ACKNOWLEDGMENT Most humbly we express our thanks to the supreme Ruler, the Allah Almighty, the most Benevolent, ever Merciful, who give us the strength that we fulfill our task and more than grateful to our parents whose prayers, moral and financial support is always with us as a guiding light in the struggling ways of my life. Heartiest thanks go to our supervisor, Dr. Murad Ali and all faculty members of Department of Management studies university of Malakand. We are also thankful to the staff of UBL who co-operated us a lot during the collection of required data. We are also thankful to our siblings and friends as their amity support us at every point. EXECTIVE SUMMARY This report is aimed at studying and analyzing the “UBL” this report is based on findings of eight weeks internship. United bank limited was established in 1963.This methodology used in our report is based on two types of data, one is primary data consisting of interview discussion with manager and officials. Other type of data is secondary data consisting of annual report, internship report of seniors, internet and relevant books during my internship. One of the major problem was limited time and also there was little material available in the branch but my sense of personal observation motivates me to collect as much material as possible from “UBL.” The overall performance of UBL in term of profitability and growth has been rise over the past few year. But in anchor to survive and growth in intense competition this bank should pay more and more attention to carry out a detailed market research /analysis and prepare a new product plan before launching any venture. The banks have different departments and each department play a major role in bank because it is the main source of obtaining the funds from the customers. The main branch of UBL has the remittance department .The word “remittance” means sending money by mail or any other method. In this report we discuss many things about bank like introduction, functions role of banking and also the information about UBL. The report have the information about banks different department and product and services of the UBL. Chapter-1 INTRODUCTION TO THE REPORT 1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Banks play an important and active role in the economic development of a country. Effective, efficient and disciplined banking system brings about a rapid growth in the various sectors in the economy, that’s why it is considered as lifeblood of modern economy. They facilitate and expedite trade and commerce and provide a variety of services that can’t imagine without banks1. We have chosen United Bank Limited for our internship because United Bank Limited Pakistan has a wide network of branches inside the country and in all commercial centers of the world as well. Through this huge network of branches the Bank is providing all sorts of services that have become part of the modern banking. United Bank Limited Pakistan successfully adopts new innovations and new products, which are rapidly adding up in the product mix of banking industry. Besides this, UBL plays an important role in the economic growth of Pakistan. The main objective of studying the organization is to prepare the BBA internship report to be submitted to the Supervisor and Chairman of department of Management Studies. 1.2. PURPOSE Working as an internee in an organization helps student in many ways. It helps students in developing business related skills and attitude of a good business person. There is a difference between what is taught in the class and how a job is actually performed. So working as an internee in an organization assist students to learn how a job is actually performed. As internee is placed in various departments, it helps him to get familiar with many jobs and hence broadening his knowledge base. 1.3. SCOPE It covers the performance of UBL. It will help students of the department in preparing assignments and reports on UBL. As this report covers the financial growth and SWOT analysis of UBL, it may assist management of UBL to assess their performance. 1.4. METHODOLOGY The data in this report is collected from two sources Primary sources Personal observations Interviews with the employees Lectures delivered during internship program. Secondary sources UBL annual reports Internship reports Books Articles Websites 1.5. SCHEME This report has been divided into four sections. Section I This section has one chapter which is the introduction to the report.. It summarizes the background, purpose, scope, limitations, methodology and scheme of the report. Section II This section consists of four chapters which cover the banking history, overview of UBL, departmentalization, products and services of UBL. Section III This section contains two chapters which are about financial analysis and SWOT analysis of UBL. Section IV This section has one chapter which gives the findings and recommendations based on the critical analysis of the organization. 1.6. Limitation of Study It is to admit that the study attempts only those ,which are closely relevant to the purpose of the study. Facts and figures, which otherwise might be equally important, but not having a direct bearing on the conclusions arrived at this study, have been ignored. References 1. M. Saeed Nasir (2009-2010) Money Banking and Finance. Chapter- 2 BANKING SECTOR 2.1. INTRODUCTION The word “Bank” is of a European origin and is derived from the Italian word “BANCO”, which means a table or a counter. In the opinion of the eminent scholars of banking, the reason why this word was given to the banking business was the prevailing traditions of Lombardian money changers. It was at the end of the middle ages when the trade and the business of exchange of money was flourishing in the Northern cities of Italy and the money changers used the wooden benches to carry out their business in the markets of buying and selling of various currencies.1 Definition ‘’ A bank is a firm which collects money from those who have it spare. It lends money to those who require it. ’’ OR ‘’ A bank is a firm takes deposits from households and firms and makes loans to other households and firms’’2. 2.2. HISTORY OF BANKING The first banks were the merchants of ancient world that made loans to farmers and traders that carried goods between cities. The first records of such activity dates back to around 2000 BC in Assyria and Babylonia. Later in ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire lenders based in temples would make loans but also added two important innovations; accepted deposits and changing money. During this period there is similar evidence of the independent development of lending of money in ancient China and separately in ancient India. Banking in the modern sense of the word can be traced to medieval and early Renaissance Italy, to the rich cities in the north like Florence, Venice and Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi families dominated banking in 14th century Florence, establishing branches in many other parts of Europe. Perhaps the most famous Italian bank was the Medici bank, set up by Giovanni Medici in 1397. The development of banking spread through Europe and a number of important innovations took place in Amsterdam during the Dutch Republic in the 16th century and in London in the 17th century. During the 20th century developments in telecommunications and computing resulting in major changes to way banks operated and allowing them dramatically increase in size and geographic spread. The Late-2000s financial crisis saw significant number of bank failures, including some of the world's largest banks, and much debate about bank regulation3. An efficient banking system is absolutely necessary for a country. It is to prosper commercially the services that an efficient banking system can render a county cannot be exaggerated. The banking system can be useful in the following ways in addition to what has been mentioned above in the functions of banks. 