AN AUTOMATED LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A CASE STUDY OF KASHENYI VOCATIONAL SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL BY AMUSIRI DAPHINE BIT/0002/1 02/D U A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A DEGREE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OF KAMPALA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 2013 DECLARATION This is to certify that this report titled;" An Automated Library Management System, a case study of Kashenyi Vocational Senior Secondary School", is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution for any award. Signed by ....i.'.\'i<t'.'.: .. o ••• .'•••••••••••••••••• I 4 ffhrCJ>·r · VJ r.3 . Date ...................................... Amusiri Daphine BIT/0002/1 02/DU ii APPROVAL This is confirm that the work reported in this report titled;" An Automated Library Management System" was carried out by the candidate under my Supervision. ~ Signed by . - ~················· · ········· Date ... .. l.~ .. :-:-.:?. ..1.:-:-: .. !} .. ....... ..... Mr. Akampurira Paul (Supervisor) Ill DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my family, Mr. Okwalinga Anthony and Ms Amoding Florence. These have really been a great inspiration towards the whole time of pursuing my course. "Failing to plan, is planning to fail." The above have done a great role in planning and building my future. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful and grateful to the Almighty God for giving me strength, tolerance, his mercy and grace in enabling me to carry out my research and successfully complete this report. I am indebted to all who have directly and indirectly been of great help to me in doing and writing this project report. Specifically, my foremost gratitude goes to my research supervisor for his guidance, understanding, patience and insightful conversation during the entire period of doing this project. His criticism, invaluable patience, intellectual guidance, wide experience and tremendous competence helped me not only to accomplish this project but also to come up within the expected standards My sincere gratitude should as well go to my esteemed lecturers at Kampala International University Western Campus, whose theoretical knowledge imparted in me formed the basis of this project. A lot of thanks to my classmates and colleagues of Kampala International University Western Campus for the positive relationship they showed for the whole period when we were together in and outside class, I really enjoyed their company at school. I sincerely acknowledge Mr. Mugisha Brian for his tireless efforts during the hard times of working on my project, besides his ever-busy schedule, he always found some time to guide me throughout the research period, may God see you through you in all your endeavors. Special thanks goes to Mr. Munihizi . K B01my for the patience, moral support and the general concern towards the pursuing of this course besides his busy schedules. May the almighty God shower you with his blessings. Last but not least, I acknowledge all my friends and relatives notably Mr. Musinguzi Simon, Mrs.Kwagala Esther, Miss Matama Stella, Mr. Alikira Richard, Mr. Sewalu Bonny Matthias among others for spiritual, financial, material support and guidance rendered to me, I ask you not to give up the efforts for the struggle still continues. MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD REWARD YOU ALL. v ACRONYMS ALMS Automated Library Management System SDLC Systems Development Life Cycle VB Visual Basic RDBMS Relational Database Management Systems DFD Data Flow Diagrams ID Identity Card CDs Compact Disks LMS Library Management System MB Mega Byte RAM Random Access Memory UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply GB GigaByte ISBN International Selling Book Number VI TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. ii APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... v ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... xi ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. xii CHAPTER ONE .............................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem statement. ................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.3.1 Main objective ................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Research question .................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................................. 3 1.5.1 Geographical Scope .............................................. ,......................................................... 3 1.5 .2 Time Scope ..................................................................................................................... 3 1.5.3 Significance of the study ................................................................................................ 3 CHAPTER TW0 ............................................................................................................................. 5 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 5 2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Analysis of the existing library management system ............................................................ 5 2.1.1 The weakness of the current system ............................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Manual Data processing ................................................................................................. 5 2.1.3 Library ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.4 Disadvantages of Manual Library Management System ................................................ 6 2.2 Requirements identification for an Automated Library Management System ...................... 7 2.2.1 Computerized System ..................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Advantages of Computerized System ............................................................................ 8 Vll 2.2.3 Database system ............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.4 DBMS capabilities ......................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Designing and implementation of a computerized library management system ................. 10 2.3 .1 Database design ............................................................................................................ 10 2.3 .2 The user interface design of the system ....................................................................... 11 2.3.3 System testing ............................................................................................................... l2 CHAPTER THREE ....................................................................................................................... 13 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Area of the study ................................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Study Population ................................................................................................................. 13 3.2.1 Study Sample ................................................................................................................ 13 3.3 Sampling methods ............................................................................................................... 14 3.4 Sources of Data ................................................................................................................... 14 3.5 Data collection methods and instruments ............................................................................ 14 3.5.1 Questionnaires .............................................................................................................. 14 3.5.2 Interviews ..................................................................................................................... 15 3.6 Data collection procedure .................................................................................................... 15 3. 7 Data Processing and Analysis ............................................................................................. 15 3.8 Problems I Constraints Encountered ................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 17 DATA FINDINGS, ANALYSIS, AND DESIGN .......... ,............................................................. 17 4.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Findings from the study ....................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Analysis of the old System .................................................................................................. 19 4.2.1 Manual Filing system ................................................................................................... 19 4.2.2 Problems of Existing System ....................................................................................... 19 4.3 Requirements for the new system ........................................................................................ 19 4.3.1 Functional requirements ............................................................................................... 20 4.3.2 Non-Functioning requirements ..................................................................................... 20 4.4 Design of the new system .................................................................................................... 21 4.4.1 Logical design ofthe new system ................................................................................ 