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Steroids: Effects, Side Effects, and Unfair Advantage

The Effect of Steroids on the Body
Many people think about the idea of taking anabolic steroids. This may be to become
stronger, or it may be to look better. But there are many side effects of taking anabolic steroids
that many people do not consider, or don't care about that should be considered
Anabolic steroids are steroids that are used to primarily build muscle. These are NOT
steroids that are prescribed by doctors for medical use. They are only used in the goal to build
muscle. So how to steroids for this. According to the Mayo Clinic the main thing most steroids
do is artificially boost testosterone (not every steroid is the same, some may do different things).
This causes the muscles to artificially grow, if combined with exercise. (If you take steroids and
do not exercise you will suffer the side effects with no benefit).
So what is the problem? The problem is that steroids will cause side effects that
everyone is not willing to deal with. According to drugabuse.gov the biggest side effects can be
kidney problems/failure, liver damage, and cause tumors. Some other side effects include high
blood pressure, enlarged heart. There are also side effects that are gender specific. In women
there can be growth of facial hair, decrease in breast size, change or stop in menstrual cycle,
and a deepened voice. In males it can increase the chance of going bald, cause development of
breast, increase chance of prostate cancer, and most damning of all can cause shrinking in
testicles and reduce sperm count.
The main issue is that not everyone is willing to deal with these side effects. This makes
the people that do steroids have an unfair advantage. Even though most athletic associations
try to ban them they are still being used at mass at the top level of sports. Leaving a big problem
to this day.