Project report, 2016 MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, ART, DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FINAL YEAR ENGINEERING PROJECT REPORT TOPIC: APPLICATION OF CLEANER PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY IN CEMENT INDUSTRY IN UGANDA (A CASE STUDY AT TORORO CEMENT LIMITED) NAME OF STUDENT: MUGABI JULIUS REGISTRATION NUMBER: 12/U/8632/PS STUDENT NUMBER: 212017851 MAIN SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR Dr. J.I. OKWARE Dr. ABRAHAM MUWANGUZI …………………………….. …………………………………. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page i Project report, 2016 Dedication To my mum and brother Edson Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page ii Project report, 2016 Acknowledgment I wish to express my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. John Okware for his constant guidance, invaluable suggestions, positive criticisms encouragement and support throughout this study. May God bless you. Many thanks are also extended to the Department Mechanical Engineering and to the staff of the same, for all the help given during this study. This study would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance from my brother Edson. Thanks for providing me with the financial support and the opportunity to pursue my Bachelors‟ degree and to carry out this research. I also wish to acknowledge the generous support given by TCL especially the Process department without which it would have been impossible to conduct my research in their premises. I appreciate the assistance given to me by the process manager Mr. Peter Karanja, the process engineer Mr. Vicent Olinga and the Environmental officer Mr. Robert Isanga I also wish to extend my sincere appreciation to the executive director as well as the entire staff of UCPC (Uganda Cleaner Production Centre) for their valuable assistance throughout this study. And to my family especially my Mum thanks for the love, support and constant prayers. May God continue to bless all your endeavours. And lastly, I would also like to thank my special friends: Akampurira Arthur, Mbusa Chrispus, Medard Owoyesiga, Natumanya Derek, Alinaitwe Roggers, Mpumwiire Ambrose, Ampumuza Brian, Mubatsi Joard, Edwin, Fadson, Nuwamanya Junior- my roommate and all the members of Mitchel cell for their help, comfort and friendship during my stay at campus. Special thanks are extended to my classmates for their moral support and friendship throughout my studies in MAK. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page iii Project report, 2016 Table of Contents Dedication ..................................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... vii CHAPTER ONE: .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Objectives of the Research.................................................................................................................. 3 1.3.1 Main objective ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.3.2 Specific objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Justification ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Research Scope ................................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER TWO: ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Defining Cleaner Production .............................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Evolution of Cleaner Production......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Benefits of Cleaner Production ........................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Cleaner Production Practices .............................................................................................................. 7 2.5 Regulatory Framework of Cleaner Production ................................................................................... 8 2.5.1 International Declaration on Cleaner Production ......................................................................... 8 2.5.2 Legal Framework for Environmental Management in Uganda ................................................... 9 2.6 Barriers to Cleaner Production Application in Uganda‟s Cement Industry ...................................... 10 2.7 Cleaner production motivators and drivers. ...................................................................................... 11 2.8 The Uganda Cement Industry ........................................................................................................... 12 2.8.1 Tororo Cement Limited Contribution to Uganda‟s Economy. .................................................. 12 2.8.2 Cement Production Process ....................................................................................................... 13 2.8.3 Description of cement manufacturing process at TCL............................................................... 14 CHAPTER THREE: ................................................................................................................................... 19 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page iv Project report, 2016 3.2 Literature review ........................................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Preliminary tour to the selected industry. ..................................................................................... 19 3.4 Design of an interview guide/ observation checklist .................................................................... 19 3.5 Data collection .............................................................................................................................. 20 3.6 Data analysis ................................................................................................................................. 20 3.7 Report writing ............................................................................................................................... 20 3.8 Report presentation ....................................................................................................................... 20 CHAPTER FOUR:...................................................................................................................................... 21 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 21 4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 21 4.2 Process flow of TCL ......................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 Common Wastes at TCL ................................................................................................................... 23 4.3.1 Sources of these wastes .............................................................................................................. 23 4.3.2 Some of the measures to reduce flue gas and dust emissions .................................................... 36 4.4 Energy Usage at TCL........................................................................................................................ 38 4.4.1 Energy as it Relates to Overall Business Factors ....................................................................... 41 4.5 Evaluation Cleaner Production Options and Opportunities at TCL.................................................. 43 4.5.1 Cleaner production options for production ................................................................................ 43 4.5.2 Cleaner production options for maintenance ............................................................................. 44 4.5.3 Cleaner production options for employee health and safety ...................................................... 45 4.5.2 Cleaner production options for management ............................................................................. 46 CHAPTER FIVE: ....................................................................................................................................... 48 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 48 5.1 Problems faced at Tororo Cement Limited. ...................................................................................... 48 5.2 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 48 5.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 49 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 51 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page v Project report, 2016 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: stacker yard ................................................................................................................................ 15 Figure 2: Raw meal silo and the preheater silo.......................................................................................... 15 Figure 3: A kiln .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 4: A cement mill .............................................................................................................................. 17 Figure 5: Simplified Process Schematic for Cement Making ..................................................................... 18 Figure 6: Process Flow at TCL .................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 7: Simplified Process flow chart for cement production ................................................................. 22 Figure 8: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for January 2015 ...................................................................... 25 Figure 9: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for February 2015 ...................................................................... 25 Figure 10: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for March 2015 ......................................................................... 26 Figure 11: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for April 2015 ........................................................................... 26 Figure 12: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for May 2015 ............................................................................ 27 Figure 13: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for June 2015 ............................................................................ 27 Figure 14: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for July 2015 ............................................................................. 28 Figure 15: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for August 2015 ........................................................................ 28 Figure 16: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for September 2015 .................................................................. 