cloud
that area unit viable for business operations, not simply Google app, saleforce.com,
and share purpose platform. Myriad applications for accounting, business continuity,
and collaboration area unit availed by cloud technology.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Figure 2: Popularity of Cloud Computing
Persuade The Board Director to Use Cloud Computing in ATN
Cloud computing has been around for approximately two decades and despite
the data pointing to the business efficiencies, cost-benefits, and competitive
advantages it holds, a large portion of the business community continues to operate
without it. According to a study by the International Data Group, 69% of businesses
are already using cloud technology in one capacity or another, and 18% say they
plan to implement cloud-computing solutions at some point. At the same time, Dell
reports that companies that invest in big data, cloud, mobility, and security enjoy up
to 53% faster revenue growth than their competitors. As this data shows, an
increasing number of tech-savvy businesses and industry leaders are recognizing the
many benefits of the cloud-computing trend. But more than that, they are using this
technology to more efficiently run their organizations, better serve their customers,
and dramatically increase their overall profit margins.
On the other hand, it's easy and handy to get the computing power and
resources you need from your provider when needed and pay for it. This will only
cost you an investment or a reasonable expense, compared to a huge investment
when buying an entire computer infrastructure. This phenomenon can be considered
as capital expense as compared to operating expense. Because one can easily
assess the total amount of money needed for capital expenditure (total investment
and maintenance for computer infrastructure) and compare it to the moderate or
smaller total required for hiring or just using the computer infrastructure to adjust the
time needed and the rest of the free time from there.
Therefore, cloud computing is a mechanism for hiring or bringing the services of
computing power or infrastructure to the organization or individual level to the extent
necessary and paying only for the services consume. And cloud computing is needed
to get the services of computing resources. Therefore, one can say as a one-line
answer to cloud computing needs that it eliminates a large computing investment
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
without affecting user-level computing use with only operating fee. Cloud computing
is very economical and saves a lot of money. A high benefit of this computing is that
even if your laptop is lost or due to malfunctioning of personal computers and
desktop systems, your data and files will be secured because they are not located. in
the local machine (but located in the remote location at the supplier's factory).
In addition, one might think to add security while accessing these remote
controls. Figure 3 shows several cloud computing applications. The cloud represents
Internet-based computing resources and is accessible through a number of secure
connections. This is an increasingly popular computing solution, especially among
individuals and small and medium-sized companies. This is entirely suitable for ATN
company. In a cloud computing model, the organization's core computing power is
external and essentially registered rather than owned. Therefore, the use of cloud
computing will bring high benefits for ATN company.
Figure 3: Cloud Computing
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Design An Appropriate Architectural
Figure 4: Cloud Computing of ATN company
Cloud Computing of ATN company is implemented as follows:
Director (Admin) of the company can manage and control all data
on cloud computing.
Director (Admin) can check and track the store's product
transactions through the dashboard.
Store manager (Mod) has the right to edit the store's products
through the dashboard. Besides, Mod also has the right to update,
delete, add and insert products quickly.
Architectural Design
Figure 5: Architectural Design
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Store manager (Mod) has access to the database and has the right to edit and
update the store's items when the Director (Admin) makes a request to repair or
change the database.
Deploy Application On Cloud Computing Diagrams
Figure 6: Deploy Application Cloud Computing
Build of the Application is completed, Admin or Mod has the right to publish the
Application to the Website via the Apache platform. Then, continue using the Heroku
platform to upload the Website to Cloud Computing.
Organisation Should Migrate to Cloud Computing Solution
Benefits of switching to Cloud computing solution are as follows:
Increasing cost efficiency: Cloud computing reduces or eliminates the
need of businesses to buy equipment and build and operate data
centers, helping to save significant hardware and facilities. substance,
utilities and other necessary expenses from traditional computing.
