Student No: Name: 2020-05607-MN-0 Lou Aidan M. De Jesus Course/Year/Section: BSPHY 3-1 Classical to Modern Physics For a long time in the history of Physics, it was universally believed the universe, in every scale obeyed Newtonian mechanics. It was just the most logical stance to have at the time and observations of physical phenomena was also, for the longest time limited to macroscopic scales. These days, it’s generally believed that Newtonian/classical mechanics are what govern the macroscopic world. The mission of modern physicists is to create a unified theory that combines both classical and quantum mechanics. The following timeline illustrates the shift between the time where classical mechanics was the unified theory of the universe and the modern era. 1887 (Discovery of the Photoelectric effect) – The photoelectric effect was first documented by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz while observing the change in voltage between two electrodes after shining an ultraviolet light on them. These observations would later cause a discrepancy with classical mechanics that would eventually be explained by Albert Einstein. In general terms, the Photoelectric effect states that metal surfaces release charged particles when exposed to radiant energy, typically in the form of light or any electromagnetic radiation. 1900 (Blackbody radiation and the ultraviolet catastrophe) – Blackbody radiation refers to the light emitted by a theoretical “blackbody”. In theoretical mechanics, a blackbody refers to any object incapable of reflecting light from its surface. Therefore, the only electromagnetic radiation it is capable of emitting is from its own thermal radiation, thus referred to as its “blackbody radiation”. Any object above absolute zero emits some level of thermal radiation but for any blackbody below the Draper point (798 K) would just appear to us as a black mass. Classical mechanics makes the assumption that energy is continuous and that there is essentially no limit to the amount of energy produced by electromagnetic waves with increasing frequency. This is the basis of Rayleigh-Jeans’ Equation of Blackbody Radiation and thus the origin of the ultraviolet catastrophe. Though varying in distribution with respect to temperature, a blackbody would emit wavelengths along the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning that a reasonably warm object would be expected Student No: Name: 2020-05607-MN-0 Lou Aidan M. De Jesus Course/Year/Section: BSPHY 3-1 to emit some level of deadly gamma radiation and radiation of much shorter wavelengths whose energy tends toward infinity relative to frequency, which is obviously not the case; this is known as the ultraviolet catastrophe. Max Planck formulated a theory that stated energy is not continuous but can be described as collection individual “quanta”, or discrete amounts of indivisible energy. Meaning light must also come in the form of these discrete amounts, so relatively low temperatures are incapable of producing many of those high energy electromagnetic waves if any at all. 1905 (The quantization of light) – As a piece of historical hindsight, it’s very surprising that Albert Einstein did not win a Nobel Prize for standardizing both special and general relativity as staples in modern physics but was instead awarded for his work on the Photoelectric effect. The effect was observed and had created contradictions with classical mechanics that would be explained by Einstein over a decade after it was initially discovered. Classical mechanics dictates that all energy is continuous, which led physicists at the time to make the following assumption: Given a dim light, it would take longer for the electrons to be ejected since more energy needs to build up before the electron is energized enough to leave its orbital. However, this theory is not consistent with observations. Electrons have been observed being ejected in very dim light without any delay in time; conversely, there were instances where harsh, bright lights failed to eject any electrons at all. The only correlating factor Einstein observed was the frequency of the light, not the intensity. Einstein built upon Max Planck’s theory of quantized energy and came to the conclusion that light behaved as a particle hence referred to as “photons”, holding a discrete amount of energy. Each electron only interacts with a single photon and thus the dots were beginning to connect. The light’s intensity is correlated with the number of photons, while frequency was what indicated the amount of energy carried by a single photon. For an electron to be ejected, a single photon of a minimum energy (frequency) must strike it. It doesn’t matter how many photons strike the metal plate if none of the photons striking it carry the sufficient energy to knock out an electron out of its orbital. All of this contradicting the notion of energy being continuous as stated by classical mechanics. This was the birth of the concept of “waveparticle duality” as electromagnetic waves seemed to posses qualities of both. 1913 (Bohr model of the atom) – We know that when a charge particle accelerates, it emits some electromagnetic radiation, by virtue of the law of conservation of energy, a charge particle would also be expected to lose some energy upon emitting electromagnetic radiation. Before the Bohr model of the atom, we assumed that the electron orbited the nucleus not unlike how a planet would revolve around the star. The electron would therefore by continuously emitting electromagnetic radiation by virtue of its own centripetal acceleration causing its velocity to be constantly changing. The difference from the planetary analogy would be that the unlike the planets, the electron would be constantly losing kinetic energy and would just plummet into the nucleus. Physicists have calculated that if that were how an atom is actually modeled, a hydrogen atom would have a lifespan of about 10-12 seconds. Obviously, we know that’s not the case. Building upon the concept of quantized energy, Niels Bohr formulated a model of the atom where electrons exist in stable orbits around a fixed distance and energy level from the nucleus. Therefore, the electron can only move in between each energy level when absorbing or emitting a photon of a specific frequency, since frequency is directly proportional to the energy carried by the photon. Once again, these theories were proven consistent with observations and even explained phenomena such as the hydrogen emission spectra, which showed that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a hydrogen atom can only Student No: Name: 2020-05607-MN-0 Lou Aidan M. De Jesus Course/Year/Section: BSPHY 3-1 exist in a few known frequencies. This corroborates with the theory that an electron within an atom can only absorb and release energy in discrete amounts. 1924, 1927 (Particles with wavelike properties) – The concept of wave-particle duality has existed since Einstein’s theory of photons in his explanation to the photoelectric effect. We know from Einstein’s work that electromagnetic radiation, that was once thought of as just a wave also had properties of particles, hence “wave-particle duality”. Louis de Broglie surmised that it worked in the opposite direction. In 1924, he wrote a thesis that explained the movement of electrons around the nucleus as having a wavelike motion. However, this did not come with experimental data that definitively proved that electrons behaved similarly to radiant energy. 3 years later, Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer definitively proved the wave nature of electrons by shooting a beam of electrons through a double slit and creating a diffraction pattern, exactly how one would expect a wave to behave by virtue of constructive and destructive interference. From this point forward, quantum mechanics have become a staple in the study of physics. Newtonian mechanics were simply incapable of describing the rules of the universe within the quantum scale.