21 4.4.2 Conceptual design ........................................................................................................ 22 4.4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram ........................................................................................ 29 Vlll 4.4.4 Physical design of the system ....................................................................................... 3 0 CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................... 3 3 TESTING AND SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................... 33 5. 0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 33 5.I System testing ...................................................................................................................... 33 5.1.1 System testing levels that were done ............................................................................ 33 5.2 System implementation ....................................................................................................... 35 CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 40 PROJECT DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ........................... .40 6.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 40 6.1 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 40 6.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 41 6.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 42 APPED ICES .................................................................................................................................. 4 3 APPEND IX.! ................................................................................................................................ 4 3 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 43 APPENDIX.2 ................................................................................................................................ 44 BUDGET ....................................................................................................................................... 44 APPEND IX.3 ................................................................................................................................ 45 INTERVIEW GUIDE ................................................................................................................... 45 APPEND IX.4 ................................................................................................................................ 46 CONSENT FORM ........................................................................................................................ 46 APPEND IX.5 ................................................................................................................................ 4 7 QUEST! ONNAIRE I .................................................................................................................... 4 7 APPENDIX.6 ................................................................................................................................ 48 SUGGESTION QUEST! ONNAIRE ............................................................................................. 48 APPEND IX. 7 ................................................................................................................................ 49 PROJECT PLAN AND SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 49 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1: table of statistical data of students and librarians ........................................ 17 Figure 4.2: graphical representation of Statistical Data ............................................... 18 Figure 4.3 shows a use case diagram of the system ..................................................... 21 Figure 4.4: Showing Entity Relationship Diagram Membership ..................................... 29 Figure 4.5: A traditional waterfall model.. .............................................................. 30 Figure 5.1: showing login form ............................................................................ 35 Figure 5.2: showing main menu ........................................................................... 36 Figure 5.3: showing staff borrowing form ............................................................... 37 Figure 5.4: showing book form ........................................................................... 38 Figure 5.5: showing a generated repmi .................................................................. 39 X LIST OF TABLES Table.! Showing Users' details .......................................................................... 22 Table.2 Showing Class details ............................................................................ 22 Table.3 Showing Nationality details ...................................................................... 23 Table.4 Showing staff details ............................................................................ 23 Table.5 showing staff borrowing details ................................................................. 24 Table.6 showing book stock details ...................................................................... 25 Table. 7 showing stream details ............................................................................ 25 Table.8 showing students' details ......................................................................... 26 Table.9 showing student's borrowing details ............................................................ 27 Table.! 0 showing book details ............................................................................. 28 xi ABSTRACT For many years, institutions such as secondary schools and colleges have used file based I manual system to manage library use. Whereas this was quite efficient for some time, due to the expansion of the library and increase in the number of the library users such as students, the system wastes a lot of time especially when searching for a particular book or resource. In response to this problem, more librarians have been added (employed). and this has escalated the cost of managing the library. This inefficiency, led to the study that was aimed at automating the book keeping function of the library. A study was carried out at Kashenyi Vocational Senior Secondary School and it was discovered that the manual system had inefficiencies ranging from time wastage, high cost of operation in terms of human resources, long search time, and data redundancy among others. A computer based library management system was developed using visual studio 2005. The new system allows the user to add books into the system, search for books from the system database. track member information, manage borrowing among others. By automating library operations, the school will enjoy the advantages of using databases and transaction processing systems. xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction. This includes the background, the problem statement, Objectives, scope and significance of the study. 1.1 Background. Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school began its operations in 1998, and it is located in Kashenyi trading center just I Okm from Ishaka town along Ishaka-Kitagata road. The school offers an ideal learning atmosphere and plenty of room for further expansion. The school is becoming a prominent one along the region and beyond, nurturing talents in multicultural learning environment and advancing vocational subjects. Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school has a library which is used as a research and guideline place for both the staff and students but the system being used is manual. Describing the Manual Library Management System, pens and black books are made use of for tracking records of who so ever visits the library. Just in case a student wants to borrow a book from the library, all his/her records such as name, class, stream have all to be entered into a book. In addition, for proper handling of the borrowed books, still details such as book title, author, and edition among many others have also to be recorded in the black book with a ball pen. This consumes a lot of time in recording the many students and staff who visit the library and above all wastes a lot of space for keeping the record books since they keep piling up with the increase in the number of the library users. When students enter the library, they tend to look for books in the shelves for a long time, fail to locate them simply because they do not know the proper titles and book authors yet even the librarians are not well versed with the available book titles in the library. This then narrows their learning adventure and capability. When staff such as teachers fails to locate some of the books that have to be used as teaching aids, you find that they lack enough knowledge on what to impart in their students. This lowers the standard of the school's perfmmance. I This manual system also tends to waste a lot of time for students and librarians especially when students are borrowing or returning books. This therefore makes students to delay to hand in their home work and exercises, delay to turn up for lessons and teachers too delay to turn up for lessons simply because they spend long in the library. When a student wants to borrow a book, he/she goes to the counter of the reference section and asks the librarian for the book he/she wants. If available, the librarian has to record the details of the book such as author, title and the international selling book number (ISBN). The details such as the date when the book is being lent out, when it is to be returned, by whom, and all they posses such as an ID, all have to be recorded. This is basically done for security purposes so as to protect books from being stolen, misplaced or even repudiation by the users most especially the students who tend to be so careless. This process takes place especially during busy hours of the day there by delaying students. This leads to poor time management and improper management of lost books as a book for lending records is misplaced. 