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Gas Exchange Adaptations Summary: Biology Notes

Summary of adaptations for gas exchange
What is gas exchange?
The process by which oxygen reaches the cells and carbon dioxide is removed from them.
What are the properties of a gas exchange surface?
Large surface area to volume ratio
Thin – so diffusion pathway is short
Permeable – to allow respiratory gases through
Moist – so the gases can dissolve before diffusion
Able to maintain a favourable concentration gradient
How are gases exchanged in unicellular organisms e.g. amoeba?
Cell membrane for gas exchange surface
Large surface are to volume ratio
Membrane is thin, moist, permeable and diffusion pathways are short
What extra problems occur in multicellular organisms?
The larger the organism the lower the surface are to volume ratio
Materials need to be exchanged between different organs as well as the environment
Diffusion is too slow to satisfy the metabolic needs of the organism
How are gases exchanged in simple multicellular organisms?
e.g. Flatworms – aquatic organisms with a flattened shape
increased surface are to volume ratio
Slow moving so low metabolic rate
Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse across their skin surface
e.g. Earthworms – terrestrial organisms with a tubular shape
Live in a damp environment (soil)
Elongated shape increases their surface are to volume ratio
Keeps skin moist by secreting mucus onto the surface
Has a closed blood system consisting of blood within vessels to transport gases to
internal cells
Blood contains a respiratory pigment (haemoglobin)
Favourable concentration maintained as oxygen is carried to the tissues and carbon
dioxide carried away
Why have larger, more advanced multicellular organisms developed special adaptations for
gas exchange?
Insects, fish, reptiles and mammals have a high metabolic rate so have a higher
requirement for oxygen
They have a low surface are to volume ratio and many internal organs
Specialised exchange surfaces
Terrestrial insects – air filled holes called tracheae
Aquatic insects and fish – gills
Terrestrial animals (birds, reptiles and mammals) – lungs
Gas exchange in the fish –
The problems
Water contains far less (dissolved) oxygen than air
Rate of oxygen diffusion in water is slower than in air
Fish are active so have a high metabolic demand
The solution – the gill
A specialised exchange surface over which a one-way current of water is kept flowing
by specialised pumping system
The density of water prevents the gill collapsing and lying flat
Gills are made of many folds over which gas exchange can take place so has a large
surface are to volume ratio
What is different about gas exchange in cartilaginous fish e.g. sharks? (mainly sea dwelling)
Water enters the mouth and is forced out through gill clefts and slits (which lie at the
side of the head) when the floor of the mouth is raised
Blood travels in the same direction as water flow – an inefficient parallel flow system
What is different about gas exchange in bony fish? (live in salt and fresh water)
Gills are covered by a flap called the operculum
Gases are exchanged through a counter current flow system where blood flow is in
the opposite direction to the flow of water
What is the structure of gills in bony fish?
pairs of gills in the pharynx (throat)
Each gill is supported by a gill arch
Each gill arch has pairs of v-shaped gill filaments from which thin plates called
gill lamellae protrude
In water the gills are supported and provide a large surface area
The gill plates have an extensive blood supply through blood capillary vessels
What is the counter current flow system?
Water passes from the pharynx to the operculum in the opposite direction to blood
This improves efficiency as a favourable concentration for diffusion is maintained
across the whole length of the gill filament allowing 80% of oxygen to be absorbed
from the water (3 times better than exchange in the lungs)
High extraction level is essential as water contains 25 times less oxygen than air
How have vertebrate groups adapted to gaseous exchange on land?
Gills do not function out of water
Birds and mammals are very active
Amphibians – frogs, toads and newts.
Probably the first group of vertebrates to colonise land
Lay eggs in water, larvae live in water and have gills
Metamorphosis from aquatic larvae to land dwelling adult form involves large body
form changes
Inactive adult amphibian uses moist skin as a respiratory exchange surface
When more active e.g. mating they use lungs as a respiratory surface
Reptiles – crocodiles, lizards and snakes
Far better adapted to life on land
Ribs provide protection and support to internal body organs
Ribs are also involved in ventilation of the lungs
Lung has a more complex internal structure providing a larger surface area for gas
Lungs are similar to mammals
Ventilation is more efficient to provide high levels of oxygen needed for flight
Air sacs are connected to the lungs and act as bellow
Birds do not have a diaphragm and ventilation is brought about by movement of the
ribs and the action of flight muscles
Gas exchange is very efficient with almost no residual gas remaining in the lung
tubes – lungs are continuously filled with fresh air
Most insects can fly, flight requires a good supply of oxygen
Gas exchange occurs through paired holes called spiracles which run along the side of
the insect
The spiracles can open and close like valves – reducing water loss
The spiracles lead to a system of chitin lined tubes called tracheae
At the end of the tracheael branches are tracheoles where gas exchange allows
oxygen to pass directly into cells
Resting insects rely on diffusion
During flight movements of the abdomen ventilate the tracheae
The human respiratory system
What is the structure of the human respiratory system?
An airtight compartment – the thorax
A dome shaped sheet of muscle – the diaphragm
Air is drawn into the lungs via the trachea
The lungs consist of a network of branching tubes called bronchioles spreading from 2
Describe gas exchange in the alveolus
Provide a very large surface area relative to the volume of the body
Surfaces are moist for gas exchange
Thin walls provide a short diffusion pathway
Each alveolus is covered by an extensive capillary network to maintain favourable
diffusion gradients
The % of oxygen in the alveolus is always less then inspired air because the latter
mixes with air already in the lungs which has a lower % of oxygen
How do mammals ventilate their lungs?
Air always moves down a pressure gradient
Inspiration is an active process brought about by the contraction of muscles
Expiration is a passive proves caused by recoil of elastic tissues
Process of inspiration (breathing in)
1. intercostal muscles contract
2. ribs and sternum move upwards and outwards
3. diaphragm muscles contract
4. diaphragm moves down and flattens
volume of thoracic cavity increases.
pressure in the thoracic cavity and lungs
decreases to below atmospheric
air flows into the lungs
As the lungs fill with air the stretch receptors send
impulses to the expiratory part of the respiration
centre to end breathing in.
Process of expiration (breathing out)
1. intercostal muscles relax
2. ribs and sternum move downwards and inwards
3. diaphragm muscles relax
4. diaphragm moves up and becomes dome shaped
volume of the thoracic cavity decreases
pressure in the thoracic cavity and lungs
increases to above atmospheric pressure
air is flows out of the lungs
As the air leaves, the stretch receptors are no longer
stimulated. The inhibition of breathing in (via the
expiratory part of the centre) stops so breathing in can
start again.
Where does gas exchange take place?
Gas exchange takes place in the alveolus
How are alveoli adapted to make gas exchange in lungs easy and efficient?
they have really big surface area
they have moist, thin walls (just one cell thick) so provide short diffusion pathways
they have a lot of tiny blood vessels called capillaries to maintain a favourable
concentration gradient for diffusion
Oxygen diffuses from the air in the alveoli into the blood.
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the air in the alveoli.