Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Flowering plants of Sarkuwa VDC, Baglung, Western Nepal Indramani Bhagat* and Bimala Subedi Department of Botany, Post Graduate Campus, T.U., Biratnagar, Nepal * E-mail: Abstract The study was conducted in Sarkuwa VDC of Baglung district, Western Nepal to explore and document the flowering plants. Altogether 127 species of plants belonging to108 genera and 53 families were collected. Dominant families of the study area are Moraceae with 11 species, Asteraceae with 9 species, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae with 8 species, Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae with 5 species and Anacardiceae, Meliaceae, Poaceae with 4 species. Among the 127 species, trees are dominant in species composition attaining 39.37 of the whole floristic value, shrub with 27.55%, herb with 25.19%, and climber with 5.15%, under shrub with 1.57% and finally parasite by attaining 0.78%. Key words: Dominant families, Floristic value, Medicinal plants Introduction Nepal is a small country occupying an area of 147,181 sq km and lying between Lat. 26º22'N to 30º27' N and Long. 80º4' E to 88º12' E, is well known as natures paradise for its rich biodiversity. Due to the great geographic along with climatic variation, Nepal is endowed with the tropical to alpine vegetation (Chaudhary, 1998). Nepal offers unique opportunity to conserve biodiversity of many phytogeographical provinces in this small territory. It has biological richness of both the Indo-malaya and Paler tic realm including endemic Himalayan flora. Nepal’s position in the central sector of Himalaya is that of a transitional zone of interpretation between two differing environment of the Eastern Himalaya and Western Himalaya (Shrestha & Joshi, 1996). Thus Nepal offers unique opportunity to conserve biodiversity of many phytogeographical provinces in this small territory. It has biological richness of both the Indo-malaya and Palerctic realm including endemic Himalayan flora. In Nepal, scientist have identified 118 ecosystems, 75 types of vegetation and 35 types of forest harboring more than 6500 species of flowering plants (Stainton, 1972). Of the total estimated 6500 species of flowering plants, about 4% are endemic to the country and 30% are endemic to the Himalayas. Although Nepal shares about 0.09% of all world total land by area, its share in world's total flowering plants species is more than 2%. Nepal occupies the 10th position on richness of flowering plants diversity in Asia, the number of flowering plants enumerated in Nepal is 6067 belonging to 216 families and 1534 genera (Press et al., 2000). There are a few reports describing flowering plants from Bukini VDC of Baglung discrict (Sapkota, 2000) but not from Sarkuwa VDC. So, present work is based to provide introductory knowledge of flowering plants of Sarkuwa VDC of Baglung district, Western Nepal. 