Name: Clouds Poster We have looked at the 3 cloud forms and 7 additional common cloud types. It’s now time to combine this knowledge into a visual to represent and distinguish each cloud type. You will be using cotton balls to represent clouds as they are easily changeable to shape each unique characteristic for the clouds. What to include: - Title - Short definition of clouds - Label one side of the poster with the elevations o Include appropriate atmospheric layer names - Visually represent all 10 cloud types using the characteristics that set each apart - Label each of the 10 common clouds o Include a brief description (textbook page 532-534) - Use appropriate vocabulary when describing clouds - Any other relevant information Representing Information Emerging Alternate Communication Methods (visual poster) Interpretation of Models and Diagrams (distinguishing characteristics of each cloud) Content Connections (information) I can present information using mostly written content I can analyze a single model’s effectiveness I can broadly show connections in content to models and diagrams Developing Proficient I can present information using a singular non-written method I can effectively present information in a method supporting with alternative methods as needed (1 dominant method over a second, ex more text than images) I can begin to understand the effectiveness of various models and diagrams to represent information I can show connections in how information is presented to topics in class I can model and visualize information with minimal errors I can represent a topic using models or diagrams to simulate various processes and actions that are most effective I can distinguish which models and diagrams are most effective at displaying information (one method over another) I can show clear connections between the presentation method and content covered in the course I can model and visualize information with minimal errors Extending I can combine multiple methods of communication to effectively showcase information on a topic (ex: combine words AND pictures effectively) I can analyze the effectiveness of various models when choosing how to present information – various methods work together to communicate information I can make multiple clear, accurate, and appropriate connections and expansions on topics covered in class to the visual or model presented