2.3. COMMERCIAL BANKING IN PAKISTAN At the time of partition total numbers of Banks were 38 only. Out of these Banks the Pakistani Banks were only two, Indian Banks 29 & Exchange Banks were seven. The total of deposits of Pakistani Banks was Rs.880 Million. & advances were Rs: 198 Million. According to banking companies ordinance Banks are the companies, which transacts the business of Banking in Pakistan Commercial Banks have constituted the most important part of the intuitional credit in the economy of Pakistan. Being the largest source of credits, Banking Industry is a pivot of whole the economic activities in Pakistan. Section 37(2A) of State Bank of Pakistan Act 1965 lays down that the Banks must have paid-up capital & reserve of not less then Rs: 5 Lac & fulfilling certain other requirements for declaring as “Scheduled Bank”.4 At the time of independence Bank services was badly affected. But with the passage of time these are improving. The government of Pakistan nationalized all Banks in early 1974. This act was done to minimize control of few hands over banking. But this step was proved e futile for the Banking in Pakistan. So the Govt. had to revise its decision in 1990. Two Banks (Allied Bank Of Pakistan Limited & Muslim commercial Bank Of Pakistan Limited have been denationalized. Since then Banks were working well. Now slogan of the Banks is to serve their customers in the best possible manner. According to Professor Berton: “Banks are the guardian & distributor of money’’. Similarly we can say that it is a pipeline thorough which currency moves into & outside the circle. Banks accept deposited of money and repay it on demand. Bank borrows money at lesser rate of interest & lends it at higher rate of interest. In this way Banks earn money. Bank do not lend all money they collect, they keep certain portion of it as reserve to meet the uncertain demand of the customer 2.4. FUNCTIONS OF A BANK In general terms the functions of a commercial bank can be classified under the following main heads. 2.4.1. Accepting deposits Some people have an excess money and they want to deposits it to some honest man or an institution which can give them some profit. So the first function of commercial bank is to receive deposit there are three types of deposits. 2.4.2. Demand Deposits or Current Deposits Some people deposit their excess money in the current accounts and they can withdraw their money deposited in this account at any time during the banking hours, so bank is not ready to give interest on it. A. Fixed Deposits These deposits are fixed for a particular period. Commercial banks also pay an interest on these accounts. An important thing related to it is the varying interest rates for the different period deposits. Interest rate increases with the increase in the fixed deposit period. B. Saving Deposits To create the habit of savings, bank accepts the saving deposits and pays an interest on these deposits. And this rate of interest is greater than the demand deposits. 2.4.3. Advancing loans Bank also advances the loans to the merchants and charges the interest. It is the major source of its income. It also issues the loan for short term, medium term and for long term. And bank receives the higher interest from the borrower for the long term loans offered. 2.4.4. Discounting of bills Commercial banks also discount the bills and facilitate the business; for example one businessman purchases anything from another person and promises to pay after one month. The seller will write a bill to the buyer and there will be an order that after one month the buyer will pay the amount to the seller. Buyer will sign on the bill. In other words buyer will accept the responsibility of that amount. If seller is in need of money, he will take it to the bank and will receive the money by discounting the bills. The commercial bank also may rediscount it from the central bank. 2.4.5. Transfer of money The commercial bank is very helpful in transferring the money from one place to another by issuing the drafts. This is very popular concept in the modern world and widely used in the business community. 2.4.6. Custodian of precious articles Banks also provide lockers for the safety of precious articles. So now everyone can secure his precious metals like gold, silver, etc., and bank charges a very nominal charge for this facility. 2.4.7. Agency services Commercial Banks also perform the duty of an agent. It collects and pays on the behalf of the customers. 2.4.8. Investment On behalf of the customers all the banks also make an investment in different companies and industries. And banks receive nominal charge from the customers. 2.4.9. Creation of credit It also creates and extends the volume of credit. 2.4.10. Facilitating trading activities It also provides the finance to the foreign trade. Letter of credits are issued by the commercial banks for the foreign payments. 2.4.11. Purchase and sale of securities The commercial bank purchases and sells the securities, for itself and sometimes on the behalf of the costumes. 2.4.12. Acting as a trustee If a client directs his bank to act as a trustee in the administration of a business, the bank performs this responsibility. 2.4.13. Home saving account Account This type of account offers the facility to the account holder to save money right home and put in the locker provided by bank. The key of the locker remains with the bank that sends its officer every week to collect the amount from the locker. Now this facility is no longer in practice. 2.4.14. Plastic money The plastic cards that can be utilized as money are called the plastic money. For instance, A. Debit Card B. Credit Card C. Charge Card A. Debit Card In this card facility the account holder can only utilize his own amount kept in his deposit. ATM (Auto Teller Machine) card is the example of debit card. B. Credit Card In this case the customer has not much amount in his or her account but the Bank gives him facility to over draft (OD) up to the maximum limit of five laces depending on bankcustomer relationship and the market value of that person. Credit Card is the loan facility which is given on only personal guarantee. If a customer is a salaried person then the bank issue credit card facility up to three times of his or her salary. Suppose a person’s salary is of Rs. 23,000/-. Then the bank will give him credit card of Rs. 75,000/-. But each bank has different criteria in issuing any facility. Annual charges are charged on this facility. And charges are on the basis of limit of credit card. More the limit of credit card more would be the charges on it. If the customer repays the over drafted amount to the bank within a month then the bank does not charge the mark-up on it except of annual charges. Other wise the bank will charge the mark-up on daily basis but annual charges are also have to pay. This is a ‘Clean Loan or Clean Facility’ (a loan without any tangible security). Because here only personal guarantee is involved. C. Charge Card It is same to the credit card. But the only difference is that the charge card is not a ‘Clean Facility’. Because the bank gets the property under lien or mortgage against this credit facility. All these three cards are used in that hotels, shopping malls and transport offices where there is the facility of Merchant Arrangements. Merchant Arrangements means the shops to which the bank has online contact. Different banks have the different Merchant Arrangements. The shop keeper enters the password into the machine and get the account information of the card holder and debit the amount in card holder account and credit it in the shop’s account. Mobile banking In mobile banking the customers can do all the transactions sitting in their homes by using internet. In this type of banking first of all you have to open the website of the bank in which you have the account. Then you have to give a password to enter 2.5. ROLE OF BANKING IN ECONOMY Banks play an important and active role in the economic development of a country. If the banking system in a country is effectively, efficient and disciplined, it brings about a rapid growth in the various sectors of the economy. The economic significance of banks is given in brief. 2.5.1. Banks promote capital formation: The banks play an important role in raising of the financial resources. This encourages saving by giving various type of incentives to the savers. 2.5.2. Investment in new enterprises: Businessmen normally hesitate to invest their money in risky enterprises. The banks generally provide short and medium term loan to entrepreneurs to invest in new enterprises and adopt new method of production. 2.5.3. Promotion of trade and industry: With the growth of banking in the 19th and 20th centuries. There is vast expansion in trade and industry. The use of bank draft, cheque, bill of exchange credit card etc has revolutionized both national and international trade. 2.5.4. Development of Agriculture: The banks, particularly in developing countries, are now providing credit for the development of agriculture and small scale industries in rural areas. 2.5.5. Balanced development of different regions: The banks play an important role in achieving balanced development in different regions to the less developing regions. 2.5.6. Implementation of monetary policy: The central bank of the country controls and regulates volume of credit through the active cooperation of the banking system in the country. Its helps in brining price stability and promote economic growth within shortest possible period to time. The banks are now not confined to local banking. They are fast changing into global banking i.e. understanding the global customer, using latest information technology competing in the open market with high technology system, changing from domestic banking to investment banking etc. These banks are now considered the nerve centre of all economic development in the country. References 1. Hoggson, N. F. (1926) Banking Through the Ages, New York, Dodd, Mead & Company. 