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GRASP Software Reflection: Structural Analysis Learning

Name: Algier O. Antao BSCE-4A
In this activity, the student was tasked to analyze the three given problems of twodimensional (2D) structure using the GRASP software, which are composed of a beam, plane truss
and rigid frame structures. In the process of performing the analysis using the software, I learned
a lot of things. Including the significant role of structural analysis as an integral part of any
structural engineering project by which with the advent of technology, it has become a high end
support providing from simple to more sophisticated software and affordable to expensive ones.
In this case, the student used the GRASP software, wherein it approached me as a very userfriendly software that was introduced for two-dimensional analysis of framed structures which
gives me an enhance learning and understanding of structural analysis. Let me state the cons that
structural analysis software provides, that includes where more complex and larger structures can
be analyzed and designed by the students, which is not possible in the regular class in structural
analysis where the calculator or general math solvers are used by students in their calculations.
Also, by the use of the software, the end user can visualize the behavior of complex systems as it
is capable of simulating a variety of structural and loading configurations and to determine cause
and effect relationships between loading and various structural parameters.
With those learning outputs, without exception will become a big asset in my journey as a
structural engineer someday. The practicability of doing structural analysis will be very much
appreciated particularly on the side of the implication and relevance of the structural analysis that
issues to the safety and reliability of the design of the structures. With GRASP software providing
direct feedback graphically and numerically, I can testify myself that I had fun exploring by simply
modifying the configuration of the structural model or loading condition given to me, where I also
discovered new knowledge related to structural analysis. Honestly speaking without this software,
it will surely be a big struggle analyzing the given structures or the structures in the future. With
that I have gained more interest in learning and expanding my knowledge further on software’s
for structural analysis.