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List of Definitions-CMF

Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Final Exam
Courtship, relations:
Betrothal (定親)
Courtship (broadly)
Dating (USA)
Domestic violence
Family violence
Intimate partner
Living Apart Together
promise that marriage will take place (other word:
an intimate romantic relationship between two people
that may or may not end up in marriage
- relationship between two people involving some
degree of companionship, communication, good times,
mutual sharing, romantic overtones, and perhaps
sexual contact, where romance and sex distinguish
“dating” from other situations where people are “just
- informal …male/female interaction [in heterosexual
interpretation] with no specific commitment
in the intimate space of home, a perpetrator using
violence to exercise control and to consolidate the
power relation with the victims – it is often invisible not
only because of the domestic space, but also due to
multi-layered dependent relationship (legal, economic
and emotional)
physical, psychological, sexual and economic harm
imposed to family members
violence by an intimate partner including physical,
sexual, and emotional abuse and controlling behaviours
love relationship in which a committed couple choose to
live apart rather than together
Family and kinship:
Affinal kin (姻親關係)
Clan (氏族)
Consanguineal kin (血緣關係)
Extended family (三,四代同堂)
kin by marriage
unilineal kinship group whose members believe
themselves to be descended from a common
ancestor but who cannot trace this link through
known relatives
blood kin
indicates the person from whom we evaluate the
kinship and family structures.
including other generations, e.g. grandparents, or
other people within each generation, e.g. uncles,
cousins, etc.
- “social and economic unit consisting minimally
of one or more parents (or parent substitutes)
and their children)”
- “any group of people who are related to one
another by marriage, birth or adoption”
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Family of orientation (生長家庭
) (also called “family of origin”)
Family of procreation (生育家
庭 or 繁衍家庭)
Family reunification/reunion
Household ( 住戶)
Incest (亂倫)
Incest taboo (亂倫禁忌)
Kinship (親屬)
Lineage (世系群)
Nuclear family (核心家庭)
Partible inheritance (部分繼承)
Primogeniture (長子繼承製)
Taboo (禁忌)
Transnational families
Ultimogeniture (幼子繼承製)
Final Exam
family in which one is born and grows up
family formed when one marries and has children
a process whereby family members separated
through forced or voluntary migration regroup in
a country other than the one of their origin
a group of people united by kinship or other links
who share a residence and organize production,
consumption, and distribution among themselves
sexual contact with a [close] relative [kin]
prohibition on incest
a privileged cultural order over the biological
universals of sexual relations and continuous
reproduction through birth
“group of kin whose members trace descent from
a known common ancestor”
at least one parent and their/his/her children
rule in which inheritance is divided more or less
equally among children in a family, or all the male
inheritance rule which favors the first born child in
a family
norm specifying behaviour(s) that is/are
forbidden in a culture (often bringing supernatural
punishment when violated)
familial groups with members living some or most
of the time separated from each other, while
nonetheless feeling a sense of collective welfare,
unity and familyhood across national borders
inheritance rule which favors the youngest born
child in a family
Marriage, divorce, remarriage:
Annulment (廢除) of a
Binuclear family
Bridewealth (新娘財富, 彩禮)
Crude divorce rate
declares the marriage completely erased, legally,
[implying] that it never technically existed and was
never valid, on a the basis that the formal
requirements for marriage were not present at the
time the marriage ceremony was performed
familial structure of joint custody (共同監護權)
families. … a child is a member of two families,
after remarriage of one or both parents
transfer of valuables from the bridegroom’s group
to that of the wife
annual number of divorces per 1,000 population
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Dowry (嫁妝)
Endogamy (内婚)
Exogamy (外婚)
Global hypergamy
Homogamy (同質地位通婚)
Marriage squeeze (婚姻擠壓)
No-fault divorce
Paradox (悖論) of global
Probability that a marriage
will end in divorce
Refined divorce rate
Sleeper effect of divorce
Stepfamily (繼親家庭)
Final Exam
- legal dissolution (合法解散) of a marriage
- breakdown of a particular type of social bond: the
conjugal (婚姻的) bond
transfer of valuables from the bride’s
father[/parents] or group to the couple or to the
bride herself
circumstance or rule of marrying within one’s own
circumstance or rule of marrying outside one’s
own group
marriage mobility (of woman) from the less
developed global “south” to the developed “north”
marriage between people with similar
characteristics (e.g., age and appearance) and
statuses such as socioeconomics or ethnicity
marriage where the woman marries a husband, or
into a family, higher in status than herself
marriage where the woman marries a husband, or
into a family, lower in status than herself
relationship in which sexuality between spouses is
arranged differently (with specific rights and
obligations) from that between lovers
imbalance between the numbers of males and
females in the prime marriage ages
divorce granted without anyone being found guilty
of marital misconduct
women from less developed country marrying a
