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Drunk Driving in Malaysia: Analytical Report

1.0 Background of the problems
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM),
85000 Segamat,
Madam Roha Binti Mohamed Noah
Lecturer of Business Communication,
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM),
85000 Segamat,
1 MAY 2021
Dear Madam,
With all due respect above matter is referred. As a requirement of partial fulfillment of the course,
which is Business Communication, you have assigned us to form a group to submit an analytical report
that related to business or current issues. Our group tried our best to write this report. We hope that
our report meets your expectation and the quality that you want in our report.
Our group decided to write an analytical report of Drunk Drivers in Malaysia. We made a huge effort
to prepare this report and collect many insightful and find logical connection about the drunk drivers
in Malaysia. We also conduct a survey about drunk drivers in Malaysia that involved 204 respondents.
Writing this report did not only gave us challenges, but it is also giving us interesting experience and
numerous of knowledge. Thank you for your support and your explanations on how to make this
report properly.
Lastly, our group would like to thank you again for your consideration and your guidance for us to
make this analytical report.
Yours sincerely,
Group representative
Drunk drivers is a hypercritical problem in Malaysia. Not only in the Malaysia, but others countries
also are struggling and generates multiple efforts to reduce the percentage of the problems associated
with driving after consuming alcohol. The drunk drivers has skyrocketed in Malaysia. When an
intoxicated individual makes a decision to sit behind the wheel of an automobile and drive home, she
or he endnagers everyone. This one decision, which may not seem important at the time, can have
many crucial impacts. Drunk drivers brought a lot of fatality accidents around the world and has
snatched many lives and souls from many families. We have seen many heartbreaking cases that
caused by the drunk drivers and end by death. So, this analytical report will describe and evaluate the
severity of drunk drivers in Malaysia. Other than that, this study also helps to give awareness to the
publics and to reduce fatal injuries among the publics and stop the drunk driver cases from becoming
a common cases in Malaysia . From the survey that had been conducted and answered by 204
respondents, most of them are between 18 to 25 years old and they also represents the highest
percentage which is 87 %. Even though the age of the respondents reflected that they have less that
1 years of experience in driving, it shows that they are aware that cases of drunk drivers are on the
rise and many families have lost their loved ones. Majority of the respondent have agreed with most
of the questions and gave their answers about the drunk driver’s survey. These answers include that
the drunk drivers should be punished harsher, the governemnt should increase taxes on the suppliers
and death penalty should be implemented to the drunk drivers that caused death. These answers
implied the law in Malaysia about the drunk drivers is too lenient. However, from the surveys that had
been conducted, it showed that 33.8 % have mixed feeling on the goverment’s whether they
concerned or not about the drunk drivers issuess. This indicated that some of the respondent may
have doubts towards the governemnt’s concerned even though a new law have been implemented in
Malaysia. Maybe, the new law is commensurate with the loss of lives and suffering of the victim’s
family. From the survey also, it revealed that 40.7 % of respondents were strongly disagree that
Malaysia have the highest number of accidents that involved drunk drivers. It may sounds
dissappointed to the public as they retrieved many news about drunk drivers that brouhgt fatalities,
but this had been confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) that we had a low rate of drunk
rivers cases. With the increase in drunk drivers cases, more and more deaths will occur in the country.
The proportion of alcohol-impaired driving crashes may has dropped greatly over time but there are
still far too many crashes. So, drunk drivers remains a serious problem and it tragically effects many
victims and their families annually and left painful memory to the victim’s family.
Drunk driving is the act of driving under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is a substance that
reduces the function of the brain, impairing thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination. All these
abilities are essential to operating a vehicle safely. A small increase in the blood alcohol content
increases the relative risk of a motor vehicle crash. On 10 September 1987, a 25 years old London taxi
driver becomes the first person ever arrested for drunk driving after slamming his cab into a building
and until now the drunk driving still happening. In Europe, drinking driving is thought to be responsible
for 10,000 deaths each year. Alcohol-impaired driving accidents contribute to approximately 31% of
all traffic fatalities in the USA and in China, Li et al. revealed that about 34.1% of road accidents were
alcohol related and also In Malaysia, there is a claiming that non-Muslims are responsible for most
drink driving accidents because most of them drink alcohol while Muslims are not because of their
religion prohibit to drink alcohol. Kids and teens who began indulging in alcohol at an early age are
more likely to be involved in alcohol-related collision at some point in their lives as drinking became
their habit until they became an adult. The rate of arrests for driving under the influence is very low
and even those drivers who were arrests were mostly “first-time” offenders. Laws that enforce the
BAC level are administrative license revocation, the legal limits for BAC are between 0.01% and 0.08%.
