Uploaded by Franz Layug

Powerpoint Project

Franz Layug
Sociological Issue Powerpoint
Dr. David Schjott
Childhood Trauma Effects on Adulthood and How it
Relates to Sociology
Behavior Issues
Childhood trauma can affect the behavior of individuals in the long run. In “Early Childhood Victimization Among Incarcerated Adult Male
Felons”, Robin Weeks and Cathy Spatz Widom study whether or not childhood trauma affects the actions or minds of current inmates in a New York
medium security facility. When talking to the randomly selected felons, Weeks and Widom found that “68 percent of the incarcerated adult male felons
reported some form of early childhood victimization before age 12, either physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect” (1). It is no coincidence that almost
two thirds of the felons felt wrongfully treated when they were younger.
How Does Behavioral Issues Relate to Sociology?
Bad behavior in sociology is considered to be breaking the social norms and not living up to the
expectations of a society or social group.
Mental health problems are also very negatively affected by childhood trauma. In “Association between childhood trauma and medication adherence
among patients with major depressive disorder: the moderating role of resilience”, Hongqiong Wang studies whether or not this mental disorder has any
sort of association with childhood trauma. Wang found that within a MDD population which had a median age of twenty five and were diagnosed by
Structured Clinical Interviews, “57.1% of patients had suffered from childhood trauma” (Wang 2). More than half of the patients that have a major
depressive disorder are victims to some type of child trauma.
How Does Depression Relate to Sociology?
One way this problem relates to sociology is the idea of the social rank theory. Depression would make
an individual sadder and put them in a feeling of defeat. They would unfortunately consider
themselves to be lower rank compared to others due to their depression.
Substance Use
Substance use can be a very scary problem if it gets out of control. Substances such as alcohol or nicotine can be very problematic for an individual if they
cannot stop. A study “ Childhood trauma subtypes may influence the pattern of substance use and preferential substance in men with alcohol and/or
crack-cocaine addiction” looks into the link between childhood trauma and alcoholism. The researchers gathered twelve hundred and forty one men, all
with substance use. When the researchers got their results using different types of abuse and factors, they concluded that “the presence of this type of
trauma was three times greater in alcohol users than in controls” (Hoffman 3). The more trauma an individual had, the more out of control they were with
How Does Substance Use Relate to Sociology?
There are many sociological theories that relate to alcoholism or any substance use. Social
environment can be affected by one accompanied by a alcoholic. This includes family members or
peers being heavily affected by spending a lot of time with a alcoholic.
● https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35739064/
● https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-022-04297-0
● https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/early-childhood-victimization-amongincarcerated-adult-male-felons