1.2 Problem statement. When students enter and want to read books in the library, they search for such books in the shelves for a long time, fail to locate them just because they do not know the proper titles and book authors yet even the librarians don't also know most of the book titles in the library. When a student wants to borrow a book, he/she goes to the counter of the reference section and asks the librarian for the book he/she wants. If available, the librarian has to record the details of the book such as author, title and the international selling book number (ISBN), the borrowing date, return date, the borrower's name, all these are done manually that is to say, using pens and papers. In addition, students have also to queue for books for not less than I 0 minutes to borrow a book from a librarian since all library operations are manual, hence wasting a lot of time, limited space for file storage and most of the record books are mishandled when some of them tend to be misplaced. Therefore, it is this perceived inefficiency that rendered the study important. 2 1.3 Objectives. 1.3.1 Main objective. The main objective was to develop an Automated Library Management System to help librarians track book borrowers, details for lending and retuming books in order to ensure the proper management of library books. 1.3.2 Specific objectives. • To examine the weaknesses of the existing system. • To identify requirements for a Computerized Library Management System. • To design, implement and test a Computerized Library Management System. 1.4 Research question. • What are the weaknesses of the cunent Library Management System? • What should an Automated Library Management System (ALMS) do? • How can a Computerized Library Management System be designed, implemented and tested? 1.5 Scope of the Study. 1.5.1 Geographical Scope This research work entirely concentrated on the manual library management system. 1.5.2 Time Scope The study was canied out on users' data from 2011-2012 at Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school. The users' data included the date and time of access to the library and information about their details such as age, sex, residence, names, next of kin, and photo ID. 1.5.3 Significance of the study • This study will help the librarians to keep track of library resources such as books. magazines, and computers properly. 3 • The Automated Library Management system will enable Librarians and students to easily locate books. • The Automated Library Management System can easily keep track of Library users. • The Automated Library Management System will make it easier for the librarians to track the details of borrowers, the books borrowed and the return time. • The researcher has gained rnore programming skills in interacting with software such as Microsoft visual basic. • The researcher gets more confidence in dealing with people most especially with public concerns while conducting research. 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction. Literature review contains the research and studies made by other researchers about an automated library management system and this was used to consider the critical points of the current knowledge that included the substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to the system. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work. 2.1 Analysis of the existing library management system 2.1.1 The weakness of the current system Due to the increase in the population of most especially students at Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school, the school faces big problem in keeping and tracking records for the entire library items in stock due to the insecurity and the unreliability of the paper based -file system. Other weaknesses include, Difficulty in preserving confidentiality when using black books, No way to keep track of who sees paper records or to keep unauthorized people out, No guarantee for inf01mation backup and poor handwriting in records. 2.1.2 Manual Data processing Manual method of data processing normally involves operations performed by a clerk assisted if desired by specific aids such as a pocket calculator or adding machine French, Carl ( 1996) however, this only applies to small volumes of data to be handled. The processing is simple and in most cases, the employment of more hands will solve the problem of time constraint. For example, when updating of handwritten result records. 2.1.3 Library. According to Stephen, Maeve & Philips, (2007) in a traditional sense, a Library is a large collection of books, and can refer to the place in which the collection is housed. Today, the term can refer to any collection, including digital sources, resources, and services. The collections can 5 be of print, audio, and visual materials in numerous formats, including maps, prints, and documents, microform (microfilm/microfiche), CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, video games, e-books, audio books and many other electronic resources. The places where this material is stored can range from public libraries, subscription libraries, private libraries, and can also be in digital form, stored on computers or accessible over the internet. The term has acquired a secondary meaning: "a collection of useful material for common use." This sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. Stephan et a!, (2007) According to Robetison, (2004) Library Management System (LMS) known as an automated Library System is software that is developed to handle basic functions of a Library, and provides a complete solution for the administration of a library's technical functions and services to the public. These functions range from; tracking the assets held by the library, managing lending, through to supporting the daily work over. These systems are used in almost all libraries large and a small. 2.1.4 Disadvantages of Manual Library Management System. According to Burke, (2007) Manual Library Management systems, A librarian who misfiles a borrower's records or indexes a book incorrectly slows down the process and wastes students' time. Manual systems are also slow to operate, instead of using a computer to issue and take back books, locating and updating a card index is slow and laborious. Manual systems are unable to store large amounts of data efficiently. With manual systems Librarians spend a lot of their time on mechanical, clerical tasks rather than liaising with library visitors. Mellon, (1988) in her article "Attitudes: the forgotten Dimension in Library instruction" noted. "As I spent more time with the college students I was attempting to instruct, I became increasingly aware of their discomfort in the library. What I originally perceived as a lack of interest and motivation began to seem more like phobia. Students would do anything to get out of the library. They would spend vast sums of money photocopying materials they had not even read or would leave empty-handed when the information they wanted was not found. This came 6 as result of fear to lend out books simply because their manual library management system could not properly keep track of borrowers' records. Some students who discussed their fears talked about the feeling of being "lost." Mellon, (1986) proposed four reasons for feeling lost in the library; firstly, the size of the library. She indicated that academic libraries are considerably larger than school and public libraries where those students have used, so this maybe why many students find the size of the library intimidating. The academic library, which Mellon's, (1986) students wrote about, was a three storey building, one floor for reference, the other for periodicals and audio-visual materials, and the last floor for circulating collection. The respondents considered the library to be very large. Secondly, the students lack knowledge of where things are located. A number of students in Mellon· s study describe their confusion about the location of references and encyclopedia, while others did not know whom to ask to get some help. Finally, some students were worried about what they are supposed to do in the library. One student stated that he did not understand the library system at all, while another described the library as an "overwhelming place to someone who doesn't understand how to use it." Finally, some students were worried about what they are supposed to do in the library. 