Uploaded by Gary Jones

Old Testament Law vs. New Testament Teachings

In the OT, laymen Jews could not wear linen and cotton together BECAUSE this was a sacred
combination of fabric used to make the garments that priests wear during ceremonial rituals of offerings
sacrifice. God declared this prohibition and it was a sin via disobedience for Israel to violate this
command. Another command God gave was to forbid the handicap, the lame, the blind, the disabled,
the sickly, and any man who had a physical "defect" was not allowed to offer sacrifices or come
anywhere near the Lords altars. The idea was these people were "unclean" and misrepresented the
virtue of holiness and perfection which the Lord preferred.
In both these cases Jesus established a new precedent in the NT. When the relgious leaders of his time
made arguments about how layman or sickly could not approach him or the Father because they were
ceremonially unclean, Jesus corrected them. (1) Jesus by example put the law in perspective showing
them that the law of Moses