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Computer Hardware Fundamentals: An Overview

Chapter 1: Hardware
Information Systems
• Information system (IS):
Information systems are combinations of
hardware, software, and telecommunications
networks that people build and use to collect,
create, and distribute useful data, in
organizational settings.
A computer is an “electronic” machine that
can be programmed to accept data (input) and process
it into useful information (output).
• The processing is directed by the software
But performed by the hardware.
Input Data
Processing Data
Computer hardware
A computer hardware consists of
« electronic » devices; the parts you
can see and touch.
The term "device" refers to any piece
of hardware used by the computer,
such as a keyboard, monitor, modem,
mouse, etc.
Also known as Programs, it is a set of
instructions to tell the computer (hardware)
how to process data (what to do) .
Two main types:
• - Application software: (Browser, Word Processors)
- see next chapter
• - System software :Operating System (Windows 10
is an operating system) -see next chapter
• Data (sometimes called source data) consists of
unprocessed facts including text , numbers, images
and sounds.
• A distinction is sometimes made between
data and information to the effect that
information is the end product of data processing.
• Computer data and information are represented
electronically with a binary, or two-state system.
Binary systems use only two digits, 0 & 1.
Each 0 or 1 is called a bit – short for binary digit.
Data Bank- Data Base
Data Bank: A large amount of
organized data for a specific
use.(Medline Data Bank)
Data Base: A large amount of
related data and obeying to
static or dynamic constraints.
(Banner student system-USEK)
Types of computers
• Mainframe: Mainframe computers (also
called "big iron") are powerful computers
used for large data processing jobs. They are
mainly used by government institutions and
large companies for tasks such as census,
industry and consumer statistics, enterprise
resource planning…..
Examples of mainframe computers : IBM Z
systems. NEC and NCR Computers.
Mainframe IBM System Z
Types of computers
Computer, Micro Computer, Desktop: A
small, relatively inexpensive computer
with a microprocessor as its central
processing unit (CPU). It includes a
memory, and minimal input/output (I/O)
circuitry mounted on a single printed
circuit board, called the (Central Unit or
Examples are IBM-PC and Apple.
Types of computers
Laptop: Is a portable computer which usually
weights 2 to 4 kilograms
Notebook: Is a Laptop that weights less than
2 Kilos, fits in a briefcase.
Tablet, Ipad: Are smaller than notebooks,
never including a keyboard.
E-Reader: Electronic reader, is a device for
reading content, such as E_Books,
newspapers and documents.
Types of computers
Ipod: Is Smaller and never including a GSM
(phone) Card.
Mobile phone: Are smaller, are Handhelds
(may fit in a pocket), always include a GSM
Iphone, Ipad, Ipod: have IOS operating
system and are Apple trademark.
The System unit
The System unit (system cabinet
or chassis) is a container that
houses most of the electronic
components that make up a
computer system.(Motherboard,
Microprocessor Memory……)
The System unit
Central Unit(CU):RAM
I-Random Access Memory (RAM) :
RAM is called temporary or volatile
storage, because the contents are lost
when the microcomputer is turned
Central Unit(CU):RAM
RAM chips hold the program instructions
(C=A+B), data (A=5,B=C) that the CPU is
currently processing and The result (C=11).
• Every program you execute and every file you
access must be copied from a storage device into
main memory : RAM
• Basic Operations:
-Read a value from a memory location
-Write a value to a memory location
Central Unit(CU):RAM
Computer data and information are represented
electronically with a binary, or two-state system.
Binary systems use only two digits, 0 & 1.
• Each 0 or 1 is called a bit – short for binary digit.
• Bits are combined into groups of eight bits called
bytes to represent numbers, letters and other
• Each byte typically represents one character.
- 8 bits =1 byte (ASCII code)
- (unicode each character=16 bits)
Memory Sizes
Measured in bytes
• 1 byte = 8 bits = 1character
• Kilobyte (KB or Kbyte) 1,024 bytes (= 210)
• Megabyte (MB or Mbyte) 1,048,576 bytes ( = 1K
x 1K) (= 220)
• Gigabyte (GB or Gbyte) 1,073,741,824 bytes (=
1K x 1M) (= 230)
• Terabyte (TB or Tbyte)
• 1,099,511,627,776 bytes (= 1K x 1G) (= 240)
Central Unit(CU):ROM
ROM: Is a Read only memory located on the
Unlike RAM chips, ROM chips are not volatile and
cannot be changed by the user.
