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Consumer Behaviour Course Syllabus - Hang Seng University

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Department of Marketing
Semester 1 2020/21
BUS3002 Consumer Behaviour (L02, L03)
Module Lecturer
Dr. CHAN Wing Yin
Email: chanwinnie@hsu.edu.hk
Module Description
This module introduces students the key concepts and theories of consumer behaviour. The
topics encompass consumer behaviours as an individual, in groups, and under (sub-)cultural
influence. The module is also designed to give students opportunities to discuss the marketing
implications and to apply their knowledge to marketing situations.
Module Intended Learning Outcomes (MILO):
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
a) describe the concepts and theories of consumer behaviour;
b) identify plausible concepts and theories to explain consumer’s behaviour;
c) analyse, interpret and report consumer research findings for decision-making; and
d) apply their knowledge in consumer behaviour to design efficient marketing strategies.
Recommended Textbook
Solomon, M. R. (2020). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being (13th Global Ed.)
Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Reference Book
Mothersbaugh, D. L., Hawkins, D. I. and Kleiser, S. B. (2020). Consumer Behavior: Building
Marketing Strategy (14th Ed.) Boston: McGraw-Hill.
14 Sep
Lecture 1 Introduction to Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Ethics
21 Sep
Lecture 2 Motivation and Affect
28 Sep
Lecture 3 Personality, Self-Concept and Lifestyles
5 Oct
Lecture 4 Perception
12 Oct
19 Oct
2 Nov
Lecture 5 Learning and Memory
Individual Assignment Consultation
Lecture 6 Attitudes
Lecture 7 Persuasive Communications
Group Project Consultation
Deadline for Individual Assignment – 6 Nov 2020 (Fri) – 23:59 (VeriGuide Moodle)
9 Nov
Lecture 8 Group Influences and Social Media
16 Nov
Lecture 9 Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour
23 Nov
Lecture 10 Consumer Decision Making
30 Nov
Group Project Presentation and Course wrap-up
Class suspended:
26 Oct – The day following Chung Yeung Festival
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tasks
Class Participation
Individual Assignment
Group Project
Passing Requirements
A student will receive an “F” grade if he/she fails to attain a minimum of:
a) 30% in the “major assessment” (For modules without an exam: mid-term test plus
group project); and
b) 40% of the overall score.
Class Participation (10%)
Attendance is a necessary condition for class participation. Class activities (such as in-class
exercise, case study discussion, and/or raising questions during classes, etc.) are arranged to
help students better understand the course materials and communicate ideas effectively.
Participation means actively contributing during class.
Individual Assignment (20%)
Your task is to select a recent product and/or service (including a picture as an illustrative
example), and write a short essay (approx. 500 words) to discuss how the knowledge of
consumer behaviour, or the lack of it, could have contributed to the success or failure of the
marketing effort. You might get inspiration from marketing publications, the course
materials, and discussions in the media, or simply by personal experience and interests.
Use the following structure:
– Title page: Include a meaningful and catchy title of your essay
– Introduction: Provide a brief introducing description of the product and/or service
you selected (present a picture here), and describe how and why it is of interest and to
whom (a few sentences)
– Discussion: Organize your arguments and use evidence to support the claim. In
addition to the course materials, you might as well refer to other credible sources
– Conclusion: Provide a satisfying conclusion which leaves reader with a sense of
closure (a few sentences)
– Reference list: Support your work with three credible and varied sources and follow
the APA referencing style
– Format: single-line spacing and Times New Roman 12-point font
– Additional marks will also be awarded for proactive individuals who have contributed
beyond the assignment brief
Submission Deadline for Individual Assignment
Use VeriGuide Moodle to submit assignment by 6 November 2020 (Fri) – 23:59.
Test (30%)
The mid-term test consists of multiple-choice questions. Further details will be informed later.
Group Project
It aims to consolidate the understanding of the course content and enhance students’ ability to
apply consumer behaviour concepts and theories to make effective marketing decisions.
Each group will develop a new product idea for a selected brand which has operation in Hong
Kong. To provide evidence to support your analysis, students are expected to collect
additional information from various sources (e.g., internet, magazines, newspapers, journals
etc.). Be creative but be realistic!
The group work should include the following sections:
– Briefly describe the company background and define your target market
– Develop a new product idea that requires consumers to adopt new behaviour pattern
– Apply at least three consumer behaviour theories/concepts (from different lecture
topics) and formulate marketing mix strategies (particularly for effective marketing
communications) to influence consumer decision making and convince customers to
buy your new product
Group Project Presentation (20%)
– Deliver a creative presentation and capture audience’s attention
– No limit on presentation style and materials, audio-visual aids
– 10 minutes in duration, followed by Q&A section
– All group members must be present for assessment purpose
Group Project Report (20%)
The report should have a coherent structure, with a clear beginning, body and conclusion. It
should contain the following sections:
– Include a title page (brand and product name, group name and member list, module
title and class), an executive summary in 100 words or less (overview of the report),
the main body, conclusion (restate the most important points of your report), and a
reference list in APA referencing style
– Use single-line spacing and Times New Roman 12-point font with pages numbered
– Include a table indicating individual student’s contribution to the group work
– Contain approx. 1,500 words (excluding the title page and reference list)
Assessment Criteria for Group Project
Presentation – organization of ideas / cohesiveness / presentation skills / teamwork skills /
audience awareness
Written report – quality of analysis / structure / application of theories and concepts / format
and writing style