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Mass Transfer & Chemical Reaction Engineering Syllabus

UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code: PC - 501
Subject: Mass Transfer I
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
After completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the principles involved in mass transfer including diffusion and convective mass transfer
and concepts of inter phase mass transfer.
2. Solve problems on VLE and problems related to design calculation of distillation column.
3. Design tray tower and packed tower contactors for mass transfer. Calculation of numbers of plates by
using methods McCabe & Thiele method, Panchon-Savarit, Polarison and Gilliland method.
4. Understand the equilibrium characteristics, working principles, and application of absorption
5. Solve problem on membranes and membrane processes typical of process industry as well as of
environmental engineering.
Course content:
Unit-I Diffusion phenomenon & Fundamentals of Mass Transfer: Molecular and eddy diffusion in gases,
liquids and solids, interface mass transfer, Individual and film coefficients, overall mass transfer
coefficient and their inter relationships; Analogies in transfer processes, determination of mass transfer coefficient, Mass transfer theories: film theory Penetration theory and surface renewal theory.
Unit-II Distillation Vapour liquid Equilibria, Boiling point diagram, Relative volatility, flash and
differential distillation for two component mixtures, Batch distillation, steam distillation, Azeotropic
distillation, extractive distillation. Rectification, reflux ratio.
Unit-III Calculation of numbers of plates by NTU, optimum reflux ratio, open steam, multiple feed
calculations, McCabe & Thiele method, Enthalpy concentration diagram, Panchon-Savarit method for
calculation of number of theoretical plates. Approximate equation; Fensky and underwood equation for
minimum numbers of plate calculation. Polarison Gilliland method for actual numbers of plate calculation.
Unit-IV Absorption: Absorption and Extraction in continuous contact columns, co-current, countercurrent
and cross current contacting fluids, calculations of NTU and HTU, concept of HETP, flooding loading,
column internals: types of trays/ plates and packing, point and plate efficiency, two phase flow in packed
beds, co-current and counter current processes.
Academic Session 2021-22
Unit-V: Membrane Separation Processes: Principles, classification of membrane separation processes,
solid and liquid membranes, Ultra, Nano and Micro filtration, concept of osmosis, reverse osmosis, their
applications, thermal and sweep diffusion process
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous as an integral part of the class, through assignments, quizzes,
mid semester tests and end semester assessment. Laboratory assessment will be based on assignments,
quizzes, external assessment and viva voce of each candidate.
1. Mc-Cabe and Smith ,Unit Operation In Chemical Engineering; Tata McGraw Hill, 1993
2. Coulson J. M. Richardson; Chemical Engineering – Vol 2; Butterworth Heinmann, Oxford, Delhi,
3. Treybal R.E; Mass Transfer Operation; McGraw Hill, 1993
4. Sherwood, T.K. Pigford R.L. and Wilke, C.R.; Mass Transfer; McGraw Hill, 1987.
List of Practical’s:
1. To study the flooding and loading of packed columns using different types of packing
To study different types of plates and packing.
To prepare the vapor-liquid equilibrium and Boiling point diagram for a binary liquid mixture.
4. To verify Rayleigh equation for differential distillation of binary system.
To carry out the steam distillation.
To study batch distillation.
To study continuous distillation.
Studies on packed tower distillation unit.
Studies on the sieve plate distillation unit.
10. Studies on bubble cap distillation column.
11. To study the absorption of a gas in a packed column and calculation of NTU and HTU
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code: PC - 502
Subject: Chemical Reaction Engineering - I
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. describe and define the rate of reaction and rate law and able to understand principle of chemical
kinetics and their applications
2. Analyze reaction rate data to obtain rate law and able to interpret the reaction rate data of batch
reactor for different types of reactions by applying different methods.
3. apply their knowledge and skills for derive mole balance and performance equation for batch
reactor, CSTR and PFR and to calculate the overall conversion and reactor volumes for different
arrangements of reactors and able to choose best reactor system
4. determine the selectivity and Yield for multiple reactions and able to choose best reactor system
for multiple reactions
5. Understand non-ideal behavior of reactor by using RTD function and to apply these functions to
calculate the conversion and concentration exiting a reactor using different models.
