CANTEEN ORDERING SYSTEM FOR UNILEVER SIMPLILEARN CBAP PROJECT CERTIFICATION 1 Catering Industry Stakeholders ACTOR Employee/Cus tomer What they can do on the software created ● ● ● ● Canteen Manager ● ● Delivery Boy ● ● Payroll system Management Employees can order food online from canteen as they can get the food in less time If customer order food online, there are less chances of wastes as Employee can already see the menu online and then order. Employees can skip waiting in a line. Employees can share the feedback this make system more efficient. If Employees order food online so canteen manager give chef’s to enough time as they can easily prepare food in a time Canteen Manager should delivery the food to their employee within a mention time. Delivery boy confirmed the order progress online to the employees. Delivery Employees should take the feedback from the employees as it can improve the system. ● The food order amount should be deducted from Salary in the end of the month of each employee. ● The summary of the items that employee order and what amount deducted it should be send to employees via E-Mail. ● As a BA, we would create a system-oriented things as it can increase efficiency for employees & also fruitful for the company, And the management give us approval on things. ● In the end of the month, we should see that which food item is highly ordered and which food item is least ordered as on the basis of this canteen should put the raw item in stock. That’s how we can also control on food wastage. Problem Definition and Solution PROBLEMS Canteen:- Food Wastage, sitting management, shortage of food, Menu Verities choices, payment collection Employees:- Time consuming, Food option limited, No option for sitting. SOLUTION: Canteen:- Food cooked on particular order, can analysis the data which food is mostly ordered, online menu’s & prior order give the canteen, saving time. Employees:- Food on desk, Order online, delivery at your corridor. Advantages and Objectives ADVANTAGES Canteen: Track the daily expense from data inventory system as it helps company. Canteen can mange their space more efficiently. Enough time to prepare food Reduces food wastage as particular food will cook on order. Time saving Employees feedback can help canteen to improve the things. Objectives: ● Reducing time taken by employee in a break time ● Managing Payment is going to be easy. ● Reducing canteen food wastage by minimum of 30% within 6 months following first release. ● Can calculate how much food is going wasted via inventory. ● Previous 25% wasted, Planning for less than 15%. Existing System There are no auto mode things available in existing system. And it effects company as well as employees. Proposed System ● ● ● ● ● ● ● User friendly interface Delivery must be trackable. Feedback column should be available Secured Employees Registration & Food Deliver (Through OTP) Menu Adaptation on the basis on feedback. Employees can’t cancel the order after 5 minutes of giving the order. Easy process Deliver food on the particular address. Scope using use case diagram (UML) In Scope Online order system. Registration, menu, Feedback Chat Help Option Delivery boy communication Menu Edit according to feedback Track the top-rated sold dish Wastage & Inventory Management Payroll system managing Cart Management System shall allow inventory and maintaining menu Utilisation of Manpower Feedback Option Last order time is 11 Am Out of Scope ● What are the facilities or features—for both patron and the canteen—the are out of scope or cannot be implemented now. ● Chat Help ● Diet Chart ● Food Tracing ● 5 minute flexibility after order to cancel before 11 AM. Activity Diagram for the System: ER Diagram for the System: Preconditions and Triggers: Example Precondition: User/Employee has an account & the employee should be registered with Salary Deduction scheme Precondition: Manager has an account to track the canteen system. The system should be user friendly as the Employee can order easily. The Manager should ready all the order list for the kitchen at 11 AM. The Delivery Boy should be able to get a list according to predefined conditions at 12:00 Trigger 1 is the Employee wanting to place an order via canteen system. Trigger 2 is the Canteen Manager wanting a summarized list of meals to cook. Trigger 3 is the delivery boy needing to pick up a order on time & details where to deliver them. Basic Flow Employees place an Order. Canteen Manager gets summary of Orders at 11:00. Delivery Boy get meals & the place details where to deliver that meal. Data Element User/Employee ID, Order (types of food), Delivery address and Feedback In Case of Error, what happens? Live Chat Support for Employees. Business Requirements: Business objective – 1: Reduce Canteen wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months following during the initial period. Scale: Value of Food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory. Previous Wastage: 25%. We Should plan it to reduce less than 15%. Business objective – 2: Reduce canteen operating cost by 15% in the initial 6-12 Months. Business objective - 3: Increase average effective work time of the employees by 30 minutes per day, within 3 Months period. Business objective - 4: From Order to monthly bill all things should be automated and delivery the food to the user’s workstation, the canteen can operate with minimal cost with less man power. Functional Requirements FR1 User should be able to create account, logon and more than one password recovery option. FR2 An Administrator can assign the role systematically to a user, which reflecting on him or her portal. E.g., canteen manager, Delivery Boy, Management, User(Employee/Customer) and create incident management process. FR3 Employee can accept salary deduction by login the portal and use his existing company credentials to login Employee ID, workstation details as login details. FR4 Roles Should have access only two respective modules:Canteen Manager Role – Reform menus, create a variety list of orders including for delivery boys. User Role – Select the Menu & Place the order, Provide Feedback on the orders, view order history, accept/deselect salary deduction option. Delivery Role – View a list of orders as defined by the canteen manager, Update the status from Pickup to Delivery. Management Role – Generate Reports, Take action on Feedback Basis. FR5 Web Interface to be able to add/change/remove menus. This includes adding the price for them menu. FR6 Inventory should be recorded in the system properly once the food is prepared the inventory is shown as consumed. All the wastage get noted and updated in the system. FR7 Sitting Management should be like that as 50% Employees who wants to eat in the canteen can do lunch. Nonfunctional Requirements System Requirement: NF1 NF2 Employees should be forced to change their password on every month on month Order Transaction or feedback should be traceable. NF3 The application should be low-maintenance requiring minimal manual intervention. NF4 Can be used company authorized browsers. NF5 Orders will be archived after a predefined period. NF6 System should be stable to take the load of 1500 login and ordering. Usability: NF7 User friendly and self-explanatory user interface preferable with pictures. NF8 Webpage should be available on intranet as well as internet. NF9 All Employee can browse but order only those who accepted salary deduction on portal. NF10 All activities of current canteen system will stop on the day of Go Live of Web Application. Wireframe