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Dreaming Black Boy Analysis Table

Name of Poem: Dreaming Black Boy
Poet: James Berry
Background of Poet.
“James Berry was born in Jamaica in 1924. He grew up in Jamaica
and at the age of seventeen went to work in America and eventually
settled in England, where he would spend the rest of his life.
Berry published his first book, Fractured Circles (Beacon Press), in
1979, and rose to prominence two years later when he won the
National Poetry Competition. He was the first West Indian poet to
win the prestigious prize.
Berry is the author of several books of poetry and children’s
literature, including A Story I Am In: Selected Poems (Bloodaxe
Books, 2011), Windrush Songs (Bloodaxe Books, 2007), and Only
One of Me: Selected Poems(Macmillan, 2004). His honors included
the Smarties Prize, the Signal Poetry Award, and the Cholmondeley
Award. In 1990 he was awarded an OBE for his services to poetry.
He died on June 20, 2017.”
Reference: https://poets.org/poet/james-berry
What does the title mean to
A boy hoping for a better life.
Summary of the poem.
The poem is about a black boy who wishes that he can have access
to the basic things in life without being harassed for it. He yearns to
be treated like a normal human being. He does not want to be treated
like his ancestors.
What do you think the poem
1. Who is the subject?
2. What are the characters
talking about?
3. Why do you think the
author wrote the poem?
4. When is the poem
5. Where is the poem
6. How does the poem
shift from person to
person or between times
or places?
Poetic Devices and explanation
of the line:
(simile, metaphor, pun,
1. A little boy.
2. He is talking about his dreams of being treated
equally and fairly.
3. To educate us on what coloured people go though,
how many obstacles they need to overcome.
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
7. It shifts from his dreams to his treatment by others
and how his ancestors suffered.
Repetition- the phrase-”I wish”
-​​Stanza 1, lines 6 and 7, "I'm no wood chopper now like all
ancestors." alludes to slavery, the state of lacking control over one's
own life and destiny. The fact that reference is made to this hints to
how the persona feels about his life. He does not feel as if he has
control over it.
- Stanza 3, lines 19 to 20, "And hold high, my voice Paul Robesons,
my inside eye a sun." alludes to Paul Robeson, a black intellectual,
who attained success despite difficult circumstances. The persona
yearns to be like this person. He wants room to stretch intellectually.
- Stanza 4, lines 22 to 25,"I wish torch throwers of night would burn
lights for decent times. Wish plotters in pajamas would pray..."
alludes to the klu klux klan. Burning lights refers to the burning of
crosses and the pajamas alludes to their white outfits that look like
pajamas. The persona wants them to leave him alone, find
something else to do other than make his life difficult by
contributing to his wishes remaining in the realm of the dreams.
Important words or phrases:
‘not sink to lick boots’
This refers to the concept of being subservient. To have no choice
but to kowtow to people in order to get ahead.
‘Inside eye a sun’
This refers to the persona’s mind. He wants to show how intelligent
he is without fear. He wants his mind to be a sun. Sun represents
brightness and light, that is how he wants his intelligence to shine.
Theme(s) and explanation as to
why you chose that theme:
Childhood Experiences
Vocabulary and definition
Additional Notes:
Paul Robeson: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Paul-Robeson
Rubric: Content: ______/17
Grammar and Mechanics: _____/3
Total: _______/20
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