Fire Alarm System (FAS) Installation Method Statement

Method Statement for Fire Alarm System (FAS) Installation,
Testing and Commissioning
Following is the method statement for the installation, Testing & Commissioning of the Fire Alarm
System (FAS) which can be altered for a various type of systems like Very Early Smoke Detection
Apparatus (VESDA) or High Sensitivity Smoke Detection (HSSD) etc. The steps are very familiar
and should be personalized and build upon the project-oriented demands, terms and applicable
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or other national and international applicable and
required standards, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) etc.
Fire Alarm System (FAS) Installation Procedure
Prior proceeding to the installation of FAS, all required materials collected at worksite shall be
observed, inspected appropriately and make sure that the materials/devices are as per approved
material submittal. Any differences, defects or damages to the material/devices etc. shall be
disclosed, notified and reported to the relevant and concern department and or responsible
person as soon as possible for further action to avoid any delay in the service completion. The
faulty, low standard or damaged material or devices found at the project site shall be removed.
All the Fire Alarm System (FAS) Outstations, Modules and Control Panels etc. shall be placed for
storage at a low temperature (Cool) area. 25 mm polymerizing vinyl chloride (PVC) managing for
camouflaged (buried) installation. On the contrary side while for surface installation, FP200 cable
will be clipped on the soffit on the slab in false ceiling and non-false ceiling areas.
The constraint system for Fire Alarm System (FAS) is being utilized wherever needed and also
close to the Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP’s).
The appropriate and perfect type of back boxes for all the outstations should be installed as per
approved and recommended shop drawings/material commissioning.
The escalate heights for the Junction boxes should be established and verified with approved and
recommended shop drawings. Restraint System should be offered for Quality Control (QC)
verification prior cabling works.
All FACP) installation, testing and commissioning service-related documents such as the latest
approved shop drawings and schematic etc. should always be available with the installation
Method Statement for FACP Site Installation
1) The required amount of cable should be transferred from Stores to the Site access point
by pick-up
2) All the cables should be clipped in surface or and to the particular floor with a
wheelbarrow as required to the workplace.
3) The correct size and type of cable should be identified and cut to the required length only.
installed in concealed PVC conduit or G.I. Tray.
4) Proper identifications to be provided for loop in / loop out of Fire Alarm cables.
5) The earth cables to all the outstations to be appropriately terminated with earth sleeve
in the proper terminal to avert any earth fault in the loop.
6) The junction boxes for and back boxes FACP/FAS installation to the outstations such as
smoke detectors (SD), Manual Call Points (MCP’s) and modules should be installed as per
the approved shop drawings.
7) Installation of system outstation should be offered for QC Verification.
8) Adequate and additional cable lengths to be provided during cabling for the detectors,
which are coming in False ceiling.
9) All the cables to be terminated in the outstations with a proper screwdriver and as per
identifications provided in the cables. No joints are allowed in between two outstations.
10) All the Fire Alarm Control Panels such as Main Control Panels, Mimic Panels, Repeater
Panels should be installed as per approved shop drawing.
11) Installation shall be offered for QC verification.
12) All Smoke Detectors (SD’s) to have a cover on it after installation and before handing over
of the area, to evade any physical damages/accumulation of dust within the Smoke
13) All cables to be properly identified in the Fire Alarm control panel before termination.
14) Installation of Beam sensors to be as per the approved shop drawings/Manufacturer's
15) Installation of Duct detectors to be as shown in the approved shop drawings.
16) Work Inspection Request shall be raised for the Consultant's inspection and sign off.
17) The devices/peripherals (Smoke detectors, heat detectors, break glass, duct detectors,
beam detectors, control and monitoring modules) are connected in Class A circuit with
the Control panels.
18) The speakers & speaker with strobes are connected in Class A circuit with the Control
19) 2 Core 1.5 mm2 FP 200 cable to be utilized for cabling the Initiating Device Circuits to the
panel, extra 2c x 2.5 mm2 FP200 cable is needed for the Smoke Detector (SD) with
sounder base for the activation of the Sounders Units (SU’s).
20) 2 core 1.5 m m2 FP 200 cable to be used for cabling the Speakers with the panel,
additional 2c x 2.S mm2 FP200 cable is required from the FACP for the speaker with strobe
for the activation of the strobe unit allied in vertical walls the run of the conduit will be
kept straight.
21) Comply with NFPA 72 for installation of fire alarm equipment.
Smoke Detector (SD)-or Heat-Detector (HD) Spacing:
Always comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 72), "Smoke-Sensing Fire Detectors
(SSFD’s)" & "heat-sensing Fire Detectors (HSFD’s)". Smooth ceiling spacing shall not more than 30 feet (9
Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU):
Surface-mounted, with tops of cabinets not exceeding than 72 inches (1830 millimetres) above the
finished floor.
Annunciator: Install with top of the panel not more than 72 inches (1830 mm) above the finished floor.
