Uploaded by Michelle Eneogwe

Digestive System Project

Why do we need the
Digestive System?
We need the digestive system to break
down complex foods. It helps you get
nutrients into your body our body uses
nutrients to help with growth, energy
and cell repairs. Foods and drinks must
be broken down into smaller crumbs
before the blood absorbs them to
travel around the body. How it works is
that once we eat food it goes through
the esophagus into the stomach and
then goes to the small intestine. This is
why we need the digestive system.
Affecting diseases to the
Digestive System
One of the major diseases to the
digestive system is Crohn disease. It
makes the tissue in your body swell up
it can also lead to tiredness, weight loss
and severe diarrhea. Some systems for
it are mouth sore pains, fever, diarrhea
and tiredness. Ways to keep your body
safe from Crohn disease is to avoid a
lot of dairy products and greasy foods
and especially fried dishes. This is why
you should be careful about the foods
you eat.
How to keep our
digestive system
Ways to keep our digestive system.
Make sure to keep sure of what foods
your eating. Make sure you eat highfibre foods like beans. Lentils. Avocado
and apples. Drink lots of water. Try to
eat lots of lean foods. Add probiotics to
your daily meals. Try to eat foods you
usually eat like not adding different
foods every day to your diet. Don't eat
so fast because it is not good for your
stomach. These are a few ways to keep
our digestive system healthy.