Lecture №7. Networks and Telecommunications Glossary A computer network set of nodes (computers, terminals, peripherals) having the possibility of information exchange with each other using a special communication hardware and software Peer network with respect to peer access control to data paths in these networks is distributed among the nodes. Network analyzer interception method as they move along the lines intranet connection Any part of the network resource or a network of computers (such as disk, directory, printer, etc.) that can be used by the application during operation 1. Basic concept A computer network (computer network or telecommunications - TBC) is an exchange network and distributed data processing, formed by a plurality of interconnected subscriber systems and communications; means of transmission and processing of information focused it on the collective use of the network-wide resources - information, software, hardware. The subscriber system (AS), a set of subscriber (the object generating and consuming information), and a work station (MS). Workstation (PC) - a system of end-user network equipment including network computer with peripheral input-output means and software, means of communication with the communication network subnet, perform application processes. Communication subnet (or telecommunications system - TCS) - a combination of physical communication media, hardware and software, interoperable speakers Application Process - a variety of input procedures, storage, processing and output of information, performed for the benefit of users and applications described. Computer networks can be operated in different modes of data exchange between the AU, the request and delivery of information, data collection, batch processing to users' queries from remote terminals, online. Thus, with the advent of the COP allowed two very important issues: ensuring, in principle, unrestricted access to users' computers, regardless of geographic location and the possibility of rapid movement of large volumes of information at any distance, enabling timely data to make certain decisions. 2. Information, hardware and software maintenance of the COP The possibilities of a COP are determined by its information, hardware and software.Information support of the network is a single information collection oriented solved in a network problem and containing general application database, available to all users on the network, the database for personal use, intended for individual subscribers, knowledge of general and individual use, automated database - local and distribution, general and individual purpose. Hardware constitute computers of different types of subscriber equipment systems, means of regional communication systems (including communication centers), communication equipment and coordination of networks of the same level or different levels. Used in computers networks is usually the generic type, having the ability to perform a virtually unlimited range of user needs. In order to increase computing capacity of the network it can connect to data centers or data processing centers to which users can handle requests from its subscriber systems or other jobs. Such centers are provided with computers in a wide range in their characteristics, from personal computers to supercomputers. Software (SW) networks are highly variable, both in its composition and on the list of tasks. In general, a network software features are as follows: planning, organization and implementation of collective user access to network-wide resources - telecommunications, computing, information, software; automatic programming information processing tasks; dynamic allocation and reallocation of network-wide resources to improve the efficiency and reliability to meet user requests, etc. As part of the stand was visited by the following groups: • network-wide software as core elements include the distribution of the operating system (ROS) and a set of network maintenance program (CMP) of the entire network and its individual units and subsystems, including TCS; • special software, which includes application software: integrated and functional application packages (RFP), general purpose, application network program (PPP), library of standard programs and applications for special purposes, reflecting the specific domain users in the implementation of its tasks; • basic software user computer systems, including computer operating systems, programming automation, control and diagnostic test program. The most important function of the network performs a distributed operating system: it controls the operation of the network in all its modes, ensures quick and reliable satisfaction of user requests, dynamic allocation of network-wide resources, coordination of the network links. ROS has a hierarchical structure corresponding to the standard seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI). It is a software system implementing the processes of interaction between the AU and with a common architecture and communication protocols. ROS provides asynchronous interaction of parallel processes in the network, followed by the use of means of communication between both implemented processes and tools to synchronize these processes. As part of the network has a set of ROS located at the functional level model OSI control and service programs, which are the main features are as follows: - Network-wide allocation of resources to meet user requests, ie, access individual applications to the resources; - Provision of inter-access methods, ie organization of communication between the individual applications of the complex custom programs implemented in various AC network; - Synchronization of the user programs at the same time they appeal to the same networkwide