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Food & Beverage Service Phraseology & Procedure Guide

Phraseology and procedure in food and bevarage services
1. Welcoming The Guest. Good Morning sir! welcome to )where would you like to seat sir in a ?
ok sir, follow me, this way please
2. seating t the guest Is this table being alright for you sir? May I assist you with your chair?
3. introduce Sir ,I am today! ...... your waiter /waitress for
5. Unfold the table napkin.
4. suggest beverage items Sir before I present the menu list would you like to order a beverage items
like highly spirit drinks, cocktail drinks and refreshing drinks?
Note: *Suggestion of specific item may be done at the left side. Then, (Take and repeat order.
Retrieve beverage list. Then, excuse.)
*Serve first water and bread before serving pre-dinner drinks.
If quest doesn't want to try your beverage suggestion.
*Present the beverage list.
Then, get ice cold water and serve. Turn back the water pitcher Go directly to the left side. Then, take
and repeat order. Retrieve the beverage list. Then, excuse.
*Go to the bar counter and present the order slip.
*Then serve the beverage order (right side)
5. Present the menu list
"Sir, may I present to you our menu list for your food selection.
"Excuse me sir. (turn to the left side then....)
7.Suggest food items
*may I suggest some items Sir for your own selection?
Component to suggest.
8. Take the order "May i take your order sir?How many order of ..
*After getting the quest order "Sir, since you've order for your main entree and its accompaniment is
"Do you want to try it sir?" "How many glass sir?"
"Sir do you want your main entree go with rice a choice of garlic $ plain rice which one do you want
sir?How many cups sir?"
9.Repeat the order *"May I repeat your order sir to make sure that I get everything correctly"
10.Taking the menu list then excuse.
11.Completing the cutlery and remove which will not be used by the guest.
12.Serve the appetizer then bus out
Note: When serving any entrée say, enjoy your meal.
13.Serve the soup then bus out *In bussing out say" are you thru with your.
Sip......May i take now the empty dish?
14.Serve the salad then bus out *May I get now the empty ?
15.Present the wine before serving the maincourse.
*Open the wine, ask the guest to smell the cork and ask about the smell .ask the quest to taste the
wine and ask about the taste.asks the guest to serve the wine.
16.Serve the main entree but before it adjust the wine glass.
17.clearing the table.
17. Crumbing down. Note: Crumbing down may be done if guest orders 4-6 items but to those 1-2
items don't crumb the Except 2 orders and ask the quest about the serve.
18.Remove the wine glass.
19 .Serve the dessert then bus -out.
20.Serve the beverages.
21. present the bill.
22.ask about the restaurant/hotel service as well as the food.
23.Ask how to settle the account.
*Cash(count the money)and bring it to the cashier
*Credit card inform the guest, the card, the restaurant is accepting.
*Get guest valid.I. D. bring the card to the cashier for verification.
*And when coming back ask the guest to sign the 3 copies is used by the swipe machine.
Table napkin (right side)
Offering beverages right
Serving water right
Serve Bread and butter (left side)
Serve beverage (right)
Presenting the menu (left side)
Taking food order ask for allergic reactions (do suggestive selling) right side turn
Repeat guest’s order
Turn to the right side (food will be served for 15 mins) take the menu
Remove beverage glass, right side still
-beverage glass and other unnecessary glasses
Come back for
-unnecessary flatwares and silver wares
Serve food order left side (appetizer)
Buss out soiled dishes (right)
Serve soup (left side)
Buss out soiled dishes (right)and bread plate (left)
Serve salad (left side)
Buss out soiled dishes (right side)
Serve and present wine (right side) name, alcohol content , vintage year
Serve main course left side
Buss out soiled dishes (right)
Offer another glass of wine, buss out wine glass
Crumbling down left side get show plate adjust the dessert spoon and fork
Serve dessert right
Buss out right
Ofter after meal drinks (left)
Serve coffee right
Present the bill (right side)
Bidding goodbye (assist guest)