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Behavior Problem Scenarios: Session Guide for Educators

Behavior Problem Scenarios
Scenarios: Prior to the training session, cut out these five scenarios and paper clip them
together. Give a stack to each group of three in the role-play activity.
Situation 1:
You are going over double digit multiplication problems. As you do, you begin Cold
Calling students to talk about both the process and the answers to each step. Some
students are repeatedly calling out the answers to your questions. They giggle when
you first ask them to desist.
Situation 2:
You turn off the lights so students can see the PowerPoint you created for the day’s
lesson. Each time the lights are turned completely off, a couple of the students start
throwing pencils and making animal sounds.
Situation 3:
Clearly disappointed in her test grades, Kathryn always challenges your grading of the
tests. In an effort to seem accommodative, you once relented on strict scoring for one
minor point, but this has only emboldened her, and she now calls openly for you to
“be more fair” with the grading.
Situation 4:
You are giving directions for how to transition to your next activity (going over
yesterday’s test) when two students in your class begin quarrelling over something
.One of the students claims that it wasn’t his fault but his classmates said that it
was he who started the fight.
Situation 5:
You are waiting outside of the lunchroom monitoring pupils walking from lunch to
their classes. Your school has a no cell phone policy and when teachers see a phone,
they must collect it, endorse it to the office, and the pupil can get back the phone for a
fee of Php 50.00 . You see a grade 6 pupil pull a phone out of his pocket to show a
friend a picture. You approach him and ask for the phone but he slips it into his
pocket and claims to not have one.