Python Programming Course 1- Basic Level Topic 1: Introduction to python programming & Installation of Spyder (anaconda3) Topic 2: Hello World and getting started with Python syntax Topic 3: create, rearrange, reassign Strings/ String methods Topic 4: Control Flow including if, else, and elif statements Topic 5: Lists including slicing, appending and indexing/ combining lists/ lists vs tuples Topic 6: For and while loops Topic 7: Functions for code utilization/ apply functions on realworld concepts Topic 8: Importing modules/ application on python's most famous module: math Topic 9: Dictionaries and key-value pairs Topic 10: Files Investigate the properties of text and CSV files by reading and writing to them 2- Intermediate level Topic 1: Introduction to intermediate python programming course Topic 2: Object Oriented Programming 1 (creating classes with custom methods and attributes) Topic 3: Object Oriented Programming 2 (inheritance and encapsulation) Topic 4: Functional Programming 1 (High order functions, Lambda expression and List comprehensions) Topic 5: Functional Programming 2 (Map, filter, and reduce) Topic 6: Error types and Error Handling Topic 7: Introduction to Data Structures and Efficiency Topic 8: Linked Lists, stacks and queues Topic 9: Trees and Heaps Topic 10: Hashing and Hash tables Topic 11: Graphs 3- Advanced level Topic 1: Recursion Topic 2: Searching and Sorting Topic 3: Logging to debug and trace your code Topic 4: Doctest and Unit testing Topic 5: Parallel programming and Threads Topic 6: Data Visualization with matplotlib Topic 7: Intro to machine learning with python Topic 8: Building a simple image classifier using MNIST dataset