EFFECTS OF SUBSTANDARD FAMILY TO LEARNERS’ SOCIALIZATION STRUGGLE A Thesis Presented to The Thesis Committee, Departments of Teacher Education UM Tagum College, Tagum City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies CAÑETE, SYKIE MAR GRABILLO, LOUWEGIE MAQUILAN, VLEZEL SHYME September 2022 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study The home affects the youngster at the earliest conceivable a great time, when his psyche is most responsive. It gives the initial feeling that might endure through the youngster's entire life. The youngster frequently sees the guardians, kin, and things in their nearby climate to be generally critical and they are equipped for advancing or reducing him in self-esteem and scholastic execution. There are strong motivations to be frightened about the effect of broken homes on kids. The solidness of family makes a structure block for kids to advance over the course of life. At the point when a family separates, it is normally hard for everybody in the family to adapt. Kids are many times the most terrible survivors of a family separation (Wan 2018). The said problem was observed among Indian students, specifically in Guwahati City in the year 2021, that a broken home can make a child insecure in a sense that he no longer had a complete family he can call his own. Living without either his father or mother will create fear and insecurities in him. This feeling can trigger if he is around his friends who are living a normal, complete and happy life. Consequently, the finding revealed that broken homes have serious negative effect on the student’s socialization at schools and concentration in classes as well. Thus, if the child experiences this kind of phenomena in their home, socialization struggle will emerge in child’s growth (Saikia 2017). Similar results are shown in a research study, presented by Monique Bantasan from Cebu City in the year 2020, that separation of parents can affects children's social relationships in several ways. Some children act out their distress by acting aggressive and by engaging in bullying behavior. Teens from broken families might develop a cynical attitude toward relationships. They may harbor feelings of mistrust toward their parents and potential romantic partners. Consequently, which claims that students with incomplete family can poorly perform their task and their socialization skills rated poor as well. The phase of socialization of the students from broken families were really hard to define. They usually feel uncomfortable when communicating their teachers and classmates (Saikia 2017). In University of Mindanao Tagum College, Substandard Family has been observed to affect the socialization of the learners. This scenario prompted the researchers to conduct the study to determine if Substandard Family has a significant relationship to the Learners Socialization Struggle. Significance of the Study This study is worth conducting because it provides new information that will contribute meaningfully to the students, parents, administration, and future researcher. Firstly, in students, it will help them on how they will socialize and approach those individuals who are a product of broken families to attain a wellbehaved environment and to help them what approach and behavior to express towards a person with a broken family. Secondly, in parents, it will be an awareness to them on what could be the effect of a broken family to the behavior of socialization of their child and help them to create a deeper understanding of their child about their social interaction with others. Thirdly, in administration, it will help them to do some new strategies and techniques and it can also aid administrators in coming up with simple plans and activities. Lastly, in future researcher, it would be another angle of study regarding the Effect of Substandard Family to Learners’ Socialization Struggle can be explored using the results of this study. This will be a great help for them in identifying variables to be considered in their research. Relevant Literature The simplest, sensitive, and most significant social system that is supported and enabled by society as a broader social system is the family. The family, being a significant primary agent of socialization and a strong effect on the child's development, can certainly help or hurt the child depending on the social climate in the home. A broken family can have a negative impact on your child's development in every area. The impacts of a broken family on a child's development rely on a variety of elements, such as the child's age at the time of the parents' separation, as well as the personality of the parents and the dynamics of the family. Even though newborns and early children may not face many detrimental developmental impacts, older kids and teenagers may have certain issues with their ability to operate in the social, emotional, and educational domains (Green 2015). The study of reveals that children from broken families exhibited a variety of behavioral issues, including aggression, anxiety, developmental disorder, absences from school, bad habits, and attention-seeking behaviors. Broken families' parenting styles have been described as negative, rejective, and inconsistent. Children from broken families experienced emotional and behavioral issues differently depending on their child's gender, the guardian, the cause of the loss, and the parenting (Lee & Park 2004). Socialization is a continuous process which covers the whole life of an individual (Runumi 2014). Based on the article a child's social development is negatively impacted by having a broken family because the family should serve as the foundation for their morals, traditions, and behaviors. When a family breaks up, the children find it difficult to cope with the situation and it affects their psychological health and performance, which would cause them to adopt different habits from children who have complete family (Bice et al., 2021). This is also associated with The Social Learning Theory. It emphasizes the significance of observing, modeling, and copying other people’s actions, dispositions, and affective states. Thus, if the learner is a product of a broken family, it may affect its socialization or behavior towards to other people based on what he/she observed in home either it is a positive or negative experiences. It examines the interactions between environmental and cognitive elements that affect how people learn and behave. Therefore, the factors can be connected on how they struggle to socialize with other peers (Bandura, 1977). As, the feelings or attitude of a child are very touchable, a small mistake will cause affective problems (McLeod, 2016). Moreover, children raised