The limit for example is 0.02% in Sweden, 0.05% in Israel, Korea, and Australia. Then, 0.08% in Canada,
England, Mexico, and the United States. In China, driving with a BAC higher than 0.02% is defined as
drink-driving and the driver will be penalized.
Figure 1.1 The breath-testing device converts the amount of alcohol in the breath corresponding BAC.
There are a lot of factors that can contribute to the drunk driving issue. The dominant factor
is, the increased in number of alcohol abusers and alcohol dependents. This is because, it may lead
indirectly in drunk driving deaths because they are unable to control the consuming of alcohol and
will always in a trance state. Next, demographic changes. Most males have been disproportionately
responsible for drinking and driving but the total number of women who drink and drive also has
increased of the past decade. In the old times, woman most likely not drink too much because it
indicates that woman is lack of manners but now woman and man are equally as they the potential
to be one of the drunk drivers. Then, it is possible that the recent increases are not tied or influence
by any objectively reason such as gender because someone might drink due to stress or maybe
celebrate for something. Furthermore, alcohol has a very significant and negative effect on the
functions of the body which are vital to driving and being able to function. In addition, drink driving
incidents often followed drinking at bars or after-work drinks. For example, a worker was tired after
working all day and then having a drink at bars. Besides that, impaired driving caused by drunk driving
can leads to paralysis, disfigurement, brain damage and even death. Lastly, Alcohol can reduce
concentration. This is because, while driving, there are many things that require the drivers to have
enough and have a high concentration such as staying in the lane, control speed, others cane on the
road and traffic light. If they consumed the alcohol, they may lose all their sense while driving. Drivers
are not usually aware of the risk as they assume when they drive under the influence of alcohol, they
will not suffer a traffic accident every time they drink and drive. They also tend to think that there is
no danger in driving under the influence of alcohol, incurring the same risk behaviour once and again.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the impact of drunk driving on everyone either the
drunken or the victims as to become aware of the realistic consequences of their actions as far as
victims and family traumas are concerned. Around 2281 individuals were affected by drunk drinking
accidents in Malaysia from 2011 to 2018. Next, the objective of this report is to become informed as
to the legal ramifications of their actions. For example, potential jail terms or loss of license for license.
Previously, drunk drivers could get off the hook by just paying fines or penalty but now under section
45A (1) of the Act, those guilty of DUI will face a jail term of not more than two years, a fine raging
from RM10,000 to RM30,000 and revocation of their driving license for two years or more. In addition,
to helping people to understand the underlying issues why they drive whilst disqualified. It can lead
to something serious. In many cases, inflicting a serious harm in an accident whilst using drunk can be
viewed a felony, depending on the severity of the accidents and different factors. This skill you will
possibly face thousands of greenbacks in fines, loss of riding privileges, and prison or jail time.
However, barring the penalties for breaking the law, you ought to also be held responsible for the
victim's injuries and damage as properly Victims of auto accidents triggered by under the influence of
alcohol drivers can are searching for restitution and are often due compensation for any accidents.
Furthermore, reduction in fatal injuries resulting from crashes involving drinking and driving. The
forces worried in the impact of an auto crash can result in brain lacerations, a penetrating trauma that
motives Genius damage, bleeding, and ultimately, death concussions, contusions, and lacerations of
the intelligence are all conventional head accidents that result in loss of life. Besides that, increase in
drivers and riders acting to change their drinking and driving behavior. Under the influence of alcohol,
most of the drivers tend to be more impulsive and adventurous and their abilities of judgment,
vigilance, recognition, reaction, and controlling were impaired obviously. Last but not least,
Sociodemographic and psychological factors related with alcohol and driving. Long-term health risks
of chronic alcohol use include heart, liver and digestion problems, cancer, immune system
weakening as well as mood.
