·care#~.( Approved Medical Abbreviations for Charting Policy#: ADM 162 APPROVED BY: Anthony Dallas, MD, CMO ADOPTED: SUPERCEDES POLICY: REVISED: REVIEWED : 12/10/2015 OBJECTIVE: To create clear and cohesive chart notes. SCOPE: All CareHere Health Centers POLICY: Care Here has approved the following medical abbreviations for acceptance in the patient EMR. Please lim it use of yo ur abbreviations to this li st. When using th ese abbreviations, they are to be typed or written as they appear in this document. PROCEDURE: The following is a list of common ly used abbreviation s that are being used in medical documentation. This list is not all in clusive, or is it intended to in struct users t o apply only th ese abbreviations w hen documenting in the medical record . Documenting the entire condition, cause, disease, or syndrome is always best practice in medical documentation. A A&O x3 A&Ox4 A-FIB AAA AAAAA ABC ABO ACE ACLS AD ADH ADL ad li b AH AHD AIDS AK AKA ALS AMA AMI AMT APPROX ARC ARF AR I ARDS alert and orientated to person , place, and time alert and orienta t ed to person , place, tim e, and event atri al fibrillation abdomina l aortic aneurysm aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, agraphia, alexia airway, breathing, and circulation abdomen or abdominal angiotensin-converting enzyme advanced card iac life support admitting diagnosis antidiuretic hormon e activities of daily living as desired abdom in al hysterectomy arteriosc lerotic heart disea se acq ui red immune deficiency synd rome above the knee above the knee amputa ti on advanced life support against medical advice ac ute myocardial infarction Amount app roxim ate AIDS-re lated comp le x acute renal failure acute res pi ra to ry infect io n adu lt respiratory distress syndrome I acut e respiratory distress syndrome Copyright© 2015 and published by Care Here, LLC at Brentwood, TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care ?I~.( art arteria l ASA ASCVD aspirin arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ATLE apparent life threaten ing event ATN A&W acute tubular necrosis alive and we ll B BG blood glucose BGL bid blood glucose level twice daily BILAT BK BKA bilateral or bi latera lly below knee below knee amputation BLE both lower extremities BLS basic life support BM bol bowel movement; bone marrow bol us BP or B/P blood pressure BPH ben ign prostatic hypertrophy branch bronchoscopy; bronchoscope BS BSA breath sounds; blood sugar body surface area BVM bag va lve mask C-SPINE cervica l spine comp laint of, compla in s of, or com pl ai nin g of c C/0 CA cancer; carcinoma CAB coronary artery bypass CABG CAD coronary artery bypass graft CAPO CATH coronary artery disease continuo us ambulatory peritoneal dialysis cathe t er cc ccu chi ef comp laint, comp li cations and co-morbidities critica l care unit CHF CICU congestive heart fai lu re cardiac (co rona ry) intensive ca re unit CKD chronic kidney disease CNS central nervous system C02 carbon dioxide COPD chron ic obstructi ve pulmonary di sease CP chest pain CPAP CPR continuous (constant) positive airway pressure CRF CSF CT cardiopu lm onary resusci tati on chronic renal failure cereb rospinal fluid CT sca n CVA cerebra l vascu lar acciden t CVD CXR cardiovascu lar disease chest x-ray Copyright© 2015 and published by CareHere, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027 . All rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical , photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care ?I~.( D DSW OAT DO decub De cub DKA OM DNR DOA DOB DOE DRG DT DVT Ox 5% dextrose in water diet as tolerated differential diagnosis lying down (decubitus) decubitus ulcer diabetic ketoacidosis diabetes mellitus do not resuscitate dead on arrival I date of admission date of birth dyspnea on exertion diagnosis related group delirium tremens deep vein thrombosi s Diagnosis E EBL EC ECF E coli ECHO ECMO ECV ECW ED EDC edent EEG EENT EF EFA EGA EKG/ECG estimated blood loss enteric coated extended care facility Escherichia coli echoca rdiogra m extracorporeal membrane oxygenation extracellular volume extracellular water emergency department estimated date of confin ement ESLD ESRD ET ETOH ETI Exp edentu lous electroencepha logram eye, ear, nose, throat ejection fraction essential fatty acids estimated gesta ti ona l age electroca rd iogra m enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (immunological testing) enteral nutrition epinephrine erythropoietin extrapyramidial symptom s end stage liver disease end stage renal disease endotracheal tube ethanol alcohol endotra cheal tube Expired F FAS fema le fetal alcohol syndrome ELI SA EN EPI EPO EPS F Copyright © 2015 and published by Care Here, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical , photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Carel¥~.