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Forms and Functions of the State: Culture, Society, Politics Module

Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
The Forms and Functions
of the State
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics – Senior High School
Quarter 2 – Module 1: The Forms and functions of the State
First Edition, 2020
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Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 1:
The Forms and Functions of the
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use
this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning at home. Furthermore, you are
expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.
For the learner:
As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different activities
in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module, be reminded
of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in accomplishing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that
you are not alone. We hope that through this material, you will experience
meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant
competencies. You can do it!
Let Us Learn
The inter-connectedness of the people in the society creates a
relationship that is significant in the development of social progress. Each
person must perform his/her responsibility set by the norms and social
interests of the society.
The focus of this module:
The forms and functions of state
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the different social-cultural,
institutions of the state and its functions;
2. Explain the different social-cultural,
institutions of the state and its functions.
Let Us Try
Pre-Test: Direction. Choose the best answer in every selection below.
Write the letter of your chosen answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the meaning of social institutions?
a. The groups of individuals banded together with common
b. The gatherings of people in exchange of their belief systems
c. The communities of believers who work for their religious
d. The mixtures of individuals in a certain group to form a new
2. Which of the following best explains the main role of social
a. Social institutions aims to unite people
b. Social group envisions to divide people
c. Social community enables to categorize people
d. Social Identity in a group desires to identify people
3. Which of the following is NOT part of the functions of Social
a. Forming Religious Organizations
b. Establishing Holistic Families
c. Maintains a Child-Friendly Schools
d. Celebrates with an Achievements
4. What is the meaning of Tribe?
a. Most Traditional and smallest type of organization
b. Permanent and formal form of government
c. Formal political organization in the modern world
d. Traditional group government
5. What do you call the inherited power in a Social Institution?
a. Traditional
c. Rational
b. Charismatic
d. Electorate
6. What do you call the basic social institution in the society?
a. Kinship
b. Household
c. Family
d. Band
7. Which of the following are the forms of Marriage?
a. Heterogamy and Monogamy c. Heterogamy and Polygamy
b. Monogamy and Polygamy
d. Endogamy and exogamy
8. The following are the structures of Family, EXCEPT?
a. Based on Internal Organization
b. Based on Descent
c. Based on Residence
d. Based on Physical attributes
9. Which of the following is NOT part of the functions of the Basic Social
a. Social Institution performs the functions of biological continuity.
b. The Social institution aims to become a large family.
c. Social Institution gives its members status.
d. Social institution performs economic functions.
10. The following are the Filipino values, EXCEPT:
a. Debt of Gratitude (Utang na Loob)
b. The Act of yielding to the majority of kinship (Pakikisama)
c. Bayanihan
d. Indifference
11. What do you call the voluntary giving or taking of objects without the
use of money and hopes in the future it can be given back?
a. Reciprocity
c. Indebtedness
b. Redistribution
d. Hospitability
12. The kind of reciprocity in Social Institution that serves as an
exchange between groups with the donor expecting to receive something of
equal, what it is?
a. Negative Reciprocity
c. General Reciprocity
b. Balance Reciprocity
d. Mutual Reciprocity
13. What do you call the organized process of sale and distribution in the
society at money price?
a. Supply
c. Market Exchange
b. Demand
d. Redistribution
14. Which of the following does NOT include in the element description of
Social Institution?
a. Family
b. Community
c. Kinship
d. Collaboration
15. What do you call the kind of state that does not intervene in
managing the market?
a. Laissez-Faire State
c. Welfare State
b. Interventionist State
d. Authoritative State
Let Us Study
Socio- Cultural and Political Institutions (Micheli, 2000, 11-18)
Family sets as the basic and the most essential institution in the
society. It is the core of the inter-relations of the community. It is the primary
source of the values, hierarchical status, and relational functions in the
Social Institution is the inter-relationship between persons and among
the groups in accordance with the functions and responsibilities in the
society. The word “Family” is defined as the social group characterized by
common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction (Murdock
1941:1). Family is the basic unit of the society that fosters the beginning of
values, norms, and belief systems. In addition, family is described as a group
of people united by mutual agreement through ties of marriage, blood or
adoption, and mutual relational inter-action and communication in creating
as well as maintaining common culture.
* Kinship – is web of social relationships that creates an important level of
the lives of the people in the society. It affects and influences the sociocultural and political processes and development.
* Descent - is the Origin or background of a person in terms of family or
Descent Group (Social group with same ancestry of the people)
1. Unilineal Society - The origin of a person is either from the mother’s or
father’s line of descent.