Drunk driving started when a driver takes alcohol over their limits. In 2003 is the first case of drunk
driving happen in Malaysia. Year by year drunk driving is getting worse. 21 cases of drunk driving were
recorded just in the five months on 2020. It involves someone’s life and future. Imagine if a father
dead because of this case, what is going to happen with his family then? There will be no place to
depend on his wife or children hope anymore. Most of this accident are involved among innocent
civilians. Almost all of them have a family and little kids who need their attention and really need
stable financial support for school. The feeling being orphan since childhood is very painful. Innocents
civilians that included in this case are students, a father, a husband, a pregnant wife, senior citizen and
food riders such as foodpanda and grabfood. Most of the heir of the deceased did not get reparation
from the drunk driver. They just using their lawyer to escape from get punishment and gives bribes to
high-ranking people. The data of resulted had recorded 539 innocent civilians being seriously injured
from 2011 to 2018 and 595 suffering minor injuries during the same eight-year period. The big number
of deaths had happened is on 2016. The number of death recorded every year as a result of road
accidents in Malaysia from the 7152 in 2016, 6740 in 2017, 6284 in 2018 and 6167 in 2019. This cases
have viral in each of media platform especially in TWITTER and FACEBOOK. Netizen anger towards this
case already blow up but still no fair punishment for the offender from government. Not being offense
or racist but most of the drunk driver are non-muslim and most of the races are from Chinese and
Indians. They are driving car alone to back home in an intoxicated state. We are in the 21st century
and we already have a lot of transportation facilities. They should book a Grab or Mycar to take them
home without involving the lives of others due to their ignorance and selfishness. Average times
accident happens is from 2 am to 5 am. The accidents mostly happened in the midnight. There is one
time a Chinese girl is 19 years’ old who are a model in Penang driving against traffic on the opposite
side of the road and crashing into another few cars, killing a poor man. She pulls out her “OKU”
card due learning disability to avoid from getting summons and brought to law court. More
surprisingly government let her go because of her “disability”. And she did not get any punishment
from that accidents. Most of the drunk driver did not follow standards level of alcohol from WHO
which is 0.05 grammes per person for times by times. The drunk driver drive car with high speed
under the influence of alcohol even in the midnight on the grounds that there not many cars at
night. There are still have several people on the road maybe back from office or for emergency.
They cannot be selfish for their self-satisfaction. If everyone realizes the government doesn’t seem
to care about this case.
Drunk driving become worse at this moment so we get information more widely. This case gets the
public’s attention and makes them want to give their opinions in each of platform that existed. There
are few methods used to investigate this case such as from newspaper and news, social media,
internet and questionnaire form that we made using google form.
First method we used is from newspaper and news. Drunk driving cases being heavier day by day
until it appeared in newspaper and news. We watched the news again on Youtube to get more
information. There are several photos included in the newspaper that make our heart wants to
exploded. From the newspaper we get more details about drunk driving and the reasons why this case
happened until it takes people’s lives.
Second method is from social media which is Twitter. Since early 2020 these case get more attention
after this 17 years old girl’s brother dead due this accident and she viral it on Twitter. She tweeted
about his family reaction on how her brother died on this accident. And no appropriate action on this
case from government. It opens many people’s eyes to realize that this case is very serious. Many
dissatisfied comments from netizen about this case and we got collect more information from that.
Third method is from the Internet. There are so many websites about drunk driving such as Wikipedia,
Buletin Harian, Sinar, WHO and more. These websites also including cases death data that involved
drunk driving accident year by year in MALAYSIA. It also explained how to prevent from getting drunk
if you are drink at restaurant, party or club. In WHO website stated level of alcohol from 0.08 grammes
to 0.05 grammes. That are maximum quantity level of alcohol if you want to drinks. But it based on
someone’s body condition also. There are separations level of alcohol between man and woman
because body conditions each person is different. Even every types of alcohol such as beer,
champagne, vodka and more have their maximum quantity to drinks.