resource; - Remote entry jobs with any AC network and the implementation of any other AC network online or batch mode; - Sending text messages to users in the exercise of functions based e-mail, newsgroups, electronic bulletin boards, distance learning; - The exchange of files between the AU network access to files stored on remote computers, and processing; - Protection of information and network resources from unauthorized access, ie, realization of functions of network security services; - Issuance of certificates describing the state of the network and its resources; - Planning the use of network-wide resource. Creation and implementation of a computer network are difficult complex task that requires a coordinated decision number of issues. These include: the formation of a rational structure of the network, consistent with its intended purpose and meets certain requirements; design of telecommunication network systems, select the type of lines and communication channels, evaluation of their capacity, etc .; providing user access to network-wide resources capacity, in particular, due to the optimal solution of routing problems; distribution of information, hardware and software resources on the links in the network; development security information in the network system; development of measures to ensure the required level of ergonomics networks, etc. All these issues are resolved, taking into account the requirements for the network on the main indicators.: - Time - to assess the efficiency and timeliness to meet user requests; - reliability - to assess the reliability of the network operation; - Economic - to assess the economic efficiency of capital investments in the creation and implementation of the network and operating costs in the operation and use. 3. Classification of computer networks The level of detail, taking into account the characteristics of employment ergotis elements in a study of efficiency of functioning of the network depends on the type of CCF and the presence of reliable data on these characteristics. Classification of computer networks is carried out on the most characteristic features, structural, functional, information. According to the degree of territorial dispersal of the main elements of the network (subscriber systems, communications centers) distinguish between global, regional and local computer networks. Global computer network (GCS) were combined subscriber system, scattered over a large area covering a variety of countries and continents. They solve the problem of integration of information resources of all humanity and provide access to them. AC interaction is carried out on the basis of various regional networks (TCC), which uses telephone lines, radio, satellite communication systems. Regional Networking (RCC) were combined subscriber systems located within a single region - the town, the administrative district; It operates in the interest region and organizations and users tend to have access to the SCS. Interaction subscriber systems also performed using DMS. Local area network (LAN) combined subscriber system, located within a small area (floor of the building, several buildings of the same enterprise). This class includes the LCS network of enterprises, firms, banks, offices, schools, etc. The principal difference from other classes of LCS network is the presence of its regular data transmission system. Separate class represent corporate computer networks (CCF), which are the technical base of companies, corporations, organizations, etc. The network plays a leading role in the implementation of the planning tasks, organization and implementation of industrial and economic activities of the corporation. Combining LKS, RCC, CCF, SCS allows to create complex hierarchies multihued. According to the control method distinguishes a centrally managed network, when the network has one or more control bodies, decentralized (each speaker has the means to manage the network) and mixed control, in which a certain combination to implement the principle of centralized and decentralized management (for example, under centralized management the problem can only be solved with the highest priority associated with the processing of large amounts of data). According to arrange distinguish network selection information and routing information. The first are based on mono channels, the interaction of the AU made a choice (selection) data blocks addressed to them (staff): all speakers are available online all the frames transmitted in the network, but a copy of the frame is removed only speaker to whom they are intended. The second uses the routing mechanism for the transmission of frames (packets) from the sender to the recipient in one of the alternative routes. According to the type of organization data transmission network routing information is divided into the circuit switched network, switched and packetswitched communications. In operation there are networks that use mixed transmission systems are used. In topology, ie, Configuration elements in the network, broadcast networks are distinguished (Figure 1) and consistent (Figure 2). Broadcast networks and a significant part of successive configurations (ring, star with the "intellectual center") characteristic of the LKS. For global and regional networks of the most common is an arbitrary (mesh) topology. 