2. Matrilineal Descent – an individual’s origin from his/her mother’s
descent group.
3. Patrilineal Descent - a person’s origin from his/her father’s descent
* Marriage - The essential institutional symbol of the family. It is a cultural
mechanism that ensures the continuity of the social group. It serves as the
foundation of family and sets as inviolable social institution. It consists of
the love, economic and social security, the parent’s desires, companionship,
protection, and common interests (Bowman). In the Philippine Family Code,
it is stated that marriage is the special contract of permanent union between
a man and a woman entered in the accordance with law for the
establishment of conjugal and family life. In addition, this law fosters two
aspects: Contact - applies to man and woman only, and Status - created
between parties.
Forms of Marriage
1. Monogamy - allows a man to marry only one spouse at a time.
2. Polygamy – It is a form of more than one marriage and can be described
in two ways:
 Polygyny - Marriage of one man into two or more women at the same
time. It is commonly practiced by Muslims and known as a status
symbol for the man.
 Polyandry - Marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.
3. Selection of Marriage Partners
* Types of Norms in Selecting of Marriage Partners
 Endogamy - dictates one should marry within one’s group, clan or ethnic
 Exogamy - One can marry outside one’s clan or ethnic affiliation.
 Levirate Norms – A widow marries the brother or the nearest kin of her
deceased husband.
 Surrogate Norm - Men should marry the sister or nearest kin of his
deceased wife.
Family serves as the core of the inter-relational dynamism in the society.
It is the bearing for the persons development. It varies from one culture to
another – the way of living, belief system and values formation of its
Structures of Family
1. Based on Internal Organization or Membership
a. Nuclear Family - described as the composition of husband and his wife
and their children in union recognized by the other members of the society.
The two kinds of Nuclear Family is known as 1st, Family of Orientation - the
one that is born and reared or socialized, and 2 nd, Family of Procreation family is established through the mutual agreement of both parties in a
marriage that consists of husband, wife and children.
b. Extended Family – is composed of two or more nuclear families that
economically and socially related to each other. The relationship may be
through parent to child relationship.
2. Based on Authority
a. Patriarchal Family - the authority is given to the father or the eldest
male in the family.
b. Matriarchal Family - the authority is given to the mother or the eldest
female in the family.
c. Egalitarian Family - both husband and wife exercise an equal amount or
way of authority.
Functions of Family
1. The family performs the function of biological continuance and the
preservation of the bloodline in accordance with the socio-cultural
agreement of the family.
2. The Family gives its members social status that enables them to carry
all the essential benefits of the family.
3. The family performs economic and social functions in the society that
allows its members to further develop all the resources acquired by the
Structural Characteristics of the Filipino Family
1. The basic unit of the Philippine society is the nuclear family.
2. The Christian Filipino family is known as a large group that normally a
combination of both nuclear and extended families.
3. Blood kinship serves as an important role in the Filipino family that
emphasizes strong affiliation of the siblings most particularly in the rural
4. Family affiliation is emphasized in a form of “compadre or compadrazgo”
system that can be elaborated in the different rituals/occasions like
baptism, confirmation and marriage.
5. Filipino Family is commonly known as Patriarchal in authority that
means the father serves to be the leader/source of authority in the family.
Filipino Values in the Family
Utang na Loob – is an
exchange of goods and services
between individuals in form of
good faith. Most of Filipinos
strongly observe this value out
of filial piety and respect.
Palabra de Honor – is an act of
fulfilling the promised services
individuals. Most
Filipinos prefer to do the
agreement as a sign of strong
commitment and trust.
Filipino Values in
the Family
Pakikisama – is an act of
being with the person in any
Bayanihan – is an act of
unified workforce in a form of
Challenges and Threats of Filipino Families
Many of the Filipino families of today are
not experiencing the difficulty of uniting
with all its members. Most common factors
Disintegration of the Family
of the disintegration are lack of
communication within the family members
and acceptance among the closest
relational affinity.
There are Filipinos who are now hooked
Substance Abuse
and addicted with the different illegal
substances that can greatly cause
problems into the family. The youth are
now carried away by the most common
way of living of the family in the society.
Arising number of families today are now
experiencing the absence of parents in the
growth and development of their children.
There are many valid reasons to cite of why
Parental Absenteeism
this is currently happening. One of those
reasons is the low family income that
pushes both parents to seek for better
work options to supplicate the needs of
their family members.
