Uploaded by Romane Johnson

Organizational Behavior & Ethics Assignment

Organizational Behavior and Ethics Individual Assignment
Romane Johnson
Caribbean Maritime University
OBE501: Organizational Behavior & Ethics
Mr. Kirkland Anderson
October 27, 2022
Describe seven (7) ethical practices that firm should undertake. . Explain how these
practices are likely to improve the firm’s bottom line.
Disclose any Conflicts of Interest
First, code of ethics there are times when employees could be in a conflict of interest.
Personal and professional loyalty may be at stake in certain circumstances, but they virtually
always have an effect on the workplace. You can prevent them by being aware of both possible
conflicts of interest (Brit, 2021).
Respect the Organizations Property
It's probable that you'll utilize the equipment, materials, technology, and tools that your
company provides. Usually, only usage at work is permitted for these things. To make sure you
are treating the company’s property with respect, adhere to any business ethics linked to its usage
and upkeep (Career Development, 2021).
Business ethics also entails adhering to legal constraints and responsibilities related to
their business activities, such as taxes, worker safety, and employment and labor laws.
Companies that operate within the legal framework are more credible and honorable, and they
may build a strong good reputation as an employer who attracts high-quality individuals to apply
for positions (Career Development, 2021).
Maintain Your Honesty.
Maintain a high level of fairness, honesty, and professionalism in your job. You should
be honest about how well you're doing and where you can improve. Recognize your errors and
attempt to fix them as quickly as possible. To ensure that everyone is up to speed, keep your
team and supervisors informed of any faults or progress.
Treat Coworkers and Other Office Staff with Respect.
By behaving properly and according to how you would like to be treated, you may show
your coworkers that you respect them. Most workplaces follow the federal government's antiharassment regulations. If you have any doubts, consult these behavioral restrictions or the
regulations with your business or human resources division.
Obey the Dress Code
Your appearance might affect the working environment and how others see you. In order
to maintain professionalism with coworkers and outside parties, as well as safety and comfort
while on the job, make sure your wardrobe choice complies with the organization's dress code.
Discuss Problems with Management.
There may be occasions when you encounter an ethical concern at work, and this sort of
situation may not be sufficiently handled in the employee handbook or your business ethics
training. In such cases, you should consult with your supervisor, the human resources
department, or, if your organization has one, an ethics officer. Working with someone who is
knowledgeable with the company's ethical standards can assist you in resolving these issues
How Ethical Practices Improve a Firms Bottom Line
For instance, adopting ethics may help you avoid costly legal troubles while also
improving the reputation of your organization. It will also help you increase customer loyalty,
since according to a recent Salesforce poll, 80% of customers are more loyal to a firm with high
ethics. The same attributes that attract clients can help you recruit and keep excellent staff. When
you can make ethical standards the core of your corporate principles, you create a more pleasant,
meaningful work environment for your workers (Small Business, 2019).
In no more than Three Pages, Describe the Contributions made by Kant and Wundt
to the Development of Personality.
The term "personality" refers to enduring characteristics and tendencies that cause people
to habitually feel, think, and act in particular ways. Our individuality is a product of our
personality. Each person has a unique pattern of persistent, long-term traits, as well as a certain
way of relating to other people and the environment around them. Our personalities are regarded
to be long-lasting, stable, and difficult to change. Personality is derived from the Latin word
persona. A persona was a mask used by an actor in the ancient world. While most people
associate masks with concealing one's identity, the theatrical mask was initially designed to
symbolize or portray a certain personality feature of a character.
Personality has been studied for at least 2,000 years, dating back to Hippocrates in 370
BCE (Fazeli, 2012). Hippocrates proposed that personality traits and human behaviors are
determined by four distinct temperaments associated with four bodily fluids ("humors"): choleric
temperament (yellow bile from the liver), melancholic temperament (black bile from the
kidneys), sanguine temperament (red blood from the heart), and phlegmatic temperament (white
phlegm from the lungs) (Clark & Watson, 2008). Generations later, the prominent Greek
physician and philosopher Galen expanded on Hippocrates' theory by arguing that each
individual demonstrates one of the four temperaments and that ailments may be attributed to
imbalances in the humors, which might also account for personality variations. People with
choleric traits, for instance, are passionate, ambitious, and daring; those with melancholy traits
are reserved, nervous, and miserable; those with sanguine traits are joyous, energetic, and
optimistic; and those with phlegmatic traits are steady, dependable, and thoughtful.
Other researchers, most notably Immanuel Kant (in the 18th century) and psychologist
Wilhelm Wundt (in the 19th century), contributed to the development of Galen's four major
temperament types in the decades following Galen's theory. Kant believed in Galen’s theory that
each person could be classified into one of the four temperaments and that the four categories did
not overlap (Eysenck, 2009). He created a list of features from each of the four temperaments
that may be used to characterize a person's personality. However, Wundt proposed that two
primary axes may be used to better describe personality:
Emotional/non emotional”
The first axis distinguished between strong and mild emotions (the melancholic and choleric
temperaments from the phlegmatic and sanguine). The second axis distinguished between
variable temperaments (choleric and sanguine) and unchanging temperaments (melancholic and
phlegmatic) (Eysenck, 2009).
Kant provided trait terms to define each temperament, based on Galen's idea of the four
temperaments. Wundt later proposed arranging the qualities along two primary axes.
Brit, J. (2021). Career Development. Conflict of Interest: Definition, Examples and Tips.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). Career Development. 16 Examples of Important Workplace
Policies. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/workplace-policyexamples
Indeed Editorial Team. (2022). Career development. Business Ethics: Definition and 11
Workplace Examples. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/whatarebusinessethics?mna=&aceid=&gclid=CjwKCAjwzNOaBhAcEiwAD7Tb6E8NPT_CZ
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). Career development. Dress Code Policy: What to Include, How
to Write One and Sample to Use. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/careerdevelopment/dress-code-policy
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). Interviewing. Interview Question: “What Does Integrity Mean to
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Minnwest Bank. (2019). Small Business. How Ethics can Help Your Bottom Line.
OSCRiceUniversity. (n.d.). Psychology. What is Personality?