2. Meenai, S A, (1999) Money & Banking in Pakistan, Karachi: the Elahi’s Book Corporation. 3. Siddiqui, A H, (1998), 6th Edition. Practice and law of banking in Pakistan, Royal Book Company, Karachi. 4. M. Saeed Nasir (2002) Money and banking 7th Edition. Chapter-3 OVERVIEW OF UBL 3.1. HISTORY OF UBL United bank was established in June 1959 and the company was registered on July 24, 1959. United Bank Limited started the operations on 7 November 1959 with its first branch namely McLeod Road now I.I Chunrigar Road at Karachi. On 9th November 1959 the Gazette of Pakistan notified and included UBL in its list of scheduled banks operating in Pakistan. In 1963 first overseas branch was opened in London, in 1966 two branches in Bradford and Birmingham were also opened in 1967 Dubai and Abu Dhabi branches were opened. More important thing is that UBL is pioneer in computerization of banking. Its larger branches are fully computerized. Saving and current deposit art computerized in almost all branches. Now UBL is on the road of growth with reference to market share and network. Progress of this estimated institute could be measured in terms of deposits and number of branches opened. UBL have been ranked as number three banks in Pakistan in terms of deposits and branches. The Bank has four business segments. Corporate banking includes, services provided in connection with mergers and acquisition, underwriting, privatization, securitization, research, debts, equity, syndication, initial public offer and secondary private placements. Trading and sales includes fixed income, equity, foreign exchanges, commodities, credit, funding, own position securities, lending and re-purchase and prime brokerage. Retail banking includes retail lending and deposits, banking services, trust and estates, private lending, deposits, banking service, and trust and estates investment advice and merchant. Commercial banking includes project finance, real estate, export finance, trade finance and factoring. 1 United Bank Limited provides commercial banking and related services primarily in Pakistan. Its Corporate Finance segment offers services in connection with mergers and acquisition, underwriting, privatization, securitization, research, debts instruments, equity, syndication, IPO, and secondary private placements. The company’s Trading and Sales segment provides fixed income, equity, foreign exchange, commodities, credit, funding, own position securities, and lending and repos products, as well as brokerage debt and prime brokerage services. Its Retail Banking segment offers retail lending and deposits, banking services, trusts and estates services, company’s Commercial Banking provide project finance, real estate products, export finance, trade finance, factoring, leasing, lending, guarantees, bills of exchange, and deposits. Its Asset Management segment engages in discretionary and non discretionary fund management activities in various forms, such as pooled, segregated, retail, institutional, private equity, and open and close ended funds. 3.1.1. Vision: To be a world class bank dedicated to excellence, and to surpass the highest expectations of our customers and all other stakeholders 3.1.2. Mission: Set the highest industry standard for quality, across all areas of operation, on a sustained basis Optimize people, processes and technology to deliver the best possible financial solution to our customers Become the most sought after investment Be recognized as the employer of choice 3.1.3. Core values: 3.2. Honesty and integrity Commitment and dedication Fairness and meritocracy Teamwork and collaborative spirit Humility and mutual respect Caring and socially responsible ROLE OF UBL IN PAKISTANI BANKING SECTOR The impressive growth and development, which UBL achieve, present it undoubtedly the most dynamic and progressive. In a very shorter period of time it became one of the leading banks overtaking several other older and its competitor banks. United Bank Limited is providing the general banking services. United Bank Limited Pakistan currently has a wide network of branches inside the country and in all commercial centers of the world as well. Through this huge network of branches the Bank is providing all sorts of services that have become part of the modern banking. United Bank Limited Pakistan successfully adopts new innovations and new products, which are rapidly adding up in the product mix of banking industry The Bank is providing deposits facilities to more than five hundred thousand customers in the country and which is increasing day by the time. Deposit (Monthly Income account), which provides a monthly withdraw able return on the account And there is a National Income Daily account, carrying hybrid characteristics of saving and current accounts, distributes all profits on daily product basis to the account holders. The bank is trying to revolutionize the services that are provided over the counter and is working for an early change in all the branches of the bank. In the advances side the bank has been successful in deploying its resources in the best way in all commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors of the country. These advances have bee In the deposits area the bank is providing special accounts such as PLS Term n increasing with the Increasing trade and commerce, and bank has been able to meet the requirements up to the maximum extent.2 The introduction of a new set of services in shape of foreign currency accounts has further given a sharp rise in the banking field. This has made easy for the foreigners residing in Pakistan to be encouraged and make the inflow of foreign exchange in the country more stable. 3.3. KEY INFORMATION ABOUT UBL 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 UBL, Indus Motor Company (IMC) and UBL Insurer enter into an alliance offering an exclusive financing deal on all Toyota cars. UBL network grows to over 1,300 branches nationwide UBL launches UBL FCY UniFlex,a unique foreign currency savings account with one of the best monthly returns UBL Priority Banking launches four new lounges at DHA, Z-Block Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar and 26th Street Karachi. UBL now has thirteen dedicated, exclusive lounges providing priority banking to customers in nine cities across Pakistan. Launch of UBL Airport Lounges in Domestic and international departure terminals at Jinnah International Airport Karachi UBL launches Go-Green initiative offering SMS Alerts for account transactions. Existing e-statement service was revamped under Go Green umbrella. UBL Priority Banking launches five new lounges nationwide at Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Rahim Yar Khan, North Nazimabad Karachi and Multan Cantt. Launch of UBL Mega Wallet VISA Debit Card on October 4, 2011 UBL launches Silah Mila. Through this campaign, UBL acknowledges and rewards customers who have shown excellent performance in their loan repayments with other banks. UBL launches Silah Mila. Through this campaign, UBL acknowledges and rewards customers who have shown excellent performance in their loan repayments with other banks. UBL launches Platinum Credit Card. This card is designed to complement your lifestyle with credit limits befitting your stature, accompanied by the highest levels of services, unmatched rewards and myriad benefits. UBL launches UBL Tezraftaar Account Services, an account that enables a Non Resident Pakistani (NRP) residing in a foreign country to open an account in any UBL branch in Pakistan UBL launches UBL First Minor Savings Account, an account specially designed for children and can be opened on behalf of a child in name of father/mother/court appointed guardian and the minor. Launch of UBL Wiz ACCA Card UBL and Avari Launch a Co-Branded Loyalty Card. United Bank Financial Services (Private) Limited. United Executors and trustees Company Limited. 