Memory Chapter Topics
Use the class slides, and lecture video to help you take notes. This is chapter 7 in our textbook. Review
these topics with me during office hours or send me questions via email.
o CRIME: Chunking, Rehearsal, Imagery, Mnemonic, Elaboration
o Proactive: Old interferences with new
o Retroactive: New interferes with old
Memory illusion
o Eyewitness Testimony
o Flashbulb memories
Multi-stage memory model:
o Sensory registrar
 Iconic memory
o Short-term memory
 Magic number (7±2)
 Chunking
 Serial position effect
 Primacy effect
 Recency effect
 Rehearsal
 Maintenance rehearsal
 Elaborative rehearsal
o Long-term memory
 Tip-of the tongue phenomena
Case Study of H.M
o Hippocampus
o Amnesia
Subtypes of Long-term memory:
o Explicit
 Semantic
 Episodic
o Implicit
 Procedural
The Fallibility of Memory
Increasing evidence indicates that suggestive memory techniques often create recollections that
were never present to begin with.
Suggestive memory techniques - procedures that encourage patients to recall memories
that may or may not have taken place.
Memory illusion activity - induce students to misremember hearing (or seeing) the word sweet,
when in fact they didn’t hear (or see) the term
Memory illusion - a false but subjectively compelling memory, which is likely a by-product of
our brain’s generally adaptive tendency to go beyond the information it has at its disposal
Illustrates representativeness heuristic from Chapter 3—like goes with like—we simplify things
to make them easier to remember, which can lead to memory illusions.
Most of us have surprisingly poor memories for everyday objects we’ve seen (Nickerson &
Adams, 1979; study with penny recognition later in this slide deck).