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Westlaw Searching Tipsheets January 2021

Running an Advanced Search
Type ADV: in front of your search
Run a search that includes a proximity connector (/5, /S, /P) or quotation marks
After a natural language search, narrow your results with Search within Results.
Click on Advanced to the right of the search bar.
Fields are used to limit a search to certain parts of a document to increase the
relevance of search results.
Commonly used case law database fields: SYNOPSIS(SY), HEADNOTE(HE),
Commonly used statutes database fields: PRELIMARY(PR), CAPTION(CA),
cat = cat, cat’s, cats,
cats = cats, cats’
goose = goose, geese,
goose’s, geese’s
geese = geese, geese’s
bite = bite, bites
bit! = bit, bite,
bites, biting,
bre*ch = breach or
SYNOPSIS Search Example:
SY(“summary judgment /15 den!) = documents with the terms within in synopsis,
background, and holding parts of a case
Noise Words
To search for
unsearchable noise
words such as at, or,
with, use quotation
marks or a hypen
“at will employment”
Remember a Few Simple Search Structures
police /5 dog /S bit!
police /S dog /S bit! /S suspect
police OR sheriff /5 dog OR canine /S bit! OR attack! /P suspect
dog OR canine OR “german shepherd” /S bit! OR scratch! /S suspect OR felon
police OR sheriff /5 dog OR canine /S bit! OR attack! /P suspect AND “wrongful
blind! OR sight! OR “impaired vision” OR “vision impairment” /S pedestrian /S hit! OR
blind! OR sight! OR (impair! /5 vision) /S pedestrian /S hit! OR struck!
blind! OR sight! OR (impair! /5 vision) /S pedestrian /S hit! OR struck! BUT NOT
Westlaw Advanced Searching/Terms
and Connectors Tipsheet
“summary judgment” = summary judgment (phrase)
summary judgment = summary or judgment*
summary OR judgment = summary or judgment
summary AND judgment = summary and judgment
police /5 dog = police within 5 words of dog
police /S dog = police within the same sentence as dog
police /P dog = police within the same paragraph as dog
r.i.c.o BUT NOT “puerto rico” = R.I.C.O. (but not Puerto Rico)
fda = fda
f.d.a. = f.d.a. or fda or f d a
roadblock = roadblock
road-block = roadblock or road-block or road block
atleast5(dog) = dog (at least 5 times in the document)
atleast10(“police dog”) = police dog (at least 10 times in the document)
*A space is interpreted as an OR, but you can still type in ORs if you wish.
Lexis Advanced Searching Variations
A concept is a general idea that can be
expressed with many different keywords.
Concept Example: short young person
Keywords for Concept Example:
child, girl, boy, minor, youth, toddler,
baby, etc.
Just ask yourself, what are the different
words that a JUDGE might use when
writing an opinion, or a LEGISLATOR
might use when writing a law.
No quotation marks needed for phrases
ORs must be typed in
cat = cat, cat’s, cats, cats’
cats = cat, cat’s, cats, cats’
Avoid remember differences by following
these rules for both systems!
Always type in ORs
Put phrases in quotation marks
Use singular form of words
Order of Operation
Connectors of the same type (OR, AND, proximity
connectors) operate from left to right.
Proximity connectors (/15, /S, /P)
Parentheses change the order of operation so that
connectors inside parentheses operate first.
You don’t need to remember anything about the order of operation for a simple search using alternatives
terms/phrases separated by ORs with a proximity connector or two.
blind! OR sightless OR “impaired vision” /S pedestrian /S accident = documents with any of following:
blind! within a sentence of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
sightless within a sentence of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
impaired vision within a sentence of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
If you wish to search for different variations of expressions using a proximity connector, use parentheses
to change the order of operation so that the connector in the parentheses operates first.
blind! OR sightless OR (impair! /5 vision) /S pedestrian /S accident = documents with any of following:
blind! within a sentence of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
sightless within a sentence of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
impaired vision/vision impaired/vision impairment/vision that was impaired within a sentence
of pedestrian within a sentence of accident
Search: police OR sheriff AND dog
Order: Operates 1st: OR
Operates 2nd: AND
Results: - documents with police and dog
- documents with sheriff and dog
Search: police OR (sheriff AND dog)
Order: Operates 1st: AND (order changed by parentheses)
Operates 2nd: First OR
Results: - documents with police
- documents with sheriff and dog
Search: police OR sheriff /5 dog OR canine
Order: Operates 1st: First OR
Operates 2nd: Second OR
Operates 3rd: /5
Results: - documents with police within 5 words of dog
- documents with police within 5 words of canine
- documents with sheriff within 5 words of dog
- documents with sheriff with 5 words of canine
Excluding Most of the Relevant Documents Example
You wish to retrieve all documents in the Westlaw’s State Cases database containing any of blind!/sightless/vision impairment/vision impaired/impaired vision/vision
that was impaired/etc. within a sentence of pedestrian .
blind! OR sightless OR (impair! /5 vision) /S pedestrian = 517 state cases (as of 1/27/2021) with any of the following:
blind! within a sentence of pedestrian
impaired vision/vision impaired/vision impairment/vision that was impaired/impairment of vision within a sentence of pedestrian
blind! OR sightless OR impair! /5 vision /S pedestrian = 35 state cases (as of 1/27/2021) with any of the following:
blind! within 5 words of vision within a sentence of pedestrian
sightless within 5 words of vision within a sentence of pedestrian
impaired vision/vision impaired/vision impairment/vision that was impaired within a sentence of pedestrian
Note: The second search excludes most of the relevant documents since it excludes all documents with blind! or sightless unless they happen to be within five words of vision.