Uploaded by Harsh Negi

TCP/UDP Exam Questions: Networking Concepts

Q1. Consider a TCP connection between host A and host B. Suppose that the TCP
segments traveling from host A to host B have source port number x
and destination port number y. What are the source and destination port numbers for
the segments travelling from host B to host A? (level-6)
Q2. Describe why an application developer may choose to run its application over UDP
rather than TCP. (LEVEL-5)
Q3. Consider streaming stored audio. Does it make sense to run the application over
UDP or TCP? Which one does RealNetworks use? Why? Are
there any other streaming stored audio products? Which transport protocol do they use
and why?(LEVEL-6)
Q4. Summarize the steps that how the message is transferred to one host to another in TCP
and UDP connection approach?
Q5 . List the service primitives of transport layer?