89 Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Bhagat and Subedi Materials and Methods The flowering plants of Sarkuwa VDC of Baglung district were collected. The herbarium was prepared and specimens identified swith the help of available literatures. (Haines, 1961; Lawrence, 1965; Hara et al., 1978, 1979, 1982; Hooker, 1883-1897, 1854; Siwakoti & Varma, 1996, 1999) as well as from herbarium sector. The identified species were deposited at Post Graduate Campus, Biratnagar. Results and Discussion From the study area altogether 127 species belonging to 108 genera and 53 families were reported. Trees are the dominant attaining 39.37% of the whole floristic composition followed by shrub with 27.55%, herb with 25.19%, climber with 5.15%, under shrub with 1.57% and parasite by attaining 0.78% (Table 1). Table 1. Number and percentage of plant species on the basis of their life form. S.N. Life form (Habit) Total number Percentage ( %) 1 Tree 50 39.37 2 Shrub 35 27.55 3 Herb 32 25.19 4 Climber 7 5.15 5 Under shrub 2 1.57 6 Parasite 1 0.78 The dominant families of the study area are Moraceae with 11 species, Asteraceae with 9 species, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae with 8 species, Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae with 5 species, Anacardiceae, Meliaceae and Poaceae with 6 species (Table 2). Table 2. Family, genera and species with their habit, local name, flowering and fruiting period, altitude and uses. FlowerLocal name Altitude Botanical name / Family Habit fruit Parts/Used in (Nepali) (m) period Justicia dhatoda Nees./ S Asuro Jan-Jul 1200 Plant & leaves juice/ Heart Acanthaceae trouble, fever, jaundice, kill worms in intestine, cuts, cough Strobilanthes atropurpureus H Aankhle Jan- Mar 1600 Leaf/ Food for Lepidoptera Nees larvae Alternanthera sessilis L./ H Bhiringi jhar All 1200 whole plant/Diarrhoea, Amaranthaceae months dysentery Amaranthus spinosus L. H Kade lude Jul-Nov 1200 whole plant/ Stomach gonorrhea eczema Amaranthus viridis L. H Lude sag Jan-Aug 1200 Seeds/ Diarrhoea, blood purifier, mouth sore Choerospondias axillaris T Lapsi Feb-Aug 1200 Fruit & seeds/ Pickles, spicy Roxb./ Anacardiaceae candy, fuel Rhus javanica Miller. T Bhaki amilo Feb-Sep 1220 Fruit/ Coughs, diarrhoea, dysentery, uterine bleedings Semecarpus anacardium T Bhalayo May-oct 1250 Fruits & nut extract/ Epilepsy, Linn. rheumatism, , skin disorders, fever, worm infestation, hair 90 Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Spondias pinnata (Lf) Kurz T Ambra Agave americana L./ Agavaceae Plumeria rubra L./ Apocynaceae Kettuke S T Braciopsis hainla (Buch.- S Ham.ex D. Don)/ Araliaceae Calotropis gigantia L./ S Asclepiadaceae Ageratum conizoids L./ H Asteraceae Artemisia dubia Wall. US Bhagat and Subedi Apr-Sep 850 Once in years Golaicha Whole (Red jasmine) year 1050 650 Chuletro Dec-Aug 1300 Aank Ilame Jhar Whole 700 year Dec-May 600 Titepati Aug-Oct 1350 Bedens pilosa var. bipinnata H (L.) Hook. f Blumea H hieraciifolia(D.Don)DC Ageratina adenophora (L.) H King & Robinson Gnaphalium polycaulon H Pers (Cudweeds) Inula cappa (Buch-Hamex S D.Don) DC Sonchus asper L. H Xanthium strumarium L. H Kuro May-Oct 700 Sahasrabuti Sept.-Mar 1250 Banmara Sept.