by stepparents, single parents, or other people not related to the original parents are a result of broken families. Students in senior high school participated in the study using a univariate likert scale. The vast majority of students perform better when they are in a standard family rather than those who are from broken family. They lack the self-assurance to mingle with their classmates (Moneva et al., 2020). Based on the study conducted on the role of the Family in the Socialization of Children, the results show that children's socialization is influenced by the degree of love in the family. The family's level of control impacts how well youngsters socialize (Baferani 2015). Thus, two parents are far better than one if you want your kids to stay away from emotional disorders, antisocial behavior, and conduct problems that lead to aggressive, violent, or antisocial behaviour (Doughty 2008). This is also related to the Theory of Broken Home (Wilkinson, 1974). It focuses on what setting is more effective for the child and it emphasizes that the two-parent family is more effective than a single parent family, which then concludes the idea of this theory that twoparent is better than one. Putting forth the idea that children growing up in homes where two parents who have been married continuously are less likely to experience a wide range of problems (academic, social, emotional, and cognitive) not only in childhood but later on in adulthood as well (Amato et,.al 2005). Students with complete family are significantly lower a depression scale averages than the students with broken family (Elamci, 2006). Additionally, the home environment has a significant influence on a student's performance. The personality, emotions, actions, and academic performance all have an impact on the consequences of broken family’s performance. Children struggle in school with their teachers, try to rebel against them, and struggle with their peers. Typically, they struggle to focus and do not want to cooperate with assignments or teacher instructions. Children frequently surround themselves with unfavorable peers and act in ways that are disrespectful to other people both the teachers and parents. Dual parents should have additional responsibilities, which should require them to spend more time and try to give their whole attention to their child (Igbinosa 2014). Furthermore, a broken family is characterized by the absence of parental love or care as a result of a death, a divorce, or marital issues. Teenagers from unstable homes are stigmatized by society as being unmanageable, immoral, and environment destroying, which hinders their growth and success. The idea supported with Gair (2019), divorce has a detrimental impact on the child because it could change their circumstances, relationships, or actions. They might also have less or no contact with their grandchildren as a result. The grandparents expressed their disappointment over how they would take care of their grandkids following their divorce and how difficult it was for them to continue to do so (Bice et al., 2021) Correspondingly, the outcomes of a child are influenced by a variety of circumstances. Decisions and thoughts are strongly influenced by familial status. It is true that there are more divorces today than there were in the past. The roles of both the father and the mother affect a child's outcomes. Two negative outcomes of a broken family, according to research, include psychology and future marriage decisions. From a critical standpoint, family is crucial to children's physical and mental development. In conclusion, a broken family is the primary cause of a child changing their viewpoint, way of life, or even who they are as a person (McGuirk & Mai 2016) The idea was also supported from the article, that in most circumstances, one parent retains custody of their children due to the impacts of a shattered family. Nevertheless, it still seems intolerable to think that they are no longer completing. They are six times more likely to feel alone as children and the majority of them do not sense any attention. They do not turn to their parents for solace when they are in need (Marquardt 2005). According to the research, the majority of students from broken homes face significant challenges related to money, emotional, mental, social, and behavioral issues, which negatively affect their academic performance. The majorities of students with divorced or separated parents are unfocused and have few interests. They hardly ever give students the time, attention, or financial assistance they require for daily expenses and tuition. Students from broken families manage by remaining independent and upbeat despite their circumstances (Lanozo et al., 2021). This is also anchored on The Social Behaviorism Theory. It emphasizes how social experiences develop and affect an individual’s personality, focusing on how environment impacts the development and socialization of an individual. Thus, it explains how social experience creates individual personality and behavior. The judgment of socialization of a child will depend on what the primary unit of community (family) will show to its child (Mead, 1863). In addition, it reveals that the senior high school students who come from broken homes are significantly affected. It was suggested that parents should evaluate the effects of broken households on senior secondary school students' academic, emotional, social, and adjustment outcomes (Umar 2019). Thus, comparing youths whose families had unstable structures with teenagers whose families had secure structures. It has been seen that teenagers from unstable households experience additional issues with their emotions, and socialization because families are such huge barriers to a student's growth (Schultz 2006). Also, it shows that a child may find it challenging to adjust to the shift and may start displaying feelings of bitterness, hatred, confusion, and envy. Children have trouble or sometimes don't know how to communicate their feelings in a healthy way, and as a result, they experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, melancholy, and low self-esteem (Bigner 2002). Independent Variable Dependent Variable Effects of Substandard Family Learners Socialization Struggle Parental Relationship Parental Attitude Parental Decision Social Deprivation Social Inhibition Social Conformity Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study. Statement of the Problem The main goal of this study is to determine the Effect of Substandard Family to Learners’ Socialization Struggle. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the Effects of Substandard Family among the respondents in terms of; 1.1 Parental Relationship; 1.2 Parental Attitude; and 1.3 Parental Decision? 