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Pharmacology & Physiology Study Notes

Angelic effects on the heart
Anastasia questions
Anti alitics
If using anti anxiety lirazapan- Heart rate respiratory bp and level of counscieness
Has been on tca () for a long time what is the therapeutic action for it inhibit the intake of serotonin
and no epinephrine
Phenelzine- make sure you check for hypoglycemia If on it
Physiotherapy agentsPt is experiencing tremors and shuffling gate and on long term antphycotic yes for a which which can
cause- extra pramitle (once medication is stopped)
Pt is on cloremorphazine 25 mg priority assment is checking behavior and congnition
holdole is a sec gen drug you get extromatel effects
Clonic tonic msezure
congentine another name is benzotropin- decreasing their tremor (fights their excitatory neurons)
If pt has levodopa and nothing is happening they can add capratomin to get therapeutic effect
If your body is shaking and you need a muscle relaxer which is baclofen
Pt is under general anathema and shows signs of malignant hyperthermia ditroline needs to be used
Know what narcotics do
sumatriptam is a migrane med- causes vasoconstriction of the cranial vessel
Pt just had surgery and now cant move in bed what is the priority- look for skin break down
The pt is going to the operating room and said that their family member died of hyperthermia- make
sure to tell the anastesioligist so they can decide how much the person needs
Balance anesthesia- sedative thats hypnotic, nero muscular junction blocker, narcotics
If you are doing nitris oxide (laughing gas) your recovery time is the least
Pt is getting topical anesthesia what the greatest risk for systemic absorbtion- any one thats a
baby or really young are at greater risk
Progressive neuromuscular disorder which neurotransmitter is responsible- anything that
causes muscle weakness its acetocoleine
Pt isn on ventilator and is receiving a nerojunction blocker and is very sedative if you want to
take pt off the meds to make sure they are not sedated and is awake and alert
Sympathetic response increase bp and lower bowl sounds
Dobutamine- effect is stimulate the beta receptors
Parasympathetic nervous system drug the bowl sound increase in osculation
Pns- desired effect is Increase in bowl sounds, increase is saliva and constrict pupils
Andronergic blocking agent- assist the Heart rate
Bethanechaol- treatment of neurogenic bladder adverse effect is it give you dearriah
pryridostygme It inhibit action of the acetaclone adesterine
Pt is diagnosed with alzhemer it increases the anticolene and slows down the process.
Pt has urinary retention post op you give them bethanchol?
Ibs you give dicyclomore
Bph has to do with the prostate you cant urinate if you are antichlorgentic drug make sure to
let them know
If pt has taken glycopyrrolate ask they if they are dealing with dry mouth
Characteristic of go system open to external environment
Which med supports the hydrochloric acid secretion body- ppi proton pump inhibitor