-Mar 1300 Bukijhar Jan-Apr. 1300 Gai tihara May-Oct 700 Prickly Bhede kuro May-Oct 1300 Jan-Apr 1200 Berberis aristata DC/ Berberidaceae S Chutro Apr-may 1300 Alnus nepalensis D.Don/ Betulaceae Bombax ceiba L./ Bombacaceae T Utis May-Sep 1550 S Simal Once in year Chenopodium album L./ Chenopodiaceae Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth/ Combretaceae Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Terminalia chebula Retz. H Bethe Nov-Feb 700 T Saaj Feb-Oct T Barro May-Oct 1350 T Harro Feb-Aug 1100 Cordia dichotoma J.R. Forst./ Cordiaceae Ehretia laevis Roxb. T Bohori Feb-Aug 1350 S Datingel Feb-Aug 1150 91 950 700 Fruit, leaves, flowers & bark/ Pickles, jams, stomach aches, dysentery, rheumatism Whole plant/ Wound healing, burns, ulcers, tuberculosis Leaves, flower, bark/ Itch, rheumatism, gum troubles, fever, dysentery Whole plant/ Fodder Latex, root bark, flowers/ Dysentery, cold, cough, asthma Whole plant/ Bleeding, rheumatism, weed Leaves, roots/ Respiratory tract infections, asthma, gastric Young shoot & leaves/ Kidney problems, food Whole plant/ Treatment of infection Leaf/ Scabies Whole plant/ Food for caterpillars Leaf/ Respitory, digestive, cancer, microbial diseases Leaf, stem/ Raw, cooked Root/ Cooling, digestive, tonic treat swollen bones & fractures Bark, berries/Jaundice. piles, eye diseases, gums, dysentery, urinary infection Whole plant/ Reclamation, fire wood, making charcoal Whole plant/ Headache, cough, cold, dysentery, influenza, urinary infections Leaf, fruit, root/ Anemia, fever Whole plant/ Timber for carts, boat building Fruit/ Bronchitis, fever, diarrhoea Fruit/ Diarrhoea, asthma, urinary disorder, fever Bark, leaf/ Treatment of ulcer, colic pain, fodder Leaf, bark/ Muscular pains, eczema, throat infection Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Bhagat and Subedi Shorea robusta Gaertn/ Dipterocarpaceae Dioscorea bulbifera L./ Dioscoreaceae Diospyros malabarica (Desx.)/ Ebenaceae Lyonia formosa (Wall.) Hans-Mazz./ Ericaceae Rhododendron arboreum var. album Wall. Bridelia retusa L./ Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta L. T Sakhuwa Mar-Jul 850 H Githe Tarul Jul-Oct 1320 T Teeju Feb-Jun 1350 T Angeri May-Oct 1250 T Lali guras May-Aug 1200 T Apr-Oct 1200 H Gayo (Sun pati) Dudhe jhar Jatropha curcas L. S Macaranga indica Wight T 800 Sajiwan All months Jul-Dec Malata Jun-sep 1600 Mallotus philippensis (Lam) T Mull. Arg Phyllanthus amarus H Schumach & Thonn. Phyllanthus emblica L. T Sindhure Sep-Mar 600 Bhui amala Amala Whole 800 year Apr-Sept 1300 Sapium insigne (Royle) Benth. Ex. Hook.f. Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn./ Fabaceae Bauhinia purpurea L. T Khirro Feb-Mar 1350 C Bhorla Apr-Feb 1150 T Tanki Sep-Mar 800 Bauhinia malabarica Roxb. T Koiralo May-Oct 800 Cassia sophera L. Crotalaria pallida Act. S H Thulo Tapre Jan-May 650 Runche Sep-Dec 100 Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. T Sisau Mar-June 750 Erythrina stricta Roxb. T Phadelo Mar-Sep 1500 Mimosa pudica L. H Lajawati Mar-Dec 800 Castanopsis indica (Roxb) T Miq./ Fagaceae Castanopsis tribuloids (Sm.) T A.DC. Katus Apr-Sept 1300 Quercus lanata Sm. Bhajo May-Oct 800 Raju Jan-Jul T Xylosma controversum Clos S 1050 Musure katus Apr-Sept 1500 92 1250 Fruit, resin/ Diarrhoea, antiseptic for skin diseases Tuber/ Diabetes, eczema, Intestinal parasites Leaf, fruit/ Dye cloth black Whole plant/ Food for Lepidoptera larvae, ornamental Flower, bark, leaf / Indigestion, liver & lung troubles Whole plant, leaf / Cuts & wounds, wood Plant extract/ Diarrhoea, fever, snake bite Twigs, seed/ Toothbrush, burns, vegetable Branches, petioles, fruit/ To get relief from venereal sores Root, bark/diarrhoea,dysentery, Anthelmintic, indigestion Fruit/ Diarrhoea, dysentery, stomach pain, jaundice Fruit, bark/ Dysentery, constipation, stomachic Leaf, fruit/ Skin disesse, constipation, wounds Seed/ Snake bite Flowers, root, stem, bark/ Constipation, diarrhoea, ulcer Root, bark/ Cholera, wound healing, dysentery Leaf/ Bronchitis, ringworm Leaf/ Menstrual disorder, diarrhoea Leaf, whole plant/ Gonorrhoea, leprosy, wood Leaf, flower, bark/ make rope, tanning dyeing, constipation Root, leaf/ Urinary complaints, glandular swelling Branches, stems, nuts/ Timber, edible Branches, stems, seeds/ Bed logs in mushroom cultivation, fuel, edible Bark, seeds/ Fodder, diarrhoea, dysentery, muscular pain Fruit, leaf/ Eidible, narcotic Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) G. Forst./ Flacourtiaceae Dichroa febrifuga Lour./ S Hydrangenaceae Engelhardia spicata Les. ex T Blume/ Juglandaceae Anisomeles indica Kuntze./ H Lamiaceae Bhagat and Subedi Basak May-Oct 1300 Mauwa Nov-Apr 1340 Raato chaarpate Aug-Jan 1400 S Dhusure Nov-May 1300 H Bantulsi Feb-Oct Hyptis suaveolens ( L.) Poit. H Toolo mirre May-Aug 850 Rabdosia coetsa (Buch.Ham. Ex D. Don) Litsea cubeba (Lour.)/ Lauraceae H Mire Feb-Jul T Siltimur Feb-Aug 1300 Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) Pers. Dendrophthoe falcate (L.f) Eitting/ Loranthaceae Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz/ Lythraceae Sida rhombifolia L./ Malvaceae Urena lobata L. Melastoma melabathricum L./ Melastomataceae Osbeckia nepalensis Hook. T Kutmiro Jan-Dec P Aainjeru May-Oct 1500 S Dhairo Feb-Jun 800 sedative, antispasmodic Root, leaf/ Malaria, stomach cancer, cold cough, indigestion Bark, fruit/ Edible, light timber, tannins Whole plant/Eczema, snake bites, rheumatism, cold. fever, gas pain, uterine infection Leaf, root/ Skin diseases, nose bleeding Seeds, leaf/ Condiment for food, cooked, cold, fever Seed, leaf, shoot/ Diarrhea, fever, headache Whole plant/ Oil, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dysentery Whole plant/ Essential oil, cosmetic, infection, skin tonic, lung cancer Leaf, seed/ Treatment of arthritis, oil, wood Whole plant/ Wound healing, asthama, ulcers Flower/ Cough, ulcers, wounds S Sano chilya Mar-Dec 800 Leaf/ Tuberculosis, rheumatism H S Bhede kuro Angeri Jan-Dec 800 Mar-Dec 1050 S Seto chulsi Aug-Dec 1050 Osbeckia stellata Buch.S Ham. ex D. Donl Cipadessa baccifera (Roth) S Miq./ Meliaceae Rato chulsi July-Dec 1300 Paireti Apr-Feb 900 Melia azedarach L. Toona ciliata M. Roem. Trichilia connaroides (Wight & Arn.) Bentv. T T T Bakaino Tooni Aankha taruwa Mar-Jun 850 Jan- Nov. 1050 Feb-Apr 1300 Stephania glandulifera Miers/ Menispermaceae Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. Artocarpus lakoocha Wall. ex Roxb./ Moraceae Ficus auriculata Lour. C Batul Pate Mar-Jun 1350 C Gurjo Mar-Jun 650 Leaf, roots, seeds/ Rheumatism Bark, root/ Diarrhea, skin disease, dysentery Root, leaf, flower/ Diabetes, foot sores of cattle Whole plant/ Inflammatory diseases Root, bark/ Indigestion, dysentery, skin itch, cough, bleeding, swelling of gums Bark/ Body pain, headache Bark/ Dysentery, heal wounds Leaf, fruit, stem/ Cholera, antimicrobial, scabies, eczema & bdominal pain Tuber/ Treatment of epilepsy, tuberculosis Leaf, stem/ Tonic, diabetes T Badahar Mar-Jun 1300 T Timilo Apr-Aug 1300 Colebrookea oppositifolia Sm. Elsholtzia blanda Benth. 