Last method is questionnaire form that we made for the public by using google form. We make 20
questions include any sector to get more opinion and information from them and to see how their
exposure and knowledge about this case. Respondents are consisting of students, workers, senior
citizen, a husband and wife, a parent and food riders. The question we put about all of the factor and
solution to decreased this case. We are target to get 100 respondents and surprisingly we got more
than that. Other than that, we get lots of information from their feedback either positive or negative.
Their response makes our data stronger to prevent this drunk driving more deeply.
From the analysis we obtained from the questionnaire, there were approximately 204 responses that
we got from the respondent. From the questionnaire, we get the result that, 100% of respondents are
Malaysian. Among the total responses, we have divided them into several categories, percentages and
interpret it using various type of charts. Among them are as follows:
1. Percent of age.
Age(years old)
Figure 1
41 and above
Figure 6.1
Based on the figure 6.1 above, from the questionnaire that we have conducted, the chart shows the
percentage of age categories starting as early as 13 years old up to 41 and above. Our target is to
encourage teenagers to answer this question. We managed to achieve with the highest percentage
which is 87% which consists of 18 to 25 years old. This shows, that they are someone who is active in
answering questions online and sensitive to the issues that we are presenting the next questions.
Next, the lowest percentage is 2% of 13- to 17 -year -olds who are school teenagers. It’s likely they are
less open to issues related to drunk drivers. In addition, the school needs to develop current issues to
the students so that they obtain information from the right sources. Among the things that can be
done by the school is to hold a campaign or talk organized by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM).
2. Percent of driving experience
Driving experience (years)
Less that 1 years
2-5 years
6-9 years
10 years and above
Figure 6.2
Of the way the pie is, it shows 61% are those with less than 1 year’s license. It is likely that they are in
their teens who are just learning and have a license that is still on probation (P) and need at least 2
years for them to get a professional license. Furthermore, they are less likely to be involved with cases
of drunk drivers because we rarely get info saying that drunk drivers are teenagers.
Apart from that, 3% is the lowest percentage which is between 6 to 9 years. Often, 6 years and above
are the majority of the adult category and it is possible that some of them are involved with the issue
we are dealing with which is the case of drunk drivers. Of those percentages and years, this adult
category is estimated at around 25 years and above.
3. Gender of respondents
Figure 6.3
The figure shows the percentage of respondents that consists of 69% of male respondents and 29%
of female respondents that have cooperated to answer our survey. This shown that male
respondents are more interested in
Percent of Responses
did government will take serious this issues
involved in the program that organized by government to
reduce the cases
the sales and comsumption of the alcohol be restricted
harsher punishment will reduce the accident
that caused death should be punish
tightening laws on drink driving
Figure 6.4
From the chart ,we conclude that most of the answers we get from the questionnaire, the
respondents saids yes to do a punishment to the offender. But, that respondents doubtful which is
did government will take serious this issues or vice versa.
Firstly, tightening laws on drink driving. Majority respondents says yes for it because it will be reduce
the cases,while certians of them said no and maybe because they less confident with the government
in tightening the law.
Secondly yes the assessment shows the highest with 96.6% to punish the offender who caused the
death with an appropriate punishment. Next, harsher punishment will reduce the accident get the
high level from the respondents. Some of them said it is possible if the punishment affects the
community and the government because not all plans can be completed easily and it takes time and
support from all parties to make it happen.
Other than that, the respondent said yes about the sale and consumption of alcohol should be
restricted and restricted to those in need such as employees who work at irregular hours and require
a lot of energy while driving. This is to prevent the driver from becoming drowsy and less energetic
which can also lead to confusion among other drivers. Therefore, sellers must sell alcohol according
to the percentage rate set by the government which is only 0.08%.
Last but not least, majority said yes and they will involved in the program that organized by
government in reduce the cases. Then, government should take serious in this issues and prove it the
citizens that they are very responsible in taking care of the government and making sure it is always
in a secure and controlled manner.
