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NURS 3340 & 3340L
Dr. Helen Reyes
Spring 2021
Contact Information and Office Hours –
Dr. Helen Reyes
OM 308C
Office Phone:
(806) 651-2671
Office Hours:
by appt virtually, in person, or on phone
Texts and Other Materials
Required Texts:
1. Lilley, Rainforth-Collins, Snyder (2017) Pharmacology and the Nursing Process
(8th) 9780323358286
2. Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students, Skidmore
3. Kee, Marshall, Woods, Forrester (2017) Kee, Marshal, Woods, Forrester. Clinical
Calculations (8th) 978-0-3233-90880
Course Description –
This course is designed to present the nursing knowledge and psychomotor skills
required for the safe administration and nursing management of medications as well as
assessment and manipulation of peripheral intravenous delivery systems for patients
across the lifespan. The Nurse Practice Act will provide the foundation for
understanding the laws regulating professional nursing practice in the distribution of
medications, including controlled substances. The human response to medications
including adverse reactions, and drug-to-drug interactions will be studied. The
professional nurse’s role in the prevention of medication errors’ is studied. The student
will learn teaching and learning strategies associated with counseling patients about
medications. Students will also learn how to determine the optimum route and site for
medication delivery, how to safely administer medications using selected routes, how to
manipulate intravenous tubing and infusion pumps when caring for patients, how to
assess peripheral intravenous sites for infection and infiltration, and how to document
medication delivery. This will not include the invasive procedure of intravenous
catheter insertion. Students will learn the “6 rights” of medication administration and
will be instructed on various strategies used in healthcare institutions to minimize
medication errors. Practice and return demonstrations by students in the Bivin’s Nursing
Learning Center will contribute to faculty evaluation of student achievement. The core
competencies emphasized in this course are therapeutic nursing interventions and
critical thinking. The role competency emphasized is provider of care.
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Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
The students in this course will:
1. Distinguish major drug classifications.
2. Identify pharmacological agents used for treating the most common diseases.
3. Develop an understanding of drug actions at the cellular level.
4. Identify and describe the body’s therapeutic and non-therapeutic responses to
medications, including complementary and alternative therapies.
5. Utilize appropriate teaching strategies when counseling patients about medications.
6. Identify relevant federal and state regulations related to medication administration
including the nursing practice act.
7. Prepare medications for safe administration using selected routes of administration.
8. Manipulate medication delivery systems safely including peripheral intravenous
tubing and infusion pumps.
9. Assess peripheral intravenous sites for infection and infiltration.
10. Utilize and dispose of medication delivery systems according to OSHA standards.
11. Demonstrate ability in the core competencies of therapeutic nursing interventions
and critical thinking and the role competency of provider of care.
Program Learning Outcomes
Program outcomes related to this course:
utilize liberal education as a cornerstone for generalist nursing practice;
demonstrate basic organizational and systems leadership to provide high
quality care and ensure patient safety;
translate scholarship and current evidence into professional nursing
apply knowledge and skills related to information management and
technology in the delivery of high quality patient care;
integrate health care policy and finance within regulatory environments;
communicate and collaborate effectively as a member of interprofessional
health care teams to optimize patient outcomes;
promote health and prevent disease at the individual, family, and
population levels;
practice professionalism utilizing nursing standards and values; and,
deliver compassionate, patient-centered care across the lifespan in
diverse settings as a novice, generalist nurse.
Program outcomes related to this course: 4, 6, 9
Course Requirements and Evaluation
Explanation of Assignments and Requirements:
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Grading distribution
A = 90-100
B = 80-89.9
C = 74-79.9
D = 60-73.9
F = <60
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Math quiz
Final Exam
Return Demonstrations (Pass / Fail)
Return demonstrations will consist of medication administration and students will
be given two opportunities to pass before being required to meet with an instructor
for remediation. Students must wait 24 hours before re-attempting the skill and
continue return demonstrations until all skills are passed. If the student remains
unsuccessful in any skill by the end of the semester, they will not pass the course.
Missing an exam for any reason:
The student will make up the exam on the day prior (12/) to Dead Day. The Instructor will
have one specific day for all students that need to make up the exam. That exam will be
similar in content but not the same exam that was given on the scheduled day. That exam
may be essay. If the student does not notify the instructor that they will not be present for
a scheduled exam PRIOR to the exam, this is considered a no call; no show and the
student will not be allowed to make up the missed exam and will receive a grade of 0 for
that exam.
