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Rizal's 'Philippines a Century Hence' Analysis

Rizal's Life and Works As mandated by Republic Act No. 1425, this course
covers the life and works of the country's national hero, Jose Rizal.
The Philippines a Century hence: Facts and Trivia
It was originally written in Spanish Filipinos De Cien Años
This essay, published in La Solidaridad starts by analyzing the various
causes of the miseries
suffered by the Filipino people.
• A series in four parts between September 30, 1889, and February 1,
• Rizal wrote this essay as he felt that it was time to remind Spain that the
circumstances that
ushered in the French Revolution could have a telling effect for her in the
The Philippines A Century Hence
 This essay, published in La Solidaridad starts by analyzing the various
causes of the miseries suffered by the Filipino people. Dr. Rizal wrote
this to forecast the future of the country within a hundred years.
The Philippines A Century Hence
This essay starts with an analysis of the causes of the miseries of the
people. One of the causes identified in this article was Spain's
implementation of her military policies.
A second cause of this misery was deterioration and disappearance of
Filipino indigenous culture.
A third cause of this miserable condition of the people was their
passivity and submissiveness to the Spanish colonizers.
QUESTION: What then had made the people realize their sad situation under Spanish
THE PHILIPPINES A CENTURY HENCE Could Spain prevent the progress of
the Philippines?
If Spain decide to do so, what could she possibly do:
Keep the people ignorant?
Keep the people in poverty?
Exterminate the Filipino race?
Keeping the people ignorant failed. Why?
• Awakening of national consciousness among the people united them.
With the spread of enlightenment, the illustrado class arose.
Recourse to impoverishment also failed. Why?
• Keeping the people in poverty created in the Filipinos the desire to
change things.
Extermination of the people as an alternative to hindering progress was
an impossibility according to Rizal. Why?
• The people had survived in spite of the wars they had engaged in and
the epidemics that had plagued society.
Can the divide et imperia or divide and rule policy still work to foster
enmity between and among the natives?
To Rizal, this would no longer be effective owing to the ease of movement in
the archipelago brought about by improved means of transportation.
Therefore, Spain has no way of blocking reforms and progress of the
The Philippines A Century Hence
• Rizal's essay centered on the reforms and political changes needed for
the Philippines to remain under Spanish rule. Nevertheless, he
stressed that reforms have to be initiated by the government for them
to be peaceful and effective.
• These reforms were the following: freedom of the press in the country:
representation of the Filipinos in the Spanish Cortes; granting of
Spanish citizenship to the people; filling of government positions
through competitive examinations: and reforms in commerce,
agriculture and education; and greater security for the individual and
other reforms.
QUESTION: Which colonizing power will replace Spain? Will it be a
European power or an Asian power?
If Spain will not be replaced either by a European or an Asian power,
which country then will be interested in what Spain has to give up?
To Rizal, this country is none other than the United States of America.
What Rizal envisioned in this essay came true. The Americans entered
the Philippines and wrestled from Spain the control of the Philippines.
Contemporary Issues:
Removal of Philippine History in Secondary
The omission of Philippine history from the secondary school curriculum
has highlighted issues with historical education that have long existed. In order
to strengthen the teaching of Philippine History, it is also necessary to urge for
its return to high school. The removal of Philippine history from the high school
curriculum gave students more time to discuss important topics like Asian
history, economics, and other topics. Additionally, this was like killing two birds
with one stone because Philippine history is already incorporated into these
other subjects, according to Secretary Briones. Instead of debating whether
the elimination of Philippine history had a greater beneficial or negative
influence, may Filipinos remember to come together for the one cause that
truly matters: preparing the next generation to be contributing members of
society by using the lessons learned from the past.
Voters Education
Vote selling or vote buying and electoral fraud are the common issues that
we encounter or we often hear during campaign and election period. The lack
of knowledge and awareness about the election is one of the causes of this
issues. According to the Commission on Elections (Comelec), first-time voters
aged 18 to 21 years old exceeded four million. The poll body also reported that
young Filipino voters comprise 52 percent of the total registered voters. With
the large percentage of the first-time voter, it was important to empower the
youths by implementing the voters education.
According to the Compulsory Voters Act of 2019, SEC, 3, "Voter
education means dissemination of information, materials and programs
designed to inform citizens about the specifics and mechanics of the voting
process. It includes providing information on the right to suffrage, its
importance, and the proper exercise thereof, as well as information on who is
eligible to vote; where and how to register; how electors can check the voter
lists to ensure they have been duly included; what type of elections are being
held; where, when and how to vote; who the candidates are; and how to file
With the voters education the youths or the first-time voters will be
knowledgeable enough about election, the importance of their votes, and
their rights as a voter. With this, we can avoid the issues that we encounter
during elections.
Study Moose. (2017.) The Philippines a Century Hence. Retrieved January 5,
2022 from
_The_Philippines_A_Century_Hence ( Author: Jasper Abraham Gondong)
Rizal, J. (1912). The Philippines a century hence. Manila: Philippine Education
Ahmed, Amer Jason P.
Belingon, Irah Mercel W.
Pasion, Angelica P.