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The Allure of Success: Why It Attracts Friends and Foes

World has seen numerous successful people. They are the ones who have worked
hard on their goals and have successfully attained them. As the road to success is
full of failures and a few have the courage to stand up every time they fall, people
desire the company of successful one among them. Hence, success has many
friends. People are concerned with the material benefits obtained in the
company of a successful entity or a person. A socio-economically stable individual
holds respect of many and plays an active role in the societal matters. In case of
economic success, a successful business attracts the favors of the alike leading to
a well-established business circle. Also, the new entrepreneurs gain boast in their
business through increase in social network. In political scenario, it is a well
evident fact that the winning political party gains the support of the opposition
and rivals, hence, forming a stronger government. On global level, the survival of
small states depends on their technological and economical advancements as the
global powers have their interests vested in them. Moreover, countries
undergoing human rights violations do not get anyone’s support as the
international peace-making organizations are under influence of the oppressors.
Hence, success is honored by many for their own benefit.
Success is a relative term. It can not be defined in a sentence or two. It has been
defined differently by different people as everyone has different preconceptions
of success. Some people see it as a material concept. Success, to them, is the
attainment of material goals. Others may view it as an abstract concept which is
related to the achievement of goals for satisfaction, happiness and comfortable
lifestyle. However, the world follows the material standards to define success
which limits it to power, prestige and status. These are the success standards that
attract people like moths to the flames.
This one-dimensional concept of success is easily noticeable in one’s surrounding.
An individual, rich in material possessions, enjoys a certain protocol from the
society. He is viewed as a respectable member of the family where his decisions
are valued. He holds the support of his social circle due to his material success. He
can carry out significant societal and ideological reforms which are impossible for
an individual with pitiable socio-economic status. It is his success that earns him
friends from the society and change his role from a passive to an active member
of the society.
Besides, successful business attracts the more successful ones. As birds of a
feather flock together so does the successful businesses. The established
entrepreneurs find it easy to invest in emerging successful businesses instead of
risking their investments in less-known ones. Once, the name of a start up is
established, it is approached by many renown setups for partnership. This rarely
happens with unsuccessful ones. So, it is this success that makes a business
desired by many.
Apart from this, in any country, the majority political party garners the support of
many citizens as well as other political parties. It is a common practice for the
opposition and rival party members to join hands with the winning party, though
they share numerous ideological differences. Thus, in politics it is this success, in
the form of power, status, and prestige, that attracts even the rivals.
Furthermore, in global politics, the existence of small states is a matter of their
friendship with superpowers. The technological and economic development and
success of small states forms the bedrock for their friendship with the
superpowers. These superpowers have their interests vested in these states. So,
they save them from the oppression and attacks of others. Israel is one such small
state backed by the United States of America. It has strong rival countries but due
to its technological advancements it has garnered the favor of many powerful
states. So, it is this success of small states in terms of technology and
development that earns them powerful friends.
From above argument, it is understandable that success is the determining factor
in almost every matter. Those who are able to reach their set goals are admired
by many. However, the world views success from the narrow lens of material
attainments. Almost everyone is happily willing to join a successful person but no
one is interested to join a failed one. Hence, it is this success which attracts
friends and foes alike.
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