EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Laboratory # 1 System Identification 1.1 Introduction The purpose of this laboratory assignment is to give you an idea about building empirical linear models on the basis of measured data. This is a very deep subject and we will just touch on the basics. At points where things seem just too simple to be true, or very ad hoc, well, that is where I am cutting corners in order to make this accessible to Signals & Systems Students. If you ever need to do this for real, for a system where you or your employer really care about the results, you should do a bit more than what I will show you here. For starters, read the following: • System Identification Toolbox (For use with MATLAB), Lennart Ljung, the Math Works, Inc. (the company that markets MATLAB). At a minimum, you will want to read the sections in the System ID Toolbox which deal with identifying models for systems that are corrupted by noise. This is an important part of the theory that we cannot cover because you have not yet taken EECS 401, the probability course. • Run the System Identification Demo on Matlab: >> iddemo % runs the demo for you • Good reference book: T. Soderstrom and P. Stoica, System Identification, Prentice Hall, 1989. With all of these caveats, the simple ideas that follow are extremely useful to understand and use for “simple” models with low levels of measurement noise. System Identification works in engineering practice! Moreover, once you get the hang of the syntax of the System Identification Toolbox, you do not have to be a genius to use it. This laboratory assignment will show you that system identification is essentially a linear regression problem. 1.2 Assignment • Read this document. You can read it as a stand alone document, or you can work the examples in Matlab as you go. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 1 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 • Download the file “Lab Sys” from the laboratory area of the class web site (this is a subfolder in the resources folder). Place the file in the directory of your choice and then unzip the file. • Required Matlab files: all required Matlab files are in the file “Lab Sys” • The laboratory and prelab may be worked on any computer equipped with a sufficiently recent version of Matlab, though no guarantees are made on compatibility with Student Matlab. • We have covered two handouts that provide crucial background material for this laboratory: Linear Regression or Least Squares Fit of Functions to Data and Discrete-time Models of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems. You may need to refresh your memory from time-to-time, so it is best to have these handy. • The Pre-lab should take less than ten minutes to complete once you have read this document! The due date is posted on the class web site. Note that you are to turn in your work in your discussion section, and not in the lecture. The pre-lab assignment is given toward the end of this document in Section 1.6. • For the actual laboratory, you need to complete the problems given in Section 1.7. The due date is posted on the class web site. Note that you are to turn in your work in your discussion section, and not in the lecture. 1.3 Some Matlab commands for this lab Suppose we are given an nth order transfer function bm sm + bm−1 sm−1 + · · · + b1 s + b0 sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a1 s + a0 (1.1) The corresponding LTI ODE is dn−1 y(t) dy(t) dm x(t) dx(t) dn y(t) + a + b0 x(t) (1.2) + a + · · · + a y(t) = b + · · · + b1 n−1 1 0 m n n−1 m dt dt dt dt dt If the conditions below are satisfied 1. m ≤ n 2. an−1 , . . . , a1 , a0 and bm , . . . , b1 , b0 are constant coefficients 3. sample period is constant and equal to Ts 4. the input is constant over the interval [kts , (k + 1)Ts ] (this is the idea of a zero order hold (zoh)) then we can compute an equivalent discrete-time model. Define x(k) = x(kTs ) and y(k) = y(kTs ). Then, there exist coefficients an−1 , . . . , a1 , a0 , bm , . . . , b1 , b0 2 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 such that the solution of the difference equation y(k + n) + an−1 y(k + n − 1) + . . . + a1 y(k + 1) + a0 y(k) = bm x(k + m) + . . . + b1 x(k + 1) + b0 x(k) (1.3) exactly agrees with the solution of differential equation at the sampling points, that is t = kTs . Since Matlab works with vectors, we express the coefficients of the difference and differential equations in vector form as: N um N um = [bm , bm−1 , . . . , b0 ] £ ¤ = bm , bm−1 , . . . , b0 Den = [1, an−1 , . . . , a0 ] Den = [1, an−1 , . . . , a0 ] We can use Matlab commands c2d jwg and d2c jwg, to pass back and forth between a differential equation and a difference equation: [Num_Bar, Den_Bar] = c2d_jwg(Num,Den,Ts);% continuos to discrete [Num, Den] = d2c_jwg(Num_Bar,Den_Bar,Ts);% discrete to continuous specialized m-files used in the lab section • def simple funs.m • c2d jwg.m • d2c jwg.m • model fit.m You can get more information by typing help filename in Matlab . 1.4 1.4.1 System Identification Classical System Identification: Direct Measurement of the Transfer Function The classical approach to system identification is to identify the transfer function from data. Suppose you have a BIBO-stable LTI system with transfer function H(s). Let x(t) = cos(w0 t)u(t). Then, the output y(t) at steady-state is (as t ⇒ ∞), y(t) ∼ = |H(jw0 )| cos(w0 t + ∠H(jw0 )). Note that the output is amplified by |H(jw0 )| and shifted in time by ∠H(jw0 )/w0 . The amplification gives the magnitude of the transfer function at the frequency of the input signal and the shift gives the phase. Thus, by applying cosines at different frequencies we can determine the magnitude and phase of the transfer function at discrete points on the imaginary axis, and from this data, attempt to interpolate (or fit) a parameterized function of s to the measured data. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 3 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 However, note that the system should be in steady-state to determine |H(jw0 )| and ∠H(jw0 ). This is one of the disadvantages, because it slows down the process. Moreover, if you do not have the right equipment, it can be tedious to determine the magnitude and the phase of the output. The last step is to fit a function to the measured data. In general, this is a nonlinear regression problem which is much harder than a linear regression problem. For these reasons, we will explore an alternative method for determining a model from data. 1.4.2 A More Modern View UNKNOWN y(t) x(kT) SYSTEM y(kT) x(t) Figure 1.1: Unknown model. Could be continuous-time or discrete-time system. It is assumed that we can measure the inputs and outputs of the model, either as x(t), y(t) or as x̄(k) = x(kT ), ȳ(k) = y(kT ), though in practice, we will probably only make discrete-time measurements. We live in a digital world. Suppose that we have a physical system that is exactly described by the LTI discrete-time model y(k + 1) + 0.5y(k) = 0.4x(k) For the sake of the example, let us suppose that we believe the system can be modelled as a first-order difference equation y(k + 1) + a0 y(k) = b0 x(k) but that we do not know the coefficients a0 and b0 . Is it possible to “probe” the system with external inputs and “identify” the unknown coefficients in the model on the basis of experimental data? Here is what we could do. Re-arrange terms in the model to put all of the unknowns on the right hand side: y(k + 1) = −a0 y(k) + b0 x(k)· ¸ £ ¤ a0 . −y(k) x(k) = b0 This leads to y(2) y(3) y(4) y(5) y(6) = −y(1) −y(2) −y(3) −y(4) −y(5) x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) · ¸ a0 b0 , which looks like a regression problem! 4 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Table 1.1: Experimental Data from Simple Model. k 1 2 3 4 5 6 xk 0 1 1 1 1 1 yk 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.25 Suppose now that we make the measurements shown in Table problem, we can define Y , Φ and Θ as follows: −y(1) x(1) 0.0 y(2) 0.0 −y(2) x(2) y(3) 0.4 0.0 Y = y(4) = 0.2 , Φ = −y(3) x(3) = −0.4 −y(4) x(4) y(5) 0.3 −0.2 −y(5) x(5) 0.25 y(6) 1.1. For the regression 0.0 · ¸ 1.0 , Θ = a0 1.0 b0 1.0 Now, we apply our usual regression formula, and compute: · ¸ 0.5 Θ = (ΦT Φ)−1 ΦT Y = 0.4 In this case, we have EXACTLY identified the coefficients. Of course, in real life, we will NEVER exactly match a model (first of all, if we knew the exact model, we wouldn’t be doing system identification in the first place! Secondly, real data are perturbed by noise and other imperfections. Finally, real models are never exactly linear, though a linear model may be a very good approximation.). Thus, we will eventually have to discuss how we can tell that we have done a reasonable job of identifying the coefficients in a model. This will be done a little later in the laboratory. R x(t) i C y (t ) Figure 1.2: Low Pass Filter Let’s next look at how we can identify the coefficients of a continuous-time model, using the above ideas. For definiteness, let’s take the RC filter model that we’ve used several The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 5 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 times so far. For the exact model, let’s take R = 3 × 104 ohms and F = 2 × 10−6 F. Thus the true model is 1 1 dy(t) + y(t) = x(t), dt RC RC 1 = 16.7 If we take a sample period of Ts = 5 ms, then the corresponding discretewhere RC time model would be ȳ(k + 1) − 0.92ȳ(k) = 0.08x̄(k), which is exact as long as we apply inputs x(t) that are constant over intervals of time given by the sample period, Ts . Recall that the discrete-time model is computed via the c2d jwg command in Matlab R=3*10^4; % define model parameters C=2*10^(-6); num=1/(R*C); % define numerator of transfer function den=[1 1/(R*C)]; % define denominator of transfer function Ts=.005; % set the sample period [num_disc,den_disc]=c2d_jwg(num,den,Ts) % discretize the LTI-ODE model num_disc = 0 0.0800 den_disc = 1.0000 -0.9200 Remark: As a side note, the discrete-time transfer function b̄1 z + b̄0 z + ā0 corresponds to the difference equation model y(k + 1) + ā0 y(k) = b̄1 x(k + 1) + b̄0 x(k), and is strictly analogous to a continuous-time transfer function with s replaced by z. So, num disc and den disc represent the difference equation y(k + 1) − 0.92y(k) = 0x(k + 1) + 0.08x(k). 6 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 1 0.8 x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 t 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 t 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 1 0.8 y(kTs) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.1 Figure 1.3: Experimental data that we have collected for our RC-filter Let’s get back to system ID. Meeting the requirement that x(t) is constant over intervals of length Ts is trivially achieved by taking x(t) = u(t). So, we experimentally apply a step to the RC-network model and measure its output at a sample rate of Ts = .005. The result is displayed in Figure 1.3. We do the same thing as before, except this time we cannot conveniently print out the full matrices because Y has N = 101 points in it! However, we still do as before: −y(1) x(1) y(2) · ¸ y(3) −y(2) x(2) a0 .. = .. .. b . . . | {z0 } −y(N − 1) x(N − 1) y(N ) Θ {z } | {z } | Y Φ to obtain our standard regression equation Y = ΦΘ. We solve for Θ, and obtain · ¸ 0.92 T −1 T Θ = (Φ Φ) Φ Y = 0.08 This gives us the coefficients of the discrete-time model. We obtain the coefficients of the continuous-time model via the d2c jwg command in MATLAB. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 7 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 >> num_disc_est = 0.0800; >> den_disc_est =[ 1.0 -0.92]; >> [num_cont,den_cont]=d2c_jwg(num_disc_est,den_disc_est,Ts) % this is the inverse % operation of finds the % equivalent LTI-ODE (if one exists) num_cont = 0 16.6667 den_cont = 1.0000 16.6667 In other symbols, the identified transfer function is H(s) = 16.6667 , s + 16.6667 which we know to be correct. The differential equation corresponding to the transfer function 16.6667 Y (s) = H(s) = X(s) s + 16.6667 is dy(t) + 16.6667y(t) = 16.6667x(t) dt Key Points: On the basis of input-output measurements (i.e., measuring only the inputs and outputs of the “unknown” system), we have constructed a mathematical model of the system! Moreover, we were able to make use of transient data in building the model. This is a powerful tool in engineering practice. In general, if you can build a model based on knowledge of the physics of the system, you are wise to do so. However, in many cases you do not have enough time nor enough data to build models from first principles, and in such cases, System ID can be very helpful. Higher Order Models and Automating All of This Suppose that we have a difference equation model of a system as follows y(k + n) + an−1 y(k + n − 1) + . . . + a1 y(k + 1) + a0 y(k) = bm x(k + m) + bm−1 x(k + m − 1) + . . . + b1 x(k + 1) + b0 x(k) We can rewrite the equation by moving all the terms except the most future term (i.e. y(k+n)) of the left hand side of the equation to the right hand side. Then if we use matrix 8 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 notation we get an−1 an−2 .. . a1 a0 y(k + n) = [−y(k + n − 1), . . . , −y(k), −x(k + m), −x(k + m − 1), . . . , −x(k)] bm bm − 1 .. . b1 b0 . If we write down this equation for every k = 1, 2, . . . , N , we have a series of equations y(n + 1) y(n + 2) .. . | y(N ) {z Y −y(n) − . . . −y(1) −x(1 + m) . . . −x(1) −y(n + 1) − . . . −y(2) −x(2 + m) . . . −x(2) = .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . −y(N − 1) − . . . −y(N − n) −x(N ) . . . −x(N − m) } | {z Φ an−1 an−2 .. . a1 a0 bm bm − 1 .. } . b1 b0 | {z Θ At this point, we are thus back to our standard problem, Y = ΦΘ. We can apply the regression formula and compute: Θ = (ΦT Φ)−1 ΦT Y If our data are noiseless and really came from a model with the assumed structure, we would exactly identify the coefficients of the difference equation. In real life, we will never exactly match a model. A little later in the laboratory, we will discuss how we can validate our identified model. Of course, setting up the regression problem for high-order problems is very tedious, and thus one should build an m-file that automates all of this. This has been done and is available to you. Look in the directory of files you downloaded for this lab, and look for model fit.m. We will illustrate its use on a second order, quarter car model. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 9 . } Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 Weight, mg m Spring xc b, shock absorber k V x(t) Figure 1.4: Quarter Car Model: m d 2 vC dvC dvr + kvC = b + kvr +b 2 dt dt dt Let vc be the vertical velocity of the car body, and let vr be the vertical velocity of the road (represents change in height as a function of time, such as when hitting a pot-hole). Let the true parameters be • m = 500 Kg is the (quarter) mass of the car • k = 105 N/m is the spring stiffness (of the shock absorber) √ • b = 2 104 Ns/m is the damping coefficient of the shock absorber yielding the LTI-ODE dvc (t) dvr (t) d2 vc (t) + 200vc (t) = 28.2843 + 2000vr (t). + 28.2843 dt2 dt dt Based upon previous experience with the model (Handout: Discrete-time Models of Continuous-Time Signals and Systems), we take the sampling period to be 5 ms, or 0.005 s. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> 10 def_simple_funs Ts=.005; t=[0:Ts:2]; x=ustp(t-0.25); % Set-up input signal m=500; % Set-up model parameters k=10^5; b=sqrt(2)*10^4; num=[b/m k/m]; % define transfer function's numerator (b/m) s + (k/m) den=[1 b/m k/m]; % define transfer function's denominator s^2 + (b/m) s + (k/m) The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 >> y=lsim(num,den,x,t); % compute the output of the system. In practice, this would be the % result of an experiment on your physical system. >> [num_disc,den_disc]=model_fit(y,x,1,2,t); % apply system ID m-file to the data >> [num_cont,den_cont]=d2c_jwg(num_disc,den_disc,Ts) % convert to continuous-time domain; that is, % convert discrete-time transfer function to % continuous-time transfer function (opposite of % c2d_jwg num_cont = 0 28.2843 200.0000 28.2843 200.0000 den_cont = 1.0000 1 0.8 x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sys ID: Order numerator = 1 Order denominator = 2 Measured y Modeled y ymeas and ymod 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time t 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 1.5: ID Results for Quarter Car Model. The identified model is perfect because the data was perfect and the model was simple. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 11 Laboratory #1 1.4.3 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 Choice of input signals Two common input signals in system identification are the unit step and the CHIRP signal. The chirp signal is discussed here. We learned that LTI-ODE (Linear time invariant ordinary differential equations) models can be represented by transfer functions. Consider the time domain model dy(t) + 20y(t) = 20x(t). dt (1.4) The corresponding transfer function of the differential equation (1.4) is as follows 20 . s + 20 (1.5) If we look at the Bode plot of the transfer function, we observe that the system has a certain bandwidth. We might suspect that if the transfer function has a large bandwidth, then to accurately identify the system, we need to excite it with a signal that has a broad range of frequency components. Bode plot of 20/(s+20) Mag in dB 0 −5 −10 −15 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 frequency(rad/sec) Phase in degrees 0 −20 −40 −60 −80 −1 10 0 1 10 10 2 10 frequency(rad/sec) Figure 1.6: Bode plot of the transfer function 20 s+20 One way to achieve an input signal with a broad frequency range is to use a chirp signal. A chirp signal is a sinusoid with a frequency that changes continuously over a certain band w1 ≤ w ≤ w2 over a certain time period 0 ≤ t ≤ M ¶ µ (w2 − w1 ) 2 t . chirp(t) = A cos w1 t + 2M The