Course content:
Unit-I Classification of reactions: Definition of reaction rate, Variables affecting the rate, concept of
reaction equillibria, order of reaction and its determination, theoretical study of reaction rates, collision
and activated complex theory, Mechanism of reaction series, Parallel and consecutive reaction,
autocatalytic reactions, chain reaction, polymerization reaction.
Unit-II Interpretation of kinetic data: Integral and differential methods for analyzing kinetics data, total
pressure method of kinetic analysis, interpretation of constant volume batch reactor data for zero, first
second and third order reactions, half life period, irreversible reactions in parallel and series, auto catalytic
reaction, shifting order reactions, enzyme catalyzed and surface catalyzed reactions. Interpretation of
variable valume batch reactor data for zero, first & second order reactions.
Unit-III Classification of Reactors: Concept of ideality, Design equations for batch, plug flow, back mix
flow and semi batch reactors for isothermal and non-isothermal, adiabatic reactions, holding time and
space time for flow system, Design of batch plug flow and mixed flow reactors for first and second order
single reactions. Optimum reactor size, plug flow reactors in series & parallel, Equal and different size of
mixed reactors in series and finding the best system for a given conversion recycle reactor, yield and
Academic Session 2021-22
selectivity in multiple reactions.
Unit-IV Multiple reactions (in batch, continuous stirred tank and Plug flow reactors), independent,
parallel and series reactions; mixed reactions, instantaneous and over all fractional yield, choice of
reactors for simple and complex reactions and multiple reactor system; Introduction to thermal stability of
reactors; temperature and pressure effects and optimal temperature progression for first order reactions.
Unit-V: Non ideal reaction, RTD dispersion model, Tank and series model, recycle model, Segregated
flow in mixed models, evaluation of RTD characteristics.
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous as an integral part of the class, through assignments, quizzes,
mid semester tests and end semester assessment. Laboratory assessment will be based on assignments,
quizzes, external assessment and viva voce of each candidate.
1. Smith J.M; Chemical Engineering Kinetics; Mc Graw Hill.
2. Denbigh & Turner K.G; Chemical Reaction Theory An Introduction; United Press.
3. Copper & Jeffery’s GVJ; Chemical Kinetics And Reactor Engineering; Prentice Hall.
4. Levenspiel O; Chemical Reaction Engg; Willey Eastern, Singapore.
5. Houghen Watson & Ragatz; Chemical Process Principles Part Iii; Asian Pub-House Mumbai
6. Fogler H.S; Elements Of Chemical Reaction Engineering; PHI
List of Practical’s:
1. To determine the velocity rate constant of the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by sodium hydroxide.
2. To study the rate constant of hydrolysis of an ester –catalyzed by acid.
3. Determine the rate constant and order of reaction between potassium per sulfate and potassium
4. To study temperature dependency of rate constant evaluation of activation energy and verification
of Arrhenius law.
5. To study a homogeneous reaction in semi- batch reactor under isothermal conditions.
6. Study of non-catalytic homogeneous saponification in CSTR.
7. To study a non-catalytic homogeneous reaction in a plug flow reactor.
8. To study the residence time distribution behavior of batch mix- reactor.
9. To study the RTD behavior of tubular reactor.
10. To study the behavior of continuous flow reactor system.
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code: PC - 503
Subject: Computational Method and Numerical Simulation
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. understand and solve the design and analysis of experiments and models
2. understand and solve the mathematical and unit operation problems
3. Solve a linear system of equation and non linear algebraic and transcendental equation using an
appropriate numerical method
4. Solve an ordinary differential equation and partial differential equation using an appropriate
numerical method
Course content:
Unit:-I Design and analysis of experiments: Treatment and interpretation on engineering data: Curve
fitting, Non-linear least square regression. Interpolation: Newton's Forward/Backward
interpolation formula, Lagrange's interpolation formula and experiments their application. Tests
of significance, Analysis of variance
Unit:-II Formulation of physical problems: Mathematical statement of the problem, Representation of
problems, Formulation on Socuene extraction in single & multiple stages, Radial heat transfer
through a cylindrical conductor, salt accumulation in stirred tank.