93 1500 1000 1300 Wood, bark, leaf/ Treatment of tapeworm, stomach ailments Leaf/ Diarrhea, dysentery Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Bhagat and Subedi Ficus glaberrima Blume T Pakhauri May-Sep 1150 Ficus hederacea Roxb. S Dudhe lahari May-Jul 1350 Ficus hispida L. Ficus lacor Buch.-Ham Ficus neriifolia Sm. Ficus palmata Forsk S T T T Gelido Kavro Dudhilo Nimaro Jun-Jul May-Oct Oct-Apr May-Nov Ficus racemosa L. T Dumri May-Jul 1350 Ficus subincisa Buch-Ham S Morus australis Poir. T Geduulo Kimbu Apr-Aug 1250 Mar-May 1250 Myrica esculenta Buch. Ham./ Myricaceae Maesa chisia Buch.-Ham. ex./ Myrsinaceae Syzygium cumini (L.) Skecis/ Myrtaceae Fraxinus floribunda wall./ Oleaceae Oxalis corniculata L./ Oxalidaceae Argemon maxicana L./ Papavaraceae T Kafal May-Oct 1250 S Bilaune Feb-Apr 1050 T Jamun Apr-Jul 1000 T Lankuri Feb-Oct 1400 H Chari amilo Feb-Oct 1000 H Thakailo Mar-Oct 1000 1250 800 1350 1250 Axonopus compressus/ H Poaceae Chrysopogan aciculatus H (Retz.)/ Poaceae Cynodon dactylon L. Pers. H Carpet grass Summer- 1000 Autumn Kuro ghas Jun-Oct 1250 Imperata cylindrical (L.) P. H Beauv. Thysanolaena maxima S Kuntz. Clematis buchananiana DC/ C Ranunculaceae Zigyphus mauritiana Lam./ S Rhamnaceae Neillia rubiflora D. Don/ S Rosaceae Prunus cerasoides D. Don T Siru Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. T Dubo Amliso or kucho Abijalo Bayer Nearly all 1200 the year Apr-Aug 1300 Mar-Apr 1200 Aug1600 March Aug-Feb 800 Jangali ainselu Painyu Jan-Sep 1300 Mayal Mar-Sep 1350 Apr-Aug 1300 94 Whole pant/ Fodder, fruit edible, prepare ropes Fruit/ Edible, cultural importance Whole plant/ Fodder Whole plant/ Fodder Whole plant/ Fodder Fruit, bark, roots/ Constipation, lung & bladder diseases, warts Fruit, leaf, root/ Raw or cooked, vegetable, diarrhoea Shoots/ High blood pressure Leaf, fruit/ Gargle in inflammation of vocal chords, fever, edible, paper making Root bark, fruit/ Fever, asthma, cough, cholera, edible Shoots, leaf, fruit/ Edible as vegetable, ripe fruit Leaf, bark, fruit/ Diarrhoea, dysentery, mouthwash, diabetes Wood/ Ploughs, poles, fuel Whole plant/ Piles, anaemia, fever, scurvy Whole plant/ Malarial fever, ulcers & skin problems, heal wounds faster Whole plant/ Erosion control, fodder, forage, ornamental Whole plant, root, seed/ Treat snake bite, soil erosion Whole plant/ Fresh cuts, wounds, diarrhea, dysentery Root/ Pneumonia, diarrhea Root/ Cleaning tool or broom, intestinal worms & boil Whole plant/ cytotoxic, anti inflammatory, antimicrobial Bark, leaf, fruit/Diarrhea, dysentery, scabies, skin diseases Fruit/ Edible Fruit, seed/ Skin diseases, uterine tonic Fruit, young shoots, leaf, flower/ Raw or cooked, eaten as vegetable, diarrhoea Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Rubus ellipticus Sm. S Bhagat and Subedi Ainselu Feb-Jul 1100 Rubia cordifolia Roxb./ C Rubiaceae Zanthoxylum armatum DC./ S Rutaceae 0syris wightiana Wall.ex S wight/ Santalaceae Diploknema butyracea T (Roxb.) H.J. Lam/ Sapotaceae Solanum aculeatissimum US Jacq./ Solanaceae Solanum surattense Burm. H Majhito Jul-Oct 1100 