Flexibility: One of the main benefits of cloud computing is mobility,
allowing employees to work flexibly from any location. And it is possible
to reduce the number of workstations in its office and allow some
employees to work from home to save even more costs. Cloud
computing allows to monitor the activities of your business effectively,
just need a fast internet connection to get real-time updates of all
Scalability: Easily, we can get more storage space or features whenever
we need it. Our provider will only need to upgrade the package within
minutes if we meet the additional cost.
Enhance collaboration: When teams can access, edit and share
documents anytime, anywhere, they can do more together and do it
better. File-sharing applications and cloud-based jobs help them make
updates in real-time and give them the ability to fully implement
Security: Cloud computing provides us with security issues such as
hacking, data theft, unauthorized access, intrusion and identity theft with
higher security when this happens. Because our data is stored in the
cloud, we can access it no matter what happens to our machines. And
we can even erase data from a lost laptop remotely so it doesn't fall into
the wrong hands.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Faster setup: It's easy and fast to set up data and apps in the cloud.
Move to the public cloud for a few hours. Can set up remotely with
internet connection.
Competitiveness: Cost-effective, paid services and cloud-based
business applications help us become an globally available business.
Maintenance costs are also reduced for cloud computing.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
II. Deployment Models, Service Models and Technological Drivers
Deployment Models
Deployment models describe the ways in which cloud services can be deployed
or provided to ATN company, depending on the organizational structure and location
provided. We can understand it this way: cloud-based computing resources (the
Internet), the locations where data and services are purchased and provided to our
customers, can come in many different forms. Four deployment models are often
distinguished, namely using Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Community Cloud, and
Hybrid Cloud Services:
Private cloud: The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an
organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party and
may exist on premise or off premise.
Community cloud: The cloud infrastructure is shared by several
organizations and supports a specific community that has shared
concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance
considerations). It may be managed by the organizations or a third party
and may exist on premise or off premise.
Public cloud: The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general
public or a large industry group and is owned by an organization selling
cloud services.
Hybrid cloud: The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more
clouds (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities but are
bound together by standardized or proprietary technology that enables
data and application portability (e.g., cloud bursting for load-balancing
between clouds).
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Figure 7: Private, Public, and Hybrid cloud integration
For ATN company
The proposed option is to select the Public cloud because:
Easy to use: You can set up their public cloud within a matter of few
hours. It can be easily bought on the Internet and deployed and
configured remotely through the cloud provider website. Your IT team
can very easily configure and manage the set up remotely with just an
internet connection.
Free infrastructure management: The cloud provider is responsible for
the maintenance of the hardware, software, and networks in the cloud.
Therefore, you do not need to worry about keeping your infrastructure
up-to-date or worry about aspects like security and upgrades. It allows
them to run the infrastructure with minimal IT staff, thereby significantly
reducing the overall costs.
High flexibility: Before the era of cloud, you needed to buy additional
hardware, storage, and software to prepare themselves for failure. This
means that, in many cases, you had to duplicate their efforts and costs
for ensuring the iness continuity. With the cloud, the data is automatically
mirrored on the data centers located at other locations – freeing up the
you from worrying about data backup or excess costs.
Cost effectiveness: An extremely flexible pricing structure is one of the
top benefits of the public cloud. Most of the public cloud providers give
you the flexibility to pay by the hour. It helps you, especially the small
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
and medium-size, to tightly control their costs by paying for the
infrastructure only based on your needs. you can run their web
applications without committing to a fixed cost for servers, software,
setup or maintenance.
24/7 uptime: An extensive network of provider servers ensures improved
infrastructure continuity and uptime.
Service Models
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage,
networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to
deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and
applications. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud
infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, deployed applications,
and possibly
Figure 8: Iaas
Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS)
The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming
languages and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or
control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating
systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly
application hosting environment configurations.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Figure 9: Paas
Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS)
The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications
running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client
devices through a thin client interface such as a web browser (e.g., web-based
email). The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application
capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application
configuration settings.
Figure 10: SasS
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Figure 11: Three service of service model
For ATN company
The proposed option is to select the IaaS service because:
IaaS is extremely suitable. The IaaS model is ideal for ATN companies
wishing to scale resources flexibility and agility.