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2002 2002 2002 2002 2000 1995 1990 1989 1983 1983 1982 UBL formally announces the launch of its unique and unmatched branchless banking service, under the brand name of UBL Omni. UBL Launches Pakistan's First Premium Debit Card in Collaboration with MasterCard. UBL celebrates its Golden Jubilee on November 7, 2009 with the launch of an exclusive, world-class Signature UBL Priority Banking service, designed to cater to high-end, highnet-worth customers across Pakistan. UBL-UAE remitted USD 220 million to Pakistan. UBL shows devotion towards sports by inaugurating UBL Sports complex. UBL inaugurates its representative office in the Peoples Republic of China, on 20th of March 2008. USD 184 million was remitted through UBL-UAE to Pakistan. UBL inaugurates another operational branch in Aden Yemen. UBL Bahrain holds 43% market share of remittances in the country with USD 23 million remittances. UBL started its Customer Service Booths in Al-Khor and at the City Center Shopping Mall, along with 7 ATM's at various prime locations throughout Qatar. UBL opens its second operating branch in Doha. The main branch moved to Main Bank Street, opposite the Ministry of Finance and Qatar Central Bank In Qatar UBL Tezraftaar transactions approached to 100,000. UBL received the Brand Leadership Award for Brand Excellence, presented at the 16th Asian Brand Congress. UBL launched Heritage Campaign blitz, a very successful and well-received initiative as a strategic marketing and advertising effort to connect UBL-Middle East legacy of 40 years of customers' satisfaction to its re-positioned image and diversified deliverables across various banking portfolios. UBL relocates Bab Al Bahrain branch to Seef, the new upcoming business hub. UBL declares the profit before tax of PKR 13.8 billion. UBL opens its representative office in Kazakhstan, on 21st of September 2006. UBL introduces UBL Ameen, an Islamic banking product. UBL is awarded with an Islamic Banking Branch license by the State Bank of Pakistan. H. H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan is appointed as the chairman of the board of directors of UBL. UBL merged its operations in the UK with those belonging to National Bank of Pakistan to form United National Bank Limited. UBL launched its prime product Tezraftaar in Qatar and achieved 28000 transactions in the first year. Government of Pakistan privatized UBL, this brought the Abu Dhabi Group chaired by H. H. Sheikh Nahayan bin Mubarak Al Nahayan and the Bestway Group headed by Sir Anwar Pervez at the helm, following which the bank embarked on a major re-profiling and re-positioning strategy. UBL launched Tezraftaar home remittance in Bahrain. UBL opens its representative office in Iran. Government of Pakistan decided to change the face of banking by creating a blueprint to privatize UBL. UBL took over operations of HBL, which led to the addition of the Hodeidah branch in Yemen. UBL starts its OBU- Branch in the Export Processing Zone, Karachi, on 6th of November 1983. UBL opens its Associate Company in Oman in collaboration with Oman United Exchange Co. L.L.C (OUECL). UBL introduces e-banking facilities at Hajj. 1978 1974 1973 1972 1971 1971 1970 1970 1970 1969 1967 1967 1967 1964 1963 1960 1960 1959 UBL launched supervised credit and small loan schemes for small to medium sized firms as well as agriculture. The Government of Pakistan nationalized UBL. UBL opens its third branch at Muharraq ( Bahrain ). UBL starts its operations in Yemen through a branch in Sanaa. UBL introduces Pak Rupee Traveler Cheque. UBL launches 3 online branches in Karachi. UBL starts operations in Qatar with the opening of the branch in Musherib Doha. UBL opens another branch at busy commercial hub Bab Al Bahrain, inaugurated by H.E Abdul Karim, Finance minister at that time. UBL launched UNICARD – Pakistan's first credit card. UBL opens for business in Kingdom of Bahrain with its branch in Manama. United Bank A.G. Zurich, Switzerland a fully owned subsidiary was set up on 8th of December 1967. UBL opens its branch in Abu Dhabi UBL introduces computer banking to Pakistan UBL put the foundation of Pakistan's first Staff College Of Employees. UBL became the first Pakistani bank to have an overseas branch – on William Street in London. Launched a saving scheme for school going children. Extended its branches in Dacca, Lahore, Lyallpur, Chittagong and Narayanganj. Agha Hasan Abedi founded UBL and inaugurates its first branch at I. I. Chundigarh at Karachi . 3.4. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF UBL Board of directors consist of one president , five directors from UBL , one from Pakistan banking council, one from ministry of finance and an additional one who is the secretary of the board who manages the United Bank Limited. Under the board of directors, is Executive committee consisting of seven members including the president./chairman of UBL and the secretary of UBL. These members of Executive committee except secretary, are in-charge many divisions. These members are all seniors Executive Vice Presidents (SEVP). There are 20 divisions, which have their own heads who are senior Executive Vice Presidents (SEVP) Executive Vice Presidents (SVP). In the domestic field operations, UBL has established its presence all over the country. Its field operations are one of the most extensive among the leading banks in Pakistan. Every region has a RCE regional chief, usually a VP/SVP who overlooks the operations of UBL in that particular region. Under the RCE is the area manager who is either VP or SVP. The area managers are responsible for either a number of regional area or in-charge of various region departments. Below the area manager are the managers who are OG-I or OG-II.4 3.5. UBL MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Chairman Deputy Chairman Board of Directors Executive Committee Managing Director SEVP EVP VP Officer Grade-I Non Clerical Clerical Staff Staff Source: UBL, (2008). Annual Report Karachi. Officer Officer Grade-II Grade-III 3.6. BRANCHES OF UBL UBL have wide range of branches inside the country and outside the country. In Pakistan it has 13 regional offices, 1200 Branches and 4 Subsidiaries. In overseas it has 28 overseas branches and also 1300 online branches in pakistan as well as overseas. UBL has been very active in increasing its overseas branches network. The first foreign branches were established in London in 1963. Now UBL has branches in Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen Arab Republic, UK Switzerland, Egypt, Oman and The United States. These branches are playing a significant role in channeling home remittances and foreign trade of Pakistan. 3.7. Future Outlook The Bank remains focused on investing in its core businesses in order to maintain a position of leadership across major business segments. The Retail Bank would continue leveraging the branch network gaining market share across untapped sectors. For the corporate business, yield enhancement through a targeted relationship based model would build non funded income and overcome the existing challenge across interest margins. As economic conditions improve, recovery of non-performing loans remains a key priority and a huge opportunity for the Bank. UBL ISLAMIC BANKING UBL Ameen Ameen Current Account (ACA) - Local Currency Ameen Current Account is a checking account which aims to provide the necessary tools to individuals, and corporate customers to transact their entire bank related business and personal activities. Funds received are on the basis of Qardh and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs 100/No limit on number of transactions No minimum Balance requirement ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Free E-statement facility Net Banking facility Access to your funds through online network of over 1,200 UBL branches and 4,500 ATMs across Pakistan 24/7 Call Center facility Non stop full service (within bank timing) Ameen Current Account (ACA)- Foreign Currency Ameen Current Account - Foreign Currency is ideal for those customers and individuals who wish to maintain a secure foreign currency transaction account. Ameen Current Account (FCY) is a checking account which aims at providing the necessary tools to individuals, and corporate customers to transact their bank related business and personal activities. Funds are received on the basis of Qardh and are used only in Shariah compliant business. It is available in 5 leading currencies: US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen and UAE Dirham. Key Benefits & Salient Features Minimum deposit requirement in US Dollar 500 or equivalent in other currencies to be opened an account. Available in leading currencies US Dollar, British Pound, Euro, Japanese Yen and UAE Dirham. Access to your funds through a network of UBL’s branches dealing in Foreign Currency across Pakistan No restriction on minimum number of transactions 24/7 Call Center facility Non stop full service (within bank timing) Ameen Saving Account (ASA)- Local Currency Ameen Saving account is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and simultaneously provides optimal returns, be it trade, business or personal banking needs. Ameen Saving is a tier based saving account where the expected rate of return increases in each progressive tier. Funds are received on the basis of Mudaraba and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs 100/Tiered profit structure Profit is calculated on the basis of daily average balance in a calendar month Ideal for customers