29 Figure 17: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for October 2015 ...................................................................... 30 Figure 18: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for November 2015 ................................................................... 30 Figure 19: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for December 2015 ................................................................... 31 Figure 20: Trend of total dust emission per month for the year 2015 ........................................................ 31 Figure 21: Mass Balance of 1kg of Cement ................................................................................................ 33 Figure 22: Trend of Flue Gas Emissions for the Year 2015 ....................................................................... 35 Figure 23: Energy Flow in a Cement Industry (Worrell, E. and C. Galitsky. 2004) .................................. 39 Figure 24: Energy Trend for the Year 2015 ............................................................................................... 41 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page vi Project report, 2016 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Showing Dust Emissions for the Year 2015.................................................................................. 24 Table 2: Showing Flue Gas Emissions for the Year 2015 .......................................................................... 34 Table 3: Showing ISO Standards on Emissions to the Atmosphere (ISO, 2012) ........................................ 36 Table 4: Showing Energy Consumption by the two main consumers of Energy at TCL for the Year 2015 40 Table 5: Comparison of alternative fuels, (Biomass Energy Centre) ......................................................... 41 Table 6: Showing the Rating of Business Factors at TCL .......................................................................... 42 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page vii Project report, 2016 LIST OF ACCRONYMS UNEP ………………………… United Nations Environmental Programme UNIDO ……………………… United Nations Industrial Development Organization UCPC ………………………… Uganda Cleaner Production Centre NCPCs ……………………… National Cleaner Production Centre IPPC………………………… Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control SDGs ………………………… Sustainable Development Goals United UNGA………………………… Nations General Assembly CP …………………………… Cleaner Production CPT …………………………. Cleaner Production Technology TCL………………………….. Tororo Cement Limited NOX ………………………… Nitrogen Oxides (Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Monoxide) CO2 ……………………… Carbon Dioxide SOX ………………………… Sulphur oxides UNEP-DTIE‟s ………… United Nations Environment Programme – Division of Technology, Industry and Economics OPC ……………………….. Ordinary Portland Cement PPC ………………………… Portland Pozzolana Cement ESP ………………………… Electrostatic precipitator BDC ……………………….. Bag Dust Collector ELV ………………………. Emission Limit Value ISO ……………………….. International Standards Organisation Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page viii Project report, 2016 CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The global cement industry contributes around 6% of all man-made CO2 emissions and is consequently responsible for around 4% of man-made global warming. CO2 emissions‟ trading is likely to be of huge importance to the industry in the future. (European Commission Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, IPPC) The cement industry therefore, is a main emitter of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, both because of its high energy use and the calcinations reaction. The emission of CO2 is estimated at 900 to 1,000 kg/tonne of clinker, related to a specific heat demand of approximately 3,500 to 5,000 MJ/tonne of clinker. Approximately 60% originates in the calcinations process and the remaining 40% in fuel combustion (European Commission Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, IPPC) In Uganda, the cement industry is growing and the demand for cement is also increasing on a high rate due to the increase in infrastructural development. Its growth rate is expected to increase further in the next 15 years in order to achieve the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA, 2015) in September 2015. Goal 9 of the SDGs states thus “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. Although Uganda is enriched with abundant limestone and its environment is highly unspoiled, the negative effects of industrial growth are becoming more evident. Through environmental conservation bodies like National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), the environment protection legislation has become increasingly stringent and industrial pollution will if not controlled lead to financial penalties. Cleaner Production is one of the environmental concepts that use potential indicators and benchmarks in assessing the environment performance. In principle, instead of dealing with endFinal year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 1 Project report, 2016 of-pipe impacts approach on the environment, Cleaner Production deals with pollution reduction/prevention at the source. Cleaner Production can also clearly show how the organization is performing, and provide a firm basis for future targets and improvement. The long term purpose of Cleaner Production in Uganda is to promote sustainable industrial development. Cleaner Production has been studied, developed and adjusted to assess the performance of sustainability of industries. In Uganda, it is the Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC) that is spear heading the national CP activities, (UCPC, 2004). Recognizing the interconnectedness of sustainable production and consumption, UNIDO and UNEP have called upon NCPCs to expand their scope of activity to include sustainable consumption. In its Cleaner Production Global Status Report 2002, UNEP urged NCPCs to “focus now on the expanded vision of Cleaner production that links explicitly with sustainable consumption”. This was recently reinforced by Goal 12 of the SDGs adopted by UNGA 2015 which states thus; “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” However, sustainable consumption issues have not yet been expanded into the activities of UCPC and as such only Cleaner Production activities have been considered in this study (UCPC, 2004). Therefore Uganda as a country has a task at hand to prevent environmental pollution and reduce or eliminate industrial waste in cooperation with the cement industry. At Tororo Cement Limited, the old plant, the machinery and other infrastructure, which were handed over under Privatization scheme were either completely dilapidated or outdated. The new management, with planned investments under various phases installed some new modern equipment for production. The management added a new Cement Mill and a Silo, which has enhanced and doubled the capacity of Cement production. A new electrical rotary packer was also installed. However some old machinery is still being used. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 2 Project report, 2016 1.2 Problem Statement TCL employs end-of-pipe strategies in waste management and environmental protection mainly due to competing business priorities, in particular, the pressure for a short term profits. These strategies have been found to be inefficient in waste management and pollution mitigation. The emission values (particulate matter and flue gases) from production processes are above the maximum permissible values by ISO, an organisation that certifies TCL. 1.3 Objectives of the Research 1.3.1 Main objective This research seeks to find ways in which productivity can be increased and wastes minimised in the cement industry in Uganda. 1.3.2 Specific objectives To investigate the sources of waste during the cement production process. To quantify the waste and assess the quality of the emissions from production processes. To propose ways to reduce waste and achieve employee safety at Tororo cement limited. 1.4 Justification Different industries have adopted different strategies for reaching their goals for example, by applying advanced environmental technologies, extending recycling and reuse, or by setting goals and targets for reducing the use of materials in their production. These strategies were made stronger by the establishment of the Uganda Cleaner Production Centre (UCPC) in 2001 whose main goal was to promote and implement the CP concept to industries. This was mainly done through the Eco-Benefits program in which CP was promoted to industries as a preventative strategy to deal with current and future environmental problems as well as offering them better efficiency, economic and social benefits. As such industries were encouraged to join the Eco-Benefits programs and implement CP. In this way the industries would comply with the NEMA requirements as they improved their environmental performance. Today the UCPC works alongside NEMA towards environmental sustainability of industries in Uganda (UCPC, 2004). Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 3 Project report, 2016 Despite of the benefits associated with the application of CP technologies, cement industries in Uganda have not yet adopted this strategy. Therefore this research study is important because it will bring environmental protection awareness to Uganda‟s cement industry. These are some of the benefits expected once the recommendations are adopted; Improving of health safety and environmental protection by improving the quality of emissions from cement production processes. Increase in cement output by minimizing wastes generated. Reduction in costs of cement production 1.5 Research Scope This research was conducted at Tororo Cement Limited, a cement factory located in Tororo town, Tororo district in eastern Uganda which is 230km away from Kampala city, the capital city of Uganda. It is 10Km before the Uganda/Kenya border town of Malaba. Access from Kampala is by an all-weather tarmac road The researcher‟s intention was to study the cement production process and identify the sources of waste at TCL and recommend a suitable cleaner production technology programme. Following the firm‟s management‟s advice, only emissions (particulate matter and flue gases) and energy efficiency were studied. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 4 Project report, 2016 CHAPTER TWO: 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Defining Cleaner Production Cleaner Production (CP) can be viewed as a widely recognized and proven strategy for increasing the efficiency of natural resources‟ use as well as minimizing wastes. In CP, pollution and risks to human health and safety are reduced at the source, rather than at the end of the production process, that is, the „end-of-pipe‟ stage. CP typically involves improving maintenance practices, reduction of risks, upgrading or introducing new technology, or changing production processes. It results in meeting consumers‟ needs with more environmentally compatible, quality products and services and leads to the more efficient use of energy and raw materials. As well as reducing pollution, this strategy also generates tangible economic savings for a business enterprise by improving overall efficiency of production (UNEP, 2001). Based on the above understanding of CP, this study adopts the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) definition of CP. According to UNEP, “Cleaner Production (CP) is a Preventive Integrated Continuous Strategy for modifying processes, products and Services for improved environmental performance and reduced Costs” (UCPC 2004). 2.2 Evolution of Cleaner Production The concept of CP has its roots in the sustainable development discourse. In 1987, sustainable development was proposed as a way to steer the understanding of development. Sustainable development implies meeting the needs of the present generation, without compromising the needs of future generations (Brundtland report, 1987). The true challenge of sustainable development, however, is how to put the theory into practice. Cleaner production is one practical way to achieve sustainable development. CP is neither a new concept nor a mere environmental initiative. In 1989, the UNEP-DTIE‟s Cleaner Production Programme was launched. Its main aim was to create concept awareness, institutional capacity building and demonstrate its benefits to foster sustainable development. In 1992, Cleaner Production was adopted as one of the key strategies to achieve sustainable development. In Agenda 21, reference is made to CP as a blue print to sustainable development. Agenda 21 also provided a basis for CP as a multi-stakeholder Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 5 Project report, 2016 and multi-partnership matter. Today the CP emphasis is more action oriented and embodies the spirit of partnership through establishment of an enabling framework. Cleaner Production is now a global movement program of not just UNEP-DTIE, but also of several organizations in the world that have adopted and adapted it (Cleaner Production Global Status Report, 2002). 2.3 Benefits of Cleaner Production According to UNEP, the major benefits from a Cleaner Production program are: low production costs, preventing pollution and complying with environmental legislation. These are discussed in more detail below; Low production costs Through Cleaner Production, companies save money from the better use of their valuable resources. This can include the recycling of wasted raw materials, maximum utilization of water, as well as waste treatment and disposal (UNEP, 2004). Cleaner Production strategies typically cost less than „end-of-pipe‟ technologies. The CP strategies, such as housekeeping and process improvements, can be implemented at a low cost but can have immediate benefits. Changes to plant and equipment definitely requires capital but many Cleaner Production projects that have been undertaken show that they can easily become self-funding in less than one year. As such, companies can often perform better than their environmental requirements as an outcome of running a profitable and efficient business. Preventing Pollution Business work practices and processes are reviewed throughout the entire operation to identify ways to reduce waste at the source rather than trying to control the pollution at the „end-of-thepipe‟. This will reduce the risk of causing environmental harm or nuisance. Complying With Environmental Legislation There is assistance in maintaining or improving compliance with environmental legislation through Cleaner Production. This may result in benefits such as reduced regulatory intervention, avoids regulatory compliance costs and leads to the more efficient use of energy and raw materials. Regulations regarding the transport and disposal of wastes are becoming stringent. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 6 Project report, 2016 In Uganda, The National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations, 1999 require industries to adopt Cleaner Production methods so these benefits are rapidly becoming a reality for industry. Although cleaner production has many benefits, only benefits that are directly or indirectly linked to waste minimization will be considered in this study 2.4 Cleaner Production Practices Good house keeping Take appropriate managerial and operational actions to prevent; spills, leaks and to reinforce existing operational instructions. Input substitution Input materials are substituted with less toxic, or by renewable materials, or by adjunct materials which have a longer service lifetime in production. Better process control Production and operational procedures, equipment instructions and process record keeping are modified in order to run the processes more efficiently and at lower waste and emission generation rates. Equipment modification The existing production equipment and utilities are modified in order to run the processes at higher efficiency and lower waste and emission generation rates. Technology change The technology, processing sequence and synthesis pathway are replaced in order to minimize waste and emission generation during production. Onsite recovery or reuse Reuse of the wasted materials in the same process for another useful application within the company. Product modification Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 7 Project report, 2016 The product characteristics are modified in order to; minimize the environmental impacts of the product during or after its use (disposal) and minimize the environmental impacts of its production. Use energy efficiently Reduce the environmental impact from energy use by improved energy efficiency and using energy from renewable sources. 2.5 Regulatory Framework of Cleaner Production This section highlights the global and Ugandan regulatory framework of CP. It can be argued that the speed of growth of CP in Uganda was a result of the enabling environment in the country. This environment allowed for mainstreaming of CP within the laws and regulations. A CP bill that will be presented to Parliament is in the process of being drafted (UCPC, 2006). It is such moves that show that CP is well accepted and valued by the Ugandan government and will therefore be sustainable once it is passed as an Act in Parliament. 2.5.1 International Declaration on Cleaner Production This International Declaration is a voluntary but public commitment to the strategy and practice of Cleaner Production. The Declaration outlines a set of principles, which when implemented will lead to increased awareness, understanding and ultimately, greater demand for Cleaner Production. For Cleaner production advocates, the Declaration is a tool to encourage more governments, companies and organizations to adopt and promote the strategy (UNEP, 2001). The International Declaration on CP is a tool, which if used, can help to overcome barriers related to limited awareness and understanding of the implementation of CP. Cleaner Production is a proven strategy to achieve the goal of sustainable production and consumption of goods and services. Reorientation to more sustainable practices is required; The declaration considers the fact that each sector (public, private, non-governmental, academic, etc) has a role to play. And as a framework for action, its six principles provide a general overview of activities for each sector to move towards the adoption of the Cleaner Production strategy. Commitment from political, public and private business leaders will reinforce the endorsement of a more diverse, intense and broader adoption of Cleaner Production worldwide (UNEP, 2001). Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 8 Project report, 2016 2.5.2 Legal Framework for Environmental Management in Uganda Among the principal laws regulating the environment in Uganda is the National Environment Legislation. Industries and businesses in Uganda are required to comply with environmental standards as set out by the law. The 1995 National Environment Statute is the principal environmental protection law. The statute established the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) which came into being in January 1996. NEMA is the principal regulatory agency for environmental matters. In order to direct environmental protection, NEMA has issued guidelines for environmental auditing and among these guidelines is Cleaner Production. Part of the NEMA guidelines states that “A person who owns or controls a facility or premises which generate waste is required to minimize waste generated by adopting Cleaner Production methods” The National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations, 1999. It requires industries to adopt the following Cleaner Production methods: Improvement of production process through the conservation of raw materials, and the reduction of toxic emissions and waste; Monitoring the product cycle from the beginning to the end by identifying and eliminating potential negative impacts of the product, enabling the recovery and use of new products where possible and reclamation and recycling; and Incorporating environmental concerns in the design and disposal of products. In light of the above, industries/businesses in Uganda should prioritize compliance with the environmental requirements. As such, industries should avoid as much as possible, business operations that are contrary to the established environmental standards and legal requirements. Non-compliance with the provisions of the 1995 National Environment Statute, and the various regulations can result in significant penalties. For example, the industry/business can be made to pay penalties and/or its activities that have an effect on the environment may be restricted or prohibited by a court. This prohibition could be in form of an injunction. Moreover in Uganda, industries and businesses need to know that the Polluter-Pays- Principle (PPP) applies. Any person who pollutes the environment has to bear the cost of stopping, controlling or limiting such pollution. This, in most cases, is an unforeseeable cost met by Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 9 Project report, 2016 businesses and is additional to the damage to the reputation, public perception and competitiveness of one‟s products and services (UCPC, 2004). 