Uploaded by Elijah Rowe

"Legendary Larry" Script Draft: War, Guilt, Redemption

“Legendary Larry” Script Draft
Elijah Rowe
Characters: Larry. Dusk, Ono, Jason, Rebel
INT-- Larry’s Mountain Fortress
Light fills the room as Larry flicks the lightswitch to the
western turret tower of his domicile. He proceeds to walk
through the room riddled with live ammunition, war propaganda
posters, and snacks.
Larry (internally)
I wonder what time the Trigun marathon starts…
Larry continues to navigate his way through the defense room as
he makes his way towards the comm. Center. Flicking a series of
switches on the motherboard of the supercomputer, once used to
locate and target multiple enemy hotbeds, was now being used to
binge watch vintage cartoons. Suddenly, Larry notices a peculiar
object across the room glimmering in the light emanating from
the control tower window.
Larry takes a few steps closer to the mystery item to discover
it is a jewel encrusted chest.
I...don’t remember this being in here?
Larry continues walking towards the chest until he is close
enough to crouch over it for further inspection. He notices an
encryption on the side that says: “faded memories.”
Hmmm, seems suspicious but I’m the only one that's lived here
for years, so…
Larry goes to open the chest and discovers an assortment of
trinkets and knick-knacks. His eyes glow as he digs through the
treasure trove of nostalgia. There is one item in particular
that certainly caught Larry’s attention. Larry’s thoughts came
to a halt; still as he held a photograph up to the light. It’s a
picture of his old unit; comrades in a war against the
infiltration of enemy troops.
Well I’ll be…
The photo was of Larry and his three fellow soldiers: Dusk, the
leader, Ono, and Jason. Standing together as brothers in the
middle of the compound where they were stationed. A flood of
memories comes rushing into Larry’s psyched, taking us into a
deep flashback
INT.-- M.M. Barracks
Rebel outpost North of here. Shouldn’t be too difficult to
neutralize the targets and occupy the villa.
Ono, Larry, and Jason are sitting alongside each other as Dusk
relays the mission info
How many?
Small militia unit, can’t be anything too crazy.
So...we don’t know for sure?
You scared?
No, just would be nice to get some reliable fucking intel, is
Hey, take that up with upper management.
Do they know we’re coming?
They know something is coming. They don’t know when, and more
importantly, who.
That your way of singin our praises?
It's my way of saying this is an easy job. We move out tomorrow
at noon.
Yes, ma'am.
Ono grabs his sword
Can't wait for whatever ambush is coming our way, next!
Whatever happens, we've prepared for these types of situations,
gentlemen. Head back to your barracks.
Ono and Jason begin to walk away, leaving Dusk and Larry alone
Sir, once we take over the stronghold, what next?
Dusk shrugs his shoulders
Not my call. Commander is one secretive S.O.B. I do know that
when it's all said and done, we won't have to do this bullshit
Larry looks down at his sword, running his fingers around the
"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the
spirit shall return unto God who gave it."
Get some rest, soldier. We're gonna need it.
INT-- Larry's Domicile
Larry could not help but crack a smile at the memory of his old
friends. Comrades seeking justice in a cruel world. For just a
fraction of a second, he wondered just why this picture was
locked away and thrown in the corner.Then he saw it. Behind him
and his crew were billowing flames. The flames of scorched
EXT--flashback to battle field
Larry and his team stood at the peak of a hill across the way
from the rebel stronghold. Dusk is on a call with his superiors
while Ono, Jason, and Larry wait on the side.
Dusk finally returns with one potent instruction:
Leave no one alive.
The team is taken aback, slightly
Damn, boss not in a good mood or sumn?
Huh? It thought this was just a scorched earth mission?
It is. But we also gotta make sure all targets are eliminated.
The team looks on in anticipation and a bit of hesitation
I'm ready
With said declaration, a burst of confidence surged through the
four men and they sprung into action.
Rebel leader
The four proceeded to unleash a full blown offensive on the
rebel camp. Although clearly the rebels had numbers, they
couldn't stop the systematic dismantling of their forces. Each
of the four soldiers ruthlessly cut through crowds of rebel
militia. As the dust settled, Larry snapped out of his blood
lusted haze, he found himself surrounded by mounds of bodies and
a sea of plasma soaked the emerald green grass. Suddenly he
heard the gasps of one the rebels on the ground. He was not
dead, but he was well on his way.Larry's eyes began seeing red
once more and he walked towards the dying combatant and began
raising his sword. With her final breath the rebel spoke:
The little ones…the flames...
Larry suddenly halted his execution and turned to see his
teammates walking through the camp. What he saw was a blaze of
destruction as Ono began igniting each and every structure the
rebels claimed.
Scorched earth, baby!
A village of fire was all Larry could see, but what made the
situation all the more terrifying was the faint screams that
could be heard from one of the buildings...the screams of
INT--Larry's Domicile
Larry had snapped out of his PTSD induced daydream and was back
to reality. A numbness had overtaken his soul as he had come to
the crippling realization as to why he had suppressed these
memories as well as hid these photos. The last straw was Larry
looking towards the corner of the room to see his old sword with
the same engraving with the same old dried blood droplets
permanently marking the sword. Suddenly, Larry had a
compulsion-a desire to at least put forth the effort to right
such a wrong.
EXT--Old Battleground (present day)
Larry traveled to the old battleground, passing wanted posters
along the way
Poster: Wanted! Defected Soldier! "Larry" Dead or Alive!
As he made his way to the middle of the old passageway that was
now used as a large burial ground/memorial of the fallen
villagers from way back when. Rush of emotions overcame Larry;
sorrow and guilt surged through his being. As tears flowed
beneath his war torn mask, he could only offer few words as a
means to make amends
● Larry
I'm so sorry.