Due to the concurrent social problems,
many families of today are greatly affected
Economic Difficulty
of the economic difficulty which eventually
divide the society.
Filipinos of today are no longer practicing
the Filipino values, and instead much
Deteriorating of Family Values
easier to welcome and live the other
country’s values and culture.
Alarming Rising incident of
experiencing early teenage pregnancy due
Teenage Pregnancy
to lack of parental guidance and strong
peer pressure.
Social and Political Structure
Types of Political Description
Egalitarian - means that
they see people of the
same age and gender as
the same.
Most traditional and smallest type
of group that aims to meet the
basic needs for survival. Power
depends on the skills and
personality of a leader.
Traditional society which focuses
on meeting the basic needs of the
group. It is now structured and
characterized by social
centralization of power
The most complex in
economic, and political
organized for it is more dependent
possesses more power, however,
can be deposed if he/she exercises
too much power to the group.
It is permanent and formal
government. The leaders are role
models who are responsible in
dependent on the skills and the
capacity to lead the group.
It is formal political organization in
a modern or industrial way of
living that defined the citizenship
of its constituents according to
their rights and responsibilities.
The group imposes regulation to
manage the large population of the
Each group of people in the society have the similarities when it comes
to translation of leadership by the leader. The role and responsibilities of a
leader is greatly beneficial to the members of the group. One thing that holds
and binds the group is the exercise of power of a leader in their respective
group or community.
Components in Social and Political Structure (Blau. 1963, 305-316.)
1. Power - It is the sum of authority and legitimacy of a leader. It is the ability
to lead the group with the use of skills, knowledge and leadership with
efficiency and effectiveness. The leader may use power to exercise sanctions,
punishments or directives to the members of the group.
2. Authority - It is the right of a leader to maximize or use power to command
the members of the group. It is a translation of power by exercising the
capacity to lead out of expertise in a particular concern or decision-making.
3. Legitimacy - It is the recognition of someone who serves to be right and
proper. When a leader is fully accepted and supported by the members of the
group because he deserves it, and he is capable of his responsibilities.
Three Types of Authority
For Max Weber, there are three types of authority in accordance with the
legitimacy of a person as a belief system1:
1. Traditional - It is the inherited power from the previous leader out of affinal
Blau, P. M. (1963). "Critical remarks on Weber’s theory of authority". The American Political Science Review, 57 (2): 305-316.
2. Charismatic - It is the capacity of a person to lead the members of the
group by virtue to inspire them to willingly follow and obey.
3. Rational - It is an exercise authority based on a system of rules set by the
group. Members have the right to choose leaders who can represent them in
fighting for justice, fairness, and equality. The rules serve as the guiding
principle of the leader in exercising his/her roles and responsibilities to the
group. Most of the time, the members will use their proper reasoning in voting
for their supported leaders. In today’s developing era, people are now rational
in electing a leader on their behalf.
The leader of the group serves as the head of the state/society that
he/she leads. The head of the group delegates the power to sub- heads he/she
has appointed in order to maintain the effectiveness of his functions and
Economic Institutions and State (Weber.1963)
Economic Institutions refers to the production and distribution of goods
and services in order to supplicate the needs of the members of the society.
Economic agreement through an exchange of functioning economy is
significant for it widens the capacity of the state to improve its resources in
both ends receiving and selling towards the other state.
Reciprocity is defined as the capacity to give out generosity/volunteerism
without money involvement and that in the future, it can be reciprocated.
This concept of reciprocity can be closely described as barter, hospitality,
gift-giving and sharing of resources. The purpose of this act of giving is to
build and strengthen social relationships and positively foster good favors
to the recipient.
In the previous lesson, it is important to create good relationship towards
the other group for it is essential for the development of the community. A
good example of the concept of reciprocity is the Filipino value of “Utang na
Loob”. This value enables the group to acknowledge the important
contributions extended by the other group and it is through sincere
indebtedness that equates the impact of it.
Forms of Reciprocity
1. Generalized Reciprocity - refers to the exchange of goods and services with
no time-bound frame is followed. This is a kind of reciprocity that a person
is giving without expecting something in return.
2. Balanced Reciprocity - means the exchange between groups or individuals
with something to expect to receive out of similar or equally the same in
value given. This concept somewhat creates pressure in either both parties
for it demands to reciprocate the given resources within the period of time.