looking at transactional flexibility Six-Monthly profit payment No limit on number of transactions No minimum balance requirement Other Benefits ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Net Banking facility Free E-statement facility Access to your funds through online network of over1,200 UBL branches and 4,500 ATMs across Pakistan 24/7 Call Center facility Non stop full service (within bank timing) Other Information In the event of losses, the Investment Account Holder and the Bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments. Ameen Business Account (ABA)- Local Currency UBL Ameen Business Account (ABA) is a Mudarabah based account which aims at providing a Shariah Compliant tool to individuals and corporate customers to transact their business activities in an easy manner across Pakistan. Product Features & Benefits FREE Online Transactions Countrywide FREE UBL Ameen VISA Debit Card FREE Cheque Book Issuance FREE Issuance of Cashier’s Cheque / Pay Order FREE Cancellation of Cashier’s Cheque / Pay Order FREE Cheque Return Unpaid FREE Clean Bill for Collection FREE SMS Alerts FREE Duplicate Cashier’s Cheque / Pay Order FREE Duplicate Account Statement Account can be opened with Rs.100/- only Above services are subject to maintaining daily average balance of Rs. 25,000/- in the account Nominal profit calculated on daily average balance and paid half yearly. Other Benefits Access to your funds through Online network of over 1,325+ branches and 4,500 ATMs of UBL across Pakistan Unlimited number of transactions Free e-statement facility Net Banking facility 24/7 Contact Center facility Other Information All Government taxes and levies for services offered, whether free or charged as per Schedule of Charges, will be recovered from the account holders. Daily average balances will be reviewed every month. In case prescribed daily average balance is not maintained for three consecutive months, the bank reserves the right to close the account and send intimation to the account holder at address on bank’s record. In the event of losses, the Investment Account Holder and the Bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments. Ameen Monthly Saving Account Ameen Monthly Saving Account (AMSA) is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and simultaneously provides optimal returns to fulfill the business or personal banking needs. AMSA is a tier based saving account where the rate of return increases in each progressive tier i.e. larger deposits fall into higher tiers with greater returns. Funds are received on the basis of Mudaraba and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Account can be opened with Rs 100/-. Tiered profit structure Profit is calculated on the basis of monthly average balance in a calendar month. Monthly profit payment. Unlimited number of transactions. No minimum balance requirement. Other Benefits ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Free e-statement facility Net Banking facility Access to your funds through online network of over 1,200 UBL branches and 5,000 ATMs across Pakistan. Ameen Certificate of Islamic Investment (ACOII)- Local Currency Ameen Certificate of Islamic Investment is a unique investment product with multiple benefits, which aims at providing appropriate return to customers. It is a fixed deposit certificate with three profit payment options: Profit at Maturity Minimum amount to purchase a certificate: Rs. 10,000/= Available in certificates ranging from 1 month to 8 years Profit Bi-annually (July and January) Minimum amount to purchase a certificate: Rs. 50,000/= Available in certificates ranging in 1, 3, 5 & 6 years Profit Monthly (1st working day of the month)* Minimum amount to purchase a certificate: Rs. 50,000/= Available in certificates ranging in 1, 2, 3 & 5 years Key Benefits Appropriate rate of return with the flexibility of a wide range of tenures and profit payment options Premature encashment facility available Profit is calculated on fixed amount placed at the time of booking Renewal option available Other Benefits Invested amount and Profit credited to checking account on Maturity and is available through ATM and Net banking For other profit frequencies, profit amount credited to checking account is available through ATM and Net banking Other Information In ffthe event of losses, the Depositor and the Bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments Ameen Daily Munafa Account (ADMA) - Local Currency Ameen Daily Munafa Account is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and simultaneously provides optimalmonthly returns on daily product basis, be it trade, business or personal banking needs. Ameen Daily Munafa Account is a tier based saving account where the expected rate of return increases in each progressive tier on daily day end balance i.e. larger deposits fall into higher tiers with greater returns. Funds are received on the basis of Mudarabah and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs. 100/Tiered profit structure with the association of daily day end balance Ideal for customers looking at transactional flexibility with higher rates Profit is calculated on daily product basis Monthly profit payment No limit on number of transactions No minimum balance requirement Other Benefits ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Free e-statement facility Net Banking facility Access to your funds through online network of over 1,200 UBL branches and 4,500 ATMs across Pakistan 24/7 Call Center facility Non-stop full service (within bank timing) Ameen Minor Saving Account (AMiSA) - Local Currency Ameen Minor Saving Account is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and simultaneously provides optimalmonthly returns. Ameen Minor Saving Account is designed specifically for junior/children under the age of 18 years withexciting packages in accordance the rules of Mudarabah. Funds are received on the basis of Mudarabah and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs. 100/Get ready for Exciting Packages Surprising Gifts on Islamic Festivals Profit is calculated on the basis of daily average balance in a calendar month Monthly profit payment No limit on number of transactions No minimum balance requirement Disclaimer: Ameen Minor Saving Account is a single (individual account) which can be opened on behalf of a minor by the Father/Mother or a Court appointed Guardian. Other Benefits ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Free e-statement facility Net Banking facility Access to your funds through online network of over 1,200 UBL branches and 4,500 ATMs across Pakistan 24/7 Call Center facility Non-stop full service (within bank timing) Ameen Premium Account (APA) - Local Currency Ameen Premium account is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and simultaneously aims to provide High returns, be it trade, business or personal banking needs. Ameen Premium is a wide range tier based saving account where the expected rate of return increases in each progressive tier i.e. larger deposits fall into higher tiers with greater returns. Funds are received on the basis of Mudarabah and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs 100/Expected high rate of return with a wide range of tiers. Profit is calculated on the basis of daily average balance in a calendar month Ideal for customers looking at transactional flexibility with higher rates Monthly profit payment No limit on number of transactions No minimum balance requirement Other Benefits ATM/VISA Debit Card SMS Alerts Net Banking facility Free E-statement facility Access to your funds through online network of over1,200 UBL branches and 4,500 ATMs across Pakistan 24/7 Call Center facility Non-stop full service (within bank timing) Other Information In the event of losses, the investment accountholder and the bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments. Ameen Premium Certificate (APC) - Local Currency Ameen Premium Certificate is specially designed for those investment account holders who are willing to get high return on their investments with multiple benefits. Key Benefits & Salient Features Minimum amount to purchase a Certificate: Rs. 5,000,000/Available in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1year and 1 year with monthly profit payout. Expected high rate of return with the flexibility of a wide range of tenures and profit payment options Premature encashment facility available Profit is calculated on fixed amount placed at the time of booking Renewal option available Other Benefits Invested amount and Profit credited to checking account on Maturity and is available through ATM and Net banking For other profit frequencies, profit amount credited to checking account is available through ATM and Net banking Other Information In the event of losses, the Depositor and the Bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments. Ameen