2.6 Barriers to Cleaner Production Application in Uganda’s Cement Industry From the perspective of cement industries considering application of Cleaner Production technologies, the barriers to Cleaner Production investments in developing countries particularly in Uganda have been grouped into six main categories namely: Financial, Economic, Policy Related, Organizational, Technical and Conceptual (CP Issue Paper, 2000). These barriers discussed below are also faced by Ugandan cement industries. Financial Challenges The high cost of external capital for investments in industry. Lack of funding mechanisms appropriate for CP investments. There is a perception that investments in CP present a high financial risk due to its supposedly innovative. CP is not properly valued by credit providers in their evaluation procedures (for lending, equity contribution etc.). Lack of knowledge in industry, especially among small and medium sized industries, on available funding channels. CP investments are seldom hard assets. There is lack of confidence in non-biased expertise of environmental consultants. Competing business priorities, in particular, the pressure for a short term profits Economic Challenges CP investments are not sufficiently cost effective (compared with other investment opportunities), given present resource prices. Immaturity of the company‟s internal cost calculation and cost allocation practices. Immaturity of the company‟s internal capital budgeting and capital allocation procedures. Policy-Related Challenges There is insufficient focus on CP in environmental, technology, trade and industrial development policies and strategies. The failure of existing regulatory approaches. Immaturity of the environmental policy framework such as the lack of enforcement. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 10 Project report, 2016 Organizational Challenges Lack of leadership for environmental affairs. The perceived management risk related to CP does not allow for incentives to managers to put their efforts into CP implementation. Immaturity of the environmental management functions in the company's operations. Lack of communication in Firms. Limited experience with employees‟ involvement and project work. Low environmental protection awareness. Technical Challenges There is absence of a sound operational basis such as well established production practices, maintenance schemes etc. Complexity of CP such as the need to undertake a comprehensive assessment of all production processes to identify appropriate CP opportunities. There is limited access to equipment supportive to CP e.g. high quality process instrumentation devices. Limited accessibility of reliable technical information tailored to the company's needs and capacity to assimilate. Conceptual Challenges There is indifference in perception regarding the industry‟s own role in contributing to environmental improvement. The narrow interpretation or misunderstanding of the CP concept results in resistance to change (CP Issue Paper, 2000). 2.7 Cleaner production motivators and drivers. Internal to the company Improvements in productivity. Environmental management systems and continuous improvement. Corporate environmental reports. Environmental leadership and environmental accounting. External to the company Innovative regulation Economic incentives Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 11 Project report, 2016 Continuous education and training of employees Soft loans from financial institutions Community involvement International trade incentives. 2.8 The Uganda Cement Industry After an extensive feasibility study of Tororo Carbonate Limestone was carried out by Building Research Centres in U.K, Russia and Japan, it was decided that a cement factory be built in Tororo area to utilize the carbonate limestone as raw materials. The study outlined the steps to be taken to process the raw materials so that normal Portland cement could be produced. In December 1952, Uganda Cement Industry (UCI) LTD. was incorporated. It was later taken over by the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) in 1953.The ownership of Tororo Cement changed hands at the end of 1995 to the present owners under the Government Privatization Scheme. The plant currently produces and markets two brands of cement namely New Rock Brand and Nyumba. TCL produces two types of cement that is; ordinary Portland cement and Portland pozzolana cement on the market with a production capacity of over 1,800,000 metric tonnes per year. The factory is well served with infrastructure such as Road & Rail power. The railway siding from Tororo main station services the factory‟s main areas of production of Cement, Iron sheets, Wire products, and Raw materials. 2.8.1 Tororo Cement Limited Contribution to Uganda’s Economy. Tororo cement limited is one of the two manufacturers of cement in Uganda which is an essential construction material and plays a key role in infrastructural development especially at the time when the government of Uganda has taken infrastructure as a high priority development vehicle. The company is among the largest employers with a total of more than 700 direct employees 200 of which are permanent employees and the rest are sub-contractors. Tororo cement limited is a totally integrated unit owning a limestone mines in Tororo and Moroto and a production plant in Tororo, in eastern Uganda. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 12 Project report, 2016 The company is involved in efforts to advance Uganda‟s economic development through infrastructural development by producing quality cement. Tororo cement limited also help in exploiting Uganda‟s mineral resources of limestone and clay. This helps the country earn vital foreign exchange and meet the growing demand at home. 2.8.2 Cement Production Process The basic chemistry of the cement manufacturing process begins with the decomposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) at about 900°C to leave calcium oxide (CaO, lime) and liberate gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2); this process is known as calcination. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 This is followed by the clinkering process in which the calcium oxide reacts at high temperature (typically 1400-1500°C) with silica, alumina, and ferrous oxide to form the silicates, aluminates, and ferrites of calcium which comprise the clinker. The clinker is then ground or milled together with gypsum and other additives to produce cement. Clinker is the main ingredient in cement. These hardened granules are obtained by firing a mixture of approximately 80% limestone and 20% clay to a high temperature. Cement is obtained by grinding clinker, in some cases supplementing it with additives. There are four main process routes for the manufacture of cement; the dry, semi-dry, semi-wet and wet processes: In the dry process, the raw materials are ground and dried to raw meal in the form of a flow able powder. The dry raw meal is fed to the pre-heater or pre-calciner kiln or, more rarely, to a long dry kiln. In the semi-dry process dry raw meal is pelletized with water and fed into a grate pre-heater before the kiln or to a long kiln equipped with crosses. In the semi-wet process the slurry is first dewatered in filter presses. The filter cake is extruded into pellets and fed either to a grate pre-heater or directly to a filter cake drier for raw meal production. In the wet process, the raw materials (often with high moisture content) are ground in water to form a pumpable slurry. The slurry is either fed directly into the kiln or first to slurry drier. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 13 Project report, 2016 The choice of process is to a large extent determined by the state of the raw materials (dry or wet). At Tororo cement limited a dry process is employed, thanks to the availability of dry raw materials. All processes have the following sub-processes in common: Winning of raw materials. Raw materials storage and preparation. Fuels storage and preparation. Clinker burning. Cement grinding and storage. Packing and dispatch. The raw materials used at Tororo cement limited are mainly limestone which provides the source of calcium carbonate and clay which provides the source of silica 2.8.3 Description of cement manufacturing process at TCL Mining and Quarrying The raw materials used for cement production at TCL are limestone, sandstone and clay. The major component of the raw materials, the limestone, is extracted from Tororo and Ram hill quarries (Low grade) and Amudat quarry (High grade). Limestone provides the required calcium oxide and some of the other oxides, while clay and other materials provide most of the silicon, Aluminium and iron oxides required for the manufacture of Portland cement. The quarried material is reduced in size by processing through a series of gyratory crushers. The crushed material is screened and stones are returned. The raw materials (crushed lime stone, clay, and iron ore) are selected and mixed using a stacker so that the resulting mixture has the desired chemical composition for delivery to raw mill. It is often necessary to raise the content of silicon oxides or iron oxides by adding sand stone and iron ore, respectively. After mixing, the mixed raw material is piled in the stacker yard for temporary storage before it is reclaimed by the reclaimer to be feed to the raw mill. More than 1.5 tons of raw materials are required to produce one ton of Portland cement. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 14 Project report, 2016 Figure 1: stacker yard Raw Material Preparation After primary and secondary size reduction, the raw materials are further reduced in size by grinding. In dry processing, the materials are ground into a flow able powder in horizontal ball mills. In a ball mill, steel-alloy balls are responsible for decreasing the size of the raw material pieces in a rotating cylinder, referred to as a raw mill. Waste heat from the kiln exhaust, clinker cooler hood, further dry the raw materials. When the raw materials are milled to form a fine powder, it is stored in the raw meal silo. The moisture content of the raw meal in the raw meal silo is typically around 0.5%. Clinker Production (Pyro-Processing) From the raw meal silo, the raw meal is fed into the pre-heater system that consists of four cyclones (including the twin cyclone). These cyclones are at a temperature of 9500c and part of the clinkerization process (40% calcination) takes place in these series of cyclones in a process called pyro processing. Preheater tower Raw meal silo Figure 2: Raw meal silo and the preheater silo Chemical composition of kiln feed, Quick lime (calcium oxide) Silica (silicon iv oxide) Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 15 Project report, 2016 Iron (iii) oxide Aluminium (iii) oxide The partially calcined ground raw material (kiln feed) is fed into the top of the kiln at 14500c, moves down the tube counter current to the flow of gases and toward the flame-end of the rotary kiln, where the raw meal is dried, calcined, and enters into the sintering zone. In the sintering (or clinkering) zone, the combustion gas reaches a temperature of 14500c. The Coal imported from S. Africa is the primary fuel in the kiln at TCL. The remaining 60% calcination takes place in the kiln. Clinker is chemically made up of the following, Alite (tricalcium silicate) (Ca3S) Berlite (Dicalcium silicate) (Ca2S) Tetra calcium aluminium ferrite (Ca4AlFe) Once the clinker is formed in the rotary kiln, it is cooled rapidly to minimize the formation of a glass phase and ensure the maximum yield of alite (tricalcium silicate) formation, an important component for the hardening properties of cement. The main cooling technology used at TCL is the grate cooler. In the grate cooler, the clinker is transported over a reciprocating grate through which air flow perpendicular to the flow of clinker. The cooling air is used as secondary combustion air for the kiln. Figure 3: A kiln Cement milling After cooling, the clinker is stored in the clinker silos. The material handling equipment used to transport clinker from the clinker coolers to storage and then to the cement mill is similar to that used to transport raw materials i.e. conveyor belts. To produce powdered cement, the nodules of cement clinker are ground to the consistency of face powder. Milling of cement clinker, together Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 16 Project report, 2016 with additions (3-5% gypsum to control the setting properties of the cement and pozzolana in case of PPC) is done in two separate cement mills (ball mills). Coarse material is separated in a classifier that is re-circulated and returned to the mill for additional grinding to ensure a uniform surface area of the final product. Figure 4: A cement mill Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 17 Project report, 2016 Figure 5: Simplified Process Schematic for Cement Making Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 18 Project report, 2016 CHAPTER THREE: 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter presents the processes and the approach that were used to carry out the research. The study was based on both qualitative and quantitative information. It gives an account of methods, techniques and tools that were employed to collect and analyse data useful to this research. In order to achieve the objectives of the research study, a number of methods were employed. It is noted that “researchers should not only consider the most appropriate method for the study of their chosen topic or problem but also what combination of research methods will produce a better understanding of it” (Hansen et al, 1998). In this sense the research was carried out based on the case study methodology which uses a combination of methods to collect data. The following methods were be used; 3.2 Literature review Literature already published about cleaner production and the cement manufacturing processes was reviewed. Sources of information were mainly previous academic work done on cleaner production, monthly brochures from UCPC, cleaner production experts most especially my project supervisors. Environmental protection policy and other monthly reports and company manuals that are available on the website of TCL were also reviewed. Some information was also accessed via internet and from the journals in the university library. 3.3 Preliminary tour to the selected industry. The aim of this tour was to obtain a general overview of the industry. Information regarding the general production and waste management operations was obtained. This tour also gave ideas about what should be put in the interview guide. Data obtained during this tour was used to design an interview guide/ observation checklist. 3.4 Design of an interview guide/ observation checklist An interview guide that was used to get information from different employees in the industry was designed. The emphasis was put on the production processes used, source, quality and quantity of waste and how this waste is disposed of. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 19 Project report, 2016 3.5 Data collection Different documents, especially environmental management reports and maintenance reports were also used to access some useful data. Most of the data collected was from the production department, this consists of; quantity of waste and its composition, quality of emissions, raw materials used quantity of rejects, fuel (quantity and form) used and costs of disposal. 3.6 Data analysis This involves analysis of both primary and secondary data and responses from employees, interviews and observations using appropriate standard techniques. Tools used in analysis of quantitative data include Microsoft excel, this assisted in drawing of tables, graphs, and pie charts showing the concentration of air with each emission at normal conditions and energy usage. This was then compared to maximum permissible emission values according to ISO. 3.7 Report writing At the end of the research study a report was prepared, this case study report follows the traditional research study format of Problem, methods findings and discussion in the form of IMRAD that is. Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion. 3.8 Report presentation The prepared report is to be presented to the panel of lecturers and then to the staff at Tororo Cement Limited. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 20 Project report, 2016 CHAPTER FOUR: 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, the data collected is presented in its raw form i.e. as obtained in either its primary or secondary state. Data is then analysed using particular techniques, methods software packages and theories so as to obtain a statistical representation and diagnostic illustration of the data collected. Data in primary form was obtained through observations and self-conducted tests. While secondary data was conducted through self-conducted interviews and from archived records 4.2 Process flow of TCL Cement manufacturing uses energy to process raw materials consisting mainly, limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3), clay (aluminium silicates), sand (silica oxide), and iron ore to produce clinker, which is ground with gypsum, limestone, etc. to produce cement. After an initial pre-blending stage, the raw materials are mixed to form a homogeneous blend with the required chemical composition (the raw meal). The fineness and particle size distribution of the raw meal are important characteristics for the burning process. Following mixing, calcining the raw meal (e.g. decomposing CaCO3 at about 900°C), releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and leaving CaO. This is followed by the clinkering process, in which CaO reacts at a high temperature (1,400°C to 1,500°C) with silica, alumina, and ferrous oxides. Other constituents may be added in the raw material mix to meet the required composition (e.g. silica sand, foundry sand, iron oxide, alumina residues and gypsum residues). The temperature of the flame and produced gases is close to 2,000°C. The hot clinker falls from the kiln onto the cooler, where it must be cooled as quickly as possible to improve the clinker quality and to recover energy by heating secondary air. Grate coolers are typically employed for this purpose. The cooled clinker is then ground with gypsum and limestone to produce Portland cement and ground with other additional constituents like pozzolana to produce composite or blended cement in this case PPC. Cement is then stored in silos or bags. The blending constituents are materials with hydraulic properties e.g. natural pozzolana Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 21 Project report, 2016 Figure 6: Process Flow at TCL Figure 7: Simplified Process flow chart for cement production Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 22 Project report, 2016 4.3 Common Wastes at TCL Particulate matter Waste water Waste oil Metal solid waste Wastes from packaging Raw materials (lime stone) not crushed to the required size Flue gas emissions Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides Hydrocarbons 4.3.1 Sources of these wastes Particulate matter (Dust) According to the International Standardization Organization (ISO 4225 - ISO, 1994), Dust are small solid particles, conventionally taken as those particles below 75μm in diameter, which settle out under their own weight but which may remain suspended in the atmosphere for some time. Particulate matter (PM) emissions are among the most significant impacts of cement manufacturing at TCL. PM emissions are associated with intermediate and final materials handling and storage including crushing and milling of raw materials; handling and storage of coal, transportation of materials (e.g. by trucks or conveyor belts), and bagging activities. Dust is mainly emitted in the stacker and reclaimer yard, at the crusher, the coal mill, cements mills and also caused by trucks. Dust that settles on the ground is collected and re-circulated in the system. Chemical Composition of dust at TCL Cement plant dust is primarily mineral. It contains traces of the raw material used to manufacture it, notably CaCO3 (limestone), as well as SiO2 (shale) (silica), Al2O3 (Bauxite) (alumina) and Fe2O3 (Iron ore). Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 23 Project report, 2016 Table 1: Showing Dust Emissions for the Year 2015 MONTH COOLER ESP STACK AVERAGE TOTAL BAG HOUSE STACK AVERAGE TOTAL (mg/NM3) (mg/NM3) (mg/NM3) (mg/NM3) JAN 35 1076 35.8 1079 FEB 33.3 935 36.4 991 MAR 39.1 1193 38.2 1101 APRIL 37.7 1213 36.8 1080 MAY 13.9 427 13 447 JUNE 40.9 1242 38.7 1087 JULY 34 899 48.5 1183 AUG 42.1 1306 50.1 1477 SEPT 33.4 995 39.6 1188 OCT 35.4 1034 34.3 1046 NOV 28.5 840 28.7 861 DEC 37.9 1200 41.6 1291 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 24 Project report, 2016 Graphs Showing Daily Dust Emissions for the Year 2015 60 D U S T C O N C E N T R A T I O N TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR JANUARY 2015 50 ELV= 30 mg/NM3 40 30 COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) 20 ( NOTE: READINGS WERE ZERO WHENEVER THERE WAS A PLANT STOPPAGE. KILN WAS DOWN ON 14/15TH JAN DUE TO COOLER JAM 10 ) m g / N M 3 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 0 MONTH : JAN ' 2015 Figure 8: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for January 2015 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FEB 2015 60 50 ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m 40 g / 30 N M 3 20 COOLER ESP mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE EMISSION mg/NM3 ) D U S T C O N C E N T R A T I O N 10 27th 25th 23rd 21st 19th 17th 15th 13th 11th 9th 7th 5th 3rd 1st 0 NOTE:NOTE: READINGS WERE ZERO WHENEVER THERE WAS A PLANT STOPPAGE. KILN WAS DOWN ON 2nd-4th JAN DUE TO COOLER JAM MONTH : FEB ' 2015 Figure 9: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for February 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 25 Project report, 2016 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION MARCH 2015 60 C 50O ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 COOLER ESP mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE mg/NM3 ) N C 40 E D N U30 T S R T A 20 T I 10O N 0 MONTH : MAR ' 2015 Figure 10: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for March 2015 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION APRIL 2015 60 C 50O ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 COOLER ESP mg/NM3 ) N C 40E D N U T S30R T A T 20I O N BAG HOUSE mg/NM3 10 0 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th MONTH : APR ' 2015 Figure 11: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for April 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 26 Project report, 2016 60 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR MAY 2015 50 C ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( O N 40 C m E g N 30 / T N R M A 3 T 20 I O N COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) ) D U S T READINGS WERE ZERO WHENEVER THERE WAS A PLANT STOPPAGE. KILN WAS DOWN BTN 7TH -27TH DUE TO PLANT SHUTDOWN 10 0 MONTH :MAY 2015 Figure 12: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for May 2015 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION JUNE 2015 60 ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 COOLER ESP mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE mg/NM3 ) 50C O N 40C E D N U30T S R T A 20T I O 10 N 0 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th MONTH : JUNE ' 2015 Figure 13: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for June 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 27 Project report, 2016 60 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR JULY 2015 C O N C 40 E N 30 T R A 20 T I O 10 N 50 ( D U S T ELV = 30 mg/NM3 m g / N M 3 COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) ) READINGS WERE ZERO WHENEVER THERE WAS A PLANT STOPPAGE. KILN WAS DOWN ON 21ST, 22ND 0 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th 31st MONTH : JULY 2015 Figure 14: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for July 2015 80 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR AUGUST 2015 ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 ) 70 C O 60 N C E 50 N D U T R S 40 T A T 30 I O 20 N COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) 10 0 MONTH AUGUST 2015 Figure 15: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for August 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 28 Project report, 2016 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR SEPT 2015 60 ELV = 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 ) C 50 O N 40 C E N D U T 30 S R T A 20 T I O 10 N COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) 8TH - 10TH KILN IN MAINTENANCE 0 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th MONTH SEPT 2015 Figure 16: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for September 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 29 Project report, 2016 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION OCTOBER 2015 60 D U50 S T ELV= 30 mg/NM3 ( 40 C m O g N / C30N E M N 3 T20 R A T I10 O N COOLER ESP mg/NM3 ) BAG HOUSE mg/NM3 Between 28th -31st the Kiln was not in operation 0 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th 31st MONTH : OCT ' 2015 Figure 17: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for October 2015 50 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR NOV 2015 45 40 ELV= 30 mg/NM3 ( C 35 O N 30 C 25 m E g N 20 / T N 15 R M A 10 3 T I5 O 0 N D U S T COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) 6TH - 12TH AND 26TH KILN IN MAINTENANCE ) 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th 27th 29th MONTH NOV 2015 Figure 18: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for November 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 30 Project report, 2016 60 TREND OF PLANT DUST EMISSION FOR DEC 2015 ELV= 30 mg/NM3 ( m g / N M 3 COOLER ESP STACK (mg/NM3) BAG HOUSE STACK (mg/NM3) ) 50 C O N 40 C E D N T U 30 S R T A T 20 I O N 10 EMISSIONS HIGH AT THE BAG HOUSE STACK DUE TO DELAYED REPLACEMENT OF BAG FILTERS 8TH KILN IN MAINTENANCE 0 MONTH DEC 2015 Figure 19: Trend of Plant Dust Emission for December 2015 TREND OF TOTAL DUST EMISSION PER MONTH FOR THE YEAR 2015 DUST CONCETRATION (mg/Nm3) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 COOLER ESP STACK 600 BAG HOUSE STACK 400 200 0 MONTH Figure 20: Trend of total dust emission per month for the year 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 31 Project report, 2016 Flue Gas Emissions Flue gas emissions in cement manufacturing are generated in the kiln, preheater system due to the calcination reactions and coal combustion. These are then emitted to the atmosphere via the kiln stack, cooler stack and bag house stack. Flue gases from the kiln are both due to calcination reactions and from combustion of furnace oil and coal. The following is the list of flue gases emitted from a cement factory; Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide Sulphur trioxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen monoxide Hydro carbons Sources of flue gases CO2 – Calcination of Limestone (CaCo3) and fuel combustion [900-1000 kg/tonne clinker] NOx – Fuel combustion by oxidation of chemically bound Nitrogen in the fuel and by thermal fixation of Nitrogen in the combustion air. In the kiln NOx is formed at high temperature (thermal NOx) and at lower temperature from the nitrogen in the fuel (fuel NOx) SOx – Combustion of sulphur compounds (pyrites) in the raw materials and fuel SO2 from fuels are trapped in the pre-heater. Almost all SO2 emissions are linked to pyrite in the raw materials evaporated at the top of the pre-heater Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 32 Project report, 2016 Mass Balance for 1kg of Cement AIR EMISSIONS CO2 – 650g N2 – 1566g O2 – 262g H2O –69g + raw material moisture Air 750g Clinker INPUTS BURNING 1000g Cement MILLING 1150g raw material 63g fuel 984g air + raw material moisture 1050g Air INPUTS (250g) (Gypsum +pozzolana) Air Figure 21: Mass Balance of 1kg of Cement Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 33 Project report, 2016 Table 2: Showing Flue Gas Emissions for the Year 2015 MONTH KILN KILN PH INLET INLET OUTL BAG BAG BAG BAG BAG BAG HOUS HOUS HOUS HOUS HOUS HOUS CO O2 ET CO E E E E E E mg/N mg/N mg/N STAC STAC STAC STAC STAC STAC M3 M3 M3 K CO K O2 K SOx K Nox K HC K CO2 mg/N mg/N mg/N mg/N mg/N mg/N M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 M3 JAN 0 840 0 0 720 184 98 0 600 FEB 0 880 0 0 800 186 88 0 780 MARCH 0 760 0 0 820 180 88 0 680 APRIL 0 900 0 0 920 186 88 0 760 MAY 0 300 0 0 290 47 29 0 260 JUNE 0 810 0 0 820 183 90 0 720 JULY 31 845 16 18 361 180 79 0 200 AUG 35 820 18 18 650 118 112 0 780 SEPT 36 844 20 19 678 195 123 0 221 OCT 0 800 18 0 720 180 80 0 600 NOV 0 825 16 0 820 180 88 0 220 DEC 0 830 16 18 640 120 79 0 200 AVERA 9 788 9 6 687 162 87 0 502 GE Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 34 Project report, 2016 FLUE GAS EMISSION mg/NM3 TREND OF PLANT FLUE GAS EMISSION YEAR 2015 KILN INLET CO mg/NM3 KILN INLET O2 mg/NM3 PH OUTLET CO mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK CO mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK O2 mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK SOx mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK Nox mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK HC mg/NM3 BAG HOUSE STACK CO2 mg/NM3 MONTH Figure 22: Trend of Flue Gas Emissions for the Year 2015 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 35 Project report, 2016 The Maximum Permissible Emission Values According to ISO Table 3: Showing ISO Standards on Emissions to the Atmosphere (ISO, 2012) Description The production and cooling of cement clinker, grinding and blending of clinker to produce finished cement and packaging of finished cement Substance or mixture of Mg/Nm3 per day under normal conditions of 10% O2, 273K substances and 101.3kPa Chemical Chemical name symbol Particulate N/A 30 N/A 30 matter (kiln) Particulate matter (cooler ESP) Particulate 30 matter (clinker grinding) Sulphur SO2 150 dioxide Oxides nitrogen of NOX 110 expressed as NO2 This implies that, TCL violates International ISO regulations on dust and flue gases emission and thus appropriate measures should be taken to keep the emission values within acceptable ranges. 