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GIS & Remote Sensing for Land Acquisition in Mining

GIS & Remote Sensing Application
Land Acquisition
Land Acquisition for Carrying Out Mining Activities in Coal Bearing Areas
 Land acquisition is currently being done under Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and
development) Act 1957 with amendments from time to time.
 Central government being satisfied of the availability of coal in any area through
prospecting under section 4(1) of the Act may issue notification under section 7(1) of the
Act of its intention to acquire the land.
 Central govt after attending objections with respect to acquisition of such land under
section 8 of the Act, give declaration in official gazette for acquisition of such land by
notification under section 9 (1).
 After issue of section 9(1) notification, the land or rights in or over the land vests fully with
the Govt.
 Through notification under section 11 (1), Central Govt transfers the land or rights in or
over the land to the government companies for carrying out mining activities.
 Land acquisition outside mine lease area is being done by Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013
Land Acquisition
 Prior requisite for starting mining activities
 Involves many stages during the Mine life
 Initial requirement of land for coal excavation, dumping, storage and infrastructure
facilities etc in mine lease area.
 The land in the vicinity of proposed mining has to be vacated and PAFs to be
compensated or resettled for safe operation of the Mine
 Requirement of land outside mine lease area during initial years for development of
Fixed Infrastructure facilities including coal evacuation facilities and Railway Siding and
resettlement and rehabilitation colonies.
 Delay in land acquisition causes undue delay in development and operation of the Mine
and becoming limiting factor now a days as it involves major capital investment.
Land Acquisition in Traditional Way
 Collection of land records from state authorities
 Calculation of compensation related with structures and trees by some accredited valuer
 Physical inspection of the Site
 After the land is vacated it to be physically inspected to confirm demolition of structures
 Involves many manual layer so chances of errors are higher
 Newly constructed structure after issue of 9(1) notification can be tracked by physical
inspection only
 A lot of manpower is involved and sometimes safety is compromised in surveying some
of the area due to local factor
 A time-consuming process and monitoring the whole area is not possible.
GIS & Remote Sensing Application for Land Acquisition
 Area map may be collected at initial stage of mine and digitized to the extent possible
with cadastral map available with the authorities
 Different types of land like govt forest land, non govt land can be attributed as different
 Further attributes may be fed like land details with khata no, plot no and calculation for
compensation to the individual PAPs can be made
 The structures, buildings, trees etc can be digitally located in the map to form a complete
land use map of the area
 Result in faster process of acquisition due to digital validation and monitoring
 The whole area can be monitored digitally as and when required
Cost Implication
Area Considered 2000 ha
Using Satellite data
Cost (Lakh Rs)
GIS software
One time investment
Satellite data
To be obtained on regular basis
System requirements
2 laptops
Training requirements
One month training
Skilled executive
Annual expense
Maintenance if any
Cost Implication
Area Considered 2000 ha
Using Drones
Cost (Lakh Rs)
Drones (2 nos)
One time investment
Sensors (Having high resolution)
One time investment
Software requirements
One time investment
System requirements
2 laptops
Training requirements
Two month training
Skilled executive
Annual expense
Maintenance if any