Financial Institution Deposit Account (AFIDA) - Local Currency Ameen FI Deposit Account is a checking account allowing maximum flexibility and provides High returns to Financial Institutions from their Shariah- Compliant avenues. Ameen FI Deposit is a wide range tier based saving account where the expected rate of return increases in each progressive tier i.e. larger deposits fall into higher tiers with greater returns. Funds are received on the basis of Mudarabah and are used only in Shariah compliant business. Key Benefits & Salient Features Account can be opened with Rs 100/Expected high rate of return with a wide range of tiers. Profit is calculated on the basis of daily average balance in a calendar month Monthly profit payment No limit on number of transactions No minimum balance requirement Other Benefits SMS Alerts Net Banking facility Free E-statement facility 24/7 Call Center facility Non-stop full service (within bank timing) Other Information In the event of losses, the Investment Account Holder and the Bank will bear the same according to the ratio of their respective investments. Corporate Banking Our mission is to serve all your corporate needs and ensure your full satisfaction through product innovation, personalized banking, and top notch service. The CBG department of UBL defines corporate banking in Pakistan. Amongst the local banks UBL CBG is the pioneer in providing innovative solutions to its diversified and satisfied customer base. UBL CBG is considered to be a major player in the financial market of Pakistan. The Corporate Banking Group focuses on attracting and servicing large portfolio customers. Our forte is providing exemplary customer service using the "Single Window" concept and product superiority. The Relationship Management team manned by highly qualified individuals from the industry has steadily expanded our customer base and continues to enhance our cordial relations with our esteemed clients. Despite the sluggish economic growth in recent years, UBL outperformed all the other local banks in the corporate banking sector primarily due to CBG's emphasis on establishing and enhancing relationships with foreign/local blue chip and middle market customers thereby capturing significant market share. UBL's appetite for large exposures coupled with dedicated Structured Finance Unit, and an innovative team of professionals having extensive experience of Corporate Banking gives it the right platform to succeed in today's competitive and a demanding environment. The success of CBG has been established from the fact that UBL received the 'No.1 Euromoney 2000' Best Local Bank award and recognized it to have out performed all other banks. In year 2000, UBL was also voted as the best Corporate Bank by the customers of a major foreign bank in a survey. Aggressive marketing combined with professionalism has led to an increase in UBL's market share with top corporate customers and in some cases replacing Foreign Banks. Presently, its portfolio includes the quality names in the country, which were initially confined to foreign banks only. Services UBL offers full range of services to its Corporate Clients. These include: Funded TFC Investment Bridge Financing Commercial Papers Syndicated Financing Financing Against Liquid Securities Securitization Lease Financing Short Term, Treasury Lines Working Capital Financing Non Funded Letter of Credits Letter of Guarantees Standby LC’s Export Finance Facilities Pre & Post Shipment Financing Cash Management Services Youarehere: Banking Services / Corporate / Relationship Banking RelationshipBanking This forms the pillar of our strategy as it is the primary tool towards providing you full satisfaction. Relationship Banking involves: Assessing and understanding customer needs Providing you advice on your business needs Helping you find viable financial solutions for your business problems Acting as the primary contact for you CustomerService We believe in customer retention through quality service that would encourage you to continue to bank with us your loyalty. Our UNISERVICE concept strives to attain excellence in customer service. We aim to provide total customer satisfaction through UNISERVICE, which will soon be available at our full-service branches covering: Trade finance Letters of Guarantee Letters of Credit Funds Transfer Remittances Bill Discounting Export Financing Credit Extension ProductRange When you come to UBL, you get a full range of Products and Services to choose from: Corporate Finance Loan Syndication Structured Finance Term Finance Certificates Finance/Credit Extension Local Currency Facilities Overdrafts Demand Finance Working Capital Finance Import Financing Receivable Discounting Pre and Post Export Financing LMM Funding Trade Documentary Letters of Credit Standby Letters of Credit & Guarantee Documentary Collection Funds Transfer Investment/Cash Management Current & PLS Accounts Foreign Currency Cash Collection Utility Bill Collection Capital Market Hybrid Products FX Spot, Forwards and Hedging Rice/Cotton Financing for Ginners Deal Credentials Deal Name : Pakistan International Airline Particulars million UBL's Role Date/Status Private Placed term Finance Certificate Rs. 15,140 Joint Arranger and Advisor Feb 2003 Deal Name : Pak Arab Pipeline Company Limited Particulars Term Finance Certificates Rs. 10,000 million UBL's Role Joint Arranger and Advisor Date/Status On-going Deal Name : Engro Pakistan Limited Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Term Loan Rs. 2,500 million Joint Arranger and Advisor October 2003 Deal Name : ICI Pakistan Limited Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Medium Term Loan Rs. 1,200 million Arranger April 2003 Deal Name : Pak Arab Refinery (PARCO) Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Listed Term Finance Agreement Rs. 2,500 million Joint Arranger and Advisor Dec 2001 Deal Name : HUBCO Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Stand by Letter of Credit Rs. 1,750 million Arranger Jan 2003 Deal Name : Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Medium Term Loan Rs. 1,000 million Deal Name : Pak Libya Holding Company (Pvt) Ltd. Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Privately Placed Term Finance Certificates Rs. 1,000 million Arranger September 2003 Deal Name : Pak Kuwait Investment Company Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Privately Placed Term Finance Certificates Rs. 1,000 million Arranger April 2003 Deal Name : Pakistan International Airline Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Ijara FinancingUS $ 150 million Advance payment for the purchase of three new 777's from Boeing, Inc Joint Arranger June 2003 Deal Name : Pakistan International Airline Particulars UBL's Role Date/Status Morabaha Financing US $ 70 million For purchase of six aircrafts from Cathay Pacific Joint Arranger November 2002 Investment Banking Group Established in 2002, UBL Investment Banking Group is one of the largest and most experienced investment banking groups in Pakistan. We are the only Pakistani commercial bank with an investment-banking desk in the GCC region. A dedicated specialist team of 19 investment bankers, with diversified academics and experience in Pakistan and UAE, has the expertise to cater to the needs of both domestic and regional clientele. With an award winning team, UBL Investment Banking Group possesses diversified industry experience, exposure to a wide array of landmark transactions and knowledge of broad range of products resulting in top-notch deal execution to provide quality investment banking services to its clientele. Our well established deal execution and distribution experience is evidenced by successful closure of over 161 debt and equity transactions amounting to USD 14,559 million during 2003 – 2010. Why Clients choose us Diversified Experience Professional team of 19 investment bankers with diversified work experience including corporate banking, corporate & project finance, audit, accountancy, credit rating, equity advisory, placement and distribution of instruments, research and financial modeling Diversified product palette including project finance advisory, equity and debt advisory and business & transaction consultancy services. Our Strong Deal Credentials Proven ability to advise and arrange and arrange big ticket transactions as evidenced by our credentials Demonstrated capability and successful track record of advising domestic and foreign investors and government agencies One of the largest and most active advisors and arrangers amongst institutions operating in Pakistan's investment banking area Regional Outreach Presence in 10 countries world wide through 22 offices, including Meddle East, USA, UK, and Switzerland Only Pakistani commercial bank with investment banking presence in the GCC region Supported by dedicated