3. Negative Reciprocity - described as unequal process for which the groups
try to maximize their advantage while giving as little as possible. This is
inspired by the desire to acquire a large portion of goods using minimal
Transfer and the Government
Government transfer or transfer of payments is used for the redistribution
of resources specifically wealth and income where no goods or services are
given to the donor in return. In a State scenario, transfers are evident for
payments that can be through the collection of taxes, social services,
pensions, housing, and health care plans. In the Philippine context, the
government is providing various programs and activities intended for the
citizens. The commonly identified allocations are retirement, disability
benefits, medical, unemployment insurance, and education.
The process of redistribution of goods or services is observed when the
collection of goods from individual in a community is kept by the central
authority. These goods are collected to be used for future transactions. The
main goal of redistribution is to allocate such goods back to the people for
common welfare. The process requires reversal dynamism – from the storage
area of the central authority then given back to the common people.
Understanding Market Transactions
In a developing state, it is important to familiarize the capitalist economy
where the market principle dominates. The principle implies that the
market is tasked for the sale and distribution of goods and services in the
society. In the market arena, money plays a vital role for it is the main
means in all transactions. Market in economic definitions refers to a wider
setting where buyers or sellers simultaneously trade or exchange
goods/services. Market also implies how the state competitively exchange
transactions towards the other state. In a market exchange, at least two
parties are involved: one who has a product and the other who has the
money. Both parties can extend agreement using bargaining or in barter
Elements of Market Transactions
1. Money - It consists of the objects that serve as way of exchange for goods
or services.
2. Prices – These refer the amount required or agreed upon by both
exchanging parties.
3. Supply – It is defined as the quantity of goods or services that are
available to sell at a given price in a period of time.
4. Demand – It refers to the quantity of goods or services that the consumer
is willing to purchase or take at a given price in a period of time.
Interaction of State and Markets
It is important for a state to acquire economic growth and development in
order to provide a good standard of living to its constituents. Market existed
because of the on-going transactions made by the state towards the others
state. This concept is significant for it opens-up the field of international
political economy or commonly known as the economic relations towards
the other states. The market-based concerns continuously develop societal
and economic growth in the areas of people’s communes, state-owned
enterprise, decentralization, price reform and capital market development.
Conflicts between Market and State Functions
Despite the call of every state to link with socio-economic markets in order
to boost the financial stability, there are disputes arises due to the liberal
perspective that since majority of the state deals with the citizens, it has to
delegate the power. This aspect serves to be a challenge on what to do in
the world of economic markets. Thus, both the state and citizens must work
together to solve the dispute and to go on for the development and
Types of State According to Market Roles
1. Laissez-Faire State – is a French word that means “to leave alone”. This
principle is described as the participation of the government in the
regulations, subsidies, privileges, and other ways of development. Therefore,
this type of state completely does not have any role in managing the market.
2. Interventionist or Developmental State - describes as the intervention of
the state in the market and sets direction towards economic development.
In this concept, the state implements policies, subsidies, protection of tariffs
and local industries.
3. Welfare State - refers to a vital role in the achievement and protection of
the economic and social readiness of its citizens. This concept is centered
in the idea of a good quality life for all the people instead of prioritizing the
economic development.
Today, our government maximize the different branches with specific
areas of concentration in response to the basic needs of the society. Aside
from the state-related branches, the birth of non-state institutions
significantly creates a positive effect to the society. The non- state institutions
are compositions of private companies that foster the same vision/mission
with the government/state that is to help/respond the needs of the people in
the society.
Let Us Practice
Activity # 1: Matching Type. Match column A and B. Write the letter of your
choice on the space before the number.
_____1. The right of a leader to maximize or use
A. Authority
power to command the members of the social
_____2. The Social entity that binds together as
B. Social
one and collaborate to provide security and
_____3. The created identity in the Society of two
parties through marriage.
____4. It is an exercise authority of a leader based
on a social rules.
_____5. refers to a vital role in the achievement and
protection of the economic and social readiness of
its citizens.
_____6. The intervention of the state in the market
and sets direction towards economic development.
_____7. The process of redistribution of goods or
services in the society.
_____8. refers to the social exchange of goods and
services with no time-bound frame is followed.
_____9. The basic unit in the Social Institution.
_____10. Affiliates a person with a group of
relatives through his/her father.
C. Social Status
D. Rational
E. Welfare States
F. Developmental
G. Redistribution
H. Reciprocity
I. Family
J. Social Interconnectedness
Activity #3: Modified True or False. Read and analyze each item carefully.
Write T if the statement is correct and write the correct answer of the
underlined word if the statement is incorrect.
