NOTES JS - querySelector + querySelectorAll → (“.li a”)[2] - classList. add, remove, toggle innerHTML or innerText style.color, backgroundColor setAttribute (like class, href… everything inside < >) tipo (“href”, “https://……”) text css addClass removeClass html attr after before prepend appena remove on keypress click 1. CALLBACKS SetTimeout is an example where you have a callback function and also async JS. Also when you add an event Listener, the second parameter is a callback function Error first callbacks to catch errors first 2. PROMISE “Passing a callback function that accepts both a resolve and a reject, and in the code you want to detect or fails and if it’s successful you call resolve if it rejects/fails you call reject” ck 3. ASYNC/AWAIT the await corresponds to the .then in promises. Using try… catch… you can try to run code and handle the error in some way, but can still use async await. Node.js 1. Invented in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. It is a runtime environment to run Javascript without the need of a browser. Node.js is an open-source runtime environment. It is based on the Chrome V8 engine, written in C++. It is used for intensive I/O web applications. 2. as Express.js A server is created using node.js, npm and express.js. When we go to the browser and we type localhost:3000 we specify the location of a server. When we hit enter, the browser will go to that location and make a request to get some data back. And when that request gets made at that home location, then this callback gets triggered, and we send the browser a response which is the text we typed in. Nodemon Nodemon is a utility depended on by over 1.5 million projects, that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server. Perfect for development. Swap nodemon instead of node to run your code, and now your process will automatically restart when your code changes. API Application Programming Interfaces. Set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmes can use to create software or interact with an external system. API: Request from server to someone else’s server. - Endpoints - Paths - Parameters - Authentication - used to monetize based on # and types of requests “,Miscellaneous,Dark?type=single&contains=debug ging” Importante che i parametri siano dopo ? e siano collegati da &. 059584f6031555dc733c613 JSON: Javascript Object Notation. Data similar to Javascript Object. Readable by human by can be compressed to make a single string. HEROKU: Create Procfile. Open in atom and type web: node app.js. “Git init” in the same folder “Git add .” in the same folder “Git commit . -m “First Commit” in the same folder “Heroku create” “git push heroku master” to push online GIT and GITHUB: Version Control, Clone Repositories, Fork, Make pull Requests, merge repositories. git init //Initialize Local Git Repository git add “file.txt” or . for all files //Add File(s) to Index git status (to check status of commits) //Check Status of Working Tree git commit -m “Complete Chapter 1” - write in present tense! //Commit changes in index git push //Push to remote repository You can also create SSH keys so that you don’t have to type passwords git pull git clone(to get the log of all commits) //pull Latest from remote repository //copy repository into a new directory git log (to get the log of all commits) git add . (to add everything to staging area, ready to commit changes) git diff chapter3.txt (to see the differences with the previous versions!) git checkout “chapter3.txt” (to roll back to the last position in our local repositories) - this restores the version of the file we want to checkout. git status --short master branch is the main branch of commits (where main progress is saved) Local repository (it is the git file that is inside the story directory) vs remote repository (it is GITHUB, which hosts the code and the changes that were made between the different commits) VSCODE Shortcuts - CTRL + SHIFT + P :Open command palette CTRL + , : Settings tab CTRL + W : to close active tab CTRL + ò : Open terminal CTRL + B : to hide sidebar or open CTRL + SHIFT + N : Open new window CTRL + SHIFT + E : to navigate sidebar quickly CTRL + TAB : to move across tabs CTRL + SHIFT + T : to reopen last file CTRL + P : To open available files CTRL + ENTER : automatically go to the next line! CTRL + SHIFT + O : find all functions in code - CTRL+SHIFT+L : selects all occurrences of the highlighted text, very handy to rename a method, a variable or refactor a duplicated bit of code at all places at once - CTRL+SHIFT+F : to search some text in the whole workspace - CTRL + ALT + N to run code scripts TAILWIND - npm init -y : initialize JSON file - npm i -D tailwindcss - Replace echo in json file with " "scripts": { //to install tailwindcss "build": "tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o - ./dist/main.css", "watch": "tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o - ./dist/main.css --watch" - - }, The first just builds it and the second also watches Run “npm run build” REACT Always start with app.js b/c it is the root of your application. React works using components. A component can be embedded in another component - - React components: functions that return HTML elements Props: Props are arguments passed into React components. Props are passed to components via HTML attributes. Components can be passed as props, which stands for properties. Props are like function arguments, and you send them into the component as attributes. useRef hook allows us to reference elements inside our HTML FIRST, BUILD REACT USING: npm run build CREATE SIMPLE HTTP SERVER (-g global): npm i -g serve SERVE ON LOCAL PORT (-p): serve -s build -p 8000 To set-up quick backend "server": "json-server --watch db.json --port 5000"