Unit:-III Numerical solution of linear & nonlinear algebraic equations: Linear systems of equations,
solutions by, Matrix methods, Gaussian, Gauss-Jordan, Jacobean, Gauss-Seidel and Relation
methods. Non-linear equations: Bisection, Regula-alsi, Secant and Newton- Raphson methods
Unit:-IV Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Ordinary differential equations:
Runge-Kutta, Euler's and Milne's predictor corrector methods. Solution of boundary value
Unit:-V Finite differences: Finite differences, Partial differential equations, Solutions of elliptic,
parabolic, and hyperbolic types of equations.
Academic Session 2021-22
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous as an integral part of the class, through assignments, quizzes,
mid semester tests and end semester assessment. Laboratory assessment will be based on assignments,
quizzes, external assessment and viva voce of each candidate.
1. Mickley, H.S. Sherwood , T.S. Reed- Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering,Tata McGraw
Hill publication, 1998
2. Jenson and Jeffrey’s – Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, 2002
3. Gupta Santosh K., ‘Numerical methods for Engineers’, New Age International Publishers .Ltd.,
Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1999
4. M.E. Davis, ‘Numerical Methods and Modeling for Chemical Engineers’, Wiley, 1984.
5. S. K. Gupta, "Numerical Techniques for Engineers", Wiley Eastern, 1995.
6. M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, "Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computations", 1992.
List of Practical’s:
1. Data representation and treatment by graphical methods, Pressure, Volume, Temperature and
concentration relationship for gases and their mixtures.
2. Integrated methods of data processing, Integral functions and their Graphical representation.
3. Mass balance problem using continuity equation applied to a dynamic system. Formation of
differential equations (component balance) and their solution & examples – CSTR and flow
through pipes.
4. Numerical solution of batch reactor problems. Euler Algorithm.
5. Runge- Kutta algorithm and its application in chemical engineering .Implicit and explicit
calculations. Problems related to effect design, optimum liquid concentration.
6. Transient flow of fluid unsteady temperatures and varying concentration problem and use of partial
differential equation to solve them.
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code – PC 508
Subject: Environment Management
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course Outcomes
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Develop to understanding and awareness about Law and Legislation to prevent environment
2. Develop understanding and Guidelines to prevent water pollutions.
3. Understand Air Pollution Management Terminology, Legislation & Prevention Techniques.
4. Understand Solid Waste Management Terms and techniques to controlling measures.
5. Understanding about Environment Impact Assessment Principles and EIA Report writing skills.
Course content:
Unit I: Pollution Act & Legislation: Waste(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974,Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981,Environmental Protection Act 1986,Hazardous Waste
management rule and Guidelines for sizing of industries. Standards for disposal of air emissions
(SO2,SPM,NO2 RSPM) into atmosphere
Unit II: Waste Water Management: Term used in waste water, Characteristics and types of waste
water, Collection and disposal of waste water, BOD measurement, Municipal & Industrial Waste
water treatment Plants, On-site Treatment Facilities, Trends in Controlling water pollutions.
Unit III: Air Pollution Management: Air Pollution in Perspectives, Effect of Air pollution, Sources
of air pollution, Control of air pollution, Prediction of air pollution Concentration, Air Pollution
Control Costs.
Unit IV: Solid Waste Management: Solid waste and hazardous waste management: Characteristics
of solid waste, disposal methods, resources conservation and recovery. Definitions and Classification
of hazardous waste, waste minimization and recycling, treatment techniques. Handling and
management of hospital wastes. General guidelines of environmental Auditing.
Unit V: Environment Impact Assessment: Concept, Scope and Objectives, Approaches for
developing list of environment factors, environment impacts. EIA Process-Principles, Characteristics,
Steps, methods (adhoc, Procedures, Checklist, matrices, Networks.) EIA guidelines-1994, notification
Academic Session 2021-22
of the Government of India,2006, Public Participation and Preparation of environmental decisionmaking.
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous as an integral part of the class, through assignments, quizzes,
mid semester tests and end semester assessment.