2. What is the Learners’ Socialization Struggle in terms of; 1.1 Social Deprivation; 1.2 Social Inhibition; and 1.3 Social Conformity? 3. Is there asignificant relationship between the Effects of Substandard Family and Learners’ Socialization Struggle? Definition of Terms Substandard Family.a family that has parted or isolated because of various reasons. These prompts kids being raised by single guardians, stepparents, or others not connected with natural guardians. Socialization Struggle. a phenomenon where the person can hardly connect to other people. METHODOLOGY Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study were the students of University of Mindanao Tagum College. The researcher will pick 200 students who are fit in our research as our respondents by that, we can deliver an accurate response to our respondents. The researcher used non-probability sampling method particularly the purposive sampling technique in getting the sample population. The researcher picks a specific respondent that are related to the research to obtain a valid findings and data. Research Instrument This study used a set of survey questionnaires as an instrument for the collection of data. The survey questionnaire is a set of questions used in a survey. It is a type of data gathering method that is utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the different views of a group of people from population. Through this method it is easy to gather data from the respondent that helps to fulfill the research study. Table 2 Rating Scale Description 5 Always 4 Sometimes 3 Often 2 Seldom 1 Never Frequency of Use Research Design This study employed a descriptive-correlational method of research. According to Calmorin (2006), this measure is concerned with conditions, relationships that exits, practices that prevail, beliefs, processes that are going on, effects that are being felt, or tends that are developing and how variables vary with another that is, to have similar relative position. This research design is appropriate for the current study which the primary purpose is to determine the relationship between the Effects of Substandard Family to Learners’ Socialization Struggle. Data Gathering Procedure The following steps were done in the conduct of the research study: Seeking Permission to conduct the study. The researcher sought permission to the administrators of the said institution. Sending letters to the respondents of the research. The researcher made a letter seeking their approval to be the respondents of the study. The researcher personally administered the research instrument to the identified respondents. The retrieval of accomplished questionnaire was also conducted by the researcher. Recording of responses and data computerization. Data Analysis For more comprehensible interpretation and analysis of the data, the following statistical tools were utilized. Mean – was used to determine the Effects of Substandard Family to Learners’ Socialization Struggle. Standard Deviation (SD) – is the measure of spread of the numbers in a set of data from its mean value. It is a numerical value used to indicate how widely individuals in a group vary. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (Pearson- r) – this treatment was used to measure the degree of linear relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. This was used to determine the relationship of the Effects of Substandard Family to Learners’ Socialization Struggle. Regression – this was used to determined or measure the relationship between the two variables and to explore the forms of these relationships. There are five (5) constraints limits which were designed for the individual indicators interpreting the data, the range of means used are the following: Range of Means Description 4.50 – 5.00 Very High Interpretation This signifies Effects of Family that the Substandard to Learners’ Socialization Struggle is Very High 3.50 – 4.49 High This signifies Effects Family of that the Substandard to Learners’ Socialization Struggle is High 2.50 – 3.49 Moderately High This signifies Effects Family of that the Substandard to Learners’ Socialization Struggle is Moderately High 1.50 – 2.49 Low This signifies Effects Family of that the Substandard to Learners’ Socialization Struggle is Low 1.00 – 1.49 Very Low This signifies Effects Family of to that the Substandard Learners’ Socialization Struggle is Very Low Validity and Reliability To substantiate the validity, the survey questionnaires were subjected to the examination of three validators who evaluated the relevance of each item in the questionnaires to the objectives. 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SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Direction: Read each statement carefully and respond with your honest feedback. Put a check (✓) on the separate box to indicate your response as ALWAYS (5), OFTEN (4), SOMETIMES (3), SELDOM (2), NEVER (1). EEFECTS OF BROKEN FAMILY A. PARENTAL RELATIONSHIP 1. I observe a supportive relationship from my parent. 2. I observe a deep connection from my parent. 3. I observe a positive communication from my parent. 4. I observe a joyful home together with my parent. 5. I observe avoidance from my parent. B. PARENTAL ATTITUDE 1. I witness a respectful response from my parent. 2. I witness an irresponsible act from my parent. 3. I witness an intense quarrel from them. 4. I witness a change on parenting towards me. 5. I witness that my parents do not accept their mistakes. C. PARENTAL DECISION 1. I notice an irrational thinking among them. 2. I notice that my parents are too decisive about things. 3. I notice that they can’t fix the problem easily. 4. I notice that it took a long time to resolve a problem. 5. I notice that they just overlook the wrongs in each other. SOCIALIZATION STRUGGLE A. SOCIAL DEPRIVATION (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 1. I make sure that no one would recognize me whenever I go out. 2. I always want to go to places where I could be myself/alone. 3. I hardly trust the people around me. 4. I always keep myself busy so no one would approach me. 5. I am trying my best to do things by myself. B. SOCIAL INHIBITION 1. I am afraid to be the center of attention. 2. I feel like no one wants to be around me. 3. I feel like there is something wrong with me. 4. I feel anxious on expressing myself in the crown. 5. I am afraid to approach someone first. C. SOCIAL CONFORMITY 1. I can’t follow the trends and movement of the society. 2. I can hardly connect myself to a group. 3. I change my character so I can fit in the society. 4. I can be easily accepted in any organization and social movements. 5. I can influence other people in the society.