( FB FBS FBG FTP FTI F/U FUO Fx foreign body fa sting blood sugar fa sting blood glucose failure t o progress failure to thrive fo ll ow-up fever of undetermined orig in fracture G G GB GBD GBS GC GERD GFR G Gl GLT GSW gtts GU GYN gra ms gallb ladder gallb lad der disease gallbladder se ri es go nococcus gastroesop hageal reflu x disease glomeru lar filtration rate gravida gastroi ntesti na I gut-associated lymphoid tissue gunshot wound drops gastric ulcer gynecology or gynecological H HA; H/A HDN HD HEENT hemi HH HHNKS HI HI V HL HLHS H&N H&P H/0; h/o HOH HR hs headache hem o lytic disease of the newbor n hemod ialysis head, eyes, ea rs, nose, throat hemiplegia, hemip legic hiata l hernia hyperglycemic, hyperosomolar nonketotic synd rom e head inju ry hum an immunodefi cie ncy virus hearing loss hydroplastic left heart syndrome hea d and neck history and physical history of hard of hearing heart rate per minute HTN Hx bedtime hype rte ns ion hi story IBD IBS ICP ICU inflammatory bow el disease irritable bowel syndrome intracranial pressure intens ive care unit Copyright© 2015 and published by Care Here, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care#~.( IGT IH D IM INH 1&0 IUGR IVP IVPD ISVD IV im pai red glu cose tolerance isc hemi c heart disease intramuscular isoniazid intake and output intrauterine growth retardation intravenous pyelography; intravenous push intravenous piggyback interventricular septal defect JVD jugular venous distension kg KLS KUB KVO Ki logram kidney, liver, sp leen kidney, ureter, bl adder keep ve in open Intravenous J K L lap laparot o my LBBB LBW L-S PINE L/S SPINE L&D LAT lb LES LFT LGA LLQ LMP left bundle branch block low birth weight lumbar spine lumbarsacral spine labor and delivery lateral pound lower esophageal sphincter liver function t ests large for gestational age lower left quadrant LOC last menstrua l period leve l of conscio usness LOS LP LR LR Q LSH LTC LU Q LVH length of stay lumbar puncture lactated ringers lower right quadrant laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy long term care left upper quadrant left ventricu lar hypertrophy M MAO I meg MOD MED med-surg Male monamine oxidase inhibitor micrograms major depress ive disorder medicine medical-s urgical M Copyright© 2015 and published by Care Here, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical , photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Carel¥~.( met(s) mg Ml MICU min mmHg MO MOM Mono MR MRSA MRI MS MSI1 MVA MVP metastasis, metastasize, metastasizing milligram myocardial infarction medical inten sive care unit minute or minimum millimeters of mercury {BP unit) mineral oil; months old milk of magnesia monocyte; mononucleosis magnetic resonance; medical records; mental retardation methicillin resistant staph au reus magnetic resonance imaging mental status; muscular sclerosis; multiple sc lerosis mental status change motor vehicle acc ident mitral valve prolapse N/A NAD NAS N/V N/V/0 NAD NC NEB NEC NG{T) NKA NKDA NOS NPO NRB NS NSAID NSR not availab le no acute distress no added salt nausea and vomiting nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea no apparent distress nasal cannula nebulizer necrotizing enterocolitis nasogastric tube no known allergies no known drug allergies not otherwise specified nil per os (nothing by mouth) non-rebreather normal saline nonsteroida l anti-inflammatory drug normal sinus rhythm 02 OB OBS OB/GYN OR Ortho 02 sat OT OTC oxygen obstetrics organic brain syndrome obstetrics and gynecology oral contraceptive operating room orthopedics oxygen saturation occupational therapy over the counter p para; pulse N 0 oc p Copyright© 2015 and published by Care Here, LLC at Brentwood, TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care/le-tb.( PA P&A PACU Para Path PALP PAC p.c. PCA PCOD PDA PE PERRLA PEG PFT PH PICC PKU PMH PN PO POD# Post-op pp PPBS PR Pre-op PRN Prog PSA PPT PTA PUD pernicious anemia percussion and auscultation post anesthesia care unit para (nullipara, primiparia, Para !, Para II, etc) pathology palpitation premature atr ial contraction after meals patient-controlled analgesia polycystic ovarian disease patient ductus arteriosus pulmonary embolus; physical examination ; pelvic exam pupils equal, round, reactive to light percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy pulmonary function test past history peripherally inserted centra l catheter phenylketonuria past medical history parenteral nutrition by mouth postoperative day# postoperative postpartum; post-prandial post-prandial blood sugar P/Y; PT per rectum pre-operative as needed prognosis prostate specific antigen physical therapy prior to arriva l peptic ulcer disease pulmonary premature ventricu lar contraction penicillin pack year (cigarettes) q every R RA rectal ; respiration ; right rheumatoid arthritis; right atrium; room air RBBB Resp RDS Re Rh RIA RLE right bundle branch block respiratory; respiration respiratory distress syndrome Pulm PVC PVN Q R concerning rhesus factor (will be+ or -) radioimmunoassay right lower extremity Copyright© 2015 and published by CareHere , LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system, resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical , photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Carel¥~.