1. Cantre,L.W.”Environmental Impact Assessment” Mc.Graw Hills,(1996).
2. J.Glynn Henry and Gary w. Heinke”Environmental Science and Engineering,Second Edition,PHI
3. D.Srinivasan” Environmental Engineering” PHI Publication.
4. S.C.Santra”Environmental Science”Published by NCBA Pvt.Ltd.
5. Mahajan S.P.,Pollution control in Process Industries,Tata Mc Graw Hill
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code – PC 510(A)
Subject: Alternative Fuels
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Explain about types of coal, its thermo-chemical properties and different types of fuels that can be
produced from coal.
2. Describe about Biomass, its properties and conversion techniques
3. Explain about gasification process, its reaction, its types and different fuel production using
4. Explain about non-conventional sources for production of fuel and identify associated challenges.
5. Explain about other emerging alternative sources for fuel production.
Course content:
Unit-I Coal analysis and classification, thermo-chemical properties, Carbonization and Pyrolysis, Low,
medium & high BTU gas from coal, Coal Liquefaction technologies: Direct Liquefaction, Indirect
Liquefaction, Environmental issues.
Unit-II Biomass, its type, structure of biomass, Chemical constituents of biomass. Thermophyscial
Properties of biomass, Biomass conversion processes: pyrolysis and torrefaction.
Unit-III Introduction to Gasification Processes, gasification feed, gasification reactions, working of
different types of gasifiers: moving bed, fluidized bed and entrained bed gasifiers, preparation of
feedstock for fuel production, gasification processes for production of syngas, hydrogen and liquid fuel
using different feedstocks, Underground coal gasification (UCG).
Unit-IV Fuels from bitumen/heavy oil, shale oil, shale gas & oil sands: Properties, production processes,
Constraint in commercial production, Environmental issues.
Unit-V Technologies for the production of bioalcohols, biodiesel, biogas, dimethyl ether (DME).
Municipal waste to fuel.
Evaluation : Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class followed by final examination.
Academic Session 2021-22
1. T. N. Veziroglu, Alternative Energy Sources, Vol 5 and 6, McGraw-Hill, 1978.
2. Rao, S. and Parulekar, B.B., “Energy Technology”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
3. Speight, J.G., “Fuel Science and Technology Handbook”, Marcel and Dekker., New York, 1995.
4. Abbasi, S.A. & Abbasi, N., “Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental Impact”, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Caye M. Drapcho., “Biofuel Engineering Process Technology” Mc Graw Hill, 2008
6. David A Bell, Brian F Towler., “Coal Gasification and its Application” Elsevier, 2011
7. Arumugum S. Ramadhas., “Alternative fuels for Transportation”CRC press, 2011
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code – PC 510(B)
Subject: Material Science
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Classify different types of engineering materials depending on structure property, crystal geometry
and X-Ray diffraction
2. Explain atomic structures, types of bonding and crystal imperfections.
3. Draw phase diagrams of different metals, TTT curves and explain deformation of materials.
4. Suggest different type of heat treatment techniques depending on the type of the material and they
can analyze different types of corrosions and suggest preventive methods.
5. Select materials depending on type of application.
Course content:
Unit-I Introduction: Introduction to Materials Science, Classification of Engineering Materials, Levels of
Structure, Structure-Property relationship in materials, space lattices, Crystal directions and Planes,
Structure determination, Braggs Law of X – ray diffraction, the powder method.
Unit-II Crystal Imperfections: Point Imperfections, Line imperfections- edge and screw dislocations,
Surface imperfections, Phase rule, Single component systems, Binary Phase Diagrams, Lever rule, Typical
Phase diagrams for Magnesia-Alumina, Copper-Zinc, Iron-carbon system, Nucleation and growth,
Solidification and growth.
Unit-III Deformation of Materials: Metals - Elastic deformation, Plastic deformation, Dislocation and
Strengthening mechanism, Failure – Fracture, Fatigue. Brittle fracture, Stress-Strain behavior, Plastic
deformation Visco-elastic deformation, Fracture, Elastomer deformation.
Unit-IV Materials Processing: Metals and Alloys – Fabrications – Forming, Casting. Thermal Processing:
Annealing, Heat treatment of Steels. Surface hardening methods. Ceramics – Fabrication and processing
of glass Polymers – Polymerization, Additives, Forming methods, Fabrication of elastomers and fibres
Unit-V Corrosion And its Prevention: principle of corrosion, Electro-chemical corrosion, Galvanic cells,
High temperature corrosion, Passivity, Corrosion rate and its prediction, Prevention of corrosion.