Please understand that the standard to pass the course is 74%. There is no rounding of
scores in the course. For instance, a score of 73.9% is not satisfactory. Also you must
have a 74% on the exams in the course in order to count the quizzes in your final course
Didactic Content
Lab Content
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NURS 3440
Medication administration
10 rights: patient, drug, route,
time, dosage, documentation, to
refuse, teaching, assessment,
Medication delivery
Medication Errors
Nasogastric Tube
Legal/Ethical Considerations
Enteral tube
Cultural Considerations
Across the lifespan
Vitamins, Minerals,
Supplements,& OTC
Client rights
Continuity of care
Legal rights/responsibilities
Intro: Error prevention
Incident Reporting
Aging process
Medication affecting systems:
pharmaceutics, pharmcognosy,
Central Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System
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COVID 19 Restrictions and Rules
Current University Requirements: Beginning July 1, unless a health-related exception
exists,wearing a face covering is required for all individuals (faculty, staff, students, and
visitors) on the campus of West Texas A&M University and campus facilities in the
following areas:
•Indoor public areas on campus, including all non-private office or residential spaces,
such as lobbies, restrooms, common spaces in residence halls, conference rooms,
break rooms, elevators, and related campus-community areas; and
•Outdoor spaces where six feet or more of physical distancing is challenging to
maintain reliably. Students will be required to wear a face covering in all classrooms and
teaching/research laboratories; however, faculty will not be required to wear face
coverings in explicit learning spaces to facilitate clear instruction.
Current Faculty Senate Statement: The WT Faculty Senate places the highest priority
on the health and safety of our university’s students, faculty, and staff. In cooperation
and consultation with Academic Affairs and Dean's Council, Faculty Senate strongly
supports that everyone inthe WTAMU campus community abide by the provisions, both
present and future, set out by system and university administration to maintain health
and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, Faculty Senate calls upon WT
faculty to set an example for others by consistently and correctly wearing masks or face
coverings while on campus, or at WT-sponsored events, as well as maintain at least six
feet of physical distance.
Policies and Responsibilities
Remediation Policy:
Each nursing course will have a REMEDIATION FOLDER with faculty approved forms.
This folder will be linked to WTCLASS for each course. The remediation plan is
required for those students who are repeating the course in which they are enrolled
and/or when a student is unsuccessful on any unit examination (73 or below). In
addition, remediation is available for any students who request assistance.
For students repeating the course in which they are enrolled
The student begins the process by accessing the remediation folder within their course,
filling out the Course Remediation Form and contacting the instructor by email to make
an appointment within one week of enrollment in the course to be repeated. The
student will complete the form prior to the meeting. The Course Remediation Form will
be maintained within the Department of Nursing. The student and faculty member will
then plan a follow-up meeting to assess the student’s progress and fulfillment of the
remediation plan.
For an exam failure
The student begins the process by accessing the remediation folder within their
course, filling out the Unit Exam Remediation Form and contacting the instructor by
email within one week of failing any unit examination. The student will bring a
completed form to the meeting with the faculty member. The Unit Exam Remediation
Form will be maintained within the Department of Nursing.
Approved by Faculty Org 3/5/10
Math Calculation Policy
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A math exam will be given yearly. That exam must be passed with 100%.
First time take 100 – 100 is recorded
Second time take 100 – 85 is recorded
Third time take 100 – 70 is recorded
Subsequent takes 100 – 55 is recorded and down 15 points for every time taken
Skills for medication administration will be assessed in testing, return
demonstrations, simulation, and/or peer evaluation. The following skills will be evaluated
in this course:
Medication preparation
Topical medication administration
Enteral medication administration
Parenteral medication administration
Withdrawing from a vial
Withdrawing from an ampule
Mixing medication
Department Information
Progressions: (Baccalaureate Program Student Handbook)
Students who decide to drop a course with a co-requisite to a clinical course must drop
both classes. Students are strongly urged to contact their assigned advisor before
dropping a course.
Drop policy:
Courses dropped before the 12th class day is not included on the student’s transcript.
Students who drop this course on or before the midpoint of the semester will have a
guaranteed grade of “X” (03/31/21). There are no drops allowed after this date.
Academic Integrity
All work must be completed individually unless otherwise stated. Commission of any of
the following acts shall constitute scholastic dishonesty: acquiring or providing
information for any assigned work or examination from any unauthorized source;
informing any person or persons of the contents of any examination prior to the time the
exam is given in any subsequent sections of the course or as a makeup; plagiarism;
submission of a paper or project that is substantially the same for two courses unless
expressly authorized by the instructor to do so. For more information, see the Code of
Student Life1.