6 1 3 5 1 3 5 2 2 a) 7 9 4 4 8 б) 1 5 2 4 3 в) Picture1. Broadcast network configuration: а – global bus; б – tree; в – star with a passive center 2 2 6 1 1 4 3 3 7 5 5 4 8 а) б) 6 5 1 4 2 3 в) 1 2 3 4 г) 5 7 6 2 8 3 1 2 9 3 4 8 1 7 д) 4 5 6 11 9 е) 10 Picture 2. Serial configuration Networks: а – arbitrary (cellular); б – hierarchical; в – ring; г – chain; д – star with "intelligent" center; е – snowflake Computer networks can be either homogeneous (homogeneous), which are used in softwarecompatible computers, and heterogeneous (heterogeneous) including software and incompatible computer. Global and regional networks, because of their length and a large number of computers used in them are often patchy. Lecture № 8. Cyber security Glossary: Information security - the security of the information and supporting infrastructure against accidental or intentional actions aimed at harming. Data protection - the use of special tools, techniques and measures in order to prevent the loss of data stored on ODS. Software - software specifically designed to perform functions related to information security. Legal support - a set of laws, legal documents, regulations, instructions, manuals, which are mandatory requirements within the scope of their activities in information security. Safe and secure system - a system with remedies that have successfully and effectively confront threats to security. Trojan horse - a program, which contains some destructive function that is activated upon the occurrence of certain triggering conditions. Worms - is a virus that spread over wide area networks, affecting the entire system, rather than separate programs. Encryption - converting this data into unreadable form using the encryption-decryption keys. Cybersecurity is a set of tools, policies, security principles, security guarantees which are used protect the cyber environment, resources organizations and users. Information security is the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Data protection is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security. Information Security Threats Information Security Risk (IS) is a potential event, action, process or phenomenon that can cause damage to anyone’s interests. An attempt of threatening activities is called an attack. Classification of IS threats can be made according to several criteria: By the information security aspect (availability, integrity, confidentiality); By the IS components at which threats are aimed (data, software, equipment, supporting infrastructure); By the implementation method (accidental action of natural of artificial origin); By location of the threat source (inside of the IS Methods of information security Here are the exemples of methods classification used for information security: An obstracle is a methods of physical blockage of a malefactor’s way to the information; Access management is a security method of regulation using the information system resources; Masking is in information security method of cryptographic transformation; Regimentation is an information security method creating conditions of the automated handling under which possibilities of unauthorized access are minimized; Coercion is a security method of forcing the personnel to follow the rules of information handling, transfer and use; Motivation is a security method of inducing the user not to break the modes of information handling, transfer and use due to respect for ethical and moral standards. Means of Information Systems Security Security means can be classified into: Technical means are various electric, electronic and computer devices; Physical means are means, which are implemented in the from of self-contained units and systems; Software means are software intended for accomplishment of information security functions; Cryptographic means are mathematical algorithms providing transformation of data for the solution of information security issues; Organizational means is asset of technical-organizational and legal-organization measures; Moral and ethical means are means, which ae implemented in the form of the regulation developed in the process of distributing the COMPUTER and information technologies;/ Legislative means is a set of the legal acts regulating the use of IS, handling and transfer of information. Lecture №9. Internet technologies Glossary: Information technology - generic name for technologies that concentrate around the problems of processing, storage and data management. Internet technologies - the common name for telecommunication technologies that are based on the network architecture, and exchange protocol TCP / IP data. Transferring files via FTP and corresponding system FTP file archives (FTP-service) - 1) distributed depository, text file, software, movies, graphics, music, etc., are stored as files on different computers around the world; 2) a special protocol and client software to access these files. Concepts Online Internet has become firmly established in our lives. He combined a huge number of computers and other devices located around the globe in a single unit. With it, people can communicate with each other using e-mail, the system of electronic bulletin boards and even videoconferencing. With the development of Internet technology will increase the number of people employed telework, which is also a positive development. Modern experts specializing in the field of information technology and communications, must possess an adequate knowledge of Internet technologies, particularly Web technologies, including the creation of HTML and CSS tools Web sites. Mastering these technologies in addition to the possibility of placing their own information on the Internet will at a higher level to use numerous information resources located on the World Wide Web. Internet and Web technologies Internet technologies Web technologies Network, Subnet and internetwork; the topology of the Internet; principles of HTML; CSS; JavaScript; DOM. the protocols; routing; TCP / IP; HTTP; SMTP; POP3. Word Internet (Internet) is composed of two parts and the Inter net - the network. Thus, the Internet - a network of networks, therefore, the study of Internet technologies is natural to begin by considering the basics of computer networks. Computer