2.2 Requirements identification for an Automated Library Management System. Roitberg, (2000) argued that key requirements are manpower, technical support, organization and management, hardware, software, networking, training, etc. 2.2.1 Computerized System A computerized system is a computer system with an aim. It also refers to a function (process or operation) integrated with a computer system and performed by trained people. The distinction between computer systems and computerized systems is important when validating computerized systems. Validation requires ensuring that computerized system is "fit for purpose'' which involves not only the verification (static and dynamic testing) that occurs when building a computer system, but also the development of procedures for the operation of the computerized system, training of the people who will perform the controlled functions of the computerized system, and periodic review and maintenance of the validated state of the computerized system 7 through configuration management and change control until the system IS retired. Kreamer(! 989). Computers are made for different purposes. It is usually used in schools, offices and business, machine production and also for medical laboratory. S.Sadagopan, (2004). The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved the information need of organization; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base. Therefore, one can be prompted to ask aloud "what is a computer?" A computer is an electronic device that can perform automatically and at a high speed a sequence of logical operations according to instructions given to it in form of a pre-arranged progran1. 2.2.2 Advantages of Computerized System With a Computerized system, work is handled much efficiently and effectively. It helps to save time and money. Another advantage of the computerized system is it is not as error prone as the manual system. Manually when one wants to do the same job repeatedly then mistakes are most likely to be encountered, this causes the problem in information representation. The computerized system avoids such error. Our lives will be really green when everything is done through computer and there is no paper work, Johnq Newbie (05-Mar-20 I 0) 2.2.3 Database system Codd, (I 970) DBMS are categorized according to their data structures or types. It is a set of prewritten programs that are used to store, update and retrieve a Database. The DBMS accepts requests for data from the application program and instructs the operating system to transfer the appropriate data. Information systems can be changed much more easily as the organization's information requirements change when a DBMS is used. New categories of data can be added to the database without disruption to the existing system. One of the strengths of a DBMS is that while there is only one physical view of the data, there can be an endless number of different logical views. This feature allows users to see database information in a more business-related way rather than from a technical, processing viewpoint Thus the logical view refers to the way user views data, and the physical view to the way the data are physically stored and processed 8 2.2.4 DBMS capabilities Codd, E.F. (1970) explained the commonly features offered by database management systems. Query Ability: Querying is the process of requesting attribute information from various perspectives and combinations of factors. Example: "How many 2-door cars in Texas are green?" A database query language and report writer allow users to interactively interrogate the database, analyze its data and update it according to the users privileges on data. Rule Enforcement: Often one wants to apply rules to attributes so that the attributes are clean, accurate and reliable. Security: Security Often it is desirable to limit who can see or change which attributes or groups of attributes. This may be managed directly by individual, or by the assignment of individuals and privileges to groups, or (in the most elaborate models) through the assignment of individuals and groups to roles which are then granted entitlements. Computation: There are common computations requested on attributes such as counting, summing, averaging, sorting, grouping, cross-referencing, etc. Change and Access logging: Often one wants to know who accessed what attributes, what was changed, and when it was changed. Logging services allow this by keeping a record of access occurrences and changes. 9 2.3 Designing and implementation of a computerized library management system 2.3.1 Database design Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. Gehani, N, (2006). This logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be used to create a database. The tenn database design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. In the relational model these are the tables and views. However, the term database design also applies to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the database Management System (DBMS). M. Hernandez, (2013). Types of database designs Logical design Once the relationships and dependencies amongst the various pieces of information have been determined, it is possible to arrange the data into a logical structure which can then be mapped into the storage objects supported by the database management system. In the case of relational databases the storage objects are tables which store data in rows and columns. Each table may represent an implementation of either a logical object or a relationship joining one or more instances of one or more logical objects. Relationships between tables may then be stored as links connecting child tables with parents. Since complex logical relationships are themselves tables they will probably have links to more than one parent Conceptual design The database designer must determine where dependency is within the data once he is aware of the data which is to be stored within the database. Sometimes when data is changed you can be changing other data that is not visible. For example, in a list of names and addresses, assuming a situation where multiple people can have the same address, but one person cmmot have more 10 than one address, the address is dependent upon the name. When provided a name and the list the address can be uniquely determined; however, the inverse does not hold - when given an address and the list, a name cannot be uniquely determined because multiple people can reside at an address. Because an address is determined by a name, an address is considered dependent on a name. Physical design of the database The physical design of the database specifies the physical configuration of the database on the storage media. This includes detailed specification of data elements, data types and other parameters residing in the DBMS data dictionary. It is the detailed design of a system that includes modules & the database's hardware & software specifications of the system. 2.3.2 The user interface design of the system User interface design refers to the design of software applications , appliances, machines such as computers, mobile communication devices, and websites with the focus on the user's experience and interaction, Dr. Reinhard Oppermann, (200 I). The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction so friendly in as far as accomplishing user goals is concernedwhat is often called user-centered design. The design process must balance technical functionality and visual elements (e.g., mental model) to create a system that is not only operational but also usable and adaptable to changing user needs. User interface design has been a topic of considerable research, including on its aesthetics. Standards have been developed as far back as the 1980s for defining the usability of software products. The following are some of the standards developed by the IFIP-MODEL. Dubrovnik, Croatia, September, (2007). • The input/output dimension (the look) • The dialogue dimension (the feel) • The teclmical or functional dimension (the access to tools and services) • The organizational dimension (the communication and co-operation suppmi) II 2.3.3 System testing System testing refers to an investigation that is carried out to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service available/ under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product/service works as expected, meets the requirements that guided its development, can be implemented with the same characteristics, and satisfies the needs of stakeholders. This can as well be done by prototyping According to Brian, statecy & Sarah, (1999), a prototype is a limited working system developed to test out a design concept. In many fields, there is great uncertainty as to whether a new design can actually do what is desired. New designs often have unexpected problems. A prototype can always used as part of the product design process to allow engineers and designers have the ability to explore design altematives, test theories and confirm performance prior to starting production of a new product. Engineers use their experience to tailor the prototype according to the specific unknowns still present in the intended design. For example, some prototypes are used to confirm and verify consumer interests in a proposed design whereas other prototypes attempt to verify the performance or suitability of a specific design approach. In general, a series of prototypes are designed, constructed and tested as the final design emerges and is prepared for production. With rare exceptions, multiple iterations of prototypes are used to progressively refine the design. A common strategy is to design, test, evaluate and then modify the design based on analysis of the prototype. 12 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 3.0 Introduction. This chapter presents the area of the study, the methods, instruments and tools that were used by the researcher to gather data from various people and the limitations that were encountered during the study as well 3.1 Area of the study This research was carried out at Kashenyi vocational semor secondary school in Bushenyi district. The researcher carried out the feasibility study during school days because it was the only time when administrators, academic and support staff could be accessed. 3.2 Study Population The population study comprised students, staff and librarians at Kashenyi vocational semor secondary school and all together, it was 176 people. 20 were staff of which 2 were librarians, and 156 were students. 3.2.1 Study Sample The study sample was 8 staff and 20 students. All together, the sample had 28 representatives. Also data of interest that was included from both the students and librarians as per the hardships met during their day to day operations in the library was also valued. Respondent Total number Selected sample Percentage Staff(teachers and non teaching) students 20 8 40% 156 20 13% 13 3.3 Sampling methods. The researcher used simple random and purposive sampling techniques when selecting the respondents for the study so as to minimize bias. For students, purposive sampling was used and it was basically for targeting candidate class students notably S4 and S6 since these were assumed to be constant library users. Therefore the researcher felt that she would get adequate information from that group ofrespondents and the fact that it was around the same time that the candidates had to prepare for their mock examinations, this further justified the reason as to why the researcher still had to opt for purposive sampling. Besides. other academically sound students were also selected out from the rest of the classes that is to say, S 1, S2, S3, and SS simply because it is believed that there's no success without huddles/difficulties which implies that the above students as well were also good library users. However, to staff, it was just a simple random sampling and here, selection was just by choice. 3.4 Sources of Data There were mainly two major sources of data namely; Primary data which was got from the selected respondents. Secondary data was that fi·om the other source such as related literature like records of Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school, Bushenyi and published text books as well. 3.5 Data collection methods and instruments Data was collected by the use of questionnaires and interviews in order to gather data about the topic being researched. 3.5.1 Questionnaires The researcher designed a series of questions that respondents answered at their own convenience, in order to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of current library system. Questionnaires were used because: • Respondents had enough time to give reasonable answers compared to interviews. • Respondents had a chance to write requirements without influence or fear of anything, and give detailed answers thereby contributing towards system development. 14 3.5.2 Interviews Face to face interviews were conducted so as to hear from the librarians. This method was used to obtain first-hand information on how people feel about the current system being used. their hopes for the future system and recommendations they had to give. Interviews were used because: • They are cheaper and quicker to conduct because respondents give answers there and then compared to questi01maires that require typing, printing costs. • The researcher gets primary data (first hand data) which is not the case with questionnaires. With questionnaires, one can never know who filled the questionnaires. • With interviews, the researcher gets a chance to ask the same questions again for clarity. • The interviews were used because they give accurate information and good response rate. • They are also suitable for literate and illiterate 3.6 Data collection procedure The researcher went to faculty and acquired an introductory letter, designed a consent form that was presented to the field of research, that is to say, Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school. The informed consent document was distributed to respondents highlighting the title of research project, the identity of the researcher, the purpose of the research and a brief description of the purpose of the study. This was aimed at giving the researcher permission to carry out her study as a way of ethical consideration. 3. 7 Data Processing and Analysis Upon collecting data, it was analyzed as a means of interpreting it, to compile the report using Ms. Excel in generating tables and figures. Data from the field was processed, analyzed qualitatively using simple statistics of tables and bar graphs. 3.8 Problems I Constraints Encountered Never the less, some problems were also encountered during the study and these included the following among others. 15 • Financial constraints: The study being a self sponsored venture, the researcher would sometimes face problems to finance some of the activities involved in the study. However, through hard and thin, it has come to an end successfully. • Time constraints: The time allocated to the study looked not friendly given that the same period involved the class work where there are a lot of course works. tests and lectures. • Busy schedules: The people working with the current system were most of the time busy as most of them always served the large number of students and this made the work of the researcher difficult especially during data collection. Nevertheless, they proved very cooperative despite their busy schedule. • Fear for retrenchment: Some of the library staff at the school as they had phobia for their jobs with the introduction of the computerized system. They expressed fear that they would be left with no work. • Throughout the whole study, electric power was never on the researcher's side. It would go off at critical times and this hindered the smooth progress and planning was made difficult 16 CHAPTER FOUR DATA FINDINGS, ANALYSIS, AND DESIGN 4.0 Introduction Chapter four presents the findings, analysis and design of the new Library Management System. 4.1 Findings from the study The researcher issued 20 questionnaires and successfully got responses from all the respondents. This came as a result of the thorough guidance and supervision. Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel 2007 spread sheet, calculated the frequency, percentages and generated graphs for responses from each of the relevant questions. STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF QUESTIONNAIRES Respondent Frequency Aware of wasting Respondent Respondent Respondent a lot of time at without with suggesting borrowing or knowledge of knowledge returning a book ELMS of ELMS ELMS Staff 8 6 6 1 7 Student 20 17 14 7 20 Total 28 23 20 8 27 Total% 100% 82% 71% 29% 96% FIGURE 4.1: Table of Statistical Data of Students and Staff. 17 Percentage " Percentage Respondent with Respondent Aware of wasting Respondent a lot of time at without knowledge knowledge of suggesting ELMS borrowing or of ELMS ELMS returning a book FIGURE 4.2: Graphical representation of Statistical Data. The data presented in figures 4.1 and 4.2 above show that over 82% of the respondents are aware of a challenge of wasting a lot of time when getting basic library services such as borrowing, returning or searching for a book. Furthermore figures 4.1 and 4.2 shows that 71% of the respondents are not aware that the fore mentioned challenge can be managed by application of Information Technology through automated systems. These respondents are not aware of such systems including an automated Library Management System (ALMS). Figures 4.1 and 4.2 also show that only 29% of the respondents are aware of an Automated Library Management System (ALMS). However figures 4.1 and 4.2 shows that 96% of all respondents suggest for the implementation of an Automated Library Management System (ALMS). This made the researcher to see a true need of having this system in place and hence developing it so as to eliminate the weaknesses in the manual library system that were pointed out. 18 4.2 Analysis of the old System The researcher participated physically in the running and maintenance of the current system used to get a feel of what really happens on the ground. Participation is preferred because: This enables the researcher to verify what was said in the interviews; get to know users feel about the existing system, and gain a further insight of the system as compared to interviews where respondents may give you biased answers due fear or lack of knowledge about information systems, it helped the researcher verify reasons to ascertain requirements as desired by users. 4.2.1 Manual Filing system Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school Bushenyi used to capture and store borrowers' records using a manual filing system where they could write their details like item names, id no, sex, date of borrowing, date of return, among others and used to store all files in a room where they could pick files for reference when an item is needed. 4.2.2 Problems of Existing System Considering the previous section, there were many problems associated with the existing manual system, they included the following: • There is a problem in decision making as there was inadequate information. • People waited for a long time as the librarian looked for a particular item in the file Fast report generation is not possible. • Tracing a book is difficult. • Information about issue/return of the books is not properly maintained. • No central database can be created as information is not available in database. 4.3 Requirements for the new system Requirements specification focused on what the school would want the system to do so that it could be developed basing on relevant information hence being able to effectively provide the intended solutions. During the feasibility study, an analysis was carried out to establish the basic requirements for the design of a Computerized Library Management System. The availability of 19 necessary requirements and the commitment of the management to assist in this project was a key factor to the success of the project. System requirements include; 4.3.1 Functional requirements Functional requirements include the input, process and the output procedures needed for the effectiveness of the software application system. The following tasks are performed by the system; Data capture and storage, ability to save, retrieve and backup data, accept and process inquiries, update the database, and produce reports on demand decision making process. The system also authenticates and validates users; it has searching capabilities for the entities in the database. The system provides a mechanism which ensures that all updates corresponding to a given transaction are made to avoid update anomalies Software requirements • Database development language: Microsoft office access • Application server software: Microsoft visual studio 2005 Hardware requirements • Memory capacity 256MB RAM, Hard disk 40GB, Pentium 4 processor supporting front side bus (FSB) speeds up to 533/400MHZ, LCD monitor 17 inch, UPS 4.3.2 Non-Functioning requirements The following non-functional tasks are performed by the system; It ensures reduced data congestion and redundancy. It has improved data security, integrity and reliability by use of access controls such as passwords. It also has a back up provision. It uses standard queries, pages and reports to assist in data storage and retrieval. The system is efficient in production of relevant data as and when it is required, has a user friendly interface that is to say, it is easy to operate by users, save time during its usage, easy to maintain and adapt to by users. 20 4.4 Design of the new system 4.4.1 Logical design of the new system According to David, Michael & Arthur (1985), a Use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented as use cases), and any dependencies between those use cases. Use case diagram was used to show what system functions are performed for which actor and the logical relationship as well. Figure 4.3 shows a use case diagram of the librat-y management system. Login View user View Books Reserve Books Search Books Issue Books Return Books View Members Add/Remove Add/Remove 21 Librarian 4.4.2 Conceptual design The following figure is an example of the tables in the database and how they are related. Most of the tables have a foreign key which is a primary key from another table. The database is designed in such way that it eliminates duplicate storage of data. Field Name Data Type Size Description User Name Text II N arne of the authorized user Password Text II Characters authorizing the users Status Text 10 Determines whether the system user is active or inactive Level Text 15 Shows the different categories/positions of the system users Primary key is user name Table. I Showing Users' details Field Name Data Type ld Autonumber 05 Size Description Counts the total number of available classes Class Text 04 Available class Description Text 11 class Primary key is class Table.2 Showing Class details 22 Field Name Data Type Size Description Id Autonumber 05 Counts the total number of Nationalities Nationality Text 15 The race where one originates from Flag Text 11 The banner having colors of one's race Description Text 30 The explanation of one's race Primary key is nationality Table.3 Showing Nationality details Field Name Data Type Id Autonumber 05 Size Description Counts the number of staff incremental! y Staffld Text 05 Unique identification number of staff Surname Text 20 Names Other Names Text 20 Names Gender Text 07 Gender Date Of Birth Date/Time Nationality Text 15 The race of the staff Telephone Number 13 Contact number Address Text 20 Location of staffs residence Date Of Birth Primary key is Staff id and foreign key is nationality Table.4 Showing staff details 23 Field Name Data Type Size Description Id Autonumber 05 Counts the number of staff incrementally ISBN Text II Unique identification number of a book Staffid Text II Unique identification number of staff Date When the book is being borrowed of Date/Time borrowing Period for use Number 03 The time with in which the book is supposed to be used by the borrower Date of return Date/Time User name Text When the book is to be returned 11 Active user of the system on book borrowing Book return Text 4 shows whether the book is being returned or not Primary key is staff id and foreign key is ISBN Table.S showing staff borrowing details 24 Field Name Data Type Size Description ID Auto number 05 Counts the number of books incrementally as they are being stocked Book name Text 20 Name of the book Total no Number 150 The available number books in stock Total no out Number 03 Shows the number of books already borrowed Total no to be Number 30 Shows the maximum of books to be lent out of the library lent Primary key is book name Table.6 showing book stock details Size Description Field Name Data Type Id Autonumber 05 Stream Text 10 The name of the stream Description Text 30 The kind of students contained in The number of available streams the stream Primary key is stream Table. 7 showing stream details 25 Field Name Data Type Id Autonumber 05 Size Description Counts the number of students incrementally Student id Text 04 Unique identification number of the student Surname Text 15 Names Other names Text 15 Names Date of birth Date/Time Gender Text 07 Gender Nationality Text 15 The race of the student Guardian's Number 10 The telephone number of the Date of bi1ih contact student's guardian Pic Ole Object Class Text 11 class Stream Text 11 The name of the stream Residence Text II Where the student resides Date of entry Date/Time 20 Date of entry Photo of the student Primary key student id and foreign keys are nationality, class, and stream Table.8 showing students' details 26 Field Name Data Type Size Description Id Autonumber 05 Counts the number of students incrementally ISBN Text II Unique identification number of a book Student id Text 04 Unique identification number of staff Date of borrowing Date/Time When the book is being borrowed Period for use Number 03 The time with in which the book is supposed to be used by the borrower Date of return Date/Time When the book is to be returned User name Text II Active user of the system on book borrowing Book return Text 04 shows whether the book is being returned or not Primary key is student id and foreign key is ISBN Table.9 showing student's bo1-rowing details 27 Field Name Data Type ld Autonumber 04 Size Desuiption Counts the number of books incrementally as they are being stocked ISBN Text II Unique identification number of a book Book title Text 20 The name of the book Author Text 20 The writer of the book Price Cunency 10 The cost of the book Publisher Text 20 Book printer/distributor Date of stock Date/Time User name Text Date of stock 10 Active user of the system on book stocking Section Text 15 The part or department to which the book belongs Class Text 04 Class Description I Text 50 Gives an account of what the book talks about Description 2 Text 50 More of the book's explanations Primary key is ISBN and foreign key is usemame Table.IO showing book details 28 4.4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram It is clear that the physical objects from the design - the students, books, librarians, and staff, correspond to entities in the Entity-Relationship model, and the operations to be done on those entities - holds, checkouts, and so on correspond to the relationships. However, a good design minimizes redundancy and attempt to store all the required information in a smallest space possible. After some consideration, the following design was used. BOOK ~ ID 10 ~ ISBII BOOK TITlE AUTHOR PRICE PUBUSHER DATE Of STOCK USERIIAI.IE SECTION ClASS DESCRIPTIOII! DESCRIPTIOtl2 flAG DESCRIPTIOI·I STUDE~JT SURIIAJ.IE OTHERIIAI.IES GEIIDER OAT! Of BIRTH BORROV·-1. ~ ID UATIOfiAillY 4 TElEPHOIIE ADDRESS ISBII STUDEIITID DATE OF HORR01•11 PERIOD USER IIIJ>IE RETURII USEFS ID v SURII'l.IE OTHER IIAJ,IES DATE Of BIRTH GEilDER IIATIOIIAlnY GUARDIIJI'S COIITACT CLA.SS 10 ~ Cl'SS VUSER IIIJ,IE PASSWORD STATUS lEVEl ~( STREAiv1 ClA.SS STREAJ.I RESIDEIICE DATE Of EIITRY ID ~ STREIJ,J DESCRIPTIOII Figure 4.4: Showing Entity Relationship Diagram Membership 29 ISBII STAffiD DATE Of PERIOD FOR USE DATE Of RETURII USER IIAI.IE BOOK RETUPJI _i 4.4.4 Physical design of the system The physical design relates to the actual input and output processes of the system. This is laid down in terms of how data is input into a system, how it is verified/ authenticated, how it is processed, and how it is displayed physically. The following requirements about the system are decided. 1. Input requirement, 2. Output requirements, 3. Storage requirements, 4. Processing Requirements, 5. System control and backup or recovery. System design method Traditional water fall method A traditional water fall method of system development life cycle, (SDLC) was used in the design and construction of the system. It comprises of feasibility, Analysis, Design, Implementation, test and maintenances phases. SDLC was considered suitable for this project because it provides thoroughness. Jeremy (2008). Figure 4.5: A traditional waterfall model easi.blli: A traditional waterfall model of the System Development Life Cycle, (SDLC) was used in the design and development of the new system. It comprises of planning, analysis design and implementation and maintenance phases. The SDLC was suitable since it provided thoroughness. 30 System study This included the methods and findings to project and recommendations to overcome the limitations and problems in the light of the user's requirements and the system requirements. It was also during this stage when multiple alternative projects were suggested and their feasibility tested and analyzed. Operational feasibility was as well assessed so as to determine whether the new system was fit for the current working environment or not. Technical feasibility was also assessed to determine whether the available software and hardware were sufficient enough to meet the expected specified objectives of a computerized system A legal feasibility study was also can·ied out so as to discover the potential legal outcome. All the results of both studies were compiled into a report known as a feasibility report, along with the preliminary specifications. System analysis stage A system is a set of interrelated procedures together with the personnel that jointly performs different activities to achieve a specific objective. System analysis is the process of studying a system with the potential goal of improving or modifying it. This involved the design of a system in order to make improvements for a better one. This therefore entailed carrying out a detailed study of the various components of the system and its relationships, thereby identifying user requirements for the new system. User Requirements The key issue in the requirements analysis phase is the "what" not" how" requirement; analysis phase, will answer the question "What do users need ancj want form a new system. Functional and Nonfunctional requirements were so vital in meeting the objectives. The functional requirements included the activities and services the system must provide. Nonfunctional requirement included a description of other features, characteristics and constraints that define a satisfactory system. 31 Design phase The design functions and operations were a bit detailed for it involved process diagrams and other documentation all of which described the new system as a collection of modules or subsystems. This stage took its approved system requirements as its initial input. For each requirement, a set of design elements were produced. Design elements were the ones being used to describe the desired software features in detail for the skilled programmers to develop the software with minimal additional input design. These were as well achieved with Microsoft office access and visual basic 2005. Testing The code was being tested at various levels in software testing and included user involvement. Operations and maintenance The deployment of the system included changes and enhancements before the commencement of system use. System maintenance was a very important aspect of the system development life cycle (SDLC) 32 CHAPTER FIVE TESTING AND SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 5.0 Introduction This involves the system testing and several processes of turning the system specifications into executable program (system implementation). 5.1 System testing In order to ensure that system software created is working correctly and efficiently, testing was carried out and this was aimed at examining the internal efficiency and external effectiveness of the software. External effectiveness of the system tests to verify the functionality of the software in relation to the system design and internal efficiency tests the effectiveness of the developed computer code and the documentation. Generally tests at this stage were more concerned with testing of the system accuracy, reliability of various components, the capability with range of inputs, the usual operating conditions and frequency inputs. 5.1.1 System testing levels that were done Functional Testing This was based on the specifications of the software that to be tested. The application was tested by providing input and then the results were examined so as to see if they conformed to the system functionality intended for. Functional Testing of the software was conducted on both a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. Integration Testing The testing of pmis of m1 application to determine if they function correctly together was done. 33 System Testing When all the components were integrated, the application as a whole was tested so as to see that it meets Quality Standards. System testing was so important because of the following reasons: • it is the first step in the system Development Life Cycle, where the application is tested as a whole. • The application is tested in an envirorunent which IS very close to the production enviroim1ent where the application will be deployed. • It also enables us to test, verify and validate both the business requirements as well as the Applications Architecture. • The application IS fully tested so to see if it meets the functional and teclmical specifications. Regression Testing Whenever there's a change made in a software application, it is quite possi~le that other areas within the application have been affected by this change and therefore, regressjon testing must be carried out. The intent of Regression testing is to ensure that & change, such as a fixing a bug did not cause in-egular system behaviors. Acceptance Testing most importantly is this type of testing and it normally carried out by the Quality Assurance Team weigh to find out whether the application meets the intended specifications and satisfies the users' requirements. The QA have a set of pre written scenarios and Test Cases that are used to test the application. 34 5.2 System implementation User Interface Design User Interface Design or user interface engineering is the design of computer applications, and other related devices with the focus on the user's experience and interaction. User Interface Design is concerned with how users add information to the system and how the system presents information back to them. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals. A graphical user interface was used to support its usability. The design process balanced technical functionality and visual elements to create a library system that is not only operational but also usable and adaptable to changing user needs. The library system has got a login form (figure 5.3) that allows users to access the main menu (figure 5.4) below and then from main menu, users can navigate to other menus as show below. All menus are friendly to users since they can be configured to meet users' needs. Figure 5,1: showing login form The login form above allows users to access the main menu. When the user's status is active, he /she shall successfully be logged in and therefore will access the main menu that will allow the user to tour their desired interfaces, otherwise denied access. (A system user whose status is inactive) 35 Figure 5.2: showing main menu This is the main menu that allows active system users to navigate through other menus by clicking on the links contained in there (on the menu bar) This has forms such as a student bookbon-owing form, a staff book- borrowing form, books' details form, students' details form among others as regards the library system details. 36 STAFF ISSN STAFF !D I• I '· DATE OF OORROWih'G DATE OF RETURH 11120/2013 Figure 5.3: showing staff borrowing form This provides for staff borrowing. Before a particular book is lent out to a staff, the active system user has to first search the book status that is to say, (how many books are in stock, how many have been lent out and also should know how many books of that type have to be lent out). Secondly, the borrowers' status has also to be checked to find out whether they are not defaulters and if discovered defaulters, they should give an explanation before another book is issued out. 37 ISBN: BOOK TITLE !WJ UPON THIS MOUNTA!N 1 AUTHOR: TJMOTHYWANGUSA PRICE 57000 PUBLISHER: SECTION: ClASS: 52 DESCRIPTION 1: ISBN: DESCRIPTION 2: 111 -----·--- Figure 5.4: showing book form This shows details about the existing books in the library. It can as well be used for adding in new books to the library 38 KASHEN'Il VOCATIONAL SECONARY SCHOOL P.O.BOX 200 BUSHEN'Il UGANDA 8/2012013 11:31:03AI'.1 9/12/2013 11:31:03AI-.I 23 3 811912013 11:31:03AM 911612013 11:31 :03A.".1 28 4 711912013 11:31:03AM 9/10/201311:31:03AM 53 5 811912013 11:31:03AM 9/101201311:31:0W.! 22 8121/2013 11:31:03AM 9/12/2013 11:31:03AM 22 11/1312013 11:31:03AM 85 1019J2013 11:3t·OJAM 50 2 6 7 812012013 11:31:03AM 8 Figure 5.5: showing a generated report. A report showing a list of bmTowed books and not yet returned. It also has a reminder to all book borrowers so as to ensure that the books are returned in time 39 CHAPTER SIX PROJECT DISCUSSION, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6.0 Intl'Oduction This chapter discusses the work carried out in this project. It examines how the objectives of the project were achieved using Kashenyi Vocational Senior Secondary School as the case study. 