man from a class lower than that of themselves in
their country of origin
determined (in principle) by taking all marriages
concluded in a certain year and then counting over
the decades how many of them have ended in
[annual] number of divorces per 1,000 married
(asserted) phenomenon whereby individuals who
previously showed positive recovery following
childhood parental divorce later exhibit adjustment
difficulties in young adulthood stemming from the
earlier experience of parental divorce
remarried family with a child younger than 18
years of age who is the [usually] biological child of
one of the parents and was born before the
residence with/near the wife’s relatives after
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Final Exam
residence with/near the husband’s relatives after
ceremony or ritual that mark change of status and
relations associated with marriage
Wedding (婚禮)
Old age and dying:
Active euthanasia
Euthanasia (安樂死)
Geronticide (殺老人)
Passive euthanasia
deliberately intervening to end someone's life (for that
person’s sake) – for example, by injecting them with a
large dose of sedatives (鎮靜劑)
stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination against
people on the basis of their age
act of deliberately ending a person’s life
to relieve suffering
the killing of elderly people
causing someone’s death by withholding or withdrawing
treatment that is necessary to maintain life
voluntary termination of one’s own life by administration
of a lethal substance with the assistance of a physician
Procreation and descent:
variant of a gene
absence of menstruation cycles
straight kinship membership connections across
DNA (deoxyribonucleic
long molecule (分子) consisting partly of building
blocks – genes (基因) which encode (編碼) the
acid – 脫氧核糖核酸)
information that a cell (細胞) uses to construct
particular proteins (蛋白質)
the “rational” control of reproduction in order to
Eugenics (優生學)
“improve” society’s mental, moral, and physical
health through selective breeding
part of DNA that can be related to some bodily
Gene (基因)
function, often in combination with other genes
biological father (Genetrix: mother)
Jus sanguinis (根据血统法) principle that the nationality of children is the same
as that of their parents, irrespective of their place of
birthright citizenship; [principle] whereby nationality is
Jus soli (出生地法)
dependent on place of birth
Partible paternity
belief that a child can have two or more fathers
sociological father (Mater: mother)
Allele (等位基因)
Amenorrhea (閉經)
Biological reproduction
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Social reproduction
Surrogate parenting
Unmet need for family
Final Exam
child-rearing, child-education and -socialization, care
for family members
an arrangement in which [the intended
rearing parents], contract with a woman to gestate a
child for them and then to relinquish it to them after
situation where a woman (15-49 of age) who is
married or in a consensual union
- is capable of becoming pregnant;
- wants to have no more children or not in the next
two years;
- is not using any method of contraception
Sex, gender, gender relations:
Androgen insensitivity
syndrome (AIS)
(雄激素 不敏感 綜合徵)
Cisgender persons
Gender essentialism
Gender wage gap
Intersex (表型间性)
Matriarchy (母權制)
inability of the body to respond to “male-making”
hormones (激素) of a XY foetus, so that the body, in
some cases, can grow up with female outer sex
characteristics (complete sex reversal)
combining masculine and feminine characteristics in
regards to appearance, gender identity or sexual
persons whose gender identity and gender
expression align with sex assigned at birth
word used to refer to socio-culturally defined roles of
men and women and possibly others
belief that males and females are born with
distinctively different natures, determined biologically
rather than culturally; this involves an equation of
gender and sex
the difference between median earnings of men and
women relative to median earnings of men
circumstance in which
- the appearance of the external genitalia [is] at
variance with normal development for either sex and
[presents] a problem of sex assignment;
- you cannot tell of children by looking at their
genitals whether they are male or female
women-centeredness in society […] The concept of
matriarchy does not parallel the concept of patriarchy
(domination by male members of a society) insofar
as [a similar] domination structure does not exist in a
matriarchal society
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Patriarchy (父權制)
Sex reassignment surgery
Swyer syndrome
Transgender persons
Transvestism (crossdressing – 異裝癖; 易裝癖)
True hermaphroditism (雌
雄同體性, 两性畸形)
Final Exam
socio-cultural system ruled by men in which women
have inferior (劣勢) social and political status
word used to refer to biologically interpreted divisions
of men and women
operation performed to change individuals with
gender dysphoria (性別認同障礙, 性別不安) to their
desired sex
concerns XY genetic males with female
characteristics (complete sex reversal), due to
changes in certain genes
persons whose gender identity contradicts their
biological sex at birth and the gender identity …
assigned to them in infancy
dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex
circumstance that there is the presence of ovarian
… and testicular tissue in the individual
Aggregation (聚合)
Androcentrism (男性中心主義
Anthropocentrism (人類中心
Case study (個案研究)
Constructionism (建構主義)
Deduction (演繹)
Dichotomy (二分法)
Essentialism (本質主義)
Ethnocentrism (民族中心主義
