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The Bomb: Nuclear Weapons Film Worksheet

Global Issues
Mr. Harweger
The Bomb - Film Worksheet
Film Questions
Incomplete Thoughts/Sentences OK ­­­ Number Your Answers
Where did “the greatest revolution ever” occur, and in general, how did it happen?
Explain how fission technology was discovered.
How did Einstein convince President Roosevelt to compete with the Nazi regime?
Identify two significant facts about the Manhattan Project that you did not already know.
What were the “secret cities” and why were they important?
If you had experienced the Trinity test, the first nuclear weapon test in history, what do
you imagine it would look like?
7. Explain Truman’s “decision.”
8. With the discussion of the dropping of Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki as your backdrop, explain the consequences of using this w
​eapon of mass
9. What does it mean to you to live in an a
​tomic world​
10. Is the hypothetical doomsday, as explained in the film, a crazy idea? Why or why not?
11. How is the “H” bomb ­ standing for the hydrogen bomb ­ a “super bomb” (according to
Edward Teller)?
12. What is the policy of deterrence, and how effective has this policy proved to be?
13. The film makes a claim for “no nukes.” How has the use of nuclear weapons ­ offensively
or in testing, changed our world? Illustrate your point with at least to examples.