In the name of the father, the son, the holy spirit, one God. Amen. What is a satellite? A satellite is an object put into an orbit in space intentionally to be used in communication and provide one or more users on earth with information. Satellite features: 1. It’s a part of everyday life. For example, ‘dishes’ in every home. 2. It’s an essential part of telecommunication as it carries huge amounts of data. 3. It offers features not available in other means of communication because it sees large areas on earth (geographically) so it can connect two users that wouldn’t be possible in traditional ways. 4. The same feature enable satellite to communicate to low population areas. 5. New generations of satellite are regenerative which means that it has processing capabilities and can act more intelligently not just like a repeater. Satellite communication: It communicates using radio waves to send and receive information from antennas on earth, the information can be about: 1. Satellite condition. 2. Satellite position in space. 3. Scientific data (pictures taken in space). Skywave satellite: uses ionosphere as a reflector to communicate with other devices over the horizon.