instantaneous frequency wi is given by wi = w1 + 12 (w2 − w1 ) t M The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 We note that the instantaneous frequency increases linearly with time, that is, we observe a sinusoid with an increasing frequency in time. Time domain representation of the chirp signal is given in Figure 1.7 and frequency domain representation is given in Figure 1.8. Because of their broad frequency range, chirp signals are often used in system identification. In a perfect, noiseless environment like our Simulink experiments, a step input often works very well. In a more realistic environment, chirp signals are commonly used. Chirp signal in time domain 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Chirp(t) 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 time(seconds) 0.8 1 Figure 1.7: Chirp signal in the time domain The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 13 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 Chirp signal in frequency domain −55 −60 −65 Chirp in dB −70 −75 −80 −85 −90 −95 −100 −105 −2 10 −1 10 0 10 w(rad/seconds) 1 10 2 10 Figure 1.8: Chirp signal in the frequency domain 1.4.4 Model Validation Question: So far, we have known a priori what the true model was, and thus we could determine easily that our identified models were valid (that is, were correct). But if you do NOT know the true model, how can you know whether or not you have done a good job of identifying an approximate model? Answer: You can NEVER know for sure! What you can do is test whether you have NOT done a bad job. The idea is that you should do two things: 1. Make sure that your identified model fits well the data that you used to identify the model. 2. Test the identified model on an independent set of data. That is, evaluate how well the model fits data that you did not use in the identification process. A validated model is one that has survived a number of tests of this kind. In other words, a validated model correctly predicts the system’s response to a number of inputs that are distinct from the data used to identify the model. Question: How do you even KNOW what order of model to identify? That is, how many terms to use in the numerator and denominator of the transfer function model? Answer: Once again, you can NEVER know for sure! There are some very interesting statistical tests for deciding model order, but we would need EECS 401 in order to even talk about them. In practice, what one tends to do is to apply Ockham’s Razor: between two competing ways of explaining the same phenomenon, choose the simplest explanation. In other words, choose the LOWEST order model that reasonably fits the data! Said yet another way, start simple and build up from there! 14 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 1.5 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Worked Examples Depending on time and interest, some of the following may be covered in the in-class portion of the laboratory (i.e., in the discussion section). You are responsible for reading all of it as part of your pre-lab. 1.5.1 Case Study #1 Suppose that you are given a transfer function H(s) = 10 , (s2 + 7s + 10) (1.6) or, equivalently, the corresponding LTI-ODE dy(t) d2 y(t) +7 + 10y(t) = 10x(t). dt dt (1.7) Finding the discrete time model: num = [10]; % coefficients of the differential equation den = [1 7 10]; % coefficients of the differential equation Ts = 0.1; % seconds [num_disc,den_disc] = c2d_jwg(num,den,Ts); % difference equation % difference equation % a2 y(k+2) + a1 y(k+1) + a0 y(k) = b2 x(k+2) + b1 x(k+1) + b0 x(k) a2 = den_disc(1) a2 = 1 a1 = den_disc(2) a1 = -1.4253 a0 = den_disc(3) a0 = 0.4966 b2 = num_disc(1) The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 15 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 b2 = 0 b1 = num_disc(2) b1 = 0.0398 b0 = num_disc(3) b0 = 0.0315 Let us compare the output of the continuous-time system to the output of the discretetime system when the input is a step. Continuous vs discrete time 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 x(t) x(kTs) 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t Figure 1.9: Step input 16 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Continuous vs discrete time 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 y(t) y(kTs) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t Figure 1.10: Step response of the continuous and discrete time systems System Identification via Linear Regression using step input Suppose that you are given a transfer function H(s) = 10 , (s2 + 7s + 10) (1.8) the corresponding LTI-ODE is dy(t) d2 y(t) +7 + 10y(t) = 10x(t). dt dt (1.9) % Transfer function % % 10 % H(s) = ----------% (s+2)(s+5) % % LTI_ODE % % d^2y dy % ------ + 7 ---- + 10 y = % dt^2 dt % Ts = 0.05; t = 0:Ts:1; 10 x % seconds % time % actual system num = [10]; % coefficients of the differential equation den = [1 7 10]; % coefficients of the differential equation % We use the actual system to obtain the response of the system to a step input The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 17 Laboratory #1 % % % x y January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 though, in real life, we would have to make measurements of the inputs and outputs. = ustp(t-5*Ts); % input = lsim(num,den,x,t); % lsim simulates the response of LTI systems m = 1 % order of the numerator to be fitted m = 1 n = 2 % order of the denominator to be fitted n = 2 % use the mfile that automates the linear regression % num_disc returns b1 and b0 % den_disc returns a2, a1 and a0 [num_disc,den_disc]=model_fit(y,x,m,n,t,1) num_disc = 0.0111 0.0099 den_disc = 1.0000 -1.6836 0.7047 % find the equivalent continuous time model % num_cont returns the numerator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s % den_cont returns the denominator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s [num_cont,den_cont] = d2c_jwg(num_disc,den_disc,Ts) num_cont = 0 0 10.0000 den_cont = 18 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] 1.0000 7.0000 Laboratory #1 10.0000 1 0.8 x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Sys ID: Order numerator = 1 Order denominator = 2 ymeas and ymod 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Measured y Modeled y 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.11: ID result via linear regression using step input Validation of the model: Since we used a step signal to identify the model, we must use some other signal to validate the identified model. % define an input other than the step used in the identification of model % this new input is sometimes called an independent data set. x_ind = ustp(t-2*Ts) + ustp(t-5*Ts) + ustp(t-10*Ts); % Use the actual system to obtain the response of the system to the input % This is in lieu of an experiment.... y_ind_real = lsim(num,den,x_ind,t); % lsim simulates the response of LTI systems % find the response of the identified system to the independent input x y_ind_id = lsim(num_cont,den_cont,x_ind,t); The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 19 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Independent input x EECS 306 (t) ind 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t(seconds) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.12: Input that is different than the one used in the identification Validation with independent set of data 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Response of the actual system Response of the identified system 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t(seconds) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.13: Comparison of the responses of the actual system and the identified system to the validation input of Figure 1.12 In this case, we see that the identified model and the system correspond perfectly on this new data set, and hence we accept the identified model as being validated. In practice, at this point, we would run several more tests on independent inputs. Then we would have to ask ourselves if there were significant errors between the model and the system on the validation data. If there were significant errors, we would use (part of) the validation data to improve our identified model, and then we would re-do the validation process. We will not emphasize this aspect of validation in our laboratory exercises because it is time consuming. Remark: In point of fact, what you are doing in the validation phase is attempting to 20 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 invalidate the model by testing it each time on independent data. If after several attempts you fail in invalidating the model, then you accept the model as valid. However, you can NEVER prove that a model is valid. You can only assure yourself that it has a small probability of being (grossly) invalid. Philosophically, this is very similar to how things work in physics or chemistry. A given theory, such as Newtonian mechanics, cannot be proven. The theory can only be tested (validated) against data. If extensive experiments do not invalidate the theory, then