6.1 Discussion The purpose of the study was to build a Computerized Library Management System to replace the existing manual system. The case study was Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school, Bushenyi. To achieve the objectives of study, the existing systems was studied and analyzed, by looking at both the strengths and weaknesses of the current system. Students and staff were interviewed and documents reviewed on the existing literature. • Database development language: Microsoft office access • Application development software: Microsoft visual studio 2005 The system reflects and suppO!is the decentralized requirements of the Library users. The System has an ADMINISTRATOR who has full-fledged rights with regard to managing resources such as add, modify and delete library users in the system and add, modify and delete books in the library stock of the system as well. The new system is therefore able to do the following: • Retrieve Information from the database is so quickly as one searches on the screen. This is not the case with the old system which involved paper files which were vulnerable to displacement and damage. • Authenticate users with an access control facility to prevent unauthorized access to data. This will handle mostly non repudiation issues as a security control something that the manual system can't handle. • Validate the entries by prompting the user whenever a wrong command is entered to avoid unnecessary errors that can distort infonnation. • Update the database whenever new information is entered. 40 • The users can know the number of available books, information about members' accounts etc • Quick and correct report generation which is not the case with the old system that was characterized with scattered charts. • System user can add items (Books, CD etc) to the system. • The System allows searching for items in the system based on author name, book name, user name, date of return, date of lending etc. 6.2 Recommendations The researcher recommends that all Library operations should be replaced with a Computerized Library Management System most especially in secondary schools so as to overcome some of the problems like time wastage and improper file storage of the manual system. The researcher however recommends that in the time being, Kashenyi vocational semor secondary school can concurrently use the manual system together with the automated/computerized system since the biggest percentage of the respondents were not so familiar with computer technology. The researcher recommends that all the Library Management Systems(LMS) should have the ability to search for available books, allow users to add new books onto the catalogue and generate time reporting system indicating who used, which book and when among others. Although too much work was done to design and implement a Computerized Library Management System, there is still need for future requirements of upgrading the designed system in order to keep generating consistent results at the required time therefore, the project designer recommends that, the designed system should be used effectively in order to perform well its functionality. This should be done through the training of the users of the system. 41 6.3 Conclusion It was found out that manual Library system usually has weaknesses including time wastage, space, and it is hard to locate library resources. The researcher also identified that a Library system requires the recording of books, checking for availability of books in the library and also to find out easily those who have not returned the bon-owed books. In a conclusion therefore if embraced and taken seriously, a lot of benefits therein will be realized by the users and the above problems will be no more 42 APPEDICES APPENDIX. I REFERENCES 1. Brian, W, Statecy, C, & Sarah, E, (1999) Using Information Technology: a Practical introduction to Computer and Communications. United States. 2. Burke, C, (2007) manual library management systems(5 111 Ed) 3. Jeffrey, Lonnie, & Kevin, C, (2001) System Analysis and Design Methods (5 111 Ed) NY: Irwin/McGrawhill. 4. Database Management Systems: Designing and Building Applications. Toronto: McGraw-hill Ryerson 5. Robertson. (2004) Step Two Design Management Information System. 6. Roitberg, The Influence of the Electronic Library on Library Management 7. Stephen, H., Maeve, C, & Philips, A, (2007) Management Information System. (6 111 Ed) NY: McGraw-hill. 8. Codd, E. F. (1970). Introduction to Data Base Management System. Basingstoke. Uk: Prenticehall.3'd edition. 9. International Standard on Records Management, ISO 15489. 10. Kreamer, k. L. (1989). Managing Information Systems. Jossey-Bass Publishers. 11. Reynolds, R. s. (2003). Principles of information system. Cengage Learning centre. 12. French, Carl (1996). Data Processing and Information Technology (I Oth Ed.). Thomson. p. 2. ISBN 184480 I 004. 13. Mellon, (1988) "Attitudes: the forgotten Dimension in Library instruction" 43 APPENDIX.2 BUDGET ITEM NUMBER COST PER UNIT AMOUNT STATIONARY 4 rims of paper 10,000 40,000 printing 100 papers 300 30,000 Visual basic dot. net 1 Original copy 10,000 60,000 1 copy 20,000 20,000 2005 Microsoft office 2007 150,000 Up keep Computer Pentium four (full 900,000 900,000 set) 11,40000 Total 44 APPENDIX.3 INTERVIEW GUIDE Section A: Bio data of respondent Age Sex Occupation Education Levels Section B: Guiding questions Have you been to the school library before? How beneficial has the library been to you? What are some of the troubles you encounter in trying to access the library services? How do you go about these problems? How long does it take you to find a solution to such problems mentioned above? What do you think is the best way to approach these problems? Who else gets affected by the problems apart from you? For how long have you been visiting the library encountering such problems? How would you want the solution to the problems in the current systems be provided to you? What changes would you want to see done in the current systems to make it better? Are there any suggestions you have for the researcher concerning the Manual Library Management System? Do you think a computerized system can make a difference m Kashenyi vocational semor secondary school? 45 APPENDIX.4 CONSENT FORM I Amusiri Daphine, an undergraduate student of Kampala International University western campus pursuing a Bachelor of information technology and am in my final year. I hereby carry out a research that will help us to design an Automated/Computerised library Management System? This system will help in data capturing, storage, processing, report-retrieval and also guarantying security in terms of limiting unauthorized persons which will be beneficial both to me and the for the library users such as the students, staff and librarians as well. I present this questionnaire to you as a way of seeking information from you on how the library services have always been handled. The data collected from you is and will be used for research purposes only; and will not be presented to anyone else apart from the researcher. Thanks for your for cooperation Names of respondent. ........................................................................................ . Si~ .............................................................................................................. . 0~ .............................................................................................................. . Researcher. ..................................................................................................... . Sign .............................................................................................................. . Date .............................................................................................................. . 46 APPENDIX.S QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Instructions: I. Tick the appropriate answer. 2. Fill the space provided where appropriate. Section A Names ...................................................................... . Address ..................................................................... . Tel. Number. ............................................................... . Designation: ........................... . General information Gender: Male [ ], Female [ ] Age range: [15-20][ ], [20- 35][ ] , [36- 55] [ ] Education Levels Student [ ] Cetiificate [ ] Diploma [ ] Degree [ ] Other [ ] Section B Have you been to the school library before? Yes [ ] No [ ] What system is being used in serving the library users of Kashenyi vocational senior secondary school? Manual (files and papers) [ ] computerized [ ] both [ ] others (please specify) [ ] Is the system mentioned above easy to use? Yes [ ] No [ ] If yes, how do you find their library services? Very good [ ] Good [ ] Normal [ ] Is there any need of improving the services? Yes [ ] No [ ] 47 Bad [ ] Very bad [ J APPENDIX.6 SUGGESTION QUESTIONNAIRE 1 What type of improvement do you think is proper? Manual system [ ] computerized system [ 2 Do you have any reason of your selection? Yes [ ] No [ ] 3 If your choice is yes, please explain Comments 4 Would you welcome the introduction of a computerized system to the school library? If Yes give reasons for you answer Thank you so much for your great assistance and contribution towards my research 48 APPENDIX.7 PROJECT PLAN AND SCHEDULE TASK NAME WEEKS Problem Identification and Preliminary Implementation, Operation And Maintenance Documentation 49