corporate and institutional relationship team across the Middle Easy in Dubia, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Bahrain and Yemen SERVICES Debt & Capital Markets Our Debt Capital Markets & Syndications (“DCMS”) team of five specialists has closed over 53 transactions amounting to USD 6,543 million during the last five years. Our product mix ranges from Islamic to conventional instruments which are offered both domestically and internationally. Our expertise in dealing with tradable and syndication products covers bonds, term finance certificates, commercial papers, Sukuks, short and long term facilities, securitizations, murabahas and diminishing musharakah structures. Project & Structured Finance Our Project & Structured Finance team deals with project advisory and arrangement services for green-field and brown-field projects, together with expansion initiatives of highly leveraged entities that seek non-recourse/limited-recourse financing options. We have advised/financed a broad range of transactions including power generation and distribution, chemical, oil pipelines, refineries and telecom amongst others. Project Finance deals concluded by UBL over the last five years amount to over USD 2,900 million. Our spectrum of services includes: Advisory Services Develop Risk Assessment and Allocation Matrix Advise on Regulatory Issues and Concession Agreements Financial Modeling and Analysis Advise on Optimal Capital Structure Assist in Negotiations with Project Leaders Coordinate with Engineering Consultancy Firms and other Specialist Services Providers Prepare Marketing Material for Projects Arrangement Services Perform Due Diligence Process Soft Marketing of the Project Assist in Negotiation of Key Financing Terms Assist in Preparation and Execution of Financing Documents Coordinate with Engineering Consultancy Firms and other Specialist Services Providers On-going Account Management and Agency Functions Equity & Advisory Leveraging our reach as one of the leading banks in Pakistan, the Equity & Advisory team delivers Equity Advisory and Arrangement solutions for a geographically diverse client base. Keeping the client’s financing requirements as the center-point, we provide clients with solutions resulting in an optimum capital structure and attendant management of expectations of disparate stakeholders. We offer un-paralleled services to our clients on matters such as pricing, timing and optimal deal structure for all equity and quasi equity capital issuance. With commitment to innovation in financial solutions, our specialist team offers a product mix covering Capital Market services viz. Initial Public Offering, Rights issue and Buy & Sell side Advisory. We also facilitate equity offerings through Preference shares issuance, Business Valuation & Advisory, Private Placement of Equity and Mergers & Acquisitions. Our strong presence both locally as well as in selected regional jurisdictions gives us access to foreign institutional investors based out of GCC, UK and Switzerland interested in making equity investments in Pakistan. OUR LEARNING AT BRANCH Standing on the floor of UBL islamabad head office, I heard the good new of me having a forty two days opportunity to interact with a world class bank. All these days were full of events, full of learning and most importantly full of professional working. Here professional regards in all from clerical to managerial work. In these days ,the best thing to me was the authority and dependency of customers upon me, when they come with a hope that I’m there to guide them through. Knowing all is not learning, the real learning is to convey right. I tried to learn real, see real UBL, and tried to comprehend the difference between what we look from outside and what is going on inside.UBL is full of experienced and professional traditional bankers. As it perfectly suit the environment we are operating in, You attitude has helped UBL in capturing masses. In the private sector, no doubt it’s a fast growing bank, but here’s something that’s still unrealistic to the policy makers. The line of unsatisfied customers is increasing, not because we are not serving well, it’s because customers are not understanding the you attitude right. Every customer wants to make sure his work is done at the first convenience, but they are not concerned about the responsibility with which every employee is working. We need to put in some guidelines for our customers, as they walk in. This will not only save their time but will also motivate staff members to work more promptly, because if customer and employee engage into some unhealthy quarrel, the whole environment will environment will be disturbed. Back to my real learnings. In my internship , I worked in customer service department, as well as in clearing department. Because of some work load, I was unable to learn much about other cash and accounting department. Here is my count down learning of forty two days. 6.2. Account Opening: Penning down information and keying it into the system does seem a simple and tedious job but it is not. My initial days at customer service department was this liveliest experience of my internship. Through physically I was there just to assist the account opening officier, but it turned out to be much more for m. That is when I first actually imitated as a presentor of UBL to customers, when to many people I’m theirnhpoe. UBL offers a variety of options for anyone; to everyone. You are an investor, regular businessman, middle man, salaried person or a house wife; UBL serve you in every way it can through its commendable and reliable services, because of UBL, YOU COME FIRST. Working at customer service department, I did counter with different types of customers and opened their account under the supervision of the officier. When you have the sole responsibility to open the accounts, it’s always very important to understand the needs of your customers. Understanding the psyche ofcustomer is very important. Until and unless you’re completely satisfied that the customer has genuine reason and need too pen the account, don’t do so. 6.2.1 Account Opening Form : In all the documentation within the bank, clearness and tidness are the major features. Over writing and cutting should always be avoided as it may lead to any misinterpretation.AOF is the most important documentation when a customer walks in for commercial banking and wants to develop a relationship with us. In AOF ,all the necessary information should be completely scrutinized before customer walks back. Now let’s look at some of the silent requirements of AOF and their importance. Currency and type of accountit offers you all the eight different types of accounts mention before. First understand why the customer is her and what type of account suits him a lot. Scale down all the options suiting his investment or requirement and help him choose what is best for him. Outline all the salient features of that particulars account to him and make him tick he best box. Mark the currency box if the customer wishes to deposit in currency, in case other than PKR. Nature of Account Understand and choose the desired nature of account. Individual Account (Single/Joint) determines if the account is personal or joint. Once again understand your customer here. Illiterate and gullible customers should better option for joint account for their own security. Particulars of Account First of all the title of account is entered by which it will be called off. Following is the key/select word of six characters which is mostly preferred to be mother’s name because it’s simple unforgettable. Key word is used to verify the customer on phone or while other subsequent inquiries. Next comes the mailing address; where the bank should mail anything it has to. Next is the permanent address of the customer which should be copied from the CNIC of the customer. Email address is mandatory for Net banking and e-statement facility. Whereas mobile number for mobile banking. Lastly it’s your choice to hold your statements for collection or mail it to you. Here make sure mandatory fields are entered and any valid contact number must be provided. Personal Information Following portion summarizes social with standing of a person. Applicant’s name, Father’s or husband’s name, gender, marital status, Date of birth, nationality, country of residence and identification source and its number should be enter. Make sure the source of identification is not expired. Enter NTN if available. Know the occupation of the applicant and check the respected box. In case there is more than one account applicant, fill in all the above mentioned information for other applicant as well. It’s a good practice to ask for the original identification source of the customer and pen down the number and expiry date directly from it. Next of Kin In case if the account holder is some