The extent to which the company's branches can easily choose to
purchase additional usage capacity is based on the usage of all its
ATN can control the entire infrastructure of the service and it also
contributes to reducing the cost of investing in hardware as well as the
costs incurred for buying and using the storage.
IaaS is an ideal solution for any company looking for an effective way to
expand their infrastructure needs according to user needs. Instead of
working too much or too little, IaaS makes it easier to customize for
different needs.
Programming Language/ Webserver/ Database Server
Programming language
PHP is great for building a connection between a web server and a database as
well as supporting querying data from a web server to a database. Whereas HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript build the body of the site including User Interface, User
Experience, and Web Functions.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
For ATN companies, we use Apache as a web server. Because Apacheserver
is also quite popular and is used quite a lot by people to develop websites.
Benefits when ATN company uses Apache:
The source code of Apache is available for free to anyone and no license
is required.
Apache can run on almost any operating systems like Windows, Linux,
It is highly reliable and performs better.
It can be installed easily.
Database Server
MySQL is a secure and reliable database management system. MySQL is
completely free to use for personal and small business users with High performance
and reasonable cost.
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
III. Develop Cloud Computing Solutions
Configure a Cloud Computing Platform
Create Account:
Figure 12: Create Account
Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Figure 13: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Choose an Instance Type
Figure 14: Choose an Instance Type
Configure Instance Details
Figure 15: Configure Instance Details
Add Storage
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Figure 16: Add Storage
Add Tags
Figure 17: Add Tags
Configure Security Group
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Figure 18: Configure Security Group
Review Instance Launch
Figure 19: Review Instance Launch
Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair
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Figure 20: Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair
Launch Status
Figure 21: Launch Status
Connect the AWS virtual machine from Terminal on macOS
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Figure 22: Connect the AWS virtual machine from Terminal on macOS
Update the necessary packets
Figure 23: Update the necessary packets
Install Apache2 for the virtual machine
Figure 24: Install Apache2 for the virtual machine
Install the MariaDB database server
Figure 25: Install the MariaDB database server
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MariaDB server security
Figure 26: MariaDB server security
Install the related modules 1
Figure 27: Install the related modules 1
Install the related modules 2
Figure 28: Install the related modules 2
Install PHP 7.1
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Figure 29: Install PHP 7.1
Edit PHP-FPM default file
Figure 30: Edit PHP-FPM default file
Configure MariaDB
Figure 31: Configure MariaDB
Configure WordPress
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Figure 32: Configure WordPress
Configure WordPress
Figure 33: Configure WordPress
Login to WordPress
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Figure 34: Login to WordPress
WordPress dashboard interface
Figure 35: WordPress dashboard interface
Customizable WordPress theme
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Figure 36: Customizable WordPress theme
Interface e-commerce website "ATN"
Figure 37: Interface e-commerce website "ATN"
Implement a Cloud Platform
2.1. WordPress
Wordpress is an online website creation tool, e-commerce site or personal blog.
WordPress is open source software written in Php language and My SQL database
management system, this is one of The best CMS to create the web. It was
developed for everyone to use because of its easy-to-use interface, unlimited storage
capacity, low cost and many support plugins. Generally wordpress can do everything
you want.
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Figure 38: WordPress
2.2. Wordfence
Wordfence is one of the best free WordPress plugins, and the most popular free
security plugin because of its extremely good features, which can limit many types of
attacks. Popular as Local Hack, XSS, SQL Injection and has a two-layer password
function, automatically scanning malicious code on the host.
Some functions included in Wordfence Security:
Automatically blocks common attackers. For example, if a website using
Wordfence is attacked and they set up blocking that attacker, your
website will also block that attacker.
Real-time tracking of visits to your website, 404 error statistics on the
website, changes and correction of content.
Force other users on the website to use complex passwords.
Automatically scan pages on the website for malware, and check if the
site is blacklisted by Google.