network - a set of interconnected autonomous computers. Computer networks can be classified by various grounds (Table 2.): Classification of computer networks table 2 Classification signs Values classifications By type of sewer signal Cable; wireless Broadcast; with the transmission As data transmission technology from node to node By coverage Local; municipalities; global Wireless network Wireless networks - a network in which to communicate information not used any signal sewage means (coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber-optic line). The broadcast network and a transmission network from node to node. In constructing the network uses two types of data transmission technology: broadcast network; transmission from a network node to node. The broadcast uses a single communication channel used by all machines in a network. Transmission network from node to node consists of a large number of machines connected in pairs. In such networks to packet to reach the destination, you need to go through a number of intermediate cars. Local Area networks Local area networks (LANs or LAN) - it is the network that are located within the same group or adjacent buildings. They are usually used to connect computers and workstations in company offices and provide shared access to resources used:.. Printers, scanners, databases, etc. Examples of local networks are widely used Ethernet. Regional networks Regional networks (MAN) - is a network uniting local computers within the same city. The most common example of regional networks are networks built on the basis of networks of cable television infrastructure. Regionaln through the input device connected to the Internet network. Global network and internetwork Global network covers a large geographical area: region, country or even a continent. It brings together the machines that perform custom applications, which are called hosts. Hosts connected to communications subnets, for brevity, called subnets. Global networks are usually the union of several local networks. Such networks are called internetwork association, t. E., The combined networks. TCP / IP TCP / IP is the major Internet protocol stack, which implements the packet switched model. It contains four layers: application, transport, and physical firewall + plus data. Fig.2. Reference Model TCP / IP Universal Resource Identifier (URI), and its purpose components URI (Uniform Resource Identifier, Uniform Resource Identifier) (RFC 2396, August 1998) - a compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource URI is used to uniquely identify any resource. Some subsets of URI: URL (Uniform Resource Locator, Universal Resource Locator), - a subset of URI schemes that identifies a resource by the method of access thereto (e.g., its "location on the network") instead of having to identify it by name or other attribute of that resource. Sample URL: http://www.ipm.kstu.ru/index.php ftp://www.ipm.kstu.ru/ URN (Uniform Resource Name, Universal Resource Name) - a private URI-scheme "urn:" a subset "namespace", which must be unique and immutable, even in the case where the resource does not exist or is unavailable. The DNS service Domain Name Service (DNS) refers to the application layer TCP / IP reference model. It is difficult to translate perceived human IP-addresses in a more readable text format, as well as ensures the independence from the physical IP-address of the host. DNS The idea is to break the entire address space into several disjoint regions (domains), which are divided into subzones (subdomains). The whole Internet is divided into 200 top-level domains, the number of which is constantly increasing. The domain is the set of hosts, combined into a logical group. Each top-level domain is divided into subdomains, which can also consist of other domains, and so on. d. Figure 3. Domain Name Service (DNS) Web-technologies: HTTP, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript. HTTP HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) - Hypertext Transfer Protocol. He is the main protocol of the World Wide Web (World Wide Web) and describes the format of messages that can be exchanged between the client and servers. HTTP protocol is designed so that it can be used not only in the Web technologies but also in other object-oriented applications. First we need to understand the basic concepts of web technologies: web site and web page. Web page - this is the minimum logical unit of the World Wide Web, which is a document that clearly identified a unique URL. Website - a collection of thematically related web pages located on the same server, and belonging to one owner. The World Wide Web is a collection of all web sites. The basis of the entire World Wide Web is a hypertext markup language HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used for logical (semantic) markup document (web page). Figure 4. Web Technology To make web pages dynamic (pull-down menus, animations) are used scripting languages. The standard scripting language on the Web is a JavaScript. The core JavaScript language is ECMAScript. HTML, CSS, JavaScript - is a language that can be used to create arbitrarily complex Web sites. Browser object model unique to each model, and thus there are problems when creating cross-browser applications. Therefore, Web Consortium offered the Document Object Model (DOM), which is the standard way of presenting web pages with the help of a set of objects. The set of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM is often called dynamic HTML - Dynamic HTML, or DHTML. Syntax modern HTML is described using the Extensible Markup Language XML Extensible Markup Language. XML will allow to create your own markup language, similar to HTML in a DTD. There are many such languages to represent mathematical