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Sustainable Interior Design: A Video Transcript

when i was preparing for this video i
did a lot of research
about the real definition of sustainable
design and i realized that the
definition that i previously had about
sustainable design was not entirely true
i always thought that sustainable design
was all about protecting
the environment and the earth
and the planet
but in reality guys this concept also
aims to
protect the people's health so that
really changes the perspective of things
if you have never heard the word
sustainable design you probably live
under rock for me i have heard this word
more times than i can count
but really i had always been so confused
about the concept of sustainable design
and what it really takes to design more
sustainable like is it more expensive
does it really make that much of a
difference how do you really go about
doing a sustainable design guys in
today's video i'm going to share with
you the real deal about this concept of
sustainable interior design so if you're
interested to know keep watching and
let's get right into the video
sustainable design seeks to reduce the
negative impacts on the environment and
on people's health by improving the
building's performance so in theory
sustainable design focuses on waste
reduction resource conservation and
human health so there is actually a lot
of focus on making a space
pure healthy and clean
for us the occupants of those spaces
this really means that where there are
people sustainable design
really makes a lot of sense and this is
something that was not accounted for
some years back
uh when designing homes and buildings
but the expectations of today's
generation are considerably higher when
it comes to being sustainable so a lot
of the times we think that our tiny
contribution of designing or choosing
sustainable materials is not really
going to make a big difference in the
world in saving the planet the whole
idea of green spaces is to eliminate
the potentially harmful elements
that can have negative impacts on
people's health
the most important question that a lot
of us have is how do i make this switch
from traditional interior designs to
sustainable interior design and there
are really a number of ways that you can
do that so let's look at them
so this can be very tricky because what
really is a sustainable material choice
so it really all comes down to the
health impact that these materials
produce and this primarily affects the
commercial design industry because the
commercial spaces are changed more
frequently and this generates a lot of
waste the best way to assess the
sustainability of interior design
materials is by doing a lca
assessment a life cycle assessment or
analysis is a technique to assess the
impact of a product from the raw
material extraction all the way to the
manufacturing uh the processing the
assembly and all the way to the use of
that product and how is it disposed or
how is it recycled so having a clear
understanding of the life cycle
assessment can really determine whether
a product is sustainable or is not some
of the products that do have sustainable
options are flooring window treatments
ceiling systems lighting fixtures
furniture choices fabrics
carpets there are really a number of
products that we use
that there is the traditional product
and there is the sustainable option
guys so being aware of how the products
are disposed
after they reach the end of their life
is important
while the products are in your home they
can also have an impact on the air
quality of your place and this is really
another factor that can determine
whether a material is truly sustainable
for example one of the most harmful
materials out there is synthetic fabric
fabric no synthetic carpet
and this material guys has a lot of
chemicals in it and those chemicals are
released into the air and it also
accounts for 10 of landfill mass
so this is not a sustainable choice
another common one guys is volatile
organic compounds vocs these ones are
extremely harmful for your health and
for you to inhale a lot of paint
products and stain products i have these
vocs within them and it's not good so
don't buy them
the first thing you want to ask is does
this material contain any toxic
or harmful
chemicals is this product
does it contain recycled content
can it be recyclable does it come from a
renewable resource is it important from
another country so actually using
products that are local is more
sustainable because it requires of less
transportation despite sustainable
interior design being talked about a lot
why do you think there is so little
implementation of sustainable interior
there is not enough
for designers to actually take some sort
of action
when it comes to designing more
sustainably if someone has the value of
sustainability within them then they
will likely push
their clients to go on that path but
someone who does not know about this or
who's not really sure how to implement
they will likely not even go that way
and they would just use the materials
based on aesthetics i believe that
retailers do have a responsibility of
introducing their sustainable products
to designers if they have any and if
they push people to choose more
sustainable materials designers will
become hyper aware of this practice and
it is more likely that they will start
implementing it
another thing is your country of
residence which i think it really does
play a role on
how important people see sustainability
canada has done a good job on
encouraging people to choose greener and
more sustainable materials
but in the real practice i feel like
there's still a sustainable gap
that has yet to be filled
biophilic design might not be the most
common way of sustainability
it is a way of connecting the natural
environment with the built environment
so biophilic design is the incorporation
of nature into the built environment so
basically into our interior spaces this
is a really interesting topic because
biophilic design is not only a green
building strategy but it also improves
the well-being of people so it's really
about creating a space for someone to be
able to spend hours within it without
having any type of
sick building syndrome and the whole
reason that biophilic design is so
important is that it has been proved
that humans have been negatively
affected by unnatural environments
i guess in a nutshell when we are
talking about
sustainable interior design we are
talking about
access to natural daylight more fresh
right material choices more natural
less synthetic materials there are a lot
of materials that are embedded into the
structure of your home
that can be harming your health and can
potentially harm the environment once
people dispose of them let's now look at
some examples
of sustainable interiors this hallway or
corridor it was designed by albert alto
i feel like this is a great example of
bringing nature close to the interior
they light the plants the exposed brick
actually this material is very very
durable so it's considered highly
so all of these materials and overall
this whole space feels like an outdoor
space jumbo stay is a hotel that is
built inside an aircraft so this is
really the best example of using um
existing material and recycling
material for other uses
some of the features in this hotel were
kept the same but some others were
modified to suit the function of a hotel
the last example that i want to show you
is this home that was designed by
garrison architects it is called the
and i just love this home the closeness
to nature
the daylight that it gets it just feels
so warm and this home is created with
recycled wood it just feels very
connected to nature and not to mention
that all of the materials have been
thought of
to not be harmful to the people that are
living in this space guys that was
today's video i really hope that you
enjoyed i hope that this concept is a
little bit more clear after all this
that i said if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up it really
does help me out a lot share it with
your friends subscribe if you haven't
already um what else i don't know i'll
see you guys on the next one bye