it is accepted....until improved measurements come along that motivate the need for a different theory (e.g., relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, super symmetry, etc.). System Identification via Linear Regression using a Chirp input A chirp signal is used instead of a step as the input signal. % Transfer function % % 10 % H(s) = ----------% (s+2)(s+5) % % LTI_ODE % % d^2y dy % ------ + 7 ---- + 10 y = % dt^2 dt % 10 x % parameters for the chirp signal % (w2-w1) % chirp(t) = (w1*t + ------- t^2 ) % 2M % w1 = 0; % instantenous frequency at t = 0 w2 = 2*pi*20; % instantenous frequency at t=t1 M = 1; Ts = 0.001 % select sampling rate Ts = 1.00e-003 t = 0:Ts:M; % define the time range f0 = w1/(2*pi); % matlab needs the parameters given in Hertz f1 = w2/(2*pi); % matlab needs the parameters given in Hertz t1 = 1/(2*M); The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 21 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 % generates samples of a linear swept-frequency signal % at the instances defined in t x = chirp(t,f0,t1,f1,'linear'); % actual system num = [10]; % coefficients of the differential equation den = [1 7 10]; % coefficients of the differential equation % Use the actual system to get the response of the system to the Chirp input % % sys=tf(num,den); %tells MATLAB that the system is a transfer function; % see help tf and help ltimodels. % % y = lsim(sys,x,t,[],'zoh'); % lsim simulates the response of LTI systems. % By using the 'zoh' option, the input is held constant between samples. See 'help lsim'. % We did not have to do this with a step input because it is constant between samples. m = 1 % order of the numerator to be fitted m = 1 n = 2 % order of the denominator to be fitted n = 2 % use the mfile that automates the linear regression % num_disc returns b1 and b0 % den_disc returns a2, a1 and a0 [num_disc,den_disc]=model_fit(y,x,m,n,t,1); % find the equivalent continuous time model % num_cont returns the numerator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s % den_cont returns the denominator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s [num_cont,den_cont] = d2c_jwg(num_disc,den_disc,Ts) num_cont = 0 22 -0.0000 10.0000 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 den_cont = 1.0000 7.0000 10.0000 1 x 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Sys ID: Order numerator = 1 Order denominator = 2 Measured y Modeled y ymeas and ymod 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.14: ID result via linear regression using Chirp signal as input Validate the identified model by comparing the responses of the actual system and the identified system. % define an input other than the chirp signal used in the identification of model % this new input is called independent set of data x_ind = urmp(t-0.2) - 2* urmp(t-0.4) + urmp(t-0.8); % Use the actual system to get the response of the system to the input % % In real life we do not know the system. We make measurements at the output % to get the response of the system to the input % sys=tf(num,den); %tells MATLAB that the system is a transfer function; % see help tf and help ltimodels. % % y_ind_real = lsim(sys,x_ind,t,[],'zoh'); % lsim simulates the response of LTI systems. % By using the 'zoh' option, the input is held constant between samples. See 'help lsim'. % We did not have to do this with a step input because it is constant between samples. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 23 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 % find the response of the identified system to the independent input x sys_id_cont=tf(num_cont,den_cont); y_ind_id = lsim(sys_id_cont,x_ind,t,[],'zoh'); % Independent input xind(t) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 −0.25 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t(seconds) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.15: Input that is different than the chirp used in the identification Validation with independent set of data 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 −0.01 Response of the actual system Response of the identified system −0.02 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t(seconds) 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 1.16: Comparison of the responses of the actual system and the identified system to the input in Figure 1.15 We note that the validation was successful. If only it were always this simple! 24 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 1.5.2 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Case Study #2 Suppose that you are given a system as a black box and you are asked to identify the system. The term black box refers to the (all-too-common) situation where you are not very sure of the physical principles of the system being considered. For us, we will use a black box modelled in Simulink. We will apply system identification by using both step and chirp inputs. To open the Simulink model, first open Matlab and then “cd” to the directory where you placed the files for this laboratory. Then, in the workspace, type >> labdemo_cs02_simulink_model If you have problems, within Matlab type “ls” and make sure that you see the file “labdemo cs02 simulink model.mdl”. If you do not see it, then you are not in the proper directory, and must re-do the “cd” (change directory) command. To see which directory you are in, type “pwd”. t Set the value to 1 for a step input, 2 for a chirp signal, and 3 to use the signal generator. Clock send time to workspace Zero-Order Hold2 x Input 2 Workspace 1 Constant s-1 y den(s) Step Chirp Signal Multiport Switch Zero-Order Hold Transfer Fcn Zero-Order Hold1 Output 2 Workspace The zero-order hold makes sure the signal is held constant over a sample period. Signal Generator Figure 1.17: Simulink model used in Case Study #2. System Identification via Linear Regression using a Step Input We use the Simulink model to apply an input step signal to the system (see Figure 1.17); this is the default set-up of the model. We select the sampling time to be 10msec. This must be set in the Matlab workspace by typing >> sampling_time=0.01; The start and stop times of the simulation have been pre-set to 0 and 10. You can change these by going to the Simulation pull-down menu, selecting Simulation parameters, and then clicking on the Solver tab. To execute the model, we have two options: simply click on the solid right triangle in the banner immediately above the model, or, under the Simulation pull-down menu, select Start. Executing the model will write to the workspace the following arrays: t (time), x (input), and y (output). After running the model, we plot the input and output so that we can see the system’s response. The Matlab plot commands are skipped. We first try to fit a model which has numerator of order 1 and denominator of order 2, i.e, m = 1 and n = 2 in the mfile ”model fit.m”. The Matlab code below identifies the discrete time model using linear regression (we could have started with m = 0 and n = 1). The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 25 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 m = 1; % order of the numerator to be fitted n = 2; % order of the denominator to be fitted % use the mfile that automates the linear regression % num_disc returns b1 and b0 % den_disc returns a2, a1 and a0 [num_disc,den_disc]=model_fit(y,x,m,n,t,3); To find the corresponding continuous-time model, we run this code: % find the equivalent continuous time model % num_cont returns the numerator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s % den_cont returns the denominator of H(s) coefficients in decreasing powers of s [num_cont,den_cont] = d2c_jwg(num_disc,den_disc,sampling_time); Remark: The model fit command automatically compares the response of the identified model to that of the measured data. If we wanted to independently generate the response of the identified model, we could use the lsim command, with the ‘zoh’ option, as shown below: sys_id=tf(num_cont,den_cont); y_id=lsim(sys_id,x,t,[],'zoh'); figure(3),plot(t,y_id,'g',t,y,'r'), legend('y_{id}','y') 1 0.8 x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Sys ID: Order numerator = 1 Order denominator = 2 ymeas and ymod 0.02 Measured y Modeled y 0 −0.02 −0.04 −0.06 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time t Figure 1.18: Step response of the system and the step response of the identified system with m=1 and n=2. 