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Acceptable Student Behavior
Classroom behavior should not interfere with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class
or the ability of other students to learn from the instructional program (Code of Student
Life). Unacceptable or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students engaging in
unacceptable behavior may be instructed to leave the classroom. Inappropriate
behavior may result in disciplinary action or referral to the University’s Behavioral
Intervention Team. This prohibition applies to all instructional forums, including
electronic, classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc.
ADA Statement
West Texas A&M University seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all
qualified persons with disabilities. This University will adhere to all applicable federal,
state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student's
responsibility to register with Student Disability Services2 (SDS) and to contact faculty
members in a timely fashion to arrange for suitable accommodations. Contact
Information: Student Success Center, CC 106; phone (806) 651-2335.
Title IX Statement
West Texas A&M University is committed to providing a learning, working and living
environment that promotes personal integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an
environment free of sexual misconduct and discrimination. Title IX makes it clear that
violence and harassment based on sex and gender are Civil Rights offenses subject to
the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses
against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. Harassment is not
acceptable. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find
the appropriate resources here:
WTAMU Title IX Coordinator Georganna Ecker – Old Sub, or call 806.651.3199
WTAMU Counseling Services – Classroom Center 116, or call 806.651.2340
WTAMU Police Department – 806.651.2300, or dial 911
24-hour Crisis Hotline – 800.273.8255, or 806.359.6699, or 800.692.4039
For more information, see the Code of Student Life3.
Evacuation Statement
If you receive notice to evacuate the building, please evacuate promptly but in an
orderly manner. Evacuation routes are posted in various locations indicating all exits,
outside assemble area, location of fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations and
emergency telephone numbers (651-5000 or 911). In the event an evacuation is
necessary: evacuate immediately do not use elevators; take all personal belongings
with you; report to outside assembly area and wait for further information; students
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needing assistance in the evacuation process should bring this to the attention of the
instructor at the beginning of the semester.
WT Attendance Policy for Core Curriculum Classes
For the purposes of learning assessment and strategic planning, all students enrolled in
Core Curriculum courses at West Texas A&M University must swipe their Buff Gold
cards through the card reader installed in the classroom/lab for each class/lab meeting.
Chemical and Equipment Safety Statement
Safety is everyone's responsibility. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are provided
for all chemicals used in this class. MSDSs provide information about physical
properties, health risks, fire explosion data, and other important information associated
with these chemicals. Before handling or using a chemical, you should refer to the
MSDS for that chemical. It is your responsibility to inform the instructor in writing of any
health conditions that may prevent you from safely using a chemical (pregnancy, auto
immune deficiency, etc.). It is also the responsibility of the student to report any spill or
problems found while storing or using a chemical. If you are unsure about a chemical,
always ask. If you see any unsafe condition, notify your instructor immediately. If you
are unsure about the proper and safe operation of any piece of equipment, ask your
instructor for proper instruction. All injuries, spill of materials and unsafe conditions
must be reported to the instructor immediately.
Any pregnant students, or students planning to become pregnant, should consult their
health care provider to determine what, if any, additional precautions are needed based
on their individual situation. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate their
needs to the Vice President for Student Affairs as soon as possible in order for riskreduction to begin when it can be most effective, and to determine if additional
modifications are necessary. While the university cannot mandate that the student
notify that she is pregnant or is planning to become pregnant, the university strongly
recommends that students provide notification so appropriate steps can be taken to
ensure the health of both parent and child. To communicate health circumstances or to
request additional information, please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Student Laboratory Safety Training
An online Student Laboratory Safety Training may be required and assigned through
WTClass upon registration for this class. By registering for this class, the student agrees
to complete the assigned training (if needed), no later than 12th class day for fall/spring
terms or 5th class day for summer terms and acknowledge non-participation in activities
if not completed by 18th class day for fall/spring terms; 10th class day for summer
Copyright Statement –
Copyright 2021 Dr. Helen Reyes as to this syllabus and all instructional material;
materials may not be reproduced without [instructor’s name] written consent. Students
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are prohibited from selling (or being paid for taking) notes during this course to or by
any person or commercial firm without the express written permission of Helen Reyes.
Tentative Calendar of Readings, Topics and Due Dates –
Exam 1 – Feb 15th @ 1330
Exam 2 - Mar 22nd @ 1330
Exam 3 – Apr 19th @ 1330
Final – May 4th @ 1030
Tips for Doing Well in this Course –
Come to class prepared! Read your assignments before class each week.
Bring your books to class.
Use class time to ask questions to clarify what you did not understand from the readings
Make a timely appointment with Dr. Reyes if you have difficulty understanding the
Study a small amount each day
3 http://www.wtamu.edu/webres/File/Student%20Life/2014-15CodeOfStudentLife.pdf
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