__________1. Social Institution is the inter-relationship between persons and
among the groups in accordance with the functions and responsibilities in the
__________2. Family serves as the basic unit of the society.
__________3. Family is described as a group of people united by mutual
agreement in the Social Institution.
__________4. The role and responsibilities of a Leader is greatly beneficial to
the members of the Social Institution.
__________5. Power is one thing that holds and binds the groupi n their
respective group or community.
__________6. The leader of the group serves as the head of the state/society
that he/she leads.
__________7. Utang na Loob is an exchange of goods and services between
__________8. The head of the group delegates the power to sub- heads he/she
has appointed in order to maintain the effectiveness of his functions and
__________9. In a developing state, it is important to familiarize the capitalist
economy where the market principle dominates.
__________10. The Government maximize the different branches with specific
areas of concentration in response to the basic needs of the society
Activity #4: Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your
choice on the space before the number.
A. Disintegration of the Family
E. Substance Abuse
B. Parental Absenteeism
F. Economic Difficulties
C. Deteriorating of Family Values G. Rising Incident of Teenage Pregnancy
D. Strong Media Influence to the Family
_________1. Ana is working in Dubai for almost 2 years, seldom she
communicated with her family due to unfortunate circumstance in abroad.
Her children are now on their own, some are still studying, and some are in
idle doing nothing.
_________2. Mario and Grace are both working for almost 12 hours just to
provide the basic needs of their children. Oftentimes, they go home late at
night, thus the eldest child is the one tending the needs of his other siblings.
_________3. De Araujo Family is known for their stable societal financial
capacity. However, most of their children failed to observe the basic Filipino
values like “Mano po” and even a simple saying of “opo” to the elderly.
________4. Pia and Michelle are twin sisters of Nabu Family. Most of the time,
they linger much time on social media networks life Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram. Hence, they frequently forget to do their household chores, and
instead they prioritize to browse their social media accounts.
__________5. James is known to be a good and responsible student. However,
since the day he met his new friends from other school, James is no longer
the same. He started to get dependent to illegal drugs which eventually made
him as of the moment irresponsible.
__________6. Martha finds difficulty in looking for a stable job in her place as
of the moment due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She realizes that almost more
than half of the establishments are temporarily closed due to economic
__________7. Marko is currently under pressure since he is facing a big
problem about the early pregnancy of his girlfriend. He had no courage to
speak to his parents about the problem.
Let Us Practice More
Activity #5: Comparison. Analyze the social and political structures given
below, and then compare them in today’s present government by highlighting
their similarities and differences.
Type of Political
Similarities to the
Present Government
Differences to the
Different Government
1. Band
2. Tribes
3. Chiefdom
4. State
Activity # 6: Definition. Define each concept thoroughly and elaborate by
giving concrete examples.
1. Power
2. Authority
3. Legitimacy
Activity # 7: Multiple Choice. Read each statement carefully Write the letter
of your choice before the number.
For activity, refer your answer on the given options below.
A. Traditional
B. Legitimate
C. Rational
_________1. Cris is the sole son of the leader of the group in their place. His
father is planning to retire his leadership and asks him to replace as part of
the succession process.
_________2. Mario is a good speaker and edifying servant of the many. He
usually inspired people to follow his precepts in serving the people.
_________3. The Filipino people is matured enough in choosing their leaders
in every national election. They follow the set rules of the people in supporting
leaders on their behalf.
_________4. James is dedicated in his call of service towards the people in the
society. He is used to walk the talk or doing by example, and this inspire the
people to imitate him.
_________5. According to the recent surveys conducted by non-government
body, Filipinos are now vigilant in choosing their leader in the last national
Activity #8: Identification. Cite the advantages of the following concepts
and give each an example. Write your answer on the space provided.
Market Transactions
Let Us Remember
Activity # 8: Supplication. Provide an answer in every item below. Write
your answer on the space provided.
1. What is family?
2. What are the three types of descent?
3. What are the forms of marriage?
4. What is the meaning of Social Institution?
5. What are the functions of Social Institution?
6. Give at least three examples of structural characteristics of Filipino
7. What are the challenges of Filipino family today?
8. What are the components of political structure?
9. What is a state?
10. What does the word power mean for you?
Let Us Assess
Activity # 9: Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of
your choice on the space before the number.
______1. Which of the following BEST describe Social Institution?
a. Social Institution creates a harmonious relationship among the people
for the common good.
b. Social Institution enables all its members to achieve his/her full
c. Social Institution bind all its members to be united despite of their
differences and uniqueness as an individual.
d. Social Institution fosters freedom to allow all its members to do
whatever they want to do.
