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Abuso de Internet y Salud: Impacto en Jóvenes

Cynthia Daniela Montellano Canales
Ethics, person and society
Internet abuse and how it affects health
“18 hours on the Internet generates brain damage in adolescents similar to those
produce by the use of marijuana or cocaine.”
The internet is a way to connect to people, to search information, to
communicate, and as it has its perks it also has its risks. As it is easy to find
information about interesting topics it is also easy to access to dangerous or harmful
information; which may instigate to the consumption of drugs, or adapt certain
ideologies and even present symptoms of mental illness such as anxiety,
depression, ADHD, problems with time management.
First, we need to address what are some of the dangers that are presented
on the internet. Privacy on social media; they request a series of personal data which
can also be accessed by anybody and do whatever they want with it. Not to talk
about the cyberaddiction; which talks about how easy it can be “evading” reality by
playing videogames or social media.
There have been studies that indicates some of damages of the internet
ranges from physical and psychological risks. The physical risks range from
insomnia and sedentarism. While the psychological risks are a wider range; social
isolation, anxiety, strong dependency tendencies, poor social skills, conduct
changes and distorted reality.
According to a study made in Spain,
Romania and Poland; 13.9% presents with a
tendency of internet addiction or with risk to
fall into this tendency. In which 5.9%
corresponds to online betting and 92% to the
use of social media.
With this knowledge and context, it comes back to the effect of social media
and its effects on the young adult communities. In a most recent study done in the
United Kingdom by the Royal Society of Public Health; using 1,500 young adults
from the ages 11 to 25 years and studying how big an impact is Instagram and
Facebook in its life’s and in its confidence. The results showed that seven out of ten
stated that Instagram made them insecure about their image and body; 50% said
that Instagram as well as Facebook made them anxious; and at least two thirds
mentioned that Facebook just worsened the cyber-bullying.
These studies concluded that the young are resorting to these means as a
way to search for acceptance and connection, increase skill in games, have a feeling
of equality and occupation of free time. Unfortunately, this free time can lead into
child pornography, giving personal information away or the black market of organs.
In conclusion, it is strictly necessary to put boundaries; but most important is
to educate a society in the correct use of the internet, that the use of technology is
important in a daily basis but so is the connection we form with people, the
communication with our families and that the standard imposed by society are not
the ones that governs how our society works.
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la Salud Sitio web: http://blogs.murciasalud.es/edusalud/2013/03/22/riesgosde-un-mal-uso-de-internet/
Ortiz, Danilo (2016). El abuso de Internet y sus efectos en la salid de los
jóvenes. Prezi Sitio web: https://prezi.com/9g7il6faqqsd/el-abuso-de-internety-sus-efectos-en-la-salud-de-los-jovenes/
Uranga, Mercedes (2016). Consumos culturales: el celular es el centro de la
S/A (2017). ¿Qué efectos tienen las 5 mayores redes sociales en la salud
Wakefield, Jane (2018). Los efectos negativos de las redes
sociales en la salud mental de niños y adolescentes. La nación Sitio web: