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ACCT D30: Accounting for Decision Making Syllabus

ACCT D30: Accounting for Decision Making (Daytime)
Module 4/2022-23
Professor Name: Mark Finn
Email: mark.finn@comcast.net
Course Objectives
This class will provide students with an introduction to financial statements and their use. The first
two weeks will cover accounting basics: 1) basic accounting concepts and terminology and 2) the
mechanics of the three primary statements - the balance sheet, the income statement, and the
statement of cash flows. The rest of the course will provide a more detailed examination of the
major components of the balance sheet: liquid assets, inventories, fixed assets, long-term
obligations, and investments. Upon completion, students should have developed a basic
understanding of what financial statements contain and how they are used.
Contribution to Sasin Learning Goals
The financial reporting systems provides stakeholders with the primary lens through which they
monitor and evaluate an organization’s performance. A well-functioning system is the lynchpin of
good governance. This class will provide students with tools and perspectives that will be essential
on becoming ethical stewards of the organization’s resources as senior managers, board directors,
and investors.
Required Textbook
Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby, Frank Hodge. Financial Accounting. 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2019.
Additional Readings
Class handouts.
Students must complete weekly on-line assignments (30% of the class grade), an in-class final
examination (45% of the grade), and a final group project (15% of the student’s grade), to be
submitted on September 7th. Class participation will comprise the final 10% of the grade.
Academic Misconduct
Any academic misconduct will automatically result in a failing grade for the course. Additional
penalties ranging from suspension to removal from the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business
Administration may also be imposed if deemed appropriate. Academic Misconduct includes, but is
not limited to, Plagiarism, Cheating, Fabrication, Aiding and Abetting Academic Misconduct, and
Falsification of Records and Official Documents (for definitions of these termssee the Student
Handbook, on the Sasin Intranet).
ACCT D30 – Accounting for Decision Making
Summary Course Outline
Accounting D30
Session 1a*
Introduction and the Balance Sheet
Chapter 1 and 2
Session 1b & 2
The Balance Sheet
Finish Chapter 1
Begin Chapter 2
Sessions 3, 4
The Income Statement
Chapters 3 & 4
Sessions 5, 6
Fixed Assets and Performance Metrics
Chapters 5 & 8
Session 7 & 8a
Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 12
Session 8b and 9
Revenue Recognition and Receivables
Chapter 6
Session 10
Wrap-up Topics
September 4th
Final Exam
*Sessions 1a, 1b, etc., here are defined as 90-minute class segments.
ACCT D30 – Accounting for Decision Making
Detailed Course Outline
Accounting D30
08 & 13/12/22
14 & 16/12/22
20 & 22/12/22
Text Reading:
December 24th
Introduction and the Balance Sheet
Chapter 1 and 2
E1-4, M2-4
The Balance Sheet (cont’d.)
Finish Ch. 1; Begin Ch. 2
E2-4, E2-9, E2-11, E2-14, E2-17
The Income Statement: Basic Accrual Accounting Principles
Chapter 2 and 3
M3-2, M3-3, M3-4, E3-3, E3-4, E3-8, E3-10&11
The Income Statement: Advanced Accrual; Adjusting Entries
Chapter 4
M4-4, E4-6, E4-12, E4-13, P4-3
Dividends, Recurring Profits and IS Geography, and Fixed Assets
Chapter 5, pp.242-245; Chapter 8, pp.396-397 & p.401-406
E5-10, P5-9, E8-6&23, E8-16, AP8-5, E12-13, E12-14
The Statement of Cash Flows
Chapter 12
E12-5, E12-6, E12-8&21, P12-1&3
Revenue Recognition, Receivables and Allowances
Chapter 6
E6-11, E6-17, E6-18, E6-22, P6-2,
Final Exam
ACCT D30 – Accounting for Decision Making