Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________ ID: ______ Forensic Odontology Webquest: 1. What evidence did Ted Bundy leave at the scene of his crime in the Chi Omega house? • 2. What did investigators see when analyzing Bundy's plaster cast? • 3. Is this individual or class evidence? • 4. What two tasks do forensic odontologists have? • • 5. What was the earliest example of forensic dentistry? • 6. How fast do teeth grow on average? Why is this important? • 7. What else other than age can be distinguished from teeth? • 8. What is unique about Asian and Native American incisors? • 9. What can you learn about a person based on their teeth other than identity? • 10. Which teeth are present in a full set of adult teeth? • 11. What are the three most popular methods for labeling teeth? • • • 12. Label the teeth in the diagram below: 13. How many teeth does the average adult have? • Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________ ID: ______ 14. How does the Universal System label the 20 deciduous baby teeth? • 15. Why might it be more time consuming to match a person based on dental records than on fingerprint or DNA evidence? • 16. Why do teeth remain longer than any other part after death and decomposition? • 17. Why can victims of fires be identified by their teeth? (what temperature can teeth withstand?) • 18. How can burned teeth be preserved? • 19. How are bodies identified without dental records? • 20. What part of the tooth contains a useful resource for DNA? • 21. What factors are involved when analyzing a bite mark to determine the perpetrator's identity? • 22. Why must a forensic dentist be called immediately if a bite mark is suspected? • 23. What is the first step in analyzing bite marks? • 24. What is the second step? • 25. What else must the dentist determine about the bite mark? • 26. Why are photographs of the bites necessary? • 27. What is the “lividity stage” characterized by? • 28. What is formalin used for? • 29. What are the terms and definitions that can be used to describe bite marks? • • • • • • 30. What is the difference between clear, obvious and noticeable impressions? • 31. What is required in order to take a mold of a suspect's teeth? • 32. Why might it be dangerous for a forensic scientist to get too much information about the suspected biter prior to bite analysis? • 33. What happened to Roy Brown and Ray Krone? • 34. Are bite marks as unique as DNA or fingerprints? •