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World Religion Quiz: High School Level

Brgy. Malaga, Calbayog City
First Semester, SY 2022-2023
Name: ________________________________
Teacher: ______________________________
Grade & Section: _______________
Date: ________________________
PART I - MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. For each of the New Testament gospel writers the Central concern of the text is?
a. Jesus’s fulfillment of the Hebrew prophecies
b. Palestine’s suffering under the rule of Rome
c. The suffering and death of Jesus
d. The parables and other teachings of Jesus
2. Which of the following is an acronym the three major divisions of the Hebrew bible?
a. Pentateuch
c. Kethuvim
b. Tanakh
d. Torah
3. What is the term for letters written in the New Testament for the purpose of instruction, encouragement, and
practical advice?
a. Gospel
c. Acts
b. Parables
d. Exodus
4. The most sacred part of the Hebrew bible is embodied in the
a. Prophets
c. Talmud
b. Midrash
d. Pentateuch
5. A follower of Islam is called a
a. Brahman
c. Missionary
b. Muslim
d. Hindi
6. The founder of Islam
a. Siddharta Gautama
c. Abraham
b. Jesus
d. Muhammad
7. The belief in one God is called
a. Monotheism
c. Polytheism
b. Animism
d. Atheism
8. The sacred text (holy book) of the Christian is the _______.
a. Quran or Koran
c. Bible
b. The Vedas
d. The Torah
9. The sacred text (holy book) of Islam is the _________.
a. Bible
c. The Vedas
b. Quran or Koran
d. The Torah
10. Which is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Faith associated with Islam?
a. Give to charity
b. Pray 5x’s per day
c. Travel to Mecca at least once in your lifetime
d. Become a missionary in a foreign land
11. The Torah is the sacred writing (holy book) for what religion?
a. Judaism
c. Islam
b. Christianity
d. none of the above
12. This religion can be divided into Catholic, Protestant, ad Orthodox sects.
a. Judaism
c. Christianity
b. Islam
d. Buddhism
13. Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for which religion?
a. Judaism
c. Christianity
b. Islam
d. Buddhism
14. What two religions make up more the 50% of the world’s followers?
a. Hinduism and Buddhism
c. Islam and Judaism
b. Christianity and Hinduism
d. Christianity and Islam
15. Refers to the season observed by Christians in preparation for Easter.
a. Easter
c. Pentecost
b. Lent
d. Advent
16. Refers to the season of waiting for the birth of the Messiah.
a. Easter
c. Pentecost
b. Lent
d. Advent
17. Celebrated as a holiday to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early Christians.
a. Easter
c. Pentecost
b. Lent
d. Advent
18. The Christianization of the roman empire resulted in each of the following except
A. Several books added to the New Testament
B. A new emphasis on the final destiny of the individual rather than of the universe itself
C. The appointment of Christians to high-ranking official public positions
D. The governments return of confiscated church property
19. Animistic beliefs include the idea that
A. No clear boundaries exist between the natural and the supernatural
B. Nature is superior to the supernatural
C Animals once existed as human beings
D. There is one creator who intervenes in both the natural and supernatural
20. In addition to the Qu’aran Muslims often look to the Hadiths for rules of daily life. The Hadiths are best
described as
A. Rulings of Muhammad’s successors
B. Recollections people have had of Muhammad’s words and deeds
C. The sayings of Muhammad’s wife, Khadijah
D. Natural laws
PART I – MATCHING TYOE: Match items in column A with the choices in column B. Write the letters only.
__________ 1. Known as the start of the Islam Calendar - hijra
__________ 2. Declaration of belief - shahada
__________ 3. Annual wealth tax
- zakat
__________ 4. Collective term for the remaining four duties- ibadah
__________ 5. “black stone” - kaaba
__________ 6. Direction of Mecca - giblah
__________ 7. Authored the Sahih-al-Bukhari - Imam bukhari
__________ 8. Those who memorized the Quran - guardian
__________ 9. Traditional reports or sayings of Muhammad
and his followers - hadith
__________ 10. Circling the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction - tawah
__________ 11. Season in preparation for Easter - pentecost
__________ 12. Successor of Christ as head of the Church
__________ 13. Split between Roman Catholicism and Greek
__________ 14. Basic beliefs
__________ 15. Coming of the Holy Spirit on the early Christians
__________ 16. Savior - Messiah
__________ 17. Self-flagellation
__________ 18. Mercy killing
__________ 19. Mutual understanding among all Christians
__________ 20. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
a. Hadith
b. Kaaba
c. “Guardian”
d. Shahada
e. Hijra
f. Zakat
g. Ibadah
h. Giblah
i. Imam Bukhan
j. Tawaf
k. Messiah
l. Trinity
m. Peter
n. Ecunemism
o. Pentecost
p. Euthanasia
q. Great Schism
r. Penitensiya
s. Lent
t. Creed