and chemical formulas, knowledge, and so on. Email. Message Format. Protocols SMTP, POP3, IMAP E-mail (e-mail) is one of the most common services implemented on the basis of the Internet. The standard TCP / IP model, it refers to the application layer and its implementation are commonly used SMTP and POP3. There are two widely used format e-mail: e-mail basic format of RFC 822 (Table 3.) And the extension of the multipurpose Internet mail (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension - MIME) (Table 4, 5.). Fields RFC 822 message format Table 3 Field Description To: Address (es) of the primary recipient (s) Cc: Address (es) of the additional recipient (s) Bcc: Address "blind" copies From: The author (authors) Posts Sender: sender Address Agent ID, date and time of receipt and Received: other information. Adds each transfer agent all along the route Return-Path: The composition of all the fields Received Title MIME-Version: Content-Description: Content-Id: Content-Transfer-Encoding: Content-Type: Fields MIME standard Description MIME version Description of the content in clear text Unique identificator Posts coding method The type and content of the message format There are several protocols receiving mail transfer between the multi-user system: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - is a network protocol for e-mail transmission in TCP / IP networks, the transfer must always be initiated by the transmission system itself. POP, POP2, POP3 (Post Office Protocol) - three fairly simple non-interchangeable protocol processed mail to be delivered to the user from a central mail-server's, it is removed from it, and to identify the user name / password. Mail messages can be obtained in the form of headers, without the entire letter. IMAP2, IMAP2bis, IMAP3, IMAP4, IMAP4rev1 (Internet Message Access Protocol) IMAP provides storage of mail on the server's file in directories, and provides the client with the ability to search for strings in e-mail messages on the server's. IMAP2 - is used in rare cases. IMAP3 - incompatible with nothing Solutions, is not used. IMAP2bis - IMAP2, allows the server's MIME-in the structures (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) messages, is still in use. IMAP4 - processed IMAP2bis, which can be used anywhere. IMAP4rev1 - IMAP is expanded more features, including those, which was then used in the DMSP (Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers). Lecture №10. Cloud and mobile technologies Glossary Cloud computing — information technology concept, which implies providing universal and convenient network access on demand to a common pool of configurable computing resources (eg, data networks, servers, storage devices, applications and services - both together and separately) that can be provided quickly and released with minimal operating costs or calls to the ISP (Internet Service Provider). The mobile technology has sustainably invaded our lives, and dramatically improved the process of production, and the process of information consumption. The usage of mobile technology keeps you informed about all developments in the world at a minimum effort. In addition, mobile technology can reduce production costs for consumers by optimizing processes, reducing production costs and non-operating expenses. The first mobile systems were based on the principle of analog communication systems. The first cell phones were used only as an alternative to the usual analog terminals. Over time, the mobile technology have been complemented by some basic services. 1. Cloud technology. Unlike traditional storage devices like hard drives or CDs, where information is stored in a physical format, all the data in the cloud is stored virtually on servers. Furthermore, you can access everything that is on the cloud from any computer that has an internet connection. The first major difference between cloud storage and traditional storage means is accessibility. While hard disks offer local access to information, cloud storage offers unlimited access to data, if the users can provide the necessary passkeys and if the computer has internet access. Working with a cloud storage service has many advantages, as well as disadvantages. Probably the most obvious advantage that pops into mind is that you won’t need to clutter up your hard drive with useless information. Furthermore, cloud storage services usually employ advanced information compression functions, which means greater indexing capability. This, in turn, translates to faster search speeds. However, using a cloud storage service is not without disadvantages. Being a hosting entity, the cloud relies heavily on Internet connection speed. So, what is cloud storage? What Is Cloud Storage? Cloud computing is an on-demand computing model which relies on a stable Internet connection to share and access data across multiple devices such as computers or smartphones. If we took a step back to see the bigger picture, cloud computing allows users to access all the information stored in a third-party data center. This is achieved using minimal resources and minimal supervision. Types of cloud storage. Now that we’ve briefly talked about what is cloud storage, let’s take a closer look at the classification of cloud storage service. As the need for cloud-based solutions increased, so has the nature of the service become more complex. Presently, we can discuss three major types of cloud storage services: private, public and hybrid cloud storage services. 