collective result originating from a variety of inputs
the tendency to view culture from a male
- the view that considers humans as central;
- the disadvantageous treatment or consideration
of those who are not members […] of the human
an in-depth (深入) investigation of a single
individual, group or event to explore the causes
of underlying principles
approach in which social realities are seen as the
product of socio-historically situated practices
rather than objective facts
derivation, of one statement … from one or more
[other] statements
treating two things as
- opposite;
- entirely different;
- mutually exclusive
the process through which children first internalize
idea that deep, hidden, and fixed qualities make
certain things what they are
analysing another culture through perspectives
taken from one’s own culture, often implying the
superiority of one’s own culture
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Family map
Feminism (moral)
Feminism (sociological)
Feminism (theoretical)
Glass ceiling
Induction (歸納)
Interdependence (互相依存)
Intersectionality (交織性理論)
Life expectancy at birth (出生
Opportunity cost (機會成本)
Participant observation (參與
Reciprocity (互惠)
Reference group (參照團體)
Final Exam
organizational scheme used by a family therapist
- showing transactional patterns;
- with hypotheses which patterns are functional or
way of theorizing, rejecting patriarchal
assumptions that accord position, power, and
privilege to men
idea that women and men should have equal legal
and political rights, sexual autonomy, and selfdetermination (agency)
social movement that advocates for economic,
political, and social equality between women and
perspective stating that women are uniquely and
systematically oppressed and that challenges
ideas of gender and sex roles
diagram of someone’s family history through at
least three generations
artificial, unseen, and often
unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that
prevents otherwise qualified people such as
women and minorities from rising to positions of
leadership and power
the process of discovering a general principle from
a set of facts
the fact of depending on each other
theory of how different types of discrimination
- average number of years that a new-born is
expected to live if current mortality rates continue
to apply;
- the average age new-born people will reach,
assuming known mortality patterns stay the same
during their lives
seeing or treating a person as an object
value of the next-highest-valued alternative use of
[a] resource
taking part in the events one is observing
ability to influence others’ behaviours
the mutual give-and-take [usually] among people
of equal status
- individual or social grouping which either sets or
maintains standards for the individual, or which
acts as a frame of comparison relative to which
individuals compare themselves;
Courtship, Marriage and Family
First Semester 2022-2023
Rite of intensification (強化儀
Rite of passage (通過儀式)
Separatism (in feminism)
Species barrier
Final Exam
- group that a person takes as a frame of
reference for [1] attitude-formation and
[2] self-evaluation
ritual structured to reinforce the values and norms
of a community and to strengthen group identity
ritual that marks a person’s transition from one
status to another
strategy ranging from male exclusion from the
women’s movement to withdrawal of women into
an all-female community and counter-culture in
order to learn to trust and value other women
assumption that men are superior to women, and
thus, deserve power over them
process through which people develop culturally
patterned understandings, behaviors, values, and
emotional orientations
difficulty to recognize social and emotional
qualities among another species where these are
in fact relevant
the unjustified disadvantageous consideration or
treatment of those who are not classified as
belonging to one or more particular species
Child labour
Child oblation (奉獻)
Oedipus complex
Shaman (祭师)
work that deprives children … of their childhood, their
potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to their
physical and/or mental development … and/or interferes
with their schooling by
- depriving them of the opportunity to attend school;
- obliging them to leave school prematurely;
- requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance
with excessively long and heavy work
donation or ‘offering’ … of a young child to a monastery to
be brought up by monks without further control by parents
circumstance (according to Freud) that the child develops a
deep sexual attraction for the parent of the opposite sex,
and a hatred of the parent of the same sex
religious specialist who through the medium of trance (出神)
enters into communion (交往) with the spiritual realm
Sources: Ahrons & Rodgers in Bowden & Greenberg, Amato, American Psychological Association, Banks,
BBC, Bell, Boles & Hoevelder, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boswell, Bowden & Greenberg, Bryceson,
Bryceson & Vuorela, cambidge.org, Cate & Lloyd, Chapin, El Ouardani & Barlow, Clow, Collins, Constable,
Crenshaw, DFID, Econlib, Ember and Ember, Eriksen, Genetic Home Reference, Holy, Horta, Hughes, ILO,
IOM, ISSM, Joel, Karraker & Grochowski, Kottak, Lambert, Laner in Newman & Grauerholz, LeVine and
Campbell in Pinxten, Lewin, McIntosh, Medicinet, Merton, Minuchin, Nanda and Warms, NHS, OECD, Oxford
Reference, Papadaki, Parkin, Pauls, Pressacademia, Ravenstein, Roberts, Sarigiani & Spierling, Scarnato,
Schwimmer, Shiel, Sociology Dictionary, Thornton, Tong, UN, Urry, Weeks, WHO