PSYB07 Review Questions: Set 3 Q1 We say that there is order within chance events. If you were flipping a coin over and over, what asymptotic trends would you see emerge? Q2 What is the differenced between saying that two events are mutually exclusive and saying that two events are independent? Q3 What is the multiplicative law of probability and what restriction is placed on it? Q4 If the probability of a drunk taking a step forward is 0.6, and if the probability of a drunk taking a step backward is 0.4, then after having taken 10 steps, what is the probability that the drunk will end up 2 steps forward of his or her starting position? Note: Drunks only step forward or backwards, never to the side. Q5 If after 10 steps, a person is 8 steps forward of his or her starting position, do we have evidence that he or she is drunk?