26 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 In Figure 1.18, we observe that the identified system does not fit the model very well. We therefore increase the order of the system. The result is displayed in Figure 1.19. The identified system parameters are as follows for the higher-order system num_cont = 0 den_cont = 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 -1.0000 12.0000 22.0000 20.0000 1 0.8 x 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Sys ID: Order numerator = 2 Order denominator = 3 ymeas and ymod 0.02 Measured y Modeled y 0 −0.02 −0.04 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time t Figure 1.19: Step response of the system and the step response of the identified system with m=2 and n=3 From Figure 1.19, we observe that the higher order model fits well. At this point we cannot be sure whether this is a good model or not, but it certainly appears better than the lower order system. To see if the identified model is valid we need to do one more thing and that is to see if the actual system and the identified system give similar responses to an input other than a step. In engineering practice, you can NEVER skip the validation step. Here, where the data are perfect and the underlying model really is an LTI system, the validation step seems uninteresting. To validate the model, we rearrange our Simulink model to include the identified system (see Figure 1.20). The Simulink diagram has been pre-set to apply a saw-tooth wave, with frequency 5 Hz, over a one-second interval. To open the model, do as before: (it is assumed that Matlab is open and that you are in the directory where you placed the files for this laboratory) in the workspace, type >> labdemo_cs02_simulink_validate The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 27 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 t Set the value to 1 for a step input, 2 for a chirp signal, and 3 to use the signal generator. Clock send time to workspace Zero-Order Hold2 x Input 2 Workspace 3 Constant s-1 y den(s) Step Multiport Switch Transfer Fcn Zero-Order Hold Zero-Order Hold1 Output 2 Workspace Chirp Signal num_cont(s) y_val den_cont(s) Signal Generator Transfer Fcn1 Zero-Order Hold3 Output 2 Workspace1 The zero-order hold makes sure the signal is held constant over a sample period. Figure 1.20: Simulink diagram used in Case Study #2 to validate the model. We continue with a sampling time of 10msec (it is assumed that you still have in your workspace sampling time=0.01). This Simulink model will write to the workspace the arrays: t (time), x (input), y (output of model), and y val (output of identified model). The model is run by clicking on the solid right triangle in the banner immediately above the model, or, under the Simulation pull-down menu, select Start. After running the model, we compare the relevant signals as shown in Figures 1.21 and 1.22) (the Matlab plot commands are skipped) Input signal x(t) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 x(t) 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time Figure 1.21: An independent input signal. 28 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] −3 3 Laboratory #1 Output signal y(t) x 10 y(kT) yind(kTs) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 time Figure 1.22: Responses of the actual and identified system to the saw-tooth wave of Figure 1.21. We note that the responses of the actual and the identified systems to the validation data agree nicely in Figure 1.22, and thus we accept the identified system as H(s) = s3 s−1 . + 12s2 + 22s + 20 (1.10) System Identification via Linear Regression using a Chirp Input Instead of a step input, we could have used a chirp input, though we will NOT belabor this point here. If you are curious about this, simply go back to the system model and select the chirp input by changing the “1” to a “2”. You can then repeat the results. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 29 Laboratory #1 1.6 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 Pre-lab Assignment If you have not already done so, go to the class web site and download the file “Lab Sys” Start Matlab, and “cd” to the directory where you unzipped the files for the lab. A precomputed (system response) data set has been prepared for you. 1. Execute the command load prelab_id_data This will put the following data in your workspace (use the whos command to see what you have) >> load prelab_id_data >> whos Name Size sampling_time t x y 1x1 501x1 501x1 501x1 Bytes Class 8 4008 4008 4008 double double double double array array array array Grand total is 1504 elements using 12032 bytes You will see the arrays t (time), x (input), y (output), and the scalar sampling time. 2. Use the command model fit to identify a model of the data. 3. Use the command d2c jwg to determine the corresponding continuous-time transfer function. 4. 2 points: Turn in the following (a) The final orders of the model you identified (that is, m and n). (b) A plot comparing the response of the identified model to the measured data. (c) The continuous-time transfer function that you identified from the data. In fact, it is enough to write your name at the top of the plot and the other information at the bottom of the plot so that you only have one sheet of paper to turn in. Note: Since you have only one data set, you cannot perform the validation step. You will do model validation in the actual laboratory. 30 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 1.7 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 Laboratory Assignment Prob 1 This problem is very similar to the Second Case Study. All of the necessary commands are illustrated there. (a) Define the variable sampling time in the workspace. Choose a value of 10ms. (b) Open the Simulink file “lab prob01 simulink model.mdl” by typing “lab prob01 simulink model” in the work space. This file is used to compute the input-output response for a continuous-time model. It is pre-set to use a step input, and to compute t (time), x (input), y (output of model) (c) Execute the Simulink model and identify a continuous-time model from the generated data. (d) Use the Simulink file “lab prob01 simulink validate.mdl” to validate your identified model. You may use any independent input. You may also choose the time interval over which to perform the validation. In each case it is perfectly fine to use the default values. The file assumes that your identified model is given by num cont and den cont. (e) Turn in (3 points): i. The model orders m and n and the identified continuous-time transfer function. ii. A plot comparing the identified model to the measurements that were used to build the model. Use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. iii. A plot showing your model validation. Use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. (f) Note: you can double click on the black box model to see the true system. Prob 2 This problem will introduce you to a little bit of engineering reality. You will NOT know the true system model. However, the true system will still be LTI. (a) Define the variable sampling time in the workspace. A value of 10ms is reasonable. (b) Open the Simulink file “lab prob02 simulink model.mdl” by typing “lab prob02 simulink model” in the work space. This file is used to compute the input-output response for a continuous-time model. It is pre-set to use a chirp input, and to compute t (time), x (input), y (output of model) (c) Execute the Simulink model and identify a continuous-time model from the generated data. (d) Use the Simulink file “lab prob02 simulink validate.mdl” to validate your identified model. You may use any independent input. You may also choose the time interval over which to perform the validation. In each case it is perfectly fine to use the default values. The file assumes that your identified model is given by num cont and den cont. (e) Turn in (3 points): i. The model orders m and n and the identified continuous-time transfer function. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 31 Laboratory #1 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] EECS 306 ii. A plot comparing the identified model to the measurements that were used to build the model. Use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. iii. A plot showing your model validation. Use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. iv. Note: the true system has been effectively hidden from you! You look all you want in the files provided to you and never figure it out..... Prob 3 This problem will introduce you to a little bit more of engineering reality. You will NOT know the true system model. Moreover, the true system will be time-invariant and nonlinear. You will have to identify an approximate linear model. (a) Define the variable sampling time in the workspace. A value of 10ms is still reasonable. (b) Open the Simulink file “lab prob03 simulink model.mdl” by typing “lab prob03 simulink model” in the work space. This file is used to compute the input-output response for a continuous-time model. It is pre-set to use a chirp input, and to compute t (time), x (input), y (output of model). You are free to select a different input. Because the system is nonlinear, in engineering practice, we would have to carefully select the input magnitude. Here, it is assumed that a preliminary study has determined that we will be operating the system with inputs that have a magnitude between zero and 1.50. (c) Execute the Simulink model and identify a continuous-time model from the generated data. Try at least two different model orders. (d) Use the Simulink file “lab prob03 simulink validate.mdl” to