Wiring & Connections Requirements
 Double-Check that hardware and devices are Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL)
listed for use with Fire Alarm System (FAS) before making connections. Make Addressable
Connections (AC’s) with a Supervised Interface Device (SID) to the Following devices and systems.
Then Install the Interface Device (ID) less than 3 feet from the device controller (DC). When such
Feedback is available at the device or system being controlled, make an addressable confirmation
 Alarm-Initiating Connection (AIC’s) to the Smoke-Control System (SCS) (smoke management) at
Fire-Fighter Smoke Control System Panel (FSCSP).
 Alarm-Initiating (AI) connection to stairwell and elevator-shaft pressurization systems. Smoke
dampers in air ducts of nominated Air-Conditioning Duct Systems (ACDS).
 Alarm-Initiating (AI) connection to elevator recall system and components. Alarm-initiating
connection to activate Emergency Lighting Control (ELC).
 Fire Alarm-Initiating Connection (FAIC) to activate emergency shutoffs for gas and Fuel supplies.
 Supervisory Connections (CS’s) at Valve Supervisory Switches (VSS’s).
 Supervisory connections at low-air pressure switch of each dry-pipe sprinkler system.
 Supervisory connections at elevator shunt trip breaker
 Supervisory connections at elevator shunt trip breaker.
 Supervisory connections (CS’s) at fire pump power failure including a dead-phase.
 Supervisory connections at fire pump Engine Control Panel (ECP).
Fault Finding in Fire Alarm Systems(FAS)
DC Power Charger Faults: (Battery)
Battery (DC Power Oriented) Charger Faults that can emerge during the operational lifetime of an FACP.
You may observe one of the below-mentioned faults:
 Charger 2% out of range.
 Battery Charger Supply (BCS) incorrect to correctly measure the output voltage you will require
to follow the steps mentioned below.
 To prevent infect to the system, disconnect the DC power immediately (batteries & power down
the system, disconnect the power & harnesses from the Power Supply).
 Connect the Multi-meter to the battery leads (with batteries disconnected}, power up & measure
the voltage. Calculate the difference between the measured voltage & 27.6v.
Remember: After 90 seconds approximately, the voltage will drop to <24v. If this happens, power down
& start again.
Positive/Negative Earth Ground Faults:
Fire Panels can detect positive or negative Earth Ground Faults. An Earth Ground Fault occurs when an
electrical circuit is shorted to ground
Inspection and Field Testing
All inspection and testing for a fire alarm system shall be carried out following specifications. Work shall
be carried out by the experienced site team under the guidance of engineer and shall further be checked
and approved by a quality engineer.
 Check the materials are approved.
 Check for any damage or defects, nameplate details
 Check all devices installed as per the specifications & approved Drawings.
 Visual Inspection: Conduct visual inspection before testing.
 The inspection shall be based on completed and approved drawings and system documentation
as per NFPA.
 Adhere to "Visual Inspection Frequencies (VIF” s)" Table in the "Inspection" section of the
"Inspection, Testing and Maintenance (ITM)" Chapter in NFPA 72; retain the
"initial/Reacceptance" column and list only the installed components.
FA System Testing:
Comply with the "Test Methods" Table in the "Testing" section of the "Inspection, Testing and
Maintenance (ITM)" chapter in NFPA 72.
Test audible devices for the Public Operating Mode (POB) as per the manufacturer's written
instructions & recommendations. Perform the test by using a Portable Sound-Level Meter (PSLM)
adhering to Type 2 requirements in ANSI S1.4.
Test audible appliances for the private operating mode according to the manufacturer's written
Test visible appliances for the public operating mode according to the manufacturer's written
Factory- certified FACP service representative shall prepare the "Fire Alarm System (FAS) record
of Completion" in the "Documentation" section of the "Fundamentals of Fire Alarm Systems
(FAS)" Chapter in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 72) and the "Inspection and Testing
Form (ITF)" in the "Records" section of the "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance (ITM)" Chapter
in NFPA 72.
Re-Acceptance Testing:
Perform re-acceptance testing to authenticate the appropriate operation of added or replaced
devices and appliances. Test all the field loop devices with the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP).
 Double-check the detectors with the artificial test smoke spray or other alternatives. Utilize forms
developed for initial tests and inspections procedures.
 Field tests for FACP installations shall be validated by authorities having jurisdiction.
Manufacturer's Field Service
 Engage a factory-certified service representative to observe, inspect, test, and adjust factors,
assemblies, devices and equipment installations, including connections.
 Perform tests and inspections. After testing & commissioning provide training demonstration to
the facility management team.
 Plan and carry out Cause effect inspection as per programmed cause & effect matrix. Test all the
connected devices respond as per the matrix.
 Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. Comply with req for identification
specified in specifications.
 Install framed instructions in a location visible from the fire-alarm control unit.