Figure 39: Wordfence
2.3. Sucuri Security
The Sucuri Security WordPress plugin is free for all WordPress users. It is a
security suite meant to complement the existing security posture. It provides users
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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with a set of security features for their websites, each designed to have a positive
impact on security posture such as:
Security audit
File integrity monitoring
Scan for malware remotely
Monitoring blacklist
Effective safety protection
Security actions after hacking
Privacy notice
Website firewall (premium)
Figure 40: Sucuri security
2.4. WooCommerce
WooCommerce is an open source plugin on WordPress that supports the
design of e-commerce websites or sales websites. Its task is to turn the website into
a fast, effective e-commerce site.
WooCommerce offers lots of useful features like:
Create lists for users to enter and search product information (e.g. code,
name, quantity, ..).
Calculate the total cost of the buyer orders quickly and accurately.
Support for common forms of direct and online payment such as PayPal,
Credit Card, COD.
Support to calculate VAT or business tax.
Provide template templates, support building a display interface for
Confirm the status of the order, help the seller know what his item is at
the stage (has confirmed the order, is delivered, successfully delivered or
required to return the goods, ...).
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Figure 41: WooCommerce
IV. Analyze The Technical Challenges
1. Analysis of The Most Common Problems
In recent years researchers have conducted surveys from which to make
findings about the challenges of current cloud computing. Since then the risks have
become the top concern
Security issue:
Regarding data security, we cannot see the exact location where your
data is stored or being processed. This increases the risks of cloud
computing that may arise during cloud deployment or management.
This makes it hard to trust sensitive and proprietary data into a third
party and, indeed, highlights the challenges of cloud computing.
Cost management and containment:
One of the next risks of cloud computing is cost.
In the cloud, an organization can easily enhance its processing
capabilities without investing heavily in new hardware. Instead,
businesses can access additional processing through paid models from
public cloud providers. However, the on-demand nature and scalability
of cloud services make it sometimes difficult to quantify and predict
quantities and costs.
Lack of resources/expertise:
One of the cloud challenges that companies and businesses are facing
today is the lack of specialized resources.
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Organizations are increasingly putting more workload into the cloud
while cloud technologies continue to grow rapidly. Due to these factors,
organizations are having difficulty keeping up with the tools.
One of the risks cloud computing is facing today is compliance. One of
the risks that cloud computing is facing today is compliance.
Every time a company moves data from internal storage to the cloud, it
faces compliance with industry laws and regulations.
When an enterprise moves to the cloud, it will depend on the service
When our suppliers go down, so do our businesses.
With the inherent lack of control that comes with cloud computing,
companies may encounter real-time monitoring issues.
When businesses move from old technology to cloud computing will
face many difficulties and challenges.
The common challenges encountered when converting:
Troubleshooting extensions.
Security challenge.
Data transfer is slow.
Migration agents.
Complex conversion.
Time to stop the application.
Building a private cloud:
This is one of the main challenges for cloud computing.
IT managers and IT departments will need to address the build and
redo work by themselves, which can pose one of the most difficult
challenges when moving to cloud computing.
Possible Solutions to These Problems
Security issue:
To ensure your organization's privacy and security intact, verify SaaS
providers have security management, authentication, and access
control mechanisms in place. Also, check the database privacy and
security laws that they must follow.
While we are checking supplier privacy and security laws, make sure to
also confirm the third major issue of concern: compliance. Our
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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organization needs to be able to comply with regulations and
standards, regardless of where our data is stored.
Speaking of storage, also make sure the provider has strict data
recovery policies.
Cost management and containment: We can optimize costs by conducting
better financial analysis and reporting, automating policies to manage or maintain
management reporting practices, to reduce these issues in the power sector. cloud
Lack of resources/expertise:
A specialist is needed to keep up with the technologies at work.
Companies are turning to DevOps tools, such as Chef and Puppet, to
perform tasks such as resource usage monitoring and automated
backups at predefined intervals. These tools also help optimize the
cloud for cost, administration and security.
Data must be properly stored.
Cloud customers need to look for suppliers who can provide
compliance and check if they are regulated by the standards they need.