• ROM chips usually contain special instructions for
starting the computer.(Bios)
Cache Memory:
Cache Memory: Cache (pronounced “cash”) memory
It’s a special high speed area of memory that holds
information that is used most frequently.
Having cache memory can speed up the processing
time for your computer.
Many motherboards now have L3 cache.
Bus Lines
BUS or DATA BUS: are copper lines drawn on the
motherboard (replacing old cables).
bus connects the parts of the CPU to each other.
Buses also link the CPU to various other components
on the system board. (Motherboard)
The number of bits that can pass down the bus is
called the bus width.
The more the bus width the faster the processing
• Typical bus widths are 32 or 64 bits.
The CPU has two basic components:
– Control unit(CU) tells the rest of the computer system how to
carry out a program’s instructions. It directs the electronic
signals between memory and the ALU, as well as between CPU
and input and output devices.
– Arithmetic-logic unit (aka ALU): performs
arithmetic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division, and logical operations – comparisons such as
equal to (=), less than (<) or greater than (>).
– + Registers
• A register is a high speed memory of limited size
(small memory) located inside the CPU.
• CPU registers have certain sizes for example (8,
• 16, 32, 64 or 128-bit).
• CPU registers store temporary data while
executing instructions.
• ( Program counter, accumulator, Instruction
CPU speed is controlled by the system
CLOCK and is measured in Hz . Modern
speed is about 4GHz
CPU family : CPU family depends on the
word size or register size. Different brands of
Microprocessors: INTEL, AMD, ARM, RCA,
compatible processors
Hardware computer performance factors in descending order:
-Number of CPUs: Mono CPU or Core Duo or I5 or I7…
affects the computer performance.
-CPU family: Pentium 4 is faster than Pentium 1.
-Speed: a computer with a clock of 4GHz speed is faster
than a computer with 1GHz speed.
-Cache memory: A computer with cache memory is faster
than a computer without cache.
-Ram Size: When the RAM size is too small to contain all the
running program. The OS has to use the virtual memory
(part of the hard disk) technique that slows down the
V-Extension slot
Extension Slot or Expansion Slot: Is a passive component used to
extend your computer: e.g. you may add a new expensive fast
VIDEO CARD (VGA) for games . You buy the external card (e.g.
VIDEO CARD) and you plug it in the extension slot. The display
connector will show on the back of the case of your desktop.
USB port: Modern computers use USB ports for slow peripherals
like printers, network cards or other slow cards, instead of using
Extension slots. But they still need Extension slots for fast external
cards like VIDEO CARDS.
USB: Is a Universal Serial Bus, may be used for different kinds of
slow peripherals like printers, mouses, network cards….
Fire Wire: For fast video applications, located on cameras and
Infra Red : Old Direct device for data transfer, replaced by USB
cable & Bluetooth.
Each peripheral, internal card, and External card has its own
-VGA, Display Connector.
-UTP connector female of RJ45.
-Coaxial connector female of BNC.
-Sound connector.
-Modem connector.
-Mouse connector.
-Keyboard connector.
- HDMI connector
Input devices (I): For reading information inside CU from
1. Keyboard: For text input.
2. Mouse: To choose from a menu by clicking
on it.
3. Microphone: For sound input.
4. Scanner and camera: For image input.
5. Joystick: For games.
Output devices (O): For writing information from CU to
1. Screen: visual output.
2. Printer: On paper output.
3. Speaker: For
sound output.
Input Output devices: Are peripherals used for
reading and writing.
Storage devices:
Hard drive: Modern one is about 1 Tbytes, Is a
magnetic device.(New technology SSD-solid state
drive- electronic device)
USB Flash Ram: about 64 GB, electronic device.
CD writer: about 8GB, optical device
N.B: Touch Screen: Used for input and output to the
Communication Devices (Refer to Network Chapter)
PAN devices: Devices for short distance or Personal use,(less than
50m.)Bluetooth, infra Red, USB cable, Fire Wire.
LAN devices: Devices for Local use, distance less than 500
Network card for UTP cable , max 300m, using 8 wires
Network card for coaxial cable, max 500m using 1 wire and a
Network card WiFi: Wlan. 50m.
MAN devices: Devices for Metropolitan use, more than 500m.
MODEM: Modulator Demodulator using the phone line.