( RLL RLQ R/0 ROM ROS RQ RR RRR RT RUE RUQ Rx right lower lobe right lower quadrant rule out range of motion; rupture of membranes review of symptoms respiratory quotient respiratory rate regular rate and rhythm respiratory therapist; radiation therapy right upper extremity right upper quadrant medicine, prescription SAH SB SBE SBO S/P S&S; S/S ss, SS, SSE ST Staph STD stat Strep subarachnoid hemorrhage small bowel shortness of breath on exertion; subacute bacterial endocarditis small bowel obstruction sick le ce ll small for gestat ional age status post syndrome of inappropriate antid iuretic hormone sudden infant death syndrome systemic lupus erythematous significant other signed out shortness of breath subjective, objective, assessment, plan so lution status post signs and symptoms soapsuds (enema ) sinus tachycard ia sta phy loccus sexua lly transmitted disease; short term disab ility immediate ly streptococcus SubQ Supp Susp SVT Sx Sz subcutaneous suppos itory suspension su praventricu Ia r tachycardia symptoms Seizures T, temp T ma x temperature; time maximum temperature tab let s sc SGA S/P SIADH SIDS SLE so S/0 SOB SOAP Sol T tab tachy TAH TB tachycardia tota l abdom inal hysterectomy tuberculosis Copyright© 2015 and published by CareHere, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027. All rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistrib uted or transmitted in any form or by any means (electron ic, mechanical, photocopying, recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manua l Care !I~.( TBSA TBLC TBW THR TLH T-Spine T TI A tid TKO TO top ta l TPN TURP TWE Tx t ota l burn surface area term birth, livi ng child t ot al body wa t er tota l hip replacement t ota ll aparosco pi c hys t erectomy thoracic spine t emperature trans ient isc hemi c att ack three times a day to kee p open te lephone order topical ly to lerate, t o lerate d, t o lerance total parenteral nutrition tran surethral resecti on of prost ate tap water ene ma treatment UAO unk UOA UOP UR UR I Ural US; U/S UTI uppe r airway obstru ct ion unknown upon or arriva l uri nary outp ut upper respiratory; uti li zation review upper respira t ory infection uro logy; urologist ultrasound uri nary t ract in fect io n V/D Vent VF Vi z VH VLBW VT vomiting and diarrhea ventra l; ventricu lar; ventilator ve ntricular f ibrill ation that is; name ly vag ina l hyst erect omy ve ry low birth weig ht verbal order oxyge n cons umpti o n vo lume vancomycin resista nt staph aure us vita l signs ventricu Ia r tachycardia WB WC; w/c w/d WD WFL WN ; w/n WNL weight bearing w hee lchair wel l developed; warm and dry we ll deve loped within functi onal lim its well nourished w ithi n normal limits u v vo V0 2 val VRSA vs w Copyright© 20 15 and published by CareHere, LLC at Brentwood, TN 37027. All rights reserved . None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care11~.( W/U; w/u we ight work- up X ti mes YO; y/o YTD years o ld year to date Wt X y Symbols + > < posi t ive negat ive greate r t han less th an equa l Copyright © 2015 and published by CareHere, LLC at Brentwood , TN 37027 . All rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical , photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual Care11~.( DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING ABREVIATIONS Common Medical Abbreviation Medical errors have been identified as the fourth most common cause of patient deaths in the United States. To help reduce the numbers of errors related to incorrect use of terminology, The Joint Commission (TJC) formerly known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) issued a list of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that should no longer be used . The action supports one of TJC's national patient safety goals : to improve the effectiveness of communications among caregivers . The complete recommendations can be found on the TJC's website at http://www.jointcommission.org. Abbreviation U (for unit) IU (for international unit) Q.D., Q.O.D. (Latin abbreviation for once daily and every other day) Trailing zero (X .O mg) Lack of leading zero (.X mg) Potential Problem Mistaken as zero, four, or cc Mistaken as IV (intravenous) or 10 (ten) Mistaken for each other. The period after the Q can be mistaken for an " I" and the "0" can be mistaken for "I" . Decimal point is missed . MS MS04 MgS04 Confused for one another. Can mean morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate. flg (for microgram) Mistaken for mg (milligrams) resulting in one thousand-fold dosing overdose. Mistaken for either half-strength or hour of sleep (at bedtime) . q.H .S. mistaken for every hour. All can result in a dosing error. Mistaken for three times a day or twice weekly resulting in an overdose. H.S. (for half-strength or Latin abbreviation for bedtime) T.I.W. (for three times a week) S.C. or S.Q. (for subcutaneous) Mistaken as SL for sublingual, or " 5 every" D/C (for discharge) Interpreted as discontinue whatever medications follow (typically discharge meds) Mistaken for U (units) when poorly written Mistaken for OS, 00, and OU, etc. c.c. (for cubic centimeter) A.S, A.D., A.U. (Latin abbreviation for left, right, or both ears) Preferred Term Write "unit" Write "international unit" Write "daily" and "every other day" Never write a zero by itself after a decimal point (X mg), and always use a zero before a decimal point (O .X mg) Write "morphine sulfate" or "magnesium sulfate" Write "meg" Write out "half-strength" or "at bedtime" Write "three times weekly" or " 3 times weekly" Write "Sub-Q", "subQ" , or "subcutaneously" Write "discharge" Write "ml" for milliliters Write : "left ear", "right ear" , or "both ears" Copyright © 2015 and published by CareHere, LLC at Brentwood, TN 37027 . All rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrievable system , resold , redistributed or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying , recording , or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. CareHere Policy and Procedure Manual