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Quizlet terms - Wave types & char - game

Waves - Types and characteristics
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1. transverse wave
A wave in which the particles of the medium
move perpendicularly to the direction the wave
is traveling
2. electromagnetic wave
kind of wave can travel through empty space
3. amplitude
Height/depth of a wave
4. What is used to measure
The distance between two adjacent compreswavelength in a longitudinal sions AND the distance between two adjacent
5. energy
The ability to do work or cause change - What
waves carry through matter or space
6. medium
The matter through which a wave travels.
7. crest
The highest point on a transverse wave
8. trough
The lowest point on a transverse wave
9. compression
A region of increased pressure in a longitudinal wave
10. rarefaction
A region of decreased pressure in a longitudinal wave
11. wavelength
The distance between any two successive
parts of a wave
12. hertz
The units for frequency
13. What is the main differMechanical waves must have a medium to
ence between mechanical transport them, and electromagnetic waves
and electromagnetic waves can move through a vacuum.
14. longitudinal waves
A wave in which the particles of the medium
move parallel to the direction the wave is traveling
Waves - Types and characteristics
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_c4y5zl
15. transverse waves
Waves travel at a 90 degree angle to amplitude.
16. frequency
the number of complete wavelengths that pass
a point in a given time
17. Mechanical Waves
waves that require a medium through which to
18. Which type of wave moves Transverse wave
in an up and down motion?
19. What type of wave moves Longitudinal wave
parallel to the wave energy
20. Which type of wave contains Longitudinal wave
compressions and rarefactions?
21. What is a Wave?
A disturbance that travels from one place to
another transporting energy, but not necessarily matter, along with it.
22. Which type of waves require Mechanical waves
a medium?
23. What are 3 types of medi- Solids, liquids, and gasses
ums a mechanical wave can
travel through?
24. vibration
A repeated back-and-forth or up-and-down