how not contacted, this portion provides information of the person who should be contacted instead. Person’s name, relationship, address and telephone number should be provided. Business Account determines that the party has its own entity under which the account will be supervised. Match the respected category and check the box. Particulars of account Here the information about the business is filled in. Title of account, company/business name, and nature of business, office/mailing address, head office / registered address, office email and NTN are mandatory information required for business account. CNIC is required in case off sole proprietorship and information of few persons are required who can be contacted in case of companies. Here we need to know that who will be operating the company accounts. Additional Information Existing relationship with UBL In case if the customer already has some relationship with UBL, it should be mentioned here. This is just in case to formally know and cross check the customer’s provided information. Existing relationship with other banks This is to know what relationship the customer has with other banks, if any UBL Wallet ATM/Debit card. Here first define your customer what ATM card is, what are its features and what is the difference between its different options. Enter the name of the customer in ‘Name on card’ field. Then is the option of supplementary ATM card. A customer can issue up to 9 supplementary cards. If supplementary card is required, a UBL Wallet VISA card requisition form is filled in which details about supplementary card holders is penned. Zakat Deduction ( only on PLS A/C). PLS account holders can directly pay Zakat from their accounts, if they are willing to. Other UBL Products Account holders can option for UBL Netbanking, UBL orion , Credit Card, Personal Loan, Car financing, Mortgage and Business Finance. Operating Instructions This identifies the signing authority of the account. It can be operated singly, either or survivor, jointly , mandate or by any other in special cases. Statement of Accounts This specifies how early the account statement is required.It can be daily, weekely, monthly, quarterly or semi annually. Customers can choose Mail or e statement or both. Special Instructions Special instructions, if any, are registered here. It usually certifies further the operating instructions of the account. Account referred by Detail of person referring the customer is entered here. Terms and Conditions These terms and conditions outline the policy of bank about its accounts’ regulations. Abidance by state bank laws and bank’s policy is compulsory and customer’s signature at the end of the statement is his abidance by the law. Indemnity and Undertaking Here the customer agree by the bank policies and agree to its terms. Applicant sign the undertaking and officially agrees to be a part of UBL. As an account officer, you must enclose all the signatures and should verify them. Every cutting on the AOF should be verified by customer’s signature, and officer should verify the customer’s signature. For Bank Use Only Special Category of Account If the account is of minor, UBL staff, Illiterate, Blind or Registered Alien, it should be checked respectively. Passport size Photographs are required in this case and customer can only make the transaction personally. Make sure signatures are not too simple or shaky. If so, again passport size photographs may be required and transactions can only be made personally for customer’s own security. Service Charges This is the minimum balance penalty which is applicable to all except students, mustahiqueen of zakat and government employee’s salary or pension. Know You Customer Here’s an assessment that the account opening officer do in order to understand some aspects of the new customer relationship. Individual Account The customer is marked as walk in, marketed or a referral; he/she is a public figure or not. Moreover what will be the customer’s sources of funds. What would be the usual mode of transaction and what would be the intentions of account with UBL. Who will be the ultimate beneficiary and what is the approximate value of transaction per month. 6.3 Clearing of Cheques 6.3.1 Outward Clearing My experience at branch started from the clearing department. Right in the morning cheques collected from the drop box simply flood over my table. According to all I learnt through listening, viewing and questioning is summarized below. Documentation of Consumer Cheques: All the cheques collected are first categorized into o o o o Credit Cards Auto Loans Personal Loans Cash Line Having categorized, firstly loan number of each cheque is verified. For the verification of the prescribed loan number, following ledgers are credited Credit Cards G3540223 Personal Loans G3540627 Auto Loans G3540601 Cash Line G5610014 (Head Office) Verified cheques are then validated before being documented into the drop box collection sheet for our daily drop box collections record. To anticipate the approval of cheques, we need to validate some important specifications of all the cheques. They are: Date: Cheque should not be post dated or out of date. Figures: Amount in words and figures should match. Signature: Drawers signature must be clear Intercity: Cheques must not be of other cities. Intercity clearing cheques for consumer departments are not entertained. Payee’s Name: Payee’s name should be written, and endorsement should be as per the beneficiary of the cheque. There should be no over writing in every thing penned. All the filtered cheques are then entered into the collection sheet in which following information is entered. Cheque No. Name of bank Name of customer Loan No. Amount Document No. All the documented consumer cheques are then posted into the system. Posting of the consumer cheques. For clearing, we opt for second option in Banking category, and after entering the posting date, clearing date and transfer delivery date, we opt for single entry option. Now all the cheques are credited in the clearing schedule in their prescribed ledgers. 6.3.2 Cleared Cheques Now the next day when clearing is confirmed by NIFT, respected accounts are debited. We go into the banking option and in transfer, we debit all the respected accounts. Same is the case with intercity and OBC cheques. In documentation, debit and credit vouchers are made, which show total amount of clearing as per day. 6.3.3 Returned Cheques All the cheques which are returned, due to any reason, are then reversed. They are debited back in the clearing schedule. All the returned cheques are documented in the cheque return registers and all the account holders of returned cheques are charged with service penalty. All the vouchers are signed by the designated officer and all the entries over 50,000 are supervised. 6.4 Remittances 6.4.1 Demand Draft DDs are always a secure way of paying remittances in other cities. Both account holders and walk in customers can avail the facility of DDs. Charges tend to differ for both customers but the advantage tend to be same. DDs are made in the favour of beneficiary and remitter either pays in cash or through cheque. Charges for DDs are up to Rs. 100,000/- 0.10%, Min Rs. 100 for A/C holders 0.20%, Min Rs. 200 for Non A/C holders over Rs. 100,000/- 0.05, Min Rs. 150 for A/C holders 0.15%, Min Rs. 250 for Non A/C holders issuance of duplicate DD Rs. 150 for A/C holders Rs. 250 for Non A/c holders. When DDs are issued, head office account are debited and remitters account is credited, on presentation, head office account is credited and beneficiary’s account is debited. 6.4.2 Pay Order POs are another safe way of paying your remittances within the city. They are payable at any branch and then are forwarded for clearing. There charges are issuance of PO Rs. 75 for A/C holders Rs. 250 for Non A/C holders cancellation of PO Rs. 75 for A/C holders Rs. 250 for Non A/C holders issuance of duplicate PO Rs. 150 for A/C holders Rs. 300 for Non A/C holders. In case of PO, remitter account is credited and PO A/C of branch is debited. At presentation, Beneficiary is debited and PO A/C of branch is credited. 6.4.3 Uni Remote Uni remote is the online facility of depositing cash to any account in UBL. With on-line banking, you are connected to the complete network of UBL all over Pakistan. Uni Remote charges are Rs. 200 for cash withdrawal and Rs. 100 for cash deposit. 6.4.4 Security Deposit Receipts (SDR) SDR are your safe way of making payments. Not only its free of cost for A/C holders, it also offers you the best liquidity solution as the cash continues to be with you until and unless your deal gets final and you pay off. In case of cancellation, It’s also free of cost for A/C holders and their amount is returned to their normal account balance. For non A/C holders, Rs. 250 is charged. Duplicate fee is Rs. 250 (flat).