1. Private Cloud. Private clouds are tailored to accommodate and handle data requests from small home-based companies or larger companies. Typically, this type of cloud service is the best solution for a company that wants to migrate all data by employing the services of a third-party cloud provider. Alternately, cloud service clients can opt for two types of private clouds. An onpremise cloud uses a server or a machine that can be found in the same building. This server hosts the cloud. The other option is externally-hosted cloud storage. The host server is not in the same building as the company. On-premise private clouds are easier to supervise. The machine that handles all the requests is in the same building as the company. Thus, staff can easily check if something goes wrong. However, keep in mind that this type of service is better suited for bigger companies. For smaller businesses, it may be a bit pricey, as the maintenance costs can be quite high. 2. Public Clouds. With public cloud, you won’t need to concern about maintenance or data security, since all the data is externalized. Public clouds are easier to access and maintain than private clouds. Furthermore, anyone having the right credentials can submit access to the cloud, from either a computer terminal connected to the Internet or from other devices such as a tablet or a Smartphone. 3. Hybrid Clouds. A hybrid cloud combines some of the features of private and public clouds. One of the greatest advantages of using hybrid clouds is the greater number of customization options. Add, delete or edit the current applications running on your cloud. If you wish to share sensitive information, you can always opt for the private cloud feature with better security. Alternately, you can migrate some of your non-sensitive data on the public side of the cloud Advantages Of Cloud Storage 1. Cost. Companies and individuals using cloud-based services are more likely to cut back on operating costs than those who still use in-house hosting solutions or external hard drives. Furthermore, according to the recent online polls on cloud storage, the average cost of one gigabyte of storage space is around 3 cents. Consider migrating your data to a third-party cloud storage service to avoid cluttering and to ease operations. 2. Accessibility. As we mentioned in our introductory remarks, you can access all files, folder, photos and videos in the cloud from anywhere in the world. Of course, provided you have the necessary credentials and internet access. 3. Recovery. One of the greatest advantages of using cloud storage is that you’ll always have a backup solution in case something goes wrong. If something happens to the files on a computer, you can always access the cloud and retrieve any data that may have been damaged of lost. 4. Syncing. If you’ve committed any changes to one or more files, the cloud will automatically sync the changes across all affiliated devices. 5. Increased Security. Most cloud storage providers tend to add extra layers of security protocols. They do this in order to prevent your files and folders from either ending up in the wrong hands or from being lost. Disadvantages Of Using Cloud Storage 1. Dependent On Internet Connection. Since cloud-based solutions depend on the speed of your Internet upload and download speed, having a low latency can impede you from accessing the data in real time. Also, there are still many areas around the globe where you can’t connect to the Internet. 2. Costs. For a corporation or a small business, cloud storage services are sound solutions. However, for home devices, these costs may be too high to handle. 3. Hard Drives. Although the goal of cloud-based services is to minimize our dependency on physical storage devices, a large number of business cloud storage services require the presence of a physical hard drive as well. 4. Customer Support. Customer support is not one of the stronger points of cloud storage vendors. Cloud storage providers usually instruct clients to take a closer look at the FAQ or follow online forums. 5. Privacy Issues. After migrating the data to a third-party cloud storage provider, there is a bit of an issue concerning who owns the information. Is it the company, as a client, or the cloud storage provider? The Best Cloud Storage Services for Backup in 2018 1. Google Drive Cloud Storage Space: 15 GB Bonus: None Ratings: 9.8 2. OneDrive Cloud Storage Space: 5 GB Bonus: 500 MB/Referral Max Bonus: 10 GB Ratings: 9.8 3. iCloud Cloud Storage Space: 5 GB Bonus: None Ratings: 9.8 4. MediaFire Cloud Storage Space: 10GB Bonus: 1 GB/Referral 2 GB for Installing Mobile App 1 GB for for Connecting Facebook/Twitter & Tweet Max Bonus: 50 GB Ratings: 9.7 5. Dropbox Cloud Storage Space: 2 GB Bonus: 500 MB/Referral 125 MB for Connecting Facebook/Twitter Max Bonus: 16 GB Ratings: 9.6 6. Yandex.Disk Cloud Storage Space: 10 GB Bonus: 500 MB/Referral Max Bonus: 10 GB Ratings: 9.6 7. Degoo Cloud Storage Space: 100 GB Bonus: 3 GB/Referral Max Bonus: 500 GB Ratings: 9.5 8. hubiC Cloud Storage Space: 25 GB Bonus: 5 GB/Referral Max Bonus: 25 GB Ratings: 9.5 Mobile technology. Mobile technology is the technology used for cellular communication. Mobile code division multiple access (CDMA) technology has evolved rapidly over the past few years. Since the start of this millennium, a standard mobile device has gone from being no more than a simple two-way pager to being a mobile phone, GPS navigation device, an embedded web browser and instant messaging client, and a handheld game console. Many experts argue that the future of computer technology rests in mobile computing with wireless networking. Mobile computing by way of tablet computers are becoming more popular. Tablets are available on the 3G and 4G networks. What can you tell about … Types of Mobile phones Mobile apps Most popular mobile operating systems Advantages and disadvantages of mobile technology A place where mobile phones are prohibited Benefits of Mobile Technology Portability Accessibility Ease of use Apps Built in Features: Camera, Email, etc Personalization Convenience