validate your identified model. You may use any independent input. You may also choose the time interval over which to perform the validation. The file assumes that your identified model is given by num cont and den cont. (e) Turn in (2 points): i. Your model orders m and n and the corresponding identified continuous-time transfer function. ii. A plot comparing the identified model to the measurements that were used to build the model. Use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. iii. One or more plots showing your model validation. For each plot, use the subplot command to put the input at the top and outputs on the bottom. Notes: In reality, all models are approximate! The last problem is worth fewer points because I do not want you to spend too much time trying to perfect your model. When you become a paid engineer, you will have additional motivation to really work hard on this part of the process. For now, I am just trying to make you aware of some of the issues. It is hoped that you now appreciate that obtaining models is a very do-able process. Moreover, armed with System ID knowledge, you can build approximate LTI models of mechanical systems, thermal systems, chemical systems, .... In particular, you, as a Systems Engineer, are NOT limited to electrical devices! In point of fact, you will often be the glue that brings together a team of people from disparate engineering disciplines. If you think about it, this can be a great topic for discussion when you interview for an internship position. Someday you may wish to learn something about nonlinear models.... :) 32 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 1.8 January 27, 2004, [Grizzle] Laboratory #1 References 1. Lennart Ljung, System Identification: Theory for the User, Prentice Hall PTR, 1999. 2. T.Soderstrom and P.Stoica, System Identification, Prentice Hall, 1989 3. Matlab document set “ident.pdf” The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 33 EECS 306 October 30, 2003, Release 0.1 Laboratory #2 Laboratory # 2 Application to Communication Systems 2.1 Amplitude Modulation Read sections 5.2-5.4 of Haykin and Van Veen. In this laboratory, you are going to simulate an AM radio receiver. The block diagram for this process is given in Figure 2.1. y(t) v(t) cos(2pf0t) |s(t)| s(t) 2pDfIF B(w) AB z(t) Rectify BPF LPF L(w) 2pDfIF AL w(rad/sec) w(rad/sec) -2pfIF 2pfIF -2pfLP 2pfLP Figure 2.1: Block diagram of the AM radio receiver. Suppose y(t) = x1 (t) cos(2πfc1 t) + x2 (t) cos(2πfc2 t) where x1 (t) and x2 (t) are nonnegative real valued signals with absolute bandwidths of 2πfB . The ideal bandpass filter is centered at the frequency 2πfBP and assign ∆fBP to 2fB . Then, set the absolute bandwidth of the low pass filter 2πfLP to the maximum of absolute bandwidths of the input signals, i.e., fLP = fB . given these specifications let us find the output z(t) in terms of x1 (t) and x2 (t). As we have seen in the discussion, the derivations are easier in the frequency domain for this problem. se the modulation property to find V (ω) V (ω) = 1 [Y (ω − 2πf0 ) + Y (ω + 2πf0 )]. 2 (2.1) Similarly, Y (ω) is found using the modulation Y (ω) = 1 1 [X1 (ω − 2πfc1 ) + X1 (ω + 2πfc1 )] + [X2 (ω − 2πfc2 ) + X2 (ω + 2πfc2 )]. 2 2 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved (2.2) 1 Laboratory #2 October 30, 2003, Release 0.1 EECS 306 If substitute for Y (ω) in Equation (2.1), then V (ω) 1 [X1 (ω − 2π(fc1 + f0 )) + X1 (ω + 2π(fc1 − f0 ))] 4 1 [X1 (ω − 2π(fc1 − f0 )) + X1 (ω + 2π(fc1 + f0 ))] 4 1 [X2 (ω − 2π(fc2 + f0 )) + X2 (ω + 2π(fc2 − f0 ))] 4 1 [X2 (ω − 2π(fc2 − f0 )) + X2 (ω + 2π(fc2 + f0 ))]. 4 = + + + (2.3) When v(t) is passed through the BPF only the part of V (ω) around ω = ±2πfBP survives. Realize that in Equation (2.3), if we select f0 such that fc1 ± f0 = ±fIF and (fc2 ± f0 ) ∈ / [±fIF − ∆fIF , ±fIF + ∆fIF ], then S(ω) = AB [X1 (ω − 2πfIF ) + X1 (ω + 2πfIF )]. 4 (2.4) From Equation (2.4), s(t) is found as follows s(t) = AB x1 (t) cos(2πfIF t). 2 (2.5) In discussion (notes #5), given s(t) in Equation (2.5), F {|s(t)|} is derived as follows F {|s(t)|} = = AB F 2π AB 4 ½ ¾ 1 x1 (t) ∗ F {| cos(2πfIF t)|} (2.6) 2 ∞ X P [k] [X1 (ω − (k + 1)2πfIF ) + X1 (ω − (k − 1)2πfIF )] (2.7) k=−∞ where ½ P [k] = 2 jkπ/2 −j πk e , k 6= 0 . 0, k = 0 (2.8) The output of the LPF block passes the frequencies between −2πfB and 2πfB . In addition to this, the absolute bandwidth of x1 (t) and x2 (t) is 200π. Thus, when the input is filtered through LPF block, only the components around ω = 0 survives. So we find Z(ω) as follows AB AL AB AL Z(ω) = (P [1] + P [−1])X1 (ω) = X1 (ω). (2.9) 4 π Finally, we write the output of the system in terms of x1 (t) as follows z(t) = AB AL x1 (t) π (2.10) Similar argument follows if we select f0 such that fc2 ± f0 = fIF and (fc1 ± f0 ) ∈ / [±fIF − ∆fIF , ±fIF + ∆fIF ]. In this case, the output of the system is in terms of x2 (t) as follows AB AL x2 (t) z(t) = (2.11) π 2.2 Butterworth Filters Read section 8.5.1 of of Haykin and Van Veen on Butterworth filters. 2 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 2.3 October 30, 2003, Release 0.1 Laboratory #2 Laboratory Assignment 1. Load the model file “AMODULATION.mdl”. This is an analog model file that simulates the block diagram in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.2: Amplitude modulation analog model file. The BPF is an Butterworth bandpass filter of order 8 centered at the frequency of 4000πrad/sec with lower passband edge frequency of 3800πrad/sec and upper passband edge frequency of 4200πrad/sec. The LPF is an Butterworth low pass filter of order 8 with cutoff passband edge frequency of 150πrad/sec. Suppose y(t) = x1 (t) cos(1000πt) + x2 (t) cos(9000πt), and x1 (t) = 1 + cos(50πt), x2 (t) = 1 + cos(100πt). (a) Derive the output signal z(t) analytically in terms of x1 (t) and x2 (t) for the following modulation frequencies i. ω0 = 5000π, ii. ω0 = 3000π, iii. ω0 = 13000π. (b) You change the modulation frequency by double clicking on the block “Sine Wave Modulator”. Then, block properties window pops up as seen in Figure 2.3. Run the model file “AMODULATION.mdl” for the following modulation frequencies i. ω0 = 5000π, ii. ω0 = 3000π, iii. ω0 = 13000π. Turn in the plots of the output z(t) for each modulation frequency. Are the output z(t) plots consistent with your analytical derivations in the previous part? The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 3 Laboratory #2 October 30, 2003, Release 0.1 EECS 306 Figure 2.3: Changing the modulation frequency. Note: You can solve for the Fourier transformations of the signals v(t), s(t), |s(t)| and z(t) by double clicking the block at the bottom. However, realize that we work with the finite data. Then, the mfile a_cont_ft.m does not calculate the Fourier transform of a signal f (t) but the Fourier transform of f (t)rect(t/W ) where W is the length of the time span of the signal. That is why when you plot the Fourier transformation of cos(ω0 t) for example, instead of δ functions settled at ±ω0 you see sinc (∗) functions centered at ±ω0 . ¤ 2. Load the model file “LISTENRADIO.mdl” (it may take sometime to load since it loads the music data). This is a digital model file that simulates the block diagram in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.4: Amplitude modulation digital model file. The specifications of the bandpass filter are as follows: • Center frequency : 50kHz, 4 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 October 30, 2003, Release 0.1 Laboratory #2 • Lower stop band frequency: 42kHz, • Lower pass band frequency: 46kHz, • Upper stop band frequency: 54kHz, • Upper pass band frequency: 58kHz, • Stop band 1 amplitude: 6dB, • Pass band amplitude: 1dB, • Stop band 2 amplitude: 12dB. The specifications of the low pass filter are as follows: • Pass band frequency: 5kHz, • Stop band frequency: 8kHz, • Pass band amplitude: 6dB, • Stop band amplitude: 24dB. In the model files these specifications are put in the form that Matlab requires. That is they are scaled by 2 and divided by the sampling frequency of the music data to get normalized frequencies. Throughout the assignment you do not need to change any of the parameters of the filters in the model files. There are 3 radio stations transmitting music modulated at 30kHz, 40kHz and 50kHz respectively. The absolute bandwidth of the music signal is 5kHz (consistent with the pass band frequency of the low pass filter). The signals of these three stations combine in the air and so the radio receives the summation of the signal. You can listen to this transmission by double clicking the “Listen2Receiver” block. Find the modulation frequencies to listen to each station without hearing the other stations, i.e., images of the other stations should be filtered out. You can listen to transmission of the stations by double clicking “Station1@30kHz”, “Station1@40kHz” and “Station1@50kHz”. To listen to the radio tuned to one of the stations double click “Listen2Station” block at the bottom. Turn in the modulation frequencies. Note: You can view the plots of music data stations are transmitting (both the music and its modulated version) and their Fourier transformations by double clicking the Fourier transformation blocks at the bottom. ¤ The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 5 EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Laboratory # 3 Control Laboratory 3.1 Introduction Engineers use feedback control to modify the behavior of systems. For example, a car does not naturally maintain a constant speed when you take your foot off the accelerator, but it will if you engage a cruise control system; an airplane will not naturally land itself, but it can if the appropriate auto-pilot mode is activated. You can probably think of many more examples on your own. In this laboratory exercise, we will explore the ability of feedback to make a system BIBO stable, and we will explore the ability to make an output hold a desired constant value. This document contains all facts related to feedback control that you will need to successfully complete the exercises. You should be able to complete this in less than four hours. This document does not review basic things like BIBO stability, poles and the Final Value Theorem. 3.2 Block Diagrams In this laboratory we consider control systems in unity feedback configuration. The corresponding block diagram is given in Figure 3.1. Note that the plant is the system that we are attempting to control. This terminology comes from the chemical processing industry. R(s) + E(s) S r(t) e(t) C(s) P(s) Controller Plant Y(s) y(t) Figure 3.1: Block diagram of the system with controller. From Figure 3.1 we obtain the following equations for Y (s) and E(s) Y (s) = C(s)P (s)E(s), (3.1) E(s) = R(s) − Y (s). (3.2) The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 1 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 If we substitute (3.1) in (3.2), we find the Laplace transform of the error as E(s) = 1 R(s) 1 + C(s)P (s) (3.3) When we substitute (3.3) in (3.1), we find the Laplace transform of the output as Y (s) = C(s)P (s) R(s) 1 + C(s)P (s) (3.4) There are many different kinds of controllers. A few of them are described here. • Proportional controller (P): C(s) = KP • Proportional-Derivative controller (PD): C(s) = KP + KD s Recall: s ↔ d dt • Integral controller (I): C(s) = Recall: 1 s ↔ Rt 0 KI s ( )dτ • Proportional-Integral controller (PI): C(s) = KP + KI s • Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller: C(s) = KP + KI + KD s s Clearly the proportional controller, the integral controller, etc. are all special cases of the PID controller. You are probably wondering when do you use each type of controller? Very roughly speaking, PD controllers are used to modify the dynamic behavior of a system or the stability of a system, a PI controller is used to improve steady-state error and a PID controller can be used to achieve all of these objectives at once. Once again, these are very rough guidelines, and in the hands of an expert, a lot more can be accomplished than what was indicated here. But for this laboratory, we will not try to be experts! 3.3 How to create block diagram models of the systems using Simulink? In this section, we model a unity feedback control system on a first order plant using Simulink. 2 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Example 3.1 Consider the block diagram given in Figure 3.1. The transfer functions are given as follows 1 s+1 = , s s C(s) = 1+ P (s) = 10 s+5 (3.5) (3.6) and the input is r(t) = 2u(t). Creating the block diagram in Simulink 1. Open a new model file, i.e., *.mdl file. 2. Open the Simulink library browser and select “Simulink→Continuous→Transfer Fcn”. Right click on the diamond shape next to the text “Transfer Fcn”. Holding the button drag and drop the block onto the model file, i.e., “Lab Example.mdl”. See Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2: Creating a transfer function block. 3. Rename the block on the model file by double clicking on the text “Transfer Fcn” (see Figure 3.3). 4. Change the transfer function of the block to P (s): When you put a “Transfer Fcn” 1 block on the model file, the transfer function is s+1 by default. To change the transfer function of the block “Plant” double click on the block. A menu will popup (see Figure 3.4). Click on “Apply” after you made the changes in “Numerator” and “Denominator”. When you are done updating the properties of the block, click “OK” to exit. Caution: When using “Transfer Fcn” block, the degree of the numerator must be equal to or less than the degree of the denominator. We need something more complex to design a PID controller. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 3 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 Figure 3.3: Renaming the transfer function block. Figure 3.4: Changing the numerator and denominator of the transfer function block. 5. Create another block as described in steps 1, 2 and 3 to model C(s) (see Figure 3.5). 6. The block diagram is almost complete. Now we put input source and a measuring device to the output. To add a source to the model go to “Simulink→Sources”. Similarly for the output go to “Simulink→Sinks”. We select the input to be “Constant” and the output to be “Scope” (see Figure 3.6). 7. The parameters of a Simulink block can be changed by double clicking on the block in the model file. To change the value of input, double click on “Constant” block in the model file. After the value is changed, click “Apply” to make the changes effective in 4 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Figure 3.5: Creating the transfer function block for the controller. Figure 3.6: Adding sources and sinks to the model. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 5 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 the model. You can exit the menu by clicking “OK”. See Figure 3.7. Figure 3.7: Changing the parameters of the source. 8. You can save the output of the scope to the workspace. To do this double click on the “Scope” block in the model. A menu with graph paper will pop up. Click on the circled button (see Figure 3.8) on this menu. Select “Data History” and enable “Save data to workspace”. Assign a variable name for the data output. Select “Format” to be “Matrix(compatible with V2.0-2.3)”. Click “OK” to save the changes and exit. 9. The block diagram is complete. After this you may simulate the model. To change the simulation parameters select “Simulation→Parameters” in the menu bar of the model file. See Figure 3.9 for details. 3.4 Steady State Error A common objective of a control system is for the output of the system to follow a specific reference signal accurately in steady-state. The error was defined as difference between the output and the input in the previous section. The steady-state error is the steady-state value of this error. Formally, the steady-state error ess is defined as follows: ess = lim e(t), t→∞ (3.7) or, using the Final Value Theorem, the steady-state error can also be computed as ess = lim sE(s) s→0 (3.8) if the closed-loop system is BIBO stable. 6 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Figure 3.8: Changing the properties of the scope. Figure 3.9: Changing the simulation parameters. Example 3.2 Consider the block diagram in Figure 3.1. Given C(s) = 1 + 10 P (s) = s+5 and r(t) = 2u(t) find the steady-state error. From the Laplace transform table r(t) = 2u(t) ⇒ R(s) = 2 s 1 s + 2s, (3.9) We first show that the system is BIBO stable by finding the poles of the closed-loop The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 7 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 system. By (3.4), the transfer function of the closed-loop system is found as H(s) Y (s) R(s) = = 1 (3.10) 10 1 s+5 (1 + s + 2s) 10 + s+5 (1 + 1s + 2s) 2 10(2s + s + 1) 21s2 + 15s + 10 = (3.11) (3.12) √ 615 The poles of the closed loop system are p1,2 = − 15 which have negative real 42 ± j 42 parts. Then the closed loop system is BIBO stable. Thus, we can use Final Value Theorem to find the steady-state error. We substitute C(s), P (s) and R(s) in (3.3). Note that C(s) is a PID contoller with KP = 1, KI = 1, KD = 2. sE(s) 1 2 10 s 1 + (1 + 1s + 2s) s+5 2 s+1+2s2 10 1+ s s+5 = s (3.13) = (3.14) = = 2s(s + 5) s(s + 5) + 10(s + 1 + 2s2 ) 2s(s + 5) 21s2 + 15s + 10 ∴ ess = lim sE(s) = 0 s→0 (3.15) (3.16) (3.17) Example 3.3 Consider the block diagram in Figure 3.1. Given C(s) = 1 + 2s, P (s) = and r(t) = 2u(t) find the steady-state error. From our Laplace transform table r(t) = 2u(t) ⇒ R(s) = 2 s 10 s+5 (3.18) We first show that the system is BIBO stable by finding the poles of the closed-loop system. By (3.4), the transfer function of the closed-loop system is found as H(s) = = = Y (s) R(s) 1 10 s+5 (1 + 2s) 10 + s+5 (1 + 2s) 10(1 + 2s) 21s + 5 (3.19) (3.20) (3.21) 5 The closed-loop pole of the system is p1 = − 21 which is a negative real number. Thus the closed-loop system is BIBO stable. Then we can use the Final Value Theorem to find the steady-state error. We substitute C(s), P (s) and R(s) in (3.3). Note that C(s) is a PD 8 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 controller with KP = 1, KD = 2,i.e., the integral term is equal to zero. sE(s) = s = = 1 2 10 s 1 + (1 + 2s) s+5 2(s + 5) (s + 5) + 10(1 + 2s) 2(s + 5) 21s + 15 ∴ lim sE(s) = 2/3 s→0 (3.22) (3.23) (3.24) (3.25) Note: From Example 2.2 and Example 2.3, we note that the steady-state error of the unity feedback system is zero when the closed-loop system is BIBO stable and G(s) = C(s)P (s) has pole at the origin. 3.5 Lab Assignment Maintaining your posture in an upright position when you are standing is an interesting control problem. Researchers in Kinesiology, Biomechanics, and Control Theory would like to know the control algorithms used by the body for standing and other tasks. Here we will follow an idea explored in the Physiology literature which uses a very simple model to represent the human body in a standing position, namely, we will use an inverted pendulum model. Figure 3.10: Inverted pendulum model of the body. mL2 d2 θ(t) − mgL sin(θ(t)) = x(t) dt2 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved (3.26) 9 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 m L q x Figure 3.11: Inverted pendulum model of the body. where • g = gravitational constant = 9.81 m/sec2 , • L = length of the rod = 1 m, • m = mass of the rod = 80 kg, • x = ankle torque in N m. For |θ| small, sin(θ) ≈ θ, which yields a linear model mL2 d2 θ(t) − mgLθ(t) = x(t) dt2 (3.27) The input to this system is the ankle torque x(t). Equation (3.27) gives the relationship between the torque and the angle of the body, θ(t). Thus by changing the torque applied the angle of the body can be manipulated. Objectives: Explore stability of the system at 1. θ∗ = 0, 2. θ∗ = π/40 using 1. x = KP (θ∗ − θ), i.e., proportional control, 2. x = (KP + KD s)(θ∗ − θ), i.e., PD control, 3. x = (KP + KD s + KI ∗ s )(θ − θ), i.e., PID control. The transfer function of the plant can easily be computed from (3.27). P (s) = 10 1/(mL2 ) Θ(s) = 2 X(s) s − g/L (3.28) The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 * Q (s) + * q (t) - S E(s) C(s) e(t) Laboratory #3 X(s) 1/(mL ) x(t) s -g/L Controller 2 Q (s) 2 q(t) Plant Figure 3.12: The block diagram of the controlled system. Exercise 1 [10 points] Find the poles of P (s). Is P (s) BIBO stable? Explain why or why not. Exercise 2 [15 points] Consider a proportional controller, i.e., C(s) = KP . * Q (s) + * q (t) - S E(s) e(t) X(s) Kp x(t) Controller 2 1/(mL ) 2 s -g/L Q (s) q(t) Plant Figure 3.13: The block diagram of the system with a proportional controller. Evaluate the transfer function ΘΘ(s) ∗ (s) and find the poles of the transfer function as a function of KP . Show that for all values of KP , there exists at least one pole that has a nonnegative real part. Using this fact we conclude that a proportional controller cannot make the feedback system BIBO stable. Thus the body is doing something more complex! Exercise 3 [10 points] Consider a polynomial s2 + bs + c = 0. (3.29) Use the quadratic formula to prove that the roots of this polynomial have negative real parts if and only if b > 0 and c > 0. Note 1: If you have a problem proving this fact, please still keep it in mind when doing the next exercise! Note 2: In general case of as2 + bs + c = 0, a 6= 0, (3.30) the result is that b and c must be nonzero and have the same sign as a. Exercise 4 Consider the system with a PD-controller, i.e. C(s) = KP + KD s. See Figure 3.14 for details. a ) [10 points] Compute the transfer function ΘΘ(s) ∗ (s) . Find the poles and the conditions on KP and KD such that the poles have negative real parts. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 11 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 * Q (s) + * q (t) - S E(s) e(t) Kp+KDs Controller EECS 306 X(s) 1/(mL ) x(t) s -g/L 2 2 Q (s) q(t) Plant Figure 3.14: The block diagram of the system with a PD-controller. p p b ) [5 point] Choose KP and KD so that the poles are equal to − g/L ± j g/L. p p p p Hint: Multiply out (s + (g/L) + j (g/L))(s + (g/L) − j (g/L)). This is the desired denominator polynomial of p the closed-loop system because it will have roots p (i.e., poles) equal to − (g/L) ± j (g/L). Hence, all you have to do is find the denominator polynomial of the closed-loop system as a function of KP and KD and then solve for KP and KD by matching terms! Exercise 5 Use KP and KD found in Part b of the previous Exercise 4. a ) [10 points] Simulate the closed loop system for θ∗ (t) = 0. Is the steady-state error equal to zero? Explain why or why not. Turn in the plot of θ(t). b ) [10 points] Simulate the closed loop system for θ∗ (t) = π/40u(t). Is the steady-state error equal to zero? Explain why or why not. Turn in the plot of θ(t). Hint: Use Simulink model file “Inverted Pendulum.mdl”. See Figure 3.15. Exercise 6 [10 points] Here, we will explore a PID-controller design. To simplify matters, we will show that the design can be accomplished in two steps. Note that C(s) = KP + KD s + KI KD s2 + KP s + KI = s s (3.31) Next let, C1 (s) = K P + K D s {PD controller } C2 (s) = K̃P + K̃I /s {PI controller } (3.32) (3.33) and show that C1 (s)C2 (s) = K D K̃P s2 + (K D K̃I + K P K̃P )s + K P K̃I s (3.34) Comparing (3.31) and (3.34) we get KD = KP KI = = K D K̃P K D K̃I + K P K̃P K P K̃I s (3.35) (3.36) (3.37) Hence, we can realize a PID controller as the cascade (i.e., product) of a PD controller and PI controller. Method to construct a PID contoller: 12 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Figure 3.15: Inverted pendulum Simulink file. PI PD C2(s) C1(s) Controller Controller * X(s) Q (s) + S * q (t) - x(t) Q (s) P(s) q(t) Plant Figure 3.16: The block diagram of the system with cascade PI and PD controllers. PD * Q (s) + S * q (t) - X(s) C1(s) Controller x(t) P(s) Q (s) q(t) Plant Figure 3.17: The block diagram of the system with PD controller. 1. Suppose that K P and K D have been chosen so that the system in (3.17) with a PD controller only is BIBO stable. 2. Fact: Under these conditions, for K̃P = 1 and K̃I > 0 sufficiently small, the feedback system in (3.18) is BIBO stable. The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 13 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 PID Controller PI PD * Q (s) + S * q (t) - X(s) C2(s) C1(s) Controller Controller x(t) P(s) Q (s) q(t) Plant Figure 3.18: The block diagram of the system with cascade PI and PD controllers. Use the above fact and your controller from Exercise 4 to compute a PID controller that will yield a BIBO stable control system. Turn in the values of the coefficients K D , K P , K̃P , K̃I . Exercise 7 Use K D , K P , K̃P , K̃I from previous exercise a ) [10 points] Simulate the closed-loop system for θ∗ (t) = 0. Is the steady-state error zero? Explain why or why not. Turn in the plot of θ(t). π b ) [10 points] Simulate the closed-loop system for θ∗ (t) = 40 u(t). Is the steady-state error zero? Explain why or why not. Turn in the plot of θ(t). Hint: Use “Inverted Pendulum PID.mdl”. See Figure 3.19. Figure 3.19: Inverted pendulum Simulink file. 14 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved EECS 306 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 Laboratory #3 Exercise 8 Not graded Assume that there is a small time delay in the actuator. In particular, assume that the applied torque is x(t) = x(t − T ) (3.38) where T = 10 msec = 0.01 sec. Then, the new plant equation is given as mL2 d2 θ(t) − mgLθ(t) = x(t) = x(t − T ) dt2 This means that We approximate e−T s by (3.39) X(s) = e−T s X(s). (3.40) s − 2/T 1 − sT /2 = . 1 + sT /2 s + 2/T (3.41) Repeat Exercise 1-7 except Exercise 3 and Exercise 4 b. For Exercise 5 use KP and KD that satisfied the conditions in Exercise 4a. Also in Exercise 6 use KP and KD values found in Exercise 4a for C1 (s), i.e., BIBO stable PD-controller. −T s/2 (1−s T )n Note: e−T s = eeT s/2 = limn→∞ (1+s2nT n . We have taken n = 1. 2n Hint 1: The transfer function of the new plant is P (s) = Θ(s) Θ(s) X(s) = X(s) X(s) X(s) The original plant transfer function P (s) = approximation of e−T s , we find X(s) X(s) = P (s) = s−2/T s+2/T Θ(s) X(s) (3.42) is given in (3.28). Using the first . Thus, the plant transfer function is (s − 2/T )/(mL2 ) (s2 − g/L)(s + 2/T ) (3.43) Hint 2: Use “Inverted Pendulum BONUS.mdl” and “Inverted Pendulum PID BONUS.mdl” for the simulations. See Figure 3.20 Hint 3: Given the polynomial a0 sn + a1 sn−1 + · · · + an−1 s + an = 0, an 6= 0 (3.44) where the coefficients are real quantities. If any of the coefficients are zero or negative in the presence of at least one positive coefficient, there is a root or roots that are imaginary or that have positive real parts. For n = 3, all of the roots of the polynomial given in (3.44) has negative real parts if and only if all the coefficients are positive and a1 a2 > a0 a3 . The University of Michigan, All rights reserved 15 Laboratory #3 November 18, 2003, Final 1.0 EECS 306 Figure 3.20: Inverted pendulum Simulink file. Figure 3.21: Inverted pendulum Simulink file. 16 The University of Michigan, All rights reserved