Some suppliers provide certified compliance, but in some cases,
additional input is required for both parties to ensure compliance.
Make sure their suppliers have proper procedures and they will alert
you if there is a problem.
Enterprises must consider being able to access data stored in the cloud
in real time while selecting the right partner.
Businesses need to ensure your SaaS provider has a real-time
monitoring policy to help mitigate these problems.
Building a private cloud:
Need to automate as much as possible in the cloud transition.
The tasks that must be performed in order are also important.
Businesses need to plan for long-term goals.
Analysis of The Most Common Security Issues
Distributed-Denial-of-Service Attacks (DDoS)
It is an attempt to make users unable to use a computer's resources
Its main goal is to make a site, or network, unusable, disruptive, or
make the system significantly slower for the average user, by
overloading the system's resources.
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on cloud platforms are
largely unimaginable; The immense amount of resources of cloud
services makes DDoS attacks extremely difficult to get started.
Shared Cloud Computing Services:
Many cloud solutions do not provide the necessary security between
clients, resulting in shared resources, applications, and systems.
In this case, threats may originate from other customers with cloud
services, and threats targeting one customer may also have an impact
on other customers.
Employee Negligence:
Employee negligence and employee mistake remain one of the biggest
security issues for all systems, especially cloud computing.
The negligent employee login to the cloud system by the network is not
secure also makes the system threatened.
Data Loss and Inadequate Data Backups: Ransomware is a threat to
businesses; it stems from inadequate data backup and inadequate data
synchronization. Ransomware will encrypt company files and demand ransom from
the company
Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks:
Due to the openness of a cloud computing system, phishing and social
engineering attacks have become particularly common.
Providing login information, confidential information to customers, will
accidentally make malicious users can easily access the system,
because the system can be accessed anywhere.
System Vulnerabilities:
Cloud systems can still contain system vulnerabilities, especially in
networks with complex infrastructure and many third-party platforms.
When a vulnerability is known to a common third-party system, it
becomes a weapon against the company.
Discussion on How To Overcome These Issues
Organizational security risks: CSP employees can be minimized by placing
strict legal constraints on contracts when hiring employees. A comprehensive review
of third-party CSPs, as well as a robust breach notification process, will also go a
long way to prevent this.
Physical security risks: The risk of intruders having physical access to
devices used in providing cloud services can be reduced by preventing strong
physical security such as protection. armed, access key cards and biometric scans to
restrict access to sensitive locations in the data center.
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Technology security risks: Technology security risk management - CSP can
use the hierarchical structure of DHT-based overlay networks, with specific tasks
performed by each layer. The lowest layer involves the use of different sources to
verify certain connections and refers to checking if there are any known sources of
malignancy involved. The highest class handles various attacks.
Compliance and audit risk: This area is primarily concerned with legal
issues and as such, both CSP and CSC need to understand the legal and legal
obligations and ensure that any contract is implementation of these obligations CSP
also needs to ensure that its discoverability does not affect the security and privacy
of data.Employees need to raise awareness, learn more knowledge about cyberattacks to know how to prevent them.
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Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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In the process of completing the report, I learned a lot of experiences and improved
professional skills, discovered the shortcomings in my knowledge. Although tried to
build and standardize theory but in fact encountered many difficulties, within the
knowledge learned, surely the report will have shortcomings. So I look forward to
receiving your comments and evaluation so that I can improve more.
Thank you sincerely!
Perfomed Student: Van Ha HO
Instructor: Xuan Ly NGUYEN THE
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Cloud Computing
1. Book: Essentials of Cloud Computing 1st Edition. by K. Chandrasekaran
2. Salesforce.com. (2020). 12 Benefits of Cloud Computing from Salesforce. [online]
Available at: https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/best-practices/benefits-ofcloud-computing/ [Accessed 1 June, 2020]
3. Book: Erl, T., Puttini, R., & Mahmood, Z. (2013). Cloud computing: concepts,
technology & architecture. Pearson Education.
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