4. Expose to the dangers of drunk driving
Social Form
Figure 6.5
From the chart, we conclude that Internet is the highest rank which have 56.40%. Nowadays, majority
of the respondents use Internet as their platform to search the latest info. The Internet is including
with the apps that we also use which is WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and
WeChat. This platform is the most common application in our country. So, it easy for us to explore or
share the issues using Internet.
While the lowest percentage of respondents is the University which has only 3%. This may be due to
people assuming that the University is used by certain people only and mainly University students is
the category that uses University as their main platform of information
Level of Alcohol
Level of Alcohol
1 grammes
grammes grammes grammes
Figure 6.6
From the figure majority responses choose is 0.05g the lowest that WHO’s current level of alcohol
while driving. . Next, he standard total that the driver should need or total alcohol in 100 ml of blood
are 80 milligram or 0.08%
Percent of Level Agree/Disagree
Strongly Agree
Mixed Feeling
Death penalty will be charge to drunk driver
Government reduce the Malaysia's Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
like Taiwan and Japan.
Government increase the tax towards the suppliers
Strongly Disagree
The offender will be sentenced to either 2 years or more
imprisonment, or a summons fee of between RM10,000 to…
Government does not emphasize about the accidents
Road Transport Department Malaysia (JPJ) should do more
roadblock and urinary test to detect drunk drivers
Did stress or personal problem are acceptable and can be used
as an axcusefor drivers to consume alcohol
Malaysia have highest number of accidents
Figure 6.7
Based on the chart, responses strongly agree JPJ make roadblock, urinary test at every place
suspected. It will reducing the rate of accidents because of the drunk drivers with percent 64.7%.
From the Transport Ministry’s November 13, 2018 written Parliamentary reply to Tumpat MP
Datuk Che Abdullah Mat Nawi, police figures showed that the number of persons who died due to
drink driving accidents were 49 (2010), 33 (2011), before going up markedly to 136 (2012) and
continuing on a general upward trend of 207 (2013), 193 (2014), 229 (2015) and 237 (2016).
Since the peak of 237 deaths in 2016, the number has fallen to 58 in 2017 and 54 in 2018,
according to a Transport Ministry presentation carried on the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific’s (UNESCAP) website.
Next, with the statement above they agree that Malaysia have the highest number accidents because
it happened every years but the actual fact is a vice versa. According to Free Malaysia Today article,
World Healt Organization data from global road safety report on December 2018 showed that less
than 1% of traffic death that linked to alcohol. This can be proven from the figure 6.8 below which is
the statistics that were published by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Figure 6.8
Next, 56.4% responsdents were strongly agreed to punish the culprit by charging them with death
penalty. This percentage showed that the respondents were extremely affected by the drunk drivers
cases. This can help to reduce the cases because they are unwilling to languish in jail for long time as
well as they are unable to afford to pay the high amount of summons.
From the figure 6.7 also, 33.8% of respondents answered that, they have mixed feeling regarding the
government because they did not get any detailed or description that shows the government
emphasizing the issue of accident that linked to the alcohol. Other than that, 44.6% of respondents
strongly disagree if the drunk drivers use depression or personal problems as the excuses to escape.
Depression and personal problems are huge possibility of not being one of the factors that caused the
drivers drunk, but from the chart , we also can see that 10.8% of the respondent strongly agree that
depression or personal problems can be use as an excuse for the alcohol consumption. According to
Andatech Malaysia’s article, 45.8% were reported to consume extreme amounts of alcohol. That
percentage is higher than the alcohol consumption in United Kingdom.
Respondents also totally agree that the government should increase taxes on the alcohol suppliers.
This is showned by the percentage of the respondents which is 61.8%. According to The Edge Malaysia,
Malaysia’s excise duty or taxes is already the second-highest in the world as our country charged RM
175 per litre of alchohol by volume. This indicates that, respondents are very concerned and wants
the goverment to increase the taxes. By doing this, it can lead to the reduction in demand for alcoholic
beverages as the suppliers have to raise the alcohol prices. As a result, many customers are not willing
to buy the alchoholic beverages. This may help to save other lives from being a victim to an accidents
that cause by the drunk drivers.
