Vocabulary Word Clues: Set 1, The most common PREFIXES & SUFFIXES (derived from Greek) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. PREFIX a-, anamphi-, amphanti-, antdiaec-; exen- [em-] epi-, ephyperhypo-, hyppara-, parperiprosyn- [syl-, sym-] MEANING without; not both; around against through; across out in upon; at; in addition over; excessively under; less than; too little beside; contrary; amiss; astray around before with; together EXAMPLE apathetic amphitheater antipathy diameter exodus energy epitaph hypercritical hypodermic parallel perimeter program synthetic *The suffixes listed below do not have definite meanings, but they do have effects upon the words to which they are attached SUFFIX 1. -ac 2. 3. -ia 4. 5. -ics 6. 7. 8. -ic -ist -ism -sis -y EFFECT makes a noun or an adjective makes an abstract noun makes a noun or an adjective makes a noun makes a noun designating a person makes an abstract noun, indicating condition or action makes an abstract noun, indicating condition makes an abstract noun EXAMPLE maniac cardiac mania critic dynamic dynamics philanthropist atheism paralysis monarchy Highlight column heading PREFIX. Highlight each prefix listed in same color. Highlight each prefix found in each example word the same color. Using a different color, highlight column heading SUFFIX. Highlight each suffix listed in same color. Highlight each suffix found in each example word the same color. HINT: Highlight prefixes in one color, suffixes in another.