______2. Which of the following clearly shows the cultural functions of Social
a. The preservation of cultural site and heritage in every group
b. The establishment of new tourists spots adapted from the other places
c. The conversion of land and other significant icon of culture to
modernize opportunities.
d. All of the above
______3. What article from the Philippine Constitution that states about
Family and its importance of the society?
Civil Code
Family Code
Socio-Cultural Code
National Family Safety Code
______4. All of the following are description of a Political functions in the
Social Institution, EXCEPT.
a. Political Leaders serves as the head of the society that governs and
implements rules and responsibilities.
b. Political Leaders safeguards the rights and needs of the people
c. Political Leaders give equal opportunities to all the members of the
Social Institution.
d. Political leaders must prohibit all the members to exercise their rights
as an individual.
______5. Which of the following best describe the process of choosing a
leader in the society?
a. The people will select a leader based on his/her physical prowess
b. The people will consider the intellectual capacity of a candidate person
c. The people will investigate the background of the candidate and
d. The people will choose a leader based on his attitude, activate
participation and dedicated service to the group.
______6. Which of the following is NOT part of the functions of a family in the
a. Family gives its members status to the society.
b. Family performs socio-economic functions beneficial in the society.
c. Family is significant in social control mechanism.
d. Family divides the different groups of the society.
_______7. How do social institution form?
a. Social institution forms from the collaborative effort of all its members
b. Social institution forms from the constant search of all the members
towards success.
c. Social institution forms from the persistent development and
adaptability towards modernization
d. Social institution forms from the unified effort of all its members to
establish a secure and safe community despite of the differences.
_______8. What Filipino value is described as an act of unified workforce in a
form of volunteerism for greater cause?
a. Utang na Loob
b. Palabra de Honor
c. Hiya
d. Bayanihan
_______9. Which of the following is NOT part of the three types of Authority
exercise in the society?
a. Traditional Authority
b. Charismatic Authority
c. Rational Authority
d. Independent Authority
_______10. What do you call the right of a leader to maximize or use power to
command the members of the group?
a. Legitimate
b. Power
c. Authority
d. Coalition
Let Us Enhance
Activity #7: Ultimate Tracer. Trace the origin of your family through
completing the family tree diagram below.
Family Tree
Activity # 8: Essay. Read and analyze the question carefully. Write your
answer on the space below. Your answer shall be checked using this Rubric:
All the
of the
content is
evident in
the essay.
The essay is
related to
The essay is
excellent in
showing a
message to
the people.
Very Good
Most of the
of the
content is
present in
the essay.
Some of the
of the
content is
not found
in the
The essay is The essay is
a little bit
related to
related to
The essay
The essay is
is very good good in
in showing
showing a
message to
message to
the people.
the people.
The essay
lacks the
of the
content to
There is no
between the
essay and
There is no
shown in
the essay.
Imagine the world without socio-cultural and political institutions. What do
you think will happen?
Let Us Reflect
Social Institutions play vital role in the development and sustenance of
the society. Great leaders of the previous generations and even up to the
present are all part of the said social groups. Family is indeed important for
it allow us to appreciate the value of relationships. Our dealings with our
relatives enable us to see how people evolved and continuously improving for
the best. Our constant social involvement teaches us to become responsible
constituents who can impart a lot for the betterment of the society,
particularly the family.
Let Us Practice 1. Comparison
Answer/s may
2. Definition
Answer/s may
Multiple Choice
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
3. Identification
Answer/s may
4. Supplication
Answer/s may
5. Let Us Assess
- Multiple Choice
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C
Let Us Enhance Essay
Answer/s may
True or False
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. T
10. D
12. B
1. A
11. A
Multiple Choice
2. B
13. C
3. C
14. D
4. D
15. A
5. E
Let Us Practice Matching Type
6. F
7. G
10. J
2. B
9. I
1. A
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
Answer Key
Maghinang, Jen. 2016. “Cultural, Social and Political Institution.” Accessed
October 14, 2020. https://www.scribd.com/document/330150584/
Daño, Alyssa Mari. 2019. “Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.” no.
1-7. https://www.scribd.com Understanding-Culture Society-andPolitics-Text-Manual.
Rosman, Abraham., and Paula Rubel, eds. 2008. Ties that Connects Marriage,
Family and Kinship: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region XI
F. Torres St., Davao City
Telefax: (082) 291-1665, (082) 221-6147
Email Address: lrms.regionxi@deped.gov.ph