4.3.2 Some of the measures to reduce flue gas and dust emissions Reducing Material Input The environmental impact (flue gas generation) of cement manufacturing is largely caused by clinker production. Many manufacturers work to lower the clinker content, e.g. by adding fillers, such as sand, slag, fly-ash and pozzolana, in the grinding step. One technique is to exchange 50% Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 36 Project report, 2016 of the clinker with maintained product quality/performance and without increased production cost. Cement standards define some types of cement with less than 20% clinker, the balance being made of blast furnace slag. Recycling of collected dust to the production processes lowers the total consumption of raw materials. This recycling may take place directly into the kiln or kiln feed or by blending with finished cement products. The use of suitable wastes as raw materials can reduce the input of natural resources, but should always be done with satisfactory control on the substances introduced to the kiln process. Reduced emissions of NOX can be achieved by reduced flame and burning temperatures and the consumption of fuel, as well as by zones with a reducing atmosphere in the kiln system. Control of oxygen content (excess air) is critical to NOX control. Generally the lower the oxygen content (excess air) at for instance a cement kiln back end, the less NOX is produced. NOX reductions of up to 30% can be achieved. (Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995) Flame cooling. Addition of water to the fuel or directly to the flame reduces the temperature and increases the concentration of hydroxyl radicals. This can have a positive effect on NOX reduction in the burning zone. Reduction efficiency from 0-50% can be achieved. Designs of low-NOX burners where by coal and air are injected into the kiln through concentric tubes. The primary air proportion is reduced to some 6-10% of that required for stoichiometric combustion (typically 20-25% in traditional burners). The net effect of this burner design is to produce very early ignition, especially of the volatile compounds in the fuel, in an oxygendeficient atmosphere. NOX reductions of up to 30% are achievable in successful installations. (Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995) Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) This reduces NO and NO2 to N2 with the help of NH3 and a catalyst at a temperature range of about 300-400°C. This technology is widely used for NOX abatement in other industries (coalFinal year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 37 Project report, 2016 fired power stations, waste incinerators). Large NOX emission reductions are potentially achievable by SCR high dust systems (85-95%). (Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995) Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) This involves injecting NH2X compounds into the exhaust gas to reduce NO to N2. The reaction has an optimum in a temperature window of about 800 to 1000°C; sufficient retention time must be provided for the injected agents to react with NO. The most common NH2X agent is about 25% ammonia in water. The achievable NOX emission level is 80-85% reduction. (Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995) Staged combustion This can be applied at cement kilns supplied with several combustion stages. This technique is mostly carried out with specially designed pre-calciner. The first combustion stage takes place in the rotary kiln under optimum conditions for the clinker burning process. The second combustion stage is a burner at the kiln inlet, which produces a reducing atmosphere that decomposes a portion of the nitrogen oxides generated in the sintering zone. The high temperature in this zone is particularly favourable for the reaction which reconverts the NOX to elementary nitrogen. The addition of mineralisers, e.g. calcium fluoride, to the raw material to adjust the clinker quality allows the sintering zone temperature to be reduced, which leads to less NOX formation. (Alsop, P.A. and J.W. Post, 1995) Other wastes from the plant There are coal wastes that spill from the bucket elevator at the coal mill Lime stone waste from the crusher; stones that are not crushed to a suitable size ( 80mm) are screened out and re-circulated. Unwanted rocks that are removed from raw materials during preparation 4.4 Energy Usage at TCL Energy use associated with mining and quarrying raw materials for cement production are not included in this section because it is accounted for in the mining sector. As such, the cement industry energy consumption is comprised of energy used for raw material preparation, clinker production, cement milling. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 38 Project report, 2016 Raw material preparation is an electricity-intensive production step requiring about 23-32 kWh/ton depending on the state of the raw materials although it could require as little as 10 kWh/ton. Clinker production is the most energy-intensive stage in cement production at TCL, accounting for over 90% of total plant energy use. For the clinkerisation process, fuel consumption varies between 2.7 and 3.0 MBtu/ton of clinker. Coal and furnace oil are used for clinker burning and kiln ignition respectively. (Calmac Study Id: Pge0251.01) The chart below shows the energy consumed by the kiln and the two cement mills which are the highest power consumers at TCL. These two stages in cement production (clinkerisation and cement milling) consumed an average of 136.2kwh of energy per month, Figure 23: Energy Flow in a Cement Industry (Worrell, E. and C. Galitsky. 2004) Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 39 Project report, 2016 Table 4: Showing Energy Consumption by the two main consumers of Energy at TCL for the Year 2015 MONTH PLANT SECTION ENERGY USAGE IN kwh KILN CEMENT CEMENT MILL 1 MILL 2 JAN 47.4 41.7 43.7 FEB 46.6 39.9 42.9 MARCH 46.2 37.6 41.9 APRIL 43.5 40.9 50.2 MAY 63.5 43.3 47.2 JUNE 48.6 38.8 49.5 JULY 47.0 39.8 49.7 AUGUST 48.3 38.8 49.6 SEPT 45.3 39.6 52.2 OCT 45.4 39.2 49.9 NOV 46.8 41.5 53.6 DEC 42.9 40.6 50.5 AVERAGE 47.6 40.1 48.4 Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 40 Project report, 2016 ENERGY USAGE TREND FOR 2015 (kwh) JAN DEC NOV OCT 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 FEB MARC H KILN APRIL SEPT CEM MILL 1 CEM MILL 2 MAY AUGUS T JUNE JULY Figure 24: Energy Trend for the Year 2015 Comparison of Alternative Fuels Table 5: Comparison of alternative fuels, (Biomass Energy Centre) Fuel Specific carbon content (kgc/kgfuel) 0.75 Coal 0.86 Diesel Biomass 0.375 (25% MC wood) Specific energy content (kwh/kgfuel) 7.5 11.8 3.5 Specific CO2 emission (kgco2/kgfuel) 2.3 3.2 1.4 Specific CO2 emission (kgco2/kwh) 0.37 0.24 0.007 4.4.1 Energy as it Relates to Overall Business Factors In the interview, members of management staff were asked to list the factors that were very important to their business. All indicated that energy costs and market conditions were two of the factors that were very important to their businesses. Three of the five interviewees indicated that environmental regulations were also a very important consideration, while two members cited production management as a very important factor. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 41 Project report, 2016 In addition to energy costs, these were asked to rate a number of factors that are of importance to their business. Results are tabulated and summarized in Table below. Clearly, the most important factor cited is the need to comply with regulatory requirements. This is not surprising as the plants could not operate long in non-compliance. One of the primary regulatory factors involves compliance with air emissions standards. The next highest rated business factor involves maintaining product quality and meeting production requirements. Having a reliable supply of electricity was rated of medium importance by most interviewees. It is interesting to note that one member with a more-efficient section indicated that maintaining technological competition was of extreme importance. This member works in the process department which is considered the most important department at Tororo cement limited. Table 6: Showing the Rating of Business Factors at TCL Business Factors Department Proc Qual Prod HR R& Ave ess ity D rage ucti on Product quality and consistency 4 4 5 4 5 4.4 Meeting your production schedule 5 5 3 5 4 4.4 Meeting regulatory requirements (such as 5 5 5 5 5 Keeping up technologically with competitors 5 2 1 1 3 2.4 Keeping up with new or shifting market demands 3 3 4 3 2 3 Having a reliable supply of electricity 5 3 5 3 5 4.2 Maintaining your market niche 3 3 3 2 4 3 Maintaining a happy and productive staff 2 2 3 5 2 2.8 Identifying and implementing cost saving 1 1 2 1 5 environmental requirements) measures 5 2 Rating of Key Business Factors (0 = Unimportant, 5 = Extremely Important) Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 42 Project report, 2016 4.5 Evaluation Cleaner Production Options and Opportunities at TCL This includes the discussions of some of the cleaner production options that may be utilised at TCL so as to improve production, energy efficiency, quality of the working environment and comply with the environmental protection regulations. CP options are those probable remedies that may be utilised so as to conserve company resources, e.g. time, raw materials, human labour, energy, capital and other consumables. However CP opportunities are those CP options that are viable to that particular company thus not all CP options are opportunities. 4.5.1 Cleaner production options for production Production is the main goal of any manufacturing industry. Before any industry can be in business it should ensure that products to be made are of satisfactory quality, satisfies customer needs and in the right quantities and right time. Other departments e.g. maintenance, quality assurance, Human resource, purchase and all others offer support services to production. 1) Suggestion; All sections in the production department should reaffirm their position on raw materials quality. The quality of raw materials should always meet the requirements of the production engineer. Justification; low grade limestone was identified as the main source of flue emissions like sulphur dioxide. 2) Suggestion; Old and inefficient machines should be replaced by modern ones to improve on energy efficiency, productivity and minimise waste generation and emissions. Justification; sections with old machines (equipment) like the ESP, bucket elevator on the coal mill, limestone crusher and trucks were identified as point sources of emissions, wastes and high energy use. 3) Suggestion; A pre-calciner should be installed to increase productivity, minimise flue emissions by reduction of on the amount of coal used, and furnace oil. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 43 Project report, 2016 Justification; in presence of a pre-calciner, 60% of the calcination reactions takes place in the pyro process and 40% in the kiln. This means if a pre-calciner is installed, fuel used in the kiln will be reduced and productivity will also be increased. Reducing the amount of fuel used (coal) results in a reduction in flue emissions. 4) Suggestion; TCL should resort to using biomass as a source of heat in the preheater and the kiln. For example, since eastern Uganda is a rice and coffee growing region, rice and coffee husks can be utilised. Justification; coal combustion was identified as one the sources of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases. Biomass combustion emits fewer amounts of greenhouse gases compared to coal. Also coal is imported from South Africa which is more expensive than collecting husks from eastern Uganda. 5) Suggestion; furnace oil should be replaced with diesel as an ignition fuel so as to reduce power used to pump this fuel and minimise carbon monoxide emissions. Justification; furnace oil emits carbon monoxide and has high viscosity so it requires high pressure (implying high energy) to be pumped. Furnace oil also has lower calorific value compared to diesel. 4.5.2 Cleaner production options for maintenance Well-designed and carefully managed maintenance systems are required to enable the plant to perform at desired levels. This in turn substantially increases plant and product availability. 6) Suggestion; the organisational structure should be rearranged to put maintenance department on the same level with production. This helps in setting up adequate technical specifications for the purchase of new equipment, taking into account better maintainability and the measures to ensure proper maintenance such as technical documentation, training, and spare parts. Justification; As the objective of the production and maintenance department is the same; production at minimum cost under good quality and safety conditions, it is indispensable that Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 44 Project report, 2016 both departments are placed on the same hierarchical level in order to allow interrelations, based on an equivalent decision making power. 7) Suggestion; the maintenance department should practice continuous training of its workforce to help the maintenance personnel to acquire the knowledge and skills to better accomplish their work with quality and efficiency. Justification; at TCL only senior officers are taken for training once in a while. This not only demotivates other technicians but also leads to lack of proper maintenance records as these technicians are not well trained to record all the maintenance activities. It also increases the equipment‟s down time during maintenance when it‟s not done as fast as possible. 8) Suggestion; a comprehensive Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) should be designed to provide management with timely and accurate information that will assist management to plan, schedule, budget, staff, direct and control plant maintenance operations. Justification; according to the maintenance schedule, preventive maintenance for the kiln is scheduled for every Friday for the whole year but surprisingly kiln was stopped 2-5days every month for corrective maintenance. With CMMS in place the condition of the kiln and all other equipment will be monitored continuously and the records kept. This will reduce on the plants down time thus increasing on productivity and reducing on costs of operation. 4.5.3 Cleaner production options for employee health and safety Health refers to the general condition of a person‟s body and mind. On the other hand, safety refers to the state of being free from occupational accidents, health hazards and eventually fatalities. Safety may also refer to that state for which the risks are judged to be acceptable. 8) Suggestion; all machines that require machine guards should be fitted with some. Sensitisation on the importance of these machine guards should then be given to all the technicians. Strict rules can as well be used to enforce the use of these machine guards in order to reduce accidents occurrence in the factory. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 45 Project report, 2016 Justification; the researcher noticed that all machines in the mechanical workshop and the limestone crusher are not fitted with machine guards. This increases the occurrence of accidents which reduces on the employee‟s productive time. 9) Suggestion; the company should ensure continuous training of personnel on issues such as safety, machine setting, and first aid. Justification; according to the responses received from supervisors which are not included in this report due to the scope of the project, one of the main causes of waste generation and accidents especially in the mechanical workshop and the steel plant is inadequate training for machine operators in material handling, safety, machine setting. It‟s therefore important that continuous training be given to the personnel in these aspects. 10) Suggestion; a more efficient BDC should be installed to reduce on amount of dust emissions. This will improve the quality of working environment and reduce on the loss cement dust per ton of clinker produced. Justification; dust is the main threat to the personnel working environment at TCL, yet the BDC installed is just 45% efficient in dust collection. On the market, there are more efficient dust collectors (80%). Once this is installed, working environment and thus employee safety will be improved. 11) Suggestion; customers who clean their trucks with in the factory should be directed to stop. These trucks carry dust from where ever they come from and are cleaned from TCL premises, this pollutes the working environment. 4.5.2 Cleaner production options for management Some of the decisions that may minimise waste generation and improve on working environment include; 12) Suggestion; Management should seek alternative use of wastes that are inevitable as a direct or indirect result of production, for example waste oil and other operational wastes. This waste oil can be sold out to people who want to treat their building timber and those who mark play grounds instead of taking it for incineration in Nakasongola. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 46 Project report, 2016 Justification; it should be noted that cleaner production application does not eliminate waste generation as some waste wastes are inevitable but these wastes can be recycled and or reused to minimise their effects on the environment. 13) Suggestion; the importance of both timed and condition based preventive maintenance must be emphasized and strictly honoured. Justification; on more than one occasion management has directed a delay in scheduled preventive maintenance so as to meet market requirements. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 47 Project report, 2016 CHAPTER FIVE: 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter makes some recommendations arising from the whole study and presents concluding remarks. 5.1 Problems faced at Tororo Cement Limited. The following are the problems faced by TCL that need attention; Low grade limestone was identified a major cause of wastes and SOX The whole factory is too dusty; Fugitive emission sources mainly arise from storage and handling of raw materials, fuels and clinker and from vehicle traffic at the site. Particulate matter and flue gas emissions above the maximum permissible levels as given by ISO an organisation that certifies TCL There are spillages of coal from the bucket elevator on the coal mill Raw material fall off from the conveyer belts during transit The pile of unwanted rocks which are removed during raw material preparation Operators lack appropriate skills in machine s and raw materials handling Unnecessary excess energy in clinker production. Fuel costs too high (coal imported from S. Africa High energy used to pump furnace oil from the oil house to the kiln due to the fact that furnace oil is thick. 5.2 Conclusions Basing on the researcher‟s findings at Tororo Cement Limited, it can be deduced that the company is characterised by; Inappropriate waste management practices Unsafe working environment Inefficient energy use Un motivated workforce TCL is the main polluter of environment in Eastern Uganda emitting about 25600mg/Nm3 of particulate matter (dust) and 6500mg/Nm3 of carbon dioxide per year. TCL spends relatively Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 48 Project report, 2016 huge amounts (undisclosed) of money every month to pay 30 workers who are specifically employed to collect dust that settles on the ground. Tororo Cement Limited is a large energy consumer; however this energy can be reduced if appropriate measures are taken. 5.3 Recommendations The following are cleaner production opportunities that should be implemented at TCL; Production engineers in cooperation with the quality control department should approve the quality of limestone and other raw materials before they enter the production system Proper and complete maintenance of all the equipment and machines to increase their efficiency Outdoor storage piles of dusty materials should be avoided. (the stacker yard should be enclosed with a wall) Point sources of dust should be controlled by a water spray injection system over the stackers. All areas used by Lorries should be paved. Those roads which cannot be paved should be watered daily especially during dry weather.(including the road to the crusher) Apply the following techniques to reduce NOX emissions, Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) Selective non catalytic reduction (SNCR) Flame cooling The old bucket elevator on the coal mill should be replaced with a new one. Shields should be fitted on the conveyer belt drives to avoid falling off of raw materials from the belts. The use of low grade limestone from Ram hill and Tororo quarries should be reduced. Personnel should continuously be trained on issue of machine setting, raw material handling as well as safety related issues The precalciner should be installed between the pyro process and the kiln to increase productivity, reduce energy usage and reduce on the flue gas emissions. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 49 Project report, 2016 TCL should switch to biomass as an alternative fuel in order to minimise flue gas emissions and reduce cost of fuel. Furnace oil should be substituted with diesel to reduce on flue gas emissions and reduce on energy requirement for pumping. Final year project report, Application of cleaner production technology in cement industry Page 50 Project report, 2016 REFERENCES 1) European Commission Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, IPPC 2) Climate change and the cement industry‟ McCaffrey, R. GCL October 2001 3) Sustainable Industrial Development in Uganda through Cleaner Production, B A RBARA 2006 4) Cleaner Production Global Status Report, 2002 United Nations Environment Program at 2002UNEPJun02.htm 5) CP Issue Paper, 2000. 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