From the survey also, 52% of respondents agreed that government should reduce the Malaysia's Blood
Alcohol Content (BAC) lower like Taiwan and Japan. As reported by the World Health Organization,
less than half of countries worlwide use these measurement. To do quick calculation on your BAC’s
rate, you can simply take the number of hours since your first drink and add 1 to it.
- needs to enforce stricter
laws and stricter
punishments to combat
deadly incidents.
- play a role in
addressing this
- increase the alcohol tax in
-should implement stricter
alcohol control policies such
as the hours of alcohol sales
in shops, bars, and
restaurants should be
reduced and
- also repair damaged road
conditions such as puddles,
uneven roads or
unsystematic road
- This issue of drunk
drivers can be given
exposure to children in
stages and should be
appropriate for their
- is to abide by
every tightened
Cases of accidents involving drunk drivers in the country are becoming more worries and many
lives have been lost either the drunkard themselves or the surrounding community. The latest victim
was a food deliverer that happened to be one of the victims to such an irresponsible drunk driver.
Alcohol is a drink that is very harmful to human beings, especially human internal organs. This is
because, the content found in alcoholic beverages is a highly toxic chemical and has a negative effect
on our body. One of the negative effects that will happen to the people who consumed alcohol is can
produced irrational thinking because the ingredients in the alcohol will cause a person to be out of
control. In 2020 our country was rocked with high number of deaths caused by the drunk drivers. In
fact, at the end of May 2020 , there were four consecutive fatal accidents involving drunk drivers. By
the end of 2020 , there were already 12 cases of road accidents due to drunk drivers, and 7 of them
lead to tragic death. The rest of it caused injuries and damage to the surrounding area. This shows
that the effects of drunk drivers did not only endanger their own lives and those around them, but it
also contributes to the increase in national expenditure due to the need to improve road conditions
after an accident. Therefore, as an effective measure, all parties must play a role whether it is the
government, social media, society, parents and schools in order to ensure the well-being of Malaysia
that consistes various races and ethnicities.
Firstly,the government needs to enforce stricter laws and stricter punishments as an effort to
combat deadly incidents. The existing law on drunk drivers was deemed because of its problematic
standards. In the Road Transport Act 1987 section 45 (g) stipulates that a person can be sentenced
when the amount of alcohol in the body reaches 80 milligrams in 100 ml of blood or 0.08% of the BAC
(Blood Alcohol Concentration). However, the recommendation stated under the World Health
Organization (WHO) is 0.05%. This is because, at the level of 0.05%, alcohol is capable to cause a
person to be intoxicated, lose self-control and lose memory. This negative effect of alcohol shows that
the government needs to reduce the alcohol level in an individual's blood so that this problem can be
controlled in the future. Among the countries that put a low BAC such as Sweden at 0.02%, the United
States, Australia and Korea at 0.05%. With the increase in the rate of road accidents due to drunk
drivers causing the country's image to be tarnished and the community can not live in peace.
Therefore, efficient action must be taken as soon as possible to ensure that the Malaysian community
can feel safer, especially when driving. This is because, most cases of road accidents that occur will
take the lives of innocents people as delays of minute can make the difference between life and death.
Secondly,the government also can increase the alcohol tax in Malaysia. With this, the
government can further increase the price of a bottle of alcohol throughout Malaysia. This, helps in
reducing the rate of individual alcohol drinkers in Malaysia.This can also reduce the number of drunk
drivers among the Malaysian community. The government currently sets a tax rate of 15% throughout
Malaysia. By increasing the price of beverages, we can reduce various negative effects on our country.
Among the studies that have been done by researchers such as Wagenaar, Tobler, and Komro, in the
American Journal of Public Health, by increasing the rate of total alcohol tax can reduce alcohol related deaths by 35%, deaths from road accidents by 11%, violence by 2%, and crime by 1.4%.With
this it aims to help reduce the number of road accidents involving drunk drivers. This is because with
the dangerous economic situation due to the covid-19 pandemic is able to educate Malaysians to be
more frugal when shopping. Especially for individuals who already have a family. The money that
available should be used to buy basic necessities that essential in life.
The government should implement stricter alcohol control policies such as the hours of alcohol
sales in shops, bars, and restaurants should be reduced and limited. For example, the government can
set the period for the sale of alcohol to be done before 5 pm and after 11 pm no individual is allowed
to buy and consume any alcohol especially to drivers. This measure can not only reduce the number
of drunk drivers, but it can also ensure the safety of the people. In addition, every restaurant or shop
that sells alcohol must ensure that every customer who has consumed alcohol is not allowed to drive.
This step shows our concern for the issues going on around us. With this, we not only can overcome
the issue of drunk drivers in our country, but we can also create a spirit of unity through the concern
done. For example like the country of New Zealand, they have set the period for the sale of alcohol
from 7 am to 11 pm under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 New Zealand. This will make it
difficult for a person to get alcohol at night and through this step they get lucrative results such as the
occurrence of a decrease in cases of drunk driver accidents by 18%. As we know, Malaysia is not a big
country physically, but we can have a big country in terms of strength of unity and spirit of love for
the country through laws that are based on justice and guarantee the safety of the people.
Furthemore,the government can also repair damaged road conditions such as
puddles,uneven roads or unsysthematic road conditions.This is because ,in a state of insanity and
unconsciousness the drunk driver cannot drive with focus and certainly the drunk driver cannot detect
whether the road condition is safe to use or not. This situation often occurs at night due to various
factors that can be taken into account. Among the factors is that the dark condition may be that the
road does not have a suitable source of lighting.This is can be the cause of the increased risk of road
accidents and may result in death. Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said the death rate due to road
accidents in Malaysia was quite high, one of the highest in the world. Therefore, we should get
cooperation from the public even though the actual rate has decreased but we hope we can reduce
that rate. Of course we don’t want to see nearly 7,000 fatalities occur almost every year as a result of
road accidents.Therefore,immediate maintenance must be done in order to reduce the number of
lives lost due to unsafe road conditions.
Other than that, the government can also hold a campaign that is based on alcohol
prevention while driving. This campaign must be implemented as soon as possible in order to attract
the attention of the whole community in helping our country reduce the number of road accidents.
The campaign must involve the so -called drivers. The campaign should also be held in an area with
fresh ventilation so that the campaign can run smoothly and every individual who participates always
feels fresh and energized. The campaign can also discuss issues related to drunk drivers such as the
causes of drunk drivers, the impact it will have on an individual, society and country, steps that can be
taken and space to report. It is possible that the community will not be able to make any complain.
Therefore, we must help further expand the issues that should be addressed such as the issue of drunk
drivers, as it clearly shows a very large impact in more widely due to lack of disclosure on where and
how to make a complaint to the authorities.
Apart from government, social media can also play a role in addressing this issue. Among
the things that can be done by the social media is to announce every legal reform related to drunk
drivers, the punishments imposed on drunk drivers and the effects of alcohol consumption on an
individual. Increasing punishment alone is clearly not effective enough in addressing the issue of drunk
drivers as the public will not gain exposure on the issue if social media does not play a role. Social
media is the most effective platform in the age of globalization, this is because, today's society prefers
to use the sophistication of technology to save time and energy to be used for other activities in daily
life. All information can be obtained at your fingertips. With the sophistication of this technology, it
can spread all the issues that are beneficial to the whole society without limits and time limits. Social
media can also spread issues regarding campaigns to be implemented by the government. The most
effective platform must be used to keep pace with the current development of the country. Among
the platforms that can be used are instagram, facebook and online news. With this we can encourage
the whole society to get involved regardless of religion, race and country.
Furthermore,the role of the community is to abide by every tightened law.For example
,by following every procedure while driving according to the control of the amount of alcohol in the
body,make a report as soon as possible if there is a damaged road or there are individuals who break
the law. The whole society must stand shoulder to shoulder and together overcome every problem in
our country.The attitude of reprimanding must be practiced by every community in order to cultivate
an attitude of concern for each other.However ,each community must also know how to reprimand
professionally so as not to offend others . With this can further strengthen the social relation among
us. The community should also ensure that yourself is in good condition while driving, if the individual
is in a state of intoxication early prevention needs to be done. For example when an individual feels
himself in an unsuitable condition to drive, they need to find another driver. This prevention can also
be done by using certain public transportation services such as taxis, grab cars, or suitable public
transport. Of course, to use public transportation such as LRT and buses is strictly prohibited because
it will involve many passengers of different ages, races and religions. This is because it will harm more
people and cause more negative effects to occur.
In addressing this issue, not only the aspect of punishment and law that needs to be
emphasized, but we also need to improve in terms of the aspect of education that is starting at home.
As we know every learning is starting from home.This issue of drunk drivers can be given exposure to
children in stages and should be appropriate for their age. Parents need to play a big role in educating
children to be useful human beings in the future. In general every learning requires effective
education, for example parents can provide exposure to why there are drunk drivers, the impact of
this issue, and what needs to be done to address this issue. With this, children can acquire new
knowledge and can evaluate things well. This can also prevent young people from getting stuck in
cases like this. In addition, we can further strengthen the education section by learning about the
dangers of alcohol. This aims to give early awareness to students so that they can distinguish good or
bad things. In addition, we can further strengthen the education section by learning about the dangers
of alcohol. This aims to give early awareness to students so that they can distinguish good or bad
The conclusion that can be drawn from this issue is that we must act as soon as possible to
overcome this problem from continuing to linger on the face of the earth in Malaysia. This issue also
brings a lot of grief responses due to the loss of a loved one. Surely we can also feel how sad and
heartbroken an individual is who has lost a loved one. The issue of road accidents in Malaysia has
indeed increased from time to time. The main contributor to the issue of road accidents is the issue
of drunk drivers. Therefore, various efficient and proactive measures need to be implemented so that
we can reduce the rate of road accidents, especially those caused by drunk drivers. All people should
play an important role in overcoming this issue because the issue of drunk drivers also causes a
country to suffer losses and it contributes to the fall of the Malaysian currency. This is because,
Malaysia has to spend almost hundreds of thousands to help those who have road accidents such as
financing hospital bills, individual vehicles involved in accidents whether the drunk or the victim of the
situation and also donations for them. The government also needs to spend more money to repair the
damaged roads due to accidents. This has led to an increase in spending on Malaysia. Therefore, we
all need to work together in protecting our country no matter from various aspects whether in terms
of economy, politics, security or the well -being of the people.
The conclusion that can be drawn is that it clearly shows that the issue of drunk drivers is very
dangerous to all living things in this world, whether humans, animals or plants. The impact of a road
accident due to the issue of drunk drivers is quite profound, especially when an accident that claims
the lives of loved ones. In dealing with this issue, all parties must work together to help each other in
order to solve the problem of drunk drivers as soon as possible. It is time for us to lower the rate of
road accidents due to drunk drivers after the records and studies done with the results increasing from
year to year and month to month. Certainly many people are questioning this issue when this issue
will end. This is because, obviously innocent people are often victims of drunk driver issues.
There are various conclusion that can be made from this study,among them is that the whole
society must comply with every law that is tightened.With this,not only can we ensure the safety of
all human beings in Malaysia,but we can also produce individuals who are disciplined life.This is
because although various laws are tightened but if society does not implement in life it is useless.It
seems to waste every effort and hard work of others.
In addition, the conclusion that can be taken is that we can identify proactive measures and can
know the role of all parties in addressing this issue. This can support each other in upholding what is
right through justice. As we know Malaysia adopts a system of government based on parliamentary
democracy. The system of government is a system based on justice for all citizens. This is to ensure
that every decision and action taken is fair and just according to the law. Therefore, as Malaysians,
every thing that is wrong with the law must be reported to the authorities in order to produce people
who are disciplined and always abide by the laws of the country.
The last word that can be made is indeed we can tighten the laws and penalties but is it
done effectively, efficiently and proactively.Therefore perspectives and other measures also need to
be highlighted such as policies and standards set. This matter needs to be comprehensive so that this
issue can be addressed effectively. This is because, we need to prevent this from happening again and
again. As much as possible, we want to remove this issue from the eyes and from the memory of all
human beings because it has a profound effect on us, but various efforts need to be made.