Timur - 1300 Nundhiki Jan-Dec 1500 Chiuri July-Aug 1100 Kantakari Aug-May 800 Kantakari Jan-Apr Solanum nigrum L. Kali bihi Dec-Mar 1250 Eurya acuminate/ Theaceae S Jhyanu May-june 1600 Schima wallichii (DC.) Chilaune Whole year Jul-Oct 1050 Jul-Sep 1500 H T 800 1300 Boehmeria platyphyla T Buch-Ham. ex Don var. angolensis/ Urticaceae Boehmeria regulosa Wedd T Githedaar Girardiana diversifolia (Link.) Fris Urtica dioica L. H H Chalne sisnu Sep-Oct 1600 or Allo Sisnu Sep-Mar 1250 Clerodendrum viscosum Vent./ Verbenaceae Holmskioldia sanguinea Retz. Lantana camara L. S Bhate Jan-June 750 S Jhule Phool May-Oct 750 S Banmara Gidari Whole 1300 year May-Jul 900 Apr-Dec 1300 Premna longifolia Roxb. Vitex negundo L S Simali Vitis lanata auction/ Vitaceae C Ban angur Cayratia trifolia (L.) C Domin. Costus speciosus (J. konig) S Sm./ Zingiberaceae 750 Karaunja June-Dec 900 Betlauri Jul-Sep 95 750 Root, bark/ diarrhea, dysentery, wounds, gastric Root, whole plant/ Natural dye, fruit edible Whole plant/ Fever, cholera, stomach pain, poison, spices Root, bark, fruit/ Atonics in soup, fruit, treating diarrhorea Fruit, seed, leaf, bark/ Soap, oil, candle, ghee, making Tapari Seed, root/ Ulcerated nose, worms Fruit, seed, root/Cough, asthama, anthelmintic Leaf, fruit/ Dropsy, heart diseases, food Flower, leaf, branch / Edible fuel, wood Bark, aerial parts/ Fish Poison, uterine disorders, antifungal Leaf/ fever Bark/ Bark juice used in cuts, wounds & body pain, bark paste applied on bone fracture Leaf juice, whole plant, root/ Fodder, fuel, wood Leaf, stem, root/ Kidney stone, asthama, sinusitis, allergies Root, flower/ Fever, kill worms in stomach Leaf, shoot, bark/ Rheumatism, dysentery, headaches Leaf, stalk/ Asthama, skin itches, repels insect, leprosy Root/ Anti-pyretic, liver complaints, cold, rhematic Leaf, root/Rheumatic swellings of joints, dyspepsia, boils Fruit, leaf, flower/ Raw or dried for winter use, yellow dye from the fresh or dried leaves Whole plant/ Tumors, antivira, anticancer & diuretic activity Wild edible plant, diabetes, medicinal uses Nepalese Journal of Biosciences 7(1): 89-96 (June, 2017) Bhagat and Subedi Out of 127 collected species, more than 30 species were of medicinal importance. Some of them are Xanthoxylum armatum, Litsea cubeba, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Rhus javanica, Phyllanthus emblica, Vitex negundo, Justicia Adhatoda, Dichroa febrifuga,Tinospora cordifolia etc. Plants with edible fruit were Myrica esculenta, Rubus elipticus, Barberis aristata, Phyllanthus emblica, Morus australis, Ficus subincisa, F. semicordata, Brassia butyraceae etc. Common fodder plants were Ficus semicordata, F. subincisa, F. hispida, F. nerifolia, F. racemosa, F. palmata, F. semicordata, F. hispida, Morus australis, Litsea monopetala, etc. Some economically important species were Terminalia chebula, T. bellerica, Shorea robutsa, Schima wallichii, Xanthoxyllum armatum, Phyllanthus emblica, Thysanolaena maxima, Dioscorea bulbifera etc. Sapium insigne, Ageratina adenophora, Adhatoda vassica were used as green manure. Lantana camara, Eupatorium adenophorum, Ageratum conizoids were invasive alien species. Dendrophthoe falcate was a parasite on plant. 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