Academic Session 2021-22
Corrosion charts. Materials Selection and Design Considerations, Environmental considerations and
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class followed by final examination.
William D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2006.
Hajra Choudhary S. K., Material Science and Processes, Indian Book Distributing Co., 1982.
Van Vlack, H.L., Elements of Materials Science, 2nd Edition, Addision-Wesly Publishing Company, NY, 1964.
Raghavan V., Material Science and Engineering- A First Course, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code: PC – 510(C)
Subject: Refinery Engineering Calculation
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Understand the basic process of atmospheric, vacuum distillation column and furnace operation in
the crude oil refinery.
2. To carry out the material and energy balance calculations for atmospheric, vacuum distillation
column and other refinery processes.
3. To carry out calculations on pipe still heaters and heat exchangers used in refineries.
Course content:
Unit:-I Overview of Global and Indian Refining Industry, Refinery configurations, ASTM, TBP, EFV
distillation curves, Average boiling points. Separation criteria in crude oil fractionation
Unit:-II Atmospheric distillation tower, types of refluxes, Watkins method of converting crude TBP to
product TBP curves, concept of Overflash, heat & material balance calculation, draw tray temperatures.
Unit:-III Vacuum distillation tower, type of operations, flash zone & tower base calculations, flash zone
pressure, steam requirements, heat & material balance calculation
Unit:- IV Mass balance and yield correlations on visbreaker, delayed coker, reformer, hydrocracker, FCC.
Unit:-V Types of pipe still heaters, calculations of radiant absorption rates, Wilson lobo Hotel equations,
lobo Evans method pipe still design. Heat exchanger in refinery and operational problems
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class followed by final examination.
1. R.N. Watkin, Petroleum Refinery Distillation, 2/e Gulf Publishing Co, Houstan, Texas, USA, 1981.
2. B.K Bhaskar Rao, Modern Petroleum Refining Processes, 3/e, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co Pvt.
Ltd., 1997.
3. Wayne C. Edmister, Applied Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics, 2/e, Gulf Publishing Co., 1988.
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code – PC 506
Subject: Seminar and Technical Paper Writing
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Produce and deliver oral presentations on engineering issues
2. Assess effectiveness and validity of information sources, such as web sites, business
documents, and professional journals.
3. Effectively collaborate with other students in analyzing results, and preparing oral
4. Use the multi-step writing process to plan, draft, and revise reports, correspondence, and
Course content:
Overview: Definition and purpose of technical writing
Writing professional correspondence
Referencing style
The Role of Research: Differences between academic and workplace research
Document Design
Oral presentations
Elements of effective presentations
Oral presentation of student on various course related topics.
Course outcomes:
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class followed by oral
presentations, Laboratory work and assignments.
1. Lutz Hering, Heike Hering “How to Write Technical Reports: Understandable Structure, Good
Design, Convincing Presentation”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
2. Daniel G. Riordan, Steven E. Pauley “Technical Report Writing Today”, Houghton Mifflin, 2004
Academic Session 2021-22
UIT-RGPV (Autonomous) Bhopal
Subject code: PC - 509
Subject: Internship II
Semester: V
For credits & marks refer your scheme
Course outcomes:
At the completion of the course student should be able to:
1. Ability to work in actual working environment.
2. Ability to utilize technical resources
3. Understand the production process at industrial level
4. Ability to apply prior acquired knowledge in problem solving
5. Ability to write technical documents and give oral presentations related to the work completed
Course content:
 The students have to undergo 15 days Industrial Training in Chemical/Petrochemical/ Hydrocarbon
industry after the end of IV semester.
 The student has to present an oral presentation related to the industrial training.
 A Training report, in proper format, has to be submitted and certificate issued by the industry has to
be presented.
Evaluation: Evaluation will be based on presentation and report submission followed by external vivavoce.
1. J.M. Coulson, J.F Richardson “Chemical Engineering , Vol.6, Pregman press International Edn 1989.
2. E.E. Ludwig , Applied